Wolfenstein - Gen. Discussion & Info


170 (100%)


Looking damn good!
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I love this universe and concept, glad it's being revived. I wasn't a fan of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, so hopefully this will be an improvement.
Loved Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer on the PC. Hopefully this one delivers just as much if not more than that one and I'll easily pick it up day one if they manage that.
Loved RTCW on the PC, love the whole series (if you can call it that)/storyline.

Great feature write up on it in the new Game Informer as well, glad to see this though.
I was pretty excited to see this in the new Game Informer. I really liked Return on PC. Can't wait to play this.
Wolfenstein and Crimson Skies were the games that made me glad to be an original Xbox Live subsciber. I hope the online for this game lives up to that.
Aardwolf! Now where's my prize? I enjoyed Wolfenstein 3D and Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and this looks to be as enjoyable. Here's hoping it ends up a stellar game.
As someone who was deeply in RTCW: MP even playing it competively in CAL, I am looking forward to this. Never actually finished RTCW:SP, Lets hope this new wolfenstein will have a rocking multiplayer experience. "MEDIC!"
I can't believe nobody is talking about this game, the Wolfenstein series is epic!

Anyone know if online MP works on the 360 for "RTCW:Tides of War" the Xbox game? It's backwards compatible according to Xbox.com but who know if servers are still up.

I can't wait for the new one to come out I pray they make it be awesome... I've got the itch for some RTCW action and saw it's only $1.99 at GS.com so i'll probably just buy it when I go out today. I think my friend may still have his pc copy if the Xbox doesn't work or probably nobody plays. The pc version should still have players.
reviews are coming out LATE on this one, and pre-sales have been bad. This is not looking good...but I still want it to be good.
The hype wagon is officially over for this game from me not that it ever had much momentum. I had been looking forward to this because as I posted earlier i've long loved RTCW. The fact that hardly any MP info has came out has me worried so I decided to google for gameplay vids and I found some on http://www.own3d.tv/ I'm not going to link to them because supposedly they are leaked vids from a beta but they are on the front page and easy to spot. Looks rather dull compared to Battlefield and CoD and i'm not really big on mixing magic with guns for a FPS. Oh well Gamefly it shall be......
the only reason why i'd get it would be multiplayer but after watching some of the alpha build on youtube, truly disappointed. the speed boost and time slower will kill the game :(
If that's an "alpha" build and not beta, I am not surprised by the videos. If it's early, early beta then I'm not too surprised either. Now if they're late beta videos, then yes, the multiplayer may very well be terrible. I've been through quite a few beta processes where alpha and early beta builds were broke ass terrible but the end result was somewhat decent in the end.

It won't stop me from playing through the single player, but I'll definitely wait to hear impressions before deciding when to get the game and how.
Still absolutely nothing on this game. The only smidgen of info is three reader reviews on IGN (via the game's page). They're all positive for the most part, but nothing mainstream press wise on this game whatsoever.

I really hope its good, just for the name's sake.
Saw on another site about this review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrBPL33ymHA the guys retarded but more MP info at 5:20ish. He raves about single player and says multi is nothing spectacular. I also saw that medics don't have to change to the syringe and stab you anymore they run run up and hit Y to revive. I liked poisoning your enemy and having to change from your gun made things more interesting. It looks decent i'm still going the Gamefly route though.
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[quote name='animalspinners']I have heard of multiple stores already breaking street date, namely Target and Best Buy.. I'm checking my local BB in a few.[/QUOTE]

Yup, saw it at my Target today.
Yeah, picked it up today at Target.. single player definitely doesn't suck. It pretty much carbon copies Call of Duty in the controls department, which I'm not upset about. Early impressions are good.. I don't want to take it online, though, since I'm hearing multiplayer is pretty terrible.

//edit: It really, really bothers me that Nazi soldiers speak english. Really? Was it so hard to have them speak in German and have English subtitles?
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[quote name='Scorch']Yeah, picked it up today at Target.. single player definitely doesn't suck. It pretty much carbon copies Call of Duty in the controls department, which I'm not upset about. Early impressions are good.. I don't want to take it online, though, since I'm hearing multiplayer is pretty terrible.

