Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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Makes more sence to break Best and Worst into 2 different polls. I had to combine a few options because 14 options was a little too many. Sorry 'bout that.

So, what FF was a big chore to play?
9 was all graphics, and no substance.

I remember getting stuck in line at various stores and getting drawn into conversations about the game when it first came out with complete strangers. time and time again after they would explain it was a good game I would ask why and they would say the graphics. And then I would ask what else, and they had nothing.

Now I got this game on my sickbed the day it came out and played it nonstop until I was better, but once the fever wore off, I realized the only reason I was playing was the finish it and not because I enjoyed it -- which is always the wrong reason to play any game.

In my opinion, thisgame's only be redeeming quality is a character named Vivi, who's depiction was so sympathetic, I still get warm fuzzy feelings towards him years later even though I absolutely loathe the game he originated from .

ladies and gentlemen, this was not 8-bit theaters black mage ;-)


If you haven't seen this link before, you need to

totally agree, FF 9 was very by the numbers. I haven't played many FF so I wa thinking many that's why I didn't enjoy it (I hear it was for people that have played most past ones). I couldn't even finish it and gave it to a friend for free. Also, Vivi was the only good part, he's just so cute I couldn't help it.
I've heard that past one's theory too,and let me tell you something; as a person who has owned all the previous final fantasies save 4, this theory does not hold water.

It's almost like the new Fox special

"When fan service games go horribly wrong,toss the naysayers into a fan to be chopped up before anyone can notice" ;-)
I hate FF8 cause that is when Square started focusing on the unisex male characters and love instead of good gameplay. They tried to redeem themselves with FF9, but afterwards followed their hearts (pun), and started giving us the techno future love stories that we see today. [puke]

Not to mention it is hard enough to follow-up on a revolutionary game (FF7), but to go from greatness to WTF is sad. You know how many people bought FF8 cause of FF7 - thinking it was going to be another revolutionary game?

Now that I think about it - FF8 was a revolutionary game... a revolutionary disappointment.
8 owned 7, hard. Anyway, X-2 is by far the worst. The only terrible Final Fantasy. 9 was second worst, but it was still a decent game, like 8/10. X-2 is like a 5/10. I've been through 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, and 10 and they were all good (including 7, I just like 8 more, 7 was all cliches, meteors, cussing, big tits, 8 was about story and substance, I've noticed anime fans and simpletons like 7 more.) BTW, it's totally unfair to put X and X-2 as the same thing. X was great, X-2 was terrible.
[quote name='ShadowXOR']8 owned 7, hard. Anyway, X-2 is by far the worst. The only terrible Final Fantasy. 9 was second worst, but it was still a decent game, like 8/10. X-2 is like a 5/10. I've been through 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, and 10 and they were all good (including 7, I just like 8 more, 7 was all cliches, meteors, cussing, big tits, 8 was about story and substance, I've noticed anime fans and simpletons like 7 more.) BTW, it's totally unfair to put X and X-2 as the same thing. X was great, X-2 was terrible.[/quote]

Stupidity like this is why I usually stay away from Final Fantasy discussions.
Well this is my opinion. I have played and beaten 7, 8, 9, 10. I also own Tactics (PSX) and Chronicles. (Have played little of each.)

My least favorite was 10. The reasons are a couple. I am not a huge Sci/fi fan, so that rules out the whole us against Sin thing. (I love fantasy though.) I also never was that angry with the antagonist. (Be it Sin or the priest guy.) 7, 8, 9 all made me hate someone.
Also, the story did not make me happy or sad at the end. I was dissapointed that Tidus was not alive and he could not be made alive. - just a memory.

That being said - I really like Blitz ball. A wonderful scence of Tidus comforting Luna. Nice touch - even without the kiss. I enjoyed acquiring the top weapons.

