Woman thrown to ground and stomped on during Rand Paul debate - Video


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Obviously, this is horrible. But, some people are calling "fake". Basically, like everything in this country, the truth depends on what side of the political spectrum you are on.

If you are conservative, you say that it is fake, and if it was real, they would have splattered her brains all over the curb.

If you are liberal, you use this to show the radical nature of the Tea Party.

Either way, I think we can both agree that she was aggressively thrown to the ground, and I doubt anyone was trying to kill her.

But this brings up a good point - How the hell to people make such radical judgments with no proof? While conservatives are guilty of it this time, liberals have been guilty too.

You have absolutely no proof that this was staged, yet you automatically assume that it is because, what, you see yourself as the good guys?

Ignorant and stupid.

(By the way. I know it was a more liberal centered website, but it had a good, unedited video. Just google "Rand Paul" and you'll see plenty of others if you don't trust the site. )

EDIT: For those doubters, the guy came forward, and he seems to be a pretty big supporter of Rand Paul - http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/10/26/1892221/rand-paul-supporter-apologize.html
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[quote name='camoor']You should check out the Bush topic - perdition(troy thinks this is a laugh riot.

I think it's sick.[/QUOTE]

I was laughing at your stupid comment, not at the video.

Edit: Though I do think it's weird how she has some goofy smile on the whole time. Not that I care if its fake or not.
[quote name='perdition(troy']I was laughing at your stupid comment, not at the video.

Edit: Though I do think it's weird how she has some goofy smile on the whole time. Not that I care if its fake or not.[/QUOTE]

Deny it all you want, you know exactly what you were (and are) doing.
[quote name='camoor']Deny it all you want, you know exactly what you were (and are) doing.[/QUOTE]

Can you tell me what I was (and am) doing? Cause I'm interested in knowing what I'm up to.
[quote name='camoor']I don't get the making jokes of this. It's not funny.[/QUOTE]
I take it that you're the type who's quiet a solemn at funerals. See I'm the guy in the corner cracking jokes on the guy in the coffin. I can't help it, sorry if that bothers you. I only said it because she does kind of look like Maddow, and knowing those folks they'd freak if it were.

It is horrible though, and I honestly can't believe something like this would even happen these days. Then again it is the south, and after growing up here I can say that pissing off a bunch of red stating good ol' boys is a good way to get your ass kicked still. Does surprise me that they'd do this to a woman though, that may be why it didn't go any further, had it been a guy he probably would be missing teeth.
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"Incredibly unfortunate"? Is that the best he can do? They gave the woman a concussion for crying out loud. And this asshole who was actually stepping on her "apologizing" and making it sound like the police were at fault? "Yeah I stepped on her head, but the police should have stopped me".

Come the fuck on.
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[quote name='DrMunkee']UPDATE - http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/10/26/1892221/rand-paul-supporter-apologize.html[/QUOTE]

That doesn't sound like an apology.

Tim Profitt, a volunteer with the Republican’s U.S. Senate campaign, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the camera angle made the scuffle Monday night appear worse that it was. He criticized police for not stepping in and says other supporters warned authorities about the activist.



The stomping was one of two reported to Lexington police outside the debate. Paul supporter Marsha Foster, 49, reported that earlier in the night a person had intentionally stomped on her broken foot, causing “minor visible injuries,” according to a police report. Foster could not be reached immediately for comment.

stay classy.
From a lawyer with personal knowledge of the process from here out (if anyone cares):
I am from KY and still licensed to practice law there among other places. (I have lived elsewhere for many years.) 33 years ago I was Ast. Att'y Gen. of KY doing primarily criminal appellate litigation.

The decision to prosecute will be made either by Ray Larson, Commonwealth Attorney if it is a felony or Larry Roberts, County Attorney if it is a misdemeanor. I would expect, however, for this to be presented to a grand jury but either Larson or Roberts would need to present it.

The Lexington-Fayette police department, which is evidently conducting the investigation, is very professional and non-political. They can charge under KY law without consulting either Larson or Roberts, but as a practical matter I am certain there is consultation going on.

