Worst game ever???

The worst game I have ever played was Overblood for the PS1. It was a survival horror game, without the horror. Basically you fight only 6 enemies during the course of the game, and they are all the same enemy. The acting is super cheesy (If you thought RE had bad acting, wait till you see this award winner...). I swear there is a part where a girl wakes up and says to the guy, "You mean as much to me as a worm in a petri dish" or something, and she says it with such terrible acting as well. The game is totally unplayable. It shouldn't have been made...
I think the worst game has to be the Rocketeer for SNES. To think I almost bought it (shudder). It was horrible. The only thing it had going for it were the nice graphics.
Although GTA/Vice City is highly overrated and I think kinda lame, it's no where near the worst game ever.

ET for the Atari
Aquaman (GC/PS2/XBOX)
Superman 64 for the N64

I think I'd take GTA over those stinkers!
I know their might be worse games than this, but the topic is the worst game "I've" played so it's gotta be Carnage Heart. Home Alone for NES was pretty bad.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I know their might be worse games than this, but the topic is the worst game "I've" played so it's gotta be Carnage Heart. Home Alone for NES was pretty bad.[/quote]

carnage heart is AMAZING!!! did u know how to play it or just you couldnt figure it out and u quit?
I might have to agree with overblood actually. I
really gave that game a chance, but it was
completly boring and all the puzzles sort of seemed
ass backward...
[quote name='defender']Cliffhanger and it was on the SNES and Genesis. It was really bad control.[/quote]

Dont forget the Sega CD version
Yeah I can't believe I actually sat through overblood to the end... I think the only good that came out of that game was a couple of laughs at the cheese factor. Hell Onimusha had better acting than this...
It takes a special kind of person to actually like Carange Heart, but to me it sucked. I couldn't stand to look at it. Besides I play a game to "play" and be entertained. Carnage Heart felt like I was at work or something, like it was a chore to play it. And you didn't even control you mech.
Carnage Heart looked like it would be pretty cool. However, it was geared more towards programmers from what I could see. I was just thinking about looking for this one.

As far as bad games go...lest we forget the Make My Video titles for Sega CD.
So would the Kris Kross and Marky Mark "Make My Videos" for Sega CD be considered "games", because you could smell those stinkers from a mile away.

Night Trap was another really lousy one for the Sega CD, and the Scottie Pippen basketball one was as well.

An let's not forget Kasumi Ninja and Ultra Vortex for the Jaguar. Both of them were lousy as far as fighters go. Club Drive was another terrible one on the platform as well.

Also, we can't forget the stinker of SlamScape for the PSX, where even though I'm in one of the videos included in the game, the game itself is god awful.

Just throwing in a couple titles into the fray.
[quote name='BigDirty']So would the Kris Kross and Marky Mark "Make My Videos" for Sega CD be considered "games", because you could smell those stinkers from a mile away.

Night Trap was another really lousy one for the Sega CD, and the Scottie Pippen basketball one was as well.

An let's not forget Kasumi Ninja and Ultra Vortex for the Jaguar. Both of them were lousy as far as fighters go. Club Drive was another terrible one on the platform as well.

Also, we can't forget the stinker of SlamScape for the PSX, where even though I'm in one of the videos included in the game, the game itself is god awful.

Just throwing in a couple titles into the fray.[/quote]

Yea the Jaguar games let me down many times, the only good ones I played that ive played on the system are doom,tempest,wolf3d,Aliens vs Predator (which I got on release day). Sega CD did have a bunch of crap, but then it had a good bit of decent games as well. Its pretty awlful to go back and look at some of the video from it though :)
Sorry Carange Heart is the second worst game I ever played. I forgot about alittle jewel for the Jaguar Fight for Life. This game is a bucket of vomit.
Most of the games I played were at least halfway redeemable, but two notably poor games were The Adventures of Willy Beamish and Night Trap for the Sega CD, mostly due to their lack of actual gameplay.
I think maybe it was home alone 2 that I was playing :). Captain planet is one of the worst nes games that I have played. And Where's Waldo is another one. My nextdoor neighbor got it for her birthday, and a 7 year old could finish the game in like less than 5 minutes...
Once again, I remind you that Carnage Heart was aimed at programmers. You had to create the AI that the mechs would use. I guess because it required thinking, it's gets classified as 'bad.' It's the only game I know of that comes with a seperate CD just for game tutorials.

It would be like an RPG fanatic calling Doom a bad game. Just because the genre is different and not to your liking doesn't make it bad. Games that are universally bad exist...CH isn't one of them.

Games like most (all?) of the Terminator games for the NES, or that horrid Transformers NES game...THOSE are bad.
Also, let's not forget the games with a message, like Wally Bear and The NO! Gang, I remembered that atrocity while I was on lunch.
Time Killers (arcade) was horrbile, yet funny...mostly horrible.

