Working at Wal-Mart gets better and better.


First I was excited about getting 10% off the Xbox 360 and any games, but now it seems that when I get paid on Thursday, I'll be getting a coupon that is good for a one time additional 10% off (lasts only a week though).

That means an Xbox 360 Premium Edition with a $50 game will cost me $385.18 after tax. :)
[quote name='Explosion']I make about 2x minimum wage, and on top of that I have tons of fun working there.[/QUOTE]

Your a Walton tring to recruit us gamers to work for your evil company. :)
[quote name='pimpinc333']Your a Walton tring to recruit us gamers to work for your evil company. :)[/QUOTE]

Nah. I was always given the impression that Wal-Mart was a minimum wage job full of low lives that can't get a job anywhere else. That might be true at some stores, but not the one I work at.

I worked at Circuit City for a few months, then quit afterwards because it was way too far to drive to 5 days a week. There is a Wal-Mart in town about 2 miles away, I applied there. When I got the job I was making more than I did at Circuit City, plus the people were nicer and more laid back. Good benefits were a plus too.
[quote name='Explosion']Nah. I was always given the impression that Wal-Mart was a minimum wage job full of low lives that can't get a job anywhere else. That might be true at some stores, but not the one I work at.

I worked at Circuit City for a few months, then quit afterwards because it was way too far to drive to 5 days a week. There is a Wal-Mart in town about 2 miles away, I applied there. When I got the job I was making more than I did at Circuit City, plus the people were nicer and more laid back. Good benefits were a plus too.[/QUOTE]

I feel out of place when I shop at Wal-Mart. A lot of dirty, scrubby people are usually shopping/working there. Its sad but you may of found a lucky Wal-Mart.
yeah its all 18 year old white trash scubby mustache ricer wannabes and 300 pound hick girls along with 60 year old people working at wal-marts around here.. ick. I never shop there.
You make 2x what Minium wage? $7? You make $14 working at Wal-Mart doing what exactly? Or is minium wage lower in the other states?

I'm sorry, when you said you had 'fun' woring at Wal-Mart, I got a little concerned.
I can't wait till the extra 10% discount, only thing that sucks is we can't use ours (my store) until the 25th. So I'm just going to put a 360 in layaway on launch.
I find the title of this thread to be VERY humorous!

Federal minimum wage is $5.15 an hour and according to the map below thats the KY minimum also.

They REALLY need to raise that it's been the same amount for years and years. Poor people at the bottom of the food chain are better off getting knocked up and having several kids and then just drawing food stamps, housing and welfare rather than trying to work. The guys are just screwed as they don't have an easy out.

[quote name='zewone']When can I put a 360 on lawaway? I'm broke. :cry:[/QUOTE]

You gotta stand in line at launch then take it to lawaway. I saw people doing this at the PS2 launch way back when.
[quote name='$hady']You gotta stand in line at launch then take it to lawaway. I saw people doing this at the PS2 launch way back when.[/QUOTE]

The kids at WalMart, they've been known to take thing off of people's layaway and buy it for themselves.

It happens.
Ladies love holes in your face. fuck, I don't want to wait 3 hours just to look poor and put shit on lawaway. Buy my ebay shit someone.
Yea I'd imagine all those PS2 systems were disappearing from layaway when people found out what they were selling for! ;)

You've still got plenty of time start selling blood and sperm.

I'll buy $20 worth of sperm from you if you deliver.:drool:
My moms friend is going to get it for me with that, final price, 320 + taxes. How do you plan on holding a system for 2 days? (need some pointers)
[quote name='Explosion']I make about 2x minimum wage, and on top of that I have tons of fun working there.[/QUOTE]

whoa, 2x minimum wage........ that'd be $8.50/hour......... How long does it take you to make $400 after tax?....... buying the 360 on this salary doesn't make any sense to me
[quote name='Eastsidecracker']My moms friend is going to get it for me with that, final price, 320 + taxes. How do you plan on holding a system for 2 days? (need some pointers)[/QUOTE]
From a hook going through the holes in his face.
[quote name='Explosion']I make about 2x minimum wage, and on top of that I have tons of fun working there.[/QUOTE]

just wait until they lock you in at night because they need everyone to stay and clean/straighten up... we'll see what you have to say about working there then.
[quote name='Explosion']I thought minimum wage was recently changed to $6.25 an hour. :/[/QUOTE]

You thought wrong.
The Wal-Mart here is open 24 hours, so they can't "lock you in". Besides, that is what the weirdos who work the 10pm - 7am shift are for.