Agreed on the single player... really polished, really well done. I'm enjoying it.

It's almost criminal how this game is getting overlooked by almost everyone.. it dosen't even have a front page mention on Gamestop.com on its release day. I'm not even sure why Activision bothered putting a street date on it (it had no advertising campaign that I saw) and released hardly any info leading up to release, but looking back at it like that, I can see why this is flying under everyone's radar.

Haven't tried the online yet, but the single player so far is really fantastic, imo.

Edit: Multi is ok... biggest fault is that it doesn't autobalance teams, so I just did a game with 5 Axis vs 1 Ally because everyone else ended up dropping on the other team. It's not really *bad*... it's just kind of average, so far. I do like the fact that you don't have regenerating health in MP... but nobody plays a medic, and there are no health packs around without one. It might grow on me.. but going back to 12 player MP is different too.
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Single player is really well put together..

Multiplayer plays exactly like Quake Wars since its the same engine. There is quite a bit of lag, the graphics are downgraded and the auto-balancing is needed along with parties.. With that said, the maps are well put together and the weapons are well balanced. However, if there is no patch for the game within the next month ill probably get rid of it
[quote name='Sweet Tooth']Single player is really well put together..

Multiplayer plays exactly like Quake Wars since its the same engine. There is quite a bit of lag, the graphics are downgraded and the auto-balancing is needed along with parties.. With that said, the maps are well put together and the weapons are well balanced. However, if there is no patch for the game within the next month ill probably get rid of it[/QUOTE]

I played about 3 or 4 complete matches and never had a problem with lag, FWIW.

Another problem I have with it is that I found no way of being able to tell who was what class on the fly.. and the aforementioned problem of no one being or understanding how to play a medic.

But yea, auto balancing is needed bad.. at one instance, I thought to myself "Wow, it feels like I'm the only one on this team" and sure enough, I was, a 6 vs 1 match.

But all things considered, it's not bad, just kind of average... I only did Stopwatch and TDM matches though, no Objective. I do agree that the maps and weapons are well made.
[quote name='seanr1221']About how long is the single player?[/QUOTE]

I heard it was around eight to ten hours. There is an achievement for getting it done under twelve, so it really can't be more than that.
I recall playing Wolfenstein on my brothers PC way back in the mid 90s when I was a kid. Saw this at Blockbuster earlier today, picked it up not knowing a thing about it. Didn't even know the game existed. Having played through the first three hours of the campaign, I'm pleasantly surprised with the overall package.

What I like so far:

- Like someone mentioned, the controls are mapped on COD, which all FPS should IMO.

-I was expecting it to be just another WWII shooter, but the whole mythological take on the Nazi weapons research is quite compelling.

-The weapons, both authentic WW and fictional, handle really well.

- Visuals are top notch. Sound design is commendable.

- RPG elements where you can upgrade your weapons/powers

Didn't like:

- Enemies are mostly dumb. The Nazis are hardly a challenge. The special powered enemies are far and few. (atleast as of the first 3hrs)

- Had to go through the same two town over and over again to get new missions and talk to NPCs. Enemies respawn each time between missions and it's a chore going through them every time. It's just a gimmick to increase play time.
I rented this from Blockbuster yesterday since Gamefly has failed me yet again... Haven't tried the SP yet just the MP it's fun in a break from Battlefield/CoD kind of way. This will never be your main shooter but it's not as horrible as I thought it might be. There were alot of people playing last night. Building up your soldier in each of the 3 classes is kinda a pain but at least you get money for supplying your team med/ammo packs besides killing/imflicting damage on your enemy. I've played mainly straight TDM have to try the others later. It's worth a rent for a couple weeks.
Really medicore to low expectations for the game going in and thus far I'm pretty impressed after an hour or so. I think it actually looks and plays pretty great. Hoping it continues down that path.
Don't get my copy till the end of the week but so far I'm encouraged by what your guys first impressions have been. I'm about to check out the gametrailers video review.
Eh, multiplayer is horrible. Everything from the way things move to the guns. Its ugly too.

