Worst B&M Game Retailer 2008

I can't decide.

I still hate Gamestop's policy of gutting games.

I love the monthly clearances at Circuit City, but some of the stores I go to have game sections that are completely out of order. How would you expect your average customer to find a game when the games aren't in alphabetical order (not just a random game or two, every game)? I would be embarrassed to manage a store that was as disorganized as some of the CC's I go into.

Also Walmart deserves a mention for having pretty much no deals.
Gamestop. It needs to stop cheating young gamers with trade ins that aren't worth it, and marked up used prices.
Sears. I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned more. The employees all stand around talking to each other and God forbid you want to get a game price-checked.
walmart because you have to wait for someone with a fucking key to open the cabinet all the time and you can never find anyone.
I am going to have to say HWV. Their return policy is just horrible.

They only give store credit for items (new and sealed purchased from them less than a week be4) returned.
That's to me, is messed up. Not surprised they are not doing very well. That's why I am always careful when purchasing new items from them.
I havent seen any good deals at my wal-mart this year, so i'll have to go with them too
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I can't go against Gamestop. You're not going to beat their selection anywhere in a B&M, and their sales are pretty solid.

Walmart it is, simply for their blatant disregard for price drops.
I nominate all of 'em! Maybe it's because I'm biased against stores that tack on a sales tax charge, and big name stores in general.

Actually, it's most likely GameStop, crap treatment of video games, outrageous prices on poor condition games, yadda yadda.
Best Buy/Circuit City come in a close second.
Wall-mart! why do you need to put glass in front of ALL the games when things worth more are right out there to steal?
GameStop. I haven't set foot in one since November of '06, but skimming this site and places like Kotaku tell me all I need to know that, yep, nothin's changed.

Prices drop rarely, games are all behind glass, and all clearances are YMMV. Factor into that clueless employees, long lines, and having no deals whatsoever. I didn't buy a single game at Wal-Mart this year.

I can dislike GameStop, but at least I can get cheap games from them.
[quote name='blandstalker']Wal-Mart

Prices drop rarely, games are all behind glass, and all clearances are YMMV. Factor into that clueless employees, long lines, and having no deals whatsoever. I didn't buy a single game at Wal-Mart this year.

I can dislike GameStop, but at least I can get cheap games from them.[/quote]
Ditto. Dispicable as they are, GS doesn't disappoint me as much as WM, 2% clearances, "you want to buy a game? Lemme go get the keys..." etc.
I'd have to pick Wal-Mart myself. It's because their prices are primarily 3 cents less than retail, and it usually can't beat the weekly sales at other stores.
Gamestopn/EB useless employees that dont even stay up to date on prices and still charge the incorrect ones also they turn off the AC at times in the stores in the ones in my area and in Xmas shopping that sucks since lines area huge... bastards making me sweat
i would have to go with radioshack. bought a zune. they made me pre-order it and then called me back for them to not have it.
bread's done