My 2 cents. To each their own.
Its actually funny how worked up some people get about which one is the best / worst. I have played all of them, and my least favroite was FF 8. But to be honest, I enjoyed playing them all.
Like greendj27 i enjoyed them all. I've played 4-10 and both the tactics. however my love for the series is fadeing. ive noticed that they keep makeing the main charecters younger and younger. there are a million other rpg's staring these teen and sometimes preteen hero's, final fantasy used to be the one series that stared adults. I dont know about you but im sick of watching the main charecters go through puberty. and the latest one ffx was the most irritating for me. tidus had a voice that had me scrabling for the mute button and yuna had the personality of a cheeze pizza.
The worst I played was the one on Final Fantasy Anthology (FF 5, I think - with the meteors that crashed into the earth and you could teleport from one to another). I kept playing it thinking that maybe it would get better, but alas, it ended like it started - weak.
When I was half-way through FF5, I then realized why this game was never released in the U.S. -- because it sucked. A poor comparison to the SNES FF 2 & 3.
wow. i wonder what makes people buy rpg's now that i see ff8 is ridiculed that much. ff8 story kicked 7's ass up and down the rpg block, and is second to ff6's story. the gameplay was about the same though i preferred 8's gf system to the materia. the materia was very cool though. 9 was a sad excuse for a game. 10 sucked balls. and i think ff x-2 is square's way of trying to make up for the people who aren't going to buy ff11.
Let's try not to call too many names =D

That being said: I played FF7 and it's great. Its the only one I have really spent much time with so I can't really decide. When my PS2 gets back I'll try X and see how it fares...
[quote name='ShadowXOR']7 was all cliches, meteors, cussing, big tits, 8 was about story and substance...[/quote]

Yeah, I hate to too :roll:

One of the main reasons people think 7 is great is because of the Matria System. 110% customization. You can have Cloud counter with 8 Omnislashes if you play your cards right.
[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='ShadowXOR']8 owned 7, hard. Anyway, X-2 is by far the worst. The only terrible Final Fantasy. 9 was second worst, but it was still a decent game, like 8/10. X-2 is like a 5/10. I've been through 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, and 10 and they were all good (including 7, I just like 8 more, 7 was all cliches, meteors, cussing, big tits, 8 was about story and substance, I've noticed anime fans and simpletons like 7 more.) BTW, it's totally unfair to put X and X-2 as the same thing. X was great, X-2 was terrible.[/quote]

Stupidity like this is why I usually stay away from Final Fantasy discussions.[/quote]

Wow, your so mature. Because people don't agree with you, their stupid? Get a life kid. If your love cliches, and games built to sell (you'll probably love X-2, they are barely wearing clothes) over solid storyline and originality...then that's your thing. Just because you don't agree wth me doesn't mean you need to be a pompous ass. Just let people state their opinion. It seems like you can't handle discussions.
[quote name='ShadowXOR'][quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='ShadowXOR']8 owned 7, hard. Anyway, X-2 is by far the worst. The only terrible Final Fantasy. 9 was second worst, but it was still a decent game, like 8/10. X-2 is like a 5/10. I've been through 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, and 10 and they were all good (including 7, I just like 8 more, 7 was all cliches, meteors, cussing, big tits, 8 was about story and substance, I've noticed anime fans and simpletons like 7 more.) BTW, it's totally unfair to put X and X-2 as the same thing. X was great, X-2 was terrible.[/quote]

Stupidity like this is why I usually stay away from Final Fantasy discussions.[/quote]

Wow, your so mature. Because people don't agree with you, their stupid? Get a life kid. If your love cliches, and games built to sell (you'll probably love X-2, they are barely wearing clothes) over solid storyline and originality...then that's your thing. Just because you don't agree wth me doesn't mean you need to be a pompous ass. Just let people state their opinion. It seems like you can't handle discussions.[/quote]