I'm loving single player though. Its so obvious seperate studios worked on different parts of this game (single and multi).

I'd say rent it or wait for Target to clearance it for SP, MP is a couple of times and you're done though, its very plain.
As soon as the game arrives from Goozex, I'll be looking forward to some online multiplayer (add me, if you want).

I had a lot of fun with Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the old console.
Ive been playing this game since I got home with it, so I assume thats a good sign lol. I really like the single player. The voice acting is absolutely atrocious and to the point of laughable. It's a shame they couldn't have gotten some actual Germans to speak German for a game where killing Germans is a plot point.

I really dont think the open world (sort of) running around BS way of launching missions is the right way.

It's a shame this game seemingly did not have the budget backing it as a true AAA title would. Its a fine game single player wise and I imagine with a bigger budget, this game would've probably been a can't miss.

I can't even bear multiplayer. The studio who designed it should never be allowed to produce a multiplayer game again.
Multiplayer is that bad? Seriously? I guess no one is giving it credit.

I loved RTCW multiplayer on XBox. That game was probably the best multiplayer for me for a long time on the original XBox and I only abandoned it when I got addicted to Halo 2.

For shame.
Multi isn't that bad but it isn't anything special, either. My beef with it was that I would always end up in laggy matches. Nothing where my shots were delayed or anything but matches where you could tell people were doing little warps and such. Not a fan of the character models, either, since they look nothing like the models in single player. Again, give it a shot but I know I'm only going to try for achievements now in that mode. Can't say much about single player yet since I haven't tried it but from what I've seen, it'll make me feel like this was a good purchase.

archbishopthedoge - I wouldn't worry about that studio making multiplayer games anymore. According to a report a few days ago, they closed down.
I actually think MP is not that bad... it has its fair share of problems, namely the fact there is NO auto balance at all, and it only has a 12 person cap, but it's far, far from horrible.

I'd say it's simply average. The maps are well designed, but it seems as though Stopwatch and Objective are the same thing... except in Objective, the map is STRICTLY Allied vs Axis on one map.. on Stopwatch, it's two rounds, with each team having a turn as the Allied and the Axis. There is really no point that I can see in playing Objective, since it seems no one ever wants to be the Axis (whose role is always just defense, at least in what I played).

The classes are a little bland, and with only three of them, there isn't a lot of variety.. once you get the self healing aura on the Medic, he becomes a powerhouse.

There is no real point for the medic, because the respawn timer is incredibly short. By the time I get to someone to revive them, they have already respawned. In fact, the classes as a whole aren't really distinguishable from one another.. there is no real point to the Engineer in TDM, seeing as how the Medic and Soldier have the same (or better) weapons or better abilities.

The weapons are decent, no one weapon feels more overpowered than any of the others. You just pick a weapon in your loadout, and stick with that, but you can change weapons each time you die. Other than the Medic, the class specific veil powers aren't really that great.. the Solider's veil strike is so easy to avoid, and the engineer just has super speed but it is diminished so fast.

These are just a few detailed impressions I had on it.. imo, it's far from horrible, because it is playable and can be fun. It just feels like it needed more time, and that the biggest concentration on the game was on the SP. It's a fun diversion for right now, but I don't see this being a fixture in my MP gaming queue at all.

I haven't found any lag in the matches I've played, but to me, the #1 biggest problem is this game is that is no auto balancing.. one of the loading tips even says "It's polite to switch teams when you notice a difference in numbers" or something to that effect... but NO ONE switches. Why? Because there are achievements for being on the winning side on each map, so if you're outmanning them 6 to 2 in TDM of course you aren't going to switch, no one ever does. A frequent problem is that it's 6 vs 6 to begin with, 4 people on my side time out, and no one wants to switch sides.
It's a shame that a game in a franchise like this couldn't be better. I'd probably like to try a demo to see how it goes.
Single player is Alright, but damn MP is horrible, Multi graphics are terrible and game is so unbalanced and just plain not fun (MP)
Sounds like it'll be a weekend rental if the MP is getting that bad of reviews. The original Wolfenstein sucked up many hours of my childhood. I owe it to myself to at least give this new one a shot.
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