I worked with Larson 30+ years ago but have not spoken to him in many years. Larson is elected as a Democrat, BUT he is totally non-partisan in how he makes decisions on prosecutions. Larry Roberts, likewise, is elected as a Democrat; although I met him many years ago, I cannot say that I know him. He also has a reputation within the legal community of being of the highest personal integrity and makes decisions on prosecutions strictly on the merits and on a totally non-partisan basis.

Although both men are elected Democrats, politics will not have anything to do with any decision either may make in this case. I should also state that there is no question that these are tough, hard-nosed prosecutors.

Based upon the video and assuming there is no exculpatory evidence not on the video, the perpetrator(s) would be well advised to get a first rate criminal attorney and start plea bargaining and hope they can do some time on a misdemeanor in the Fayette County jail. If the report is correct that the victim suffered a concussion, then a felony prosecution is very a distinct possibility. No competent defense attorney wants to cross examine that video.
[quote name='Sporadic']Kind of interesting to see how quickly they get violent.

Reminds me of this video


I imagine they would have fucked him up if there weren't cops around.[/QUOTE]

I will say the same thing I have said to every tea party video....despite the fact that its supposedly a movement based on issues and not on race its note worthy that you did not see a single black face in that crowd nor anyone sounding as though they wanted a debate on the issues.
Stay classy brah.

[quote name='UncleBob']Good thing liberals are so open minded and peaceful.[/QUOTE]

Pretty bad. Congrats on finding one incident of Dems acting badly.

Now here's your homework UB. Find any lawyer, and ask them whether shoving someone is any way comparable to knocking someone to the ground and then curb-stomping their head into concussion or breaking an old lady's foot, or breaking out the windows of political opponents, or any of the other nutbag things tea partiers have done so far.
:rofl: That guy got shoved around and you compare that to this woman getting thrown down and stepped on? Give me a fucking break Bobbie, they aren't even close to the same things. That guy was being a jackass trying to purposefully disrupt what was happening, this woman had some joke award she was supposed to give Paul. Besides that, they gave her a fucking concussion for her troubles, but hey this guy got shoved around in a crowd, so it's the same thing. Let me know when they hold him down and curb stomp his ass.
[quote name='Clak']:rofl: That guy got shoved around and you compare that to this woman getting thrown down and stepped on? Give me a fucking break Bobbie, they aren't even close to the same things. That guy was being a jackass trying to purposefully disrupt what was happening, this woman had some joke award she was supposed to give Paul. Besides that, they gave her a fucking concussion for her troubles, but hey this guy got shoved around in a crowd, so it's the same thing. Let me know when they hold him down and curb stomp his ass.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. That kid got pushed out of the group after being a loud mouth. From the sounds of it the woman was known to be a move on member, had not done anything disruptive(Yet, she would have)and she was tossed to the ground by 2 men and had her head stomped on by another to which its been reported she received a concussion. These are hardly comparable instances.

I would also argue it is hard to find many videos of people on the left acting that crazy that often...meanwhile we have seen how many people tossed out of public events, handcuffed and now thrown down and stepped on by teabaggers?

I am not arguing that Democrats do not have it in them, I especially would not be surprised if someone eventually did dig up someone acting extremely violent at an Obama rally for the simple fact of how much Racial tension and youth was involved....but with that said its naive or biased to argue that the Republicans do not have quite the lead in the curb stomping the opposition game.
Woah, there, folks. I never said these two events were equal. Just pointing out that there's violence on both sides of the aisle.

Now, I know this one is a little older( ~2 years), but perhaps y'all will like this one better...


“Defendant grabbed the sign [informant] was holding, broke the wood stick that was attached to it, and then struck informant in informant’s face thereby causing informant to sustain redness, swelling, and bruising to informant’s face and further causing informant to sustain substantial pain.”

The overly formal document doesn’t mention this important detail: the victim was a small, quiet, middle-aged woman wearing glasses, and the attacker was a loud, angry man who went into orbit at the mere sight of McCain campaign signs.