You realize he was saying that because you said that only anime fans and simpletons like FF VII. It seems to me that you started the immature name calling.
I am probably one of the only people on the planet that thinks that not only is FF7 bad, but FF8 as well. Sure, there are plenty of people who hate one or the other, but I despise both, and I'm not afraid to be in the minority. I didn't really have any arguments about the graphics, music, or storylines, but gameplay really killed both, especially the battle systems. Mind you, I enjoy true turn-based systems as well as real-time battles (as in Kingdom Hearts), but the two just don't mix. To me, battles just aren't fun when you have to wear out the buttons on your controller simply to avoid losing a turn. There should be at least some element of freedom, whether it be in who you attack or where you can move. I give Square credit for trying to develop an innovative battle style, but I don't think it turned out good.
[quote name='video_gamer324']I am probably one of the only people on the planet that thinks that not only is FF7 bad, but FF8 as well. Sure, there are plenty of people who hate one or the other, but I despise both, and I'm not afraid to be in the minority. I didn't really have any arguments about the graphics, music, or storylines, but gameplay really killed both, especially the battle systems. Mind you, I enjoy true turn-based systems as well as real-time battles (as in Kingdom Hearts), but the two just don't mix. To me, battles just aren't fun when you have to wear out the buttons on your controller simply to avoid losing a turn. There should be at least some element of freedom, whether it be in who you attack or where you can move. I give Square credit for trying to develop an innovative battle style, but I don't think it turned out good.[/quote]

You are in a minority. I didn't know it was possible to hate both! =D
[quote name='masta0031'] tidus had a voice that had me scrabling for the mute button and yuna had the personality of a cheeze pizza.[/quote]

Thank you!

It needed to be said

Yuna drove me absolutely bonkers with her vapidness and inability to apparently think beyond the box.

We all would've been much better off if Titus had pulled a Laura {of Warp games D series}

Also, for my fellow people who have unlimited saga and have experience the Japanese version of the American x2 trailer know that the voice work sounds much better in the original Japanese.

the English singing especially gets on my nerves after having heard the original :whistle2:(
whats up with everyone saying ff8 had a great story? ill admit it had a great love story. but all that nonesense about sorceresses and SeeD, not to mention a last boss you dont even meet untill the second you fight her. it was like the creators of this game were locked in a room where they had to watch nothing but bad buffy reruns untill they finished the game.
I didn't think too much of the story either......it's not that the story wasn't properly complex in interwoven enough -- it was -- and I appreciated the effort.

I just didn't see it as building up to any kind of climax.

Then I beat the game, couldn't read any of the ending text, and you can imagine how frustrated and angry I was.

And then, during the credits, there was Selphie's videocamera.

And it encompassed every emotion

pulled together every loose end into a warm fuzzy feeling

And I cried
I've enjoyed almost all of the em, and I think by this point I've played just about everyone except for 3....only because I dont think it was ever released here in any sort of chronciles, anthology pack whatever
that being said, I think I liked FF4 the best, probably because it was the first one I played, and I played it to death....least favorite....well I didn't much like the story of 7, but thinking about it now.... I'm not really sure if I ever even beat 9.....guess I'll have to go and check the old memory card out

You haven't read about my final fantasy memory card fiasco yet, have you


You might want to reread my posts on this before you make such a rash decision......

hmm after reading that I think perhaps I could at least wait until there is another person here with me otherwise I probably would be greeting the sunrise, and with working tomorrow that might not be the best idea :whistle2:k
Wierd I like both 7 & 8 , but my favorite is 7 (just started new file,been so long since i played gameplay feels new) anyways my least favorite has to be 9.
i love all of them, in my opinion they all have flaws, just some bigger or more than others. and i think there should be more games about cussing and big tits.
[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='ShadowXOR']8 owned 7, hard. Anyway, X-2 is by far the worst. The only terrible Final Fantasy. 9 was second worst, but it was still a decent game, like 8/10. X-2 is like a 5/10. I've been through 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, and 10 and they were all good (including 7, I just like 8 more, 7 was all cliches, meteors, cussing, big tits, 8 was about story and substance, I've noticed anime fans and simpletons like 7 more.) BTW, it's totally unfair to put X and X-2 as the same thing. X was great, X-2 was terrible.[/quote]

Stupidity like this is why I usually stay away from Final Fantasy discussions.[/quote]

I'm with you there Scrubking. FF7 was the last good FF game. In fact, it was the last Square product I liked. I played Chrono Trigger on SNES for the first time a couple months ago. It just made me realize that Square games up until FF8 had a certain quality that made me want to play them. FF8 was downright unplayable. FF9 was playable but never had that Square charm. And I found the characters in FFX to be so annoying I couldn't play the game anymore.