I just looked it up. The minimum wage here in Florida is $6.15. I make $12.20 working in both electronics and layaway.
Why's everyone busting the guys balls for enjoying his job?? I think it's great that he can make pretty good money (more than me, I make only 8.50 under the table) and have fun at your place of work. Rock on man.
[quote name='Explosion']I thought minimum wage was recently changed to $6.25 an hour. :/[/QUOTE]
Depends what state you live in. Most states have the same minimum wage as the federal law ($5.15), a few are higher, and two are lower. That proposal you speak of was just defeated in legislation by Republicans because if you increase the minimum wage you have to cut workers.
Hey, when I worked at Wal Mart I loved that crap. I was only getting paid ~7.75 an hour, but considering all I did was push carts...I certainly never complained. My only problem with Wally World was CSMs always calling us in to help people take tvs and chairs and whathaveyou out to their cars and the parking lot would look like ass. Then we'd get yelled for that...even though it wasn't my damn idea to quit pushing carts at that time. Plus you just knew some moron would come up in their Miata and want to load some 32 inch tv into the back.

And that's why I say Tetris is the greatest tool for would-be cart pushers/stockers. If you have to help people get screwed up items into screwed up positions, all of that Tetris knowledge of what-goes-where will come in handy. ^_^
[quote name='Staind204']It says $4.25 for Ohio... I thought it was more.[/QUOTE]

It would be $5.15, the federal minimum wage - which takes precedence since it's higher than the state's min wage.
i'm applying at walmart today!!!! 12.20 an hour is not a bad part time job, plus you get discount and you work with cool people?!?!? where do i sign up.
[quote name='DX']LMAO!

What a piece of obvious union bullshit.


Thank you for that informative and detailed review.
[quote name='$hady']Yea I'd imagine all those PS2 systems were disappearing from layaway when people found out what they were selling for! ;)

You've still got plenty of time start selling blood and sperm.

I'll buy $20 worth of sperm from you if you deliver.:drool:[/QUOTE]

:whistle2:[ :whistle2:$

[quote name='$hady']I find the title of this thread to be VERY humorous!

Federal minimum wage is $5.15 an hour and according to the map below thats the KY minimum also.

They REALLY need to raise that it's been the same amount for years and years. Poor people at the bottom of the food chain are better off getting knocked up and having several kids and then just drawing food stamps, housing and welfare rather than trying to work. The guys are just screwed as they don't have an easy out.

Silly me... who knew WORK was supposed to be easy... :roll:

You should really study economics before you start demanding minimum wage be increased. If you set an artificial floor thats above the equalibrium point of supply and demand, you will actually disuade companies from hiring AND actually increase the unemployment rate. Businesses don't have bottomless pockets. If they can only afford 5 people at 5.50, they'll only be able to afford 3 people at $8. So you may have increased minimum wage by about 1/3, but you also increased unemployment the same amount. This also wont do much to help the poor because companies will be much more selective since they have to pay so much more. Since -statistically- poor people aren't as educated, they'll be picked last.
[quote name='jimfoley16']Why's everyone busting the guys balls for enjoying his job?? I think it's great that he can make pretty good money (more than me, I make only 8.50 under the table) and have fun at your place of work. Rock on man.[/QUOTE]

Agreed - if Walmart has finally done right by somebody, and he's having a good time, that's awesome. Alot on this thread sound like spoiled rich kids.
[quote name='Kayden']:whistle2:[ :whistle2:$

Silly me... who knew WORK was supposed to be easy... :roll:

You should really study economics before you start demanding minimum wage be increased. If you set an artificial floor thats above the equalibrium point of supply and demand, you will actually disuade companies from hiring AND actually increase the unemployment rate. Businesses don't have bottomless pockets. If they can only afford 5 people at 5.50, they'll only be able to afford 3 people at $8. So you may have increased minimum wage by about 1/3, but you also increased unemployment the same amount. This also wont do much to help the poor because companies will be much more selective since they have to pay so much more. Since -statistically- poor people aren't as educated, they'll be picked last.[/QUOTE]

So based on your numbers the unemployment rate will go from it's current rate of around 5% to 6.7%. Yeah, it's a bitter pill to swallow but I would imagine most of the working poor would take their chances for a shot a higher wage.

The minimum wage hasn't been raised in many years, it's way overdue. It would be a shame if some small businesses that eek out a small profit go under because of a higher federal wage but where is the justice in the current system with some of the working poor and their families living below the poverty line?

