Worst B&M Game Retailer 2007

K-Mart. Every Kmart in Erie, PA looks like a bomb went off in the video game department. They cant even face the games forward and the stuff at the bottom looks like they just threw the shipment in there and shut the glass.
[quote name='Majora2010']I'll take crappy retailers for $200.

"This retailer is well known for having lousy customer service, not knowing their own ads and tossing lawsuits around liberally."

...uhhh, What is Circuit City?[/quote]

Circuit City... but, the lousy customer service and mis-pricing of damn near every game they have in the store drives away tons of customers and has translated into some nice deals for me.
Circuit City. they never have the game I'm looking for, even if it's in their computer. and the fact that I have to make the purchase at the customer service desk while the checkout stands sit empty, forcing me to wait behind people returning merchandise, is complete bullshit.
Toys R Us for their amazing LACK OF STOCK for big games. Namely, Super Mario Galaxy during the $25 gift card giveaway. Don't advertise if you only get in a few (less than 10) copies.
Circuit City. They were terrible last year, and with the cost-cutting release of 1 in 4 employees this year, it will only get worse.

I work there but I even have to sayCircuit City. What a fuck up corporate is although I do have to admit I like some of the deals they had over the holidays.

just recenly
"U cant get on xbox live with the xbox arcade bundle, why dont u wait a month or so till i get the premiums in" and then trys to sell me Gamestop brand HDMI cables for $60. went to my local electronics store and bought cheap ones for $15
GameStop. The suggestive selling makes it painful to shop there. (Wal-Mart isn't great but at least they don't hassle you about preorders, trade-ins, and reward cards.)
Well, the workers at my local EB/Gamestops (and I have quite a few near me) are all, for the most part, pretty nice and helpful.

I'm going to have to put my vote in for Circuit City. I never liked the store, and with the whole Speedy incident, I have to nominate them.

Shopping at Walmart is never fun, but since they've filed exactly zero lawsuits against a CAG user...

Wait a minute, they did threaten to sue someone if they posted the BF ads early. But no, Circuit City is still worse.
I got to go with Circuit City, I work there as well and despite my best efforts, the store still sucks ass, especially the video games, DVDs and CDs (my department). Corporate is stupid and that seems to trickle down to the managers and employees. There's something about the stores, they just seem to suck the life (and common sense) out of whoever works there.
Definitely Wal-Mart. Its selection is terrible. It never has any deals to speak of (at least where I live). AND most importantly the people who work there are by far the least knowledgable about video games, the least industrious, and the least courteous.
3 Way Tie!
Walmart- employees are always rude and condescending.
Gamestop- employees lie and give you a hard time for using coupons and refuse to allow you to use your edge card.
Toys R US- Selection is horrible, many games advertised that they have 0 copies of.
I'm surprised how many people have a problem with CC, I knew there was some hatred due to some things that happened there, but I've never had a problem but I've only gone there to find clearance games.
Circuit City for making me wait about 30 min just to get a DS out of the case so I could buy it (had a $50 GC). fuck ers!
This year I'd have to go with Circuit City. Advertising shit they don't even have in stock, redesigning their game section to be even shittier than before so you can't find what you're looking for, bunch of fucks working there, etc.

It takes a lot of fucking up to meet the shitty standards of Wal-Mart but CC did it for me this year.
GameStop / ebgames continues to be the worst place to shop for me. The employees are knowledgable, but the non-stop shilling of pre-orders, game guards, extended warranties, opened "new" games, refusing to accept their own printed out coupons, and forced advertising of new releases I could care less about make me NOT want to even go in there.
Gamestop/EB Games. Sorry for the harassment though. If you don't buy the subscription cards or preorders, employees face being fired or being humiliated with such tasks as going around town and cleaning on the other EB/GS employee bathrooms in town. Wretched place. Don't shop there.
Gamestop will be the winner
they are horrible. i dont like buying a new game that is already opened. and the people that work there suck. its not my fault you get $5.50/hr.
bread's done