The problem with Square is that they are giving into their own hype too much with stuff like FFX-2. I'd also like to meet the person who thought the Final Fantasy movie was good.
FF2j is by far the worst imho for me. You get four set characters who can't change their abilities much, and you can build your stats and spells by attacking eachother! gah! Plus the female main character sucks! Heck, everyone sucks except Lionheart and his big ass axe! That and the story line was so bleh. Anyone who owns FFOrigins knows what I'm talking about.
[quote name='masta0031']i love all of them, in my opinion they all have flaws, just some bigger or more than others. and i think there should be more games about cussing and big tits.[/quote]

Hear hear!

But really, Ive played all of them up to 7 (japanese versions included), and i pretty much like them all. And im a tactics, junkie, so i couldent vote for that. Hrm.. Maybe i should just join the bandwagon and be all anti-FFVIII "cuz y'all say it sux0rs teh donkey Ballz" [/AOL talk].

But really, my favorite would have to be Either 4j/5j, 4 Has a killer story, and 5 has that almost Tactics like Job System (its where FFT got the system). Argh. Can't decide. Must not vote..

/me votes for FF2
Obviously most of you have never played FF 2; otherwise you would have voted for it.

Of course, you may think you've played it but you've actually played FF 4, renamed (renumbered) FF 2 for Americans because FF 2 and 3 weren't considered good enough to publish outside Japan.
Oh boy. Anyone knows that asking people to compare Final Fantasies is a sure-fire way to start a flamewar.

That being said, I think the reason fans are always split on the series is because every game is vastly different from the others (this goes double for the more recent entries in the series). RPGs are by far the most time consuming of any genre, and people are going to become very attached to a game that they spent a lot of time on and enjoyed, and are going to detest a game that they invested a lot of time in and came out unsatisfied. Also, I think people look for different qualities in RPGs. Some prefer a deep combat and leveling system, some want a deep story, and some want interesting characters.

That being said, my least fave FF has to be 8. The stories in almost all the FF games basically boil down to saving the world with a romantic subplot, so slight variations in a plot aren't enough to endear me to it. And I really didn't like the leveling or battle system to 8. Characters were pretty much worthless on their own. They gained maybe one or two stat points per level, and they weren't really all that different, either (no distiguished mages or fighters). It all boiled down to which GFs you equipped and which magic you had junctioned. All in all, I just felt the battle system was really bland.

My favorite in the series.... probably 4. It was the first console RPG I played, and the memories it brings back just make it the most enjoyable for me. That, and it's a darn good game to boot. Though truthfully, I liked 6,7, and 10 almost as much.

FF2 was weird, and felt more like a SaGa, but truthfully, for the time it was released, it was actually pretty decent. I think the reason that 2 & 3 never made it stateside was because the first FF was released just before the SNES made its debut, so they decided to skip ahead to 4 (FF1 was released 1989, and FF2US 1990, at least according to gamefaqs).
How can you guys not like 9? 9 is one of my FAVORITES! There was just this really magical feeling in that game that just consumed me. The story was really good and the gameplay was fun. I don't like how 7 and 8 are set in the future with all this techy stuff (gun-blade?).
[quote name='eldad9']Obviously most of you have never played FF 2; otherwise you would have voted for it.

Of course, you may think you've played it but you've actually played FF 4, renamed (renumbered) FF 2 for Americans because FF 2 and 3 weren't considered good enough to publish outside Japan.[/quote]

Exactly why i voted for it. I have played it :D
The series went into a suck spiral after 5.

6 sucked, so did 7. Hard. 8 continued the suckage, 9 tried hard to break free, but in the end, couldn't. 10 was suck, and the commercial for FFX-2 has made me hate video games forever, despite liking video games.
[quote name='DenisDFat']The series went into a suck spiral after 5.