Regardless, the federal minimum wage won't be changing anytime soon. I don't see Congress with a republican majority even considering raising the minimum wage, no matter what deal the democrats offer in return. Even if a bill passed in Congress it would be by such a slim margin that chances are that we would also need a democratic president that wouldn't veto the bill outright. So for those who like the current system, no worries, it's bound to stay this way forthe forseeable future. Those working for minimum wage can maybe pick up a few extra part-time jobs in addition to their full time job if they would like to raise above the poverty line.

I've worked for minimum wage back in high school and can't imagine trying to raise a family on it. I'm a senior in college now so hopefully those days are behind me but I can empathize with those that do have to work for the minimum. Some people look down on those who are working in those positions but someone has to and I for one appreciate them. Arrogant attitudes about the poor make me sick. I know some of them work far harder than those who earn much, much more. Sure, you can argue that they should of went to school but you just don't know what all they had to deal with in life. Maybe it wasn't a possiblility.
[quote name='eldad9']Thank you for that informative and detailed review.[/QUOTE]

Truth hurts.

Do some research on your own and quit letting the unions and bleeding heart liberals so your thinking for you.
DX's logic is generally correct and widely used in the U.S., but just remember that, just as he charges proponents of raising the minimum wage with being tricked by liberals, his arguments are also politically charged and those of neoconservatives. That doesn't necessarily mean the ideas are bad or wrong.

In fact, in studying at one of the premier neoconservative economics schools in the nation (University of Chicago), I've learned that neoconservatives are not evil people just trying to get the money in the hands of a few. They just hold ideals of efficiency and fairness above others. The same models they use can be applied with different models in mind, still employing efficiency but also considering a nation to be only as rich as its poorest member, its average member, its median member, its richest member, etc.

But, of course, these are just models, and reality doesn't always follow them. There are so many factors in macroeconomics that consequences are often far reaching (such as unemployment going up with a raise in the minimum wage) and varied. That being said, it can be helpful to work off them and make value judgements based on the expected results.

DX, there's nothing wrong with holding "bleeding heart liberal" values. Even though economics classes are taught like math classes and don't make transparent the fact that they make value judgements, they do.
I will also get the 360 at walmart, mt friends also works at the electronic department. I will use his 10% off card.

But how do you get the extar 10% off?
[quote name='DX']No, but one sided.They base that pay on one person supporting a family of three.

Talk about using selective math.[/QUOTE]

So let me get this straight. You first criticize arguments against Wal-Mart style globalism by making unfounded claims about its backers (though you'd be right if you claimed that liberals financed and slanted the film, but you didn't say that). You then disregard a research study that I bring up entirely (with an irrelevant and untrue argument, rather than disputing the regression results, their theoretical framework, or anything substantive).

Okay, you've proven to us that you'd simply like to put your hands over your ear and yell "LALALA" when confronted with data that run counter to what you want to believe.

So, after all that, your only retort is to counter with a link to a SITE RUN BY WAL-MART ITSELF!?!?! Jeez, kiddo. I hope that you're willing to rescind your criticism of the people who mentioned the Wal-Mart movie earlier. After all, it's not a good idea to call something propaganda or slanted, and retort with something similarly and undeniably slanted.

Also, I'm curious what your thoughts are on this:

Particularly the part where it is stated that "46 percent of the children of Wal-Mart's 1.33 million United States employees were uninsured or on Medicaid."

Will your child be uninsured because of your blind alleigance to your employers?
[quote name='Eastsidecracker']Once again, how will you be holding a 360 for 2 days(when you get the 20% coupon). Need to tell my moms friend this.[/QUOTE]

First of all, it isn't a 20% coupon. It's an additional 10% that you can use along with your 10% discount card. Now remember, the coupon is one time use only. So don't just assume that anyone that works at Wal-Mart would be willing to go out and waste their precious coupon on an Xbox 360 for you right when it comes out. Many employees wait until Black Friday to use their coupons for some truly insane deals.

If you want to hold it (or anything at all), just put it on layaway. All you need is 10% (after taxes). After that you have until 12/16 to pick it up (that date is based on the holiday layaway schedule for the Wal-Mart I work at. It's usually 60 days). Now if for some reason you can't get someone with a discount card right away, it shouldn't be a problem. Just cancel the layaway (when you are ready to pay for it in full), you will get any money you deposited back. Next have them ring it up as a normal sale and bust out the coupon/discount card.

If you come at 12am for the launch, you might not be able to put it on layaway. Layaway where I work closes everyday at 10pm, but a manager might order it to reopen a few minutes before 12am (considering the situation).

For all those who are thinking about getting a whole mess of Xbox 360s, don't try it. It will most likely be limit 1 or 2 per customer.
bread's done