Now, I don't have video of this rather large man beating an older lady in the head, causing internal bleeding, so I'm sure this one will just get waved off as well...

[quote name='Clak']That guy was being a jackass trying to purposefully disrupt what was happening, this woman had some joke award she was supposed to give Paul.[/QUOTE]

I think the claim of which one was "joking" and which one was being a "jackass" depends which side of the political aisle you fall on.
[quote name='UncleBob']Woah, there, folks. I never said these two events were equal. Just pointing out that there's violence on both sides of the aisle.[/QUOTE]

you force the idea of "balance" into place where none exists. for the sake of creating a phony idea of equity, you must distort reality. this is why you constantly search for analogues and consistently fail to ever truly engage the facts of a case on its own.

you are the wizard of oz. "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" is your battle cry.
Sure, myke, whatever. Go back to having me on ignore, would you? Seriously, you try to make every single post about me instead of about the subject or anything related to it, it's really starting to get disturbing. Just have another little hissy-fit-temper-tantrum, then put me on ignore again (or for the first time, just in case you didn't actually do it before).
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure feels awesome to be white, Christian, straight, and Republican, and therefore never wrong. The added abilities of logic and reasoning and equivocation are icing on the cake.
[quote name='UncleBob']Sure, myke, whatever. Go back to having me on ignore, would you? Seriously, you try to make every single post about me instead of about the subject or anything related to it, it's really starting to get disturbing. Just have another little hissy-fit-temper-tantrum, then put me on ignore again (or for the first time, just in case you didn't actually do it before).[/QUOTE]

Take on the issue. What's your take on the video of Rand Paul's supporters assailing someone? What about Joe Miller's private security putting a reporter under citizen's arrest because he didn't ask the right questions?

When you dare actually engage a topic instead of just dropping a turd in it under the guise of "balance," you might garner something resembling respect, whether or not you agree with other people. It's your inability to think and the perpetual insistence upon preposterous analogues when you're at your worst, or swapping anecdotes at best, that demonstrate you simply lack the maturity and intellectual capacity to debate anything - but you certainly won't being box-of-rocks dumb get in the way of having an opinion.
[quote name='mykevermin']Take on the issue. [/QUOTE]

You've made two posts in this thread. One is nothing but a post centered around me. The other was a post centered around me with two lines about the subject at hand... and you're telling me to "take on the issue"?

The fact is, the OP featured this gem of a line:

If you are liberal, you use this to show the radical nature of the Tea Party.

That opens the conversation up to discussing how these actions relate to the Tea Party. Are violent acts and political protests/rallies like PB&J? Is violence something you only see from Tea Party Expressers?

What's my take on this video? It's bull ****. I would like to see this guy arrested and charges pressed. Seriously - anyone who thinks this is a good thing, is so messed up in the head - even if you think, for whatever reason, this woman deserved to have her head kicked into a curb, all something like this does is give credence to the idea that Tea Party supporters are full of violence, takes away from the issues (like "Rand Paul wants to put a 23% sales tax on your medicine, old people!").
hey guys, this is one guy who did something on his own accord, you can't group us together on the action of one person...did i mention that you guys also do the same thing so while the action of this one rogue member was wrong, who are you to judge *the right/teaparty on every fucking situation on earth*

[quote name='UncleBob']Now, I know this one is a little older( ~2 years), but perhaps y'all will like this one better...


yeah i trust that site. how could i not with awesome stories like Culture of Corruption: Harry Reid Staffer Caught in Sham Marriage to Keep Terror Suspect in the U.S., Fool Us Once, Mr. President… and Democrats’ Favorite Election Strategy Strikingly Familiar to Monty Python Fans on the front page

looks like some fair & balanced news for the common man
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[quote name='Sporadic']yeah i trust that site.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DrMunkee']You have absolutely no proof that this was staged, yet you automatically assume that it is because, what, you see yourself as the good guys?[/QUOTE]

The former Rand Paul volunteer who stomped on the head of a prone MoveOn activist tells a local CBS affiliate he would've never put his foot on the victim at all if it wasn't for his bad back.