6 sucked, so did 7. Hard. 8 continued the suckage, 9 tried hard to break free, but in the end, couldn't. 10 was suck, and the commercial for FFX-2 has made me hate video games forever, despite liking video games.[/b[/quote]

I didnt think i commercial for a game could make me not want to play it so badly as that one singing one for X-2, even if someone gives it to me I will never play it.

I have FF1 to FF10 except FF3. I had finished FF1, FF3 (Japanese NES), and FFX-2. I started FF7 and FF8 and almost finished FFX. From what I had played so far my favorite is FFX because the graphics and story are very good. FF3's jobs change and FF8's GF are great too.
Err yeah, as someone who has played every final fantasy on that list, finished them all, and even the final fantasty games not on the list, i'm going to say, everyone that thinks All the FF's suck...

Go play your sega pico's and eat some animal crackers, because it's time for bedtime you video game n00bs.

Final Fantasy has Awed gamers for years, and will for years to come, it IS the king of RPG's, no other RPG series has pulled in so many fans, i'm surprised it has enemies.

Anyways, this is one huge effing flame war now, so my two cents are that none of the Final Fantasy's on that list deserve the worst title of them, sure some of them were bad, but did you not finish them till the end? There was only one that I never finished.

That one that I never finished, lacked story, a good cast, and complete gameplay. Final Fantasy Legends for the Game Boy.

For those of you that hated 8, yes I'll admit I thought that was the worst one for a while, then I thought about it... And the reason I hated it was the crazy Limt break combos... but I noticed they added to challange, and that is one thing that n00b's typically hate about video games, is challange.

Of course there is a difference between challange and crap.

A challanging game can be beaten, as long as you give it time, and look at it a few ways. (ie. Super Ghouls and Ghosts (SNES))

Crap games cannot be finished due to bugs and crashes. (ie. ET (Atari 2600)) (yes I know SOMEONE actaully finished this game, but they know it's a huge glitch :p)

With these two categories defined I think that every final fantasy on that list fits into the challenging category.
Mystic Quest, that was the most crappiest FF I have ever played in my life. An example is you only got to control 2 characters in battle at one time.
Final Fantasy has Awed gamers for years, and will for years to come, it IS the king of RPG's, no other RPG series has pulled in so many fans, i'm surprised it has enemies.

dragon quest


FF is super overratd, especially 6-x2
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who think FF2 is the worst in the series, and those who have never played it. Honestly, I refuse to vote in this poll, because I am not going to condemn FF3 along with FF2. Why are they combined? They are exceedingly dissimilar! It would make more sense to combine numbers 1 and 3!
[quote name='DMFunk']Err yeah, as someone who has played every final fantasy on that list, finished them all, and even the final fantasty games not on the list, i'm going to say, everyone that thinks All the FF's suck...

Go play your sega pico's and eat some animal crackers, because it's time for bedtime you video game n00bs.

Final Fantasy has Awed gamers for years, and will for years to come, it IS the king of RPG's, no other RPG series has pulled in so many fans, i'm surprised it has enemies.

Well I'm sorry, I am just a lowly video game noob who wasn't awed for years by the final fantasy series. Plain and simple I consider random battles to be just lazy game design. This creates little atmosphere around each character/enemy you encounter (not sure if they still do this as I gave up after 8 ). Plus I can't stand the more recent "complete an objective get a cgi movie cutscene as your reward" idea. Feels like I am watching a movie not playing a game. FF7 really felt like this for me and after that, besides playing part of FF8 I pretty much gave up on the series. Not sure why you attacked non final fantasy fans DMfunk, seems like nobody in this thread had slammed the series, just said what game in the series was their least favorite.

Okay now back to my Sega pico and animal crackers, even though its past my bedtime.
I found Final Fantasy 5, 8, 10 (and it's sequel), to be quite mediocre. The worst of the bunch is the unforgivable Final Fantasy 2 for the NES.
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