According to WKYT, "[Tim] Profitt explained that he used his foot to try and keep her down because he can't bend over because of back problems. He also says police were alerted to watch her before Paul arrived because people in the crown recognized her as someone who may try and pull a stunt."
QED you fuckin libs.
[quote name='Msut77']Is there anyone out there who can claim with a straight face the Tea Party aren't radical extremists?[/QUOTE]

Is there anyone that can do the same for our President??
What I think truly saddens me is while it's Tea Party with Rand Paul I would expect those particular supporters to have a bit more sense or intelligence.
I'm basing this more on the fact he's Ron Paul's son as well. Perhaps any Tea Party craziness on Ron's side is mitigated by the fact people have been with him for a while now, before and after the Obama election.
Meanwhile, this is a movement that, while likely started by people with a Libertarian bent before Obama, has taken on different aspects now. We've seen this movement probably get co-opted as well though I'm still sure some joined because to them "Get our country back." is code for "Get that Black man out of the White House.".
I wonder if some of the focus on the Tea Party is there so Obama can play bait and switch in regards to Wall Street and the promises he made during the campaign. With the focus on the Tea Party so much a lot of people don't notice what he's promised and not fulfilled.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Is there anyone that can do the same for our President??[/QUOTE]


He proposed a version of health care reform that Mitt Romney helped sculpt in MA, and that congressional Republicans brought to the table in 1994.

He lowered taxes on households and corporations (no, really: if you think your taxes have gone up under Obama you're living in candyland, as they have not).

His Supreme Court nominees have already shown their conservative side, as Kagan voted against a stay of execution of a VA woman with an IQ of 72. Now, VA does not execute people who are classified as mentally retarded (IQ of up to 70), but this woman was borderline (which is legally important). Nevertheless, she's dead now.

Guantanamo Bay is still open.

We're still at war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We're still misusing habeas corpus in the ways we learned from the Bush administration.

We're still tossing homosexuals out of the military for being homosexual.

Look, lots of people are dissatisfied with Obama. I'm dissatisfied for very different reasons than you. Reasons that are grounded in reality, not reasons that scream DONT TREAD ON ME and claim my taxes have gone up (they have not, just like yours). Reasons that have been concerned about deficit spending for three decades, not two years. Reasons that want to look at policy proposals in the concrete, not deal with relative/comparative concerns ('lower taxes compared to what now?').

But Obama is a moderate just like Clinton was a moderate. Republicans decried that he was a liberal antichrist when he was in office, now they kiss his ass, quite frankly.

When you want to be honest with yourself, you'll recognize that anyone daring to call Obama and his policies 'marxist'/'socialist'/'communist'/'extremist' is laughably out of their fuckin' mind. Obama is maintaining the status quo in significant, and disappointing ways. He brings a few new approaches to the table, but again, TARP and the Stimulus packages were hella moderate in their size and scope.

Not to mention TARP's profitability. If the most "extremist" thing Obama has done is pass a bill that will *make* the government money in the end (in addition to keeping auto companies solvent and employing people), isn't that something he deserves credit for?
I think Unclebobs post was more on the point that there are idiots on both sides, so whenever a situation like this occurs it seems ideal to take a step back and figure out who was responsible.

So who was responsible for this attack? The guy stomping on people, or the tea party? Can we assume since the guy is a tea party member, that this is how the tea party normally acts? I would think there would be a lot more stomped heads then...

I wonder if it would be insensitive if Tea party members living in her neighborhood decided to hold a peaceful gathering near her house, and near theirs, just to show how peaceful they are and to improve tea partier/non tea partier relations.
Individuals are responsible for individual actions, but the response of the Paul campaign has been one of absolute indifference. They don't condemn the act or apologize for it.

Same in Joe Miller's case. There's a degree of unaccountability that's troublesome here, that this party (who is loosely supported, at the least, by the ideal of "freedom" and everything that entails) is kinda ok with violent acts to subvert dissent, which is contrary to the goals (again, only the basest common goal) of the party.

That's troublesome. It shows, to me, that people who support abstract ideas instead of genuine platforms of policy proposals (i.e., the Tea Party) truly aren't interested in living by their words - and the implications that has for their potential ascendancy to power should scare anyone thinking of voting for them.

There muslims Tea Partiers simply aren't doing enough to stand up against extremism in their own ranks.
[quote name='mykevermin']Individuals are responsible for individual actions, but the response of the Paul campaign has been one of absolute indifference. They don't condemn the act or apologize for it.

lol this is hilarious right here. I hope you aren't serious.

How many tea partiers have told you they are OK with violence to forward their agenda? How does this violence even one tiny bit forward their agenda at all? It is retarded to think this is a grand scheme of tea partiers to become violent to get their way.
[quote name='Knoell']lol this is hilarious right here. I hope you aren't serious.

How many tea partiers have told you they are OK with violence to forward their agenda? How does this violence even one tiny bit forward their agenda at all? It is retarded to think this is a grand scheme of tea partiers to become violent to get their way.[/QUOTE]

Don't use that word around Sarah Palin.

Two instances of violence/force in as many weeks to halt dissent. Two campaigns refusing to apologize or admit they were in the wrong. A movement touting "personal freedom and responsibility" not living up to its billing.

If you don't get the contradiction, we can't help you. Maybe you can lead a partier to tea, but you can't make him think.
[quote name='Quillion']Don't use that word around Sarah Palin.

Two instances of violence/force in as many weeks to halt dissent. Two campaigns refusing to apologize or admit they were in the wrong. A movement touting "personal freedom and responsibility" not living up to its billing.

If you don't get the contradiction, we can't help you. Maybe you can lead a partier to tea, but you can't make him think.[/QUOTE]

Out of how many gatherings of tea partiers across the country?

Sure there is a contradiction in those particular individuals cases, but why are you lumping in the othe 99.999999% of tea partiers? Is this not what you guys fight so hard to stop in the mosque thread?

Oh but it is ok in this case, because you disagree with, dislike, or even hate their ideology. :roll:
[quote name='mykevermin']There muslims Tea Partiers simply aren't doing enough to stand up against extremism in their own ranks.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dohdough']LOLZ:lol:[/QUOTE]

What is really funny about that is that he is serious about it in this topic, but absolutely disgusted by it in the mosque topic.

But again "Oh but it is ok in this case, because you disagree with, dislike, or even hate their ideology. :roll: "
[quote name='UncleBob']Yup.[/QUOTE]

How about the fact that I can't find it on any legit site and can only find reference to it on right-wing blogs?
and don't even dare to say that the liberal mainstream media refused to cover it

There is a pretty big difference between trying to deny reality and think up reason(s) why a thing that was caught on video wasn't the way it looks...and figuring out if a source is legit or extremely bias/slanted in either direction.
[quote name='perdition(troy']I was laughing at your stupid comment, not at the video.

Edit: Though I do think it's weird how she has some goofy smile on the whole time. Not that I care if its fake or not.[/QUOTE]

If that's after the whole thing happened, and if she did in fact have a concussion, that's probably a bit of endorphins and adrenaline based euphoria. Last time I got my brain shook I was apparently happy as a clam for about three or four hours until the pain and confusion set in.

To the topic:
Intentionally riling people tends to have consequences. I hate to use the "did you see how she was dressed? she had it coming to her" defense, but don't go in the wolve's den smeared in bacon... Polite discourse is gone from this country, it's not like this girl isn't a reasonable enough person to see that. Did you go carrying your signs into the other group in an attempt to "open a dialogue", or did you just go to stir some shit?
Having said all that, the people that accosted her are pricks and should get punished by the law for being pricks. They should also be slapped, repeatedly, by their wives/girlfriends/mothers for hitting a girl.
bread's done