Take characters that look like a 16-bit version of characters from River City Ransom, Give them Road Warriors outfits, and then make it so thier limbs could be taken off, and then the brutal fatalities. Unfortunately it was like watching TV while holding a controller and pressing buttons cause the controls were so horrid.
Forgive me for expressing my opinion, to think a game you like is bad. I did say that not all people would agree that "Carnage Heart" is the worst game "I've" played. So I will repeat my self hopefully for the last time, it is the second worst game "I've" ever played. That was the name of the topic, right?

Yes Canrage Heart does require thinking, but every game requires thinking, even the Sesame Street ABC games.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Yes Canrage Heart does require thinking, but every game requires thinking, even the Sesame Street ABC games.[/quote]

Your missing the not-so-subtle jab just confirms my thinking. If CH is the second worst game you've played, consider yourself lucky.

And now someone's saying Time Killers is bad. Someone needs to post a link to Seanbaby's Ten Worst NES Games Of All Time so we can get some perspective.
It may not be the worst game ever, but Mario Party 5 pissed me off like no game ever. Nintendo just CRAPPED that game out. Boo.
ARGH! M.U.S.C.L.E., X-Men on NES, Heroes of the Lance. All other bad games pale before their collective might!

I think even the Atari 2600 laughed at MUSCLE.
Dreams: to Reality, a PSX PAL import. I can't even the weirdness of this game. Some of you may recognize the art if you saw it, as it was done by a semi-famous French (I believe) painter, but the gameplay is utterly horrible.
I can't belive someone is actually debating with me in what games I don't like. What's the point of posting if I can't express my opinions.

Okay how bout this ET for Atari is the worst game ever. "Carnage Heart" rules because it requires thinking, and any game that requires thinking has to be good because it was made for programmers and programmers are smart, therefore if I play Carnage Heart I feel like I'm smart because programmers are smart. Their, you won, hope your happy.
Anyone remember the Barney Hide and Seek game? Total piece of garbage. It is so easy there is no point to it. You can beat the game simply by holding right on the controller. There is no posible way to lose unless you turn it off.

Another bad game is Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. I swear all you do is run through a house and find little kids...
[quote name='snotnose_colossal']I think we are all forgetting about SHAQ-Fu, Moonwalker and Revolution-X[/quote]

Why does everyone hate on Moonwalker? That was a pretty good game IMO and Gamespot even gave it one of the greatest games titles.
[quote name='snotnose_colossal']I think we are all forgetting about SHAQ-Fu, Moonwalker and Revolution-X[/quote]

I thoroughly enjoyed Shaq-Fu if you can believe that (for the Genesis)...even bought it...lol...although I must admit it wasn't the greatest game.

Another game most people thought was pathetic that I could not stop playing was Quest 64...went through it on more than one occasion and actually all in one day the first time I beat it. :)
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I can't belive someone is actually debating with me in what games I don't like. What's the point of posting if I can't express my opinions. [/quote]

LOL settle down Beavis. :lol:

No one's saying you can't NOT like a game. But don't expect some sort of discourse if someone happens to like a game that you do not. Carnage Heart and Time Killers have been listed, I say I enjoyed them. I never said you couldn't dislike them, I was trying to point out reasons why you might not like them and show that they are more 'niche' titles. (I obviously failed to get that across)

Don't take it personal. It's an internet forum.
Anyone ever play (and enjoy) Brave Fencer Musashi? I tried to like it...same goes for Quest 64. Those two lasted less than a week at my house.
Quest 64 totally rocks :) (Can you tell I was all about Nintendo and craved an RPG from them soooo bad by the time this one came out). I did honestly enjoy it though.
Overblood is not the worst game ever made!!! I got this game for a dollar at EB and thought it was cool. The main guy does run funny though. The funniest part is the voice acting when the robot gets killed, PEEEEEEEEEEEPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! LMAO! There's even an Akira style hovercraft part towards the end. I have definitely played worse games than this, like SONIC R.
[quote name='PsyClerk']Anyone ever play (and enjoy) Brave Fencer Musashi? I tried to like it...same goes for Quest 64. Those two lasted less than a week at my house.[/quote]

i bought brave fencer musashi and liked it for the first few hours. then i put down the controller to play castlevania:sotn and never looked back, lol.
Worst game ever... Psygnosis' Fatal Frame for the Genesis.

Let's just say there's a reason no one could believe Sony paid a fortune for them given that all their stuff SUCKED before they did WipEout. BTW... what ever happened to Psygnosis?
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']Worst game ever... Psygnosis' Fatal Frame for the Genesis.

Let's just say there's a reason no one could believe Sony paid a fortune for them given that all their stuff SUCKED before they did WipEout. BTW... what ever happened to Psygnosis?[/quote]

Psygnosis is now SCEE:Liverpool.
Not a big Halo fan myself...just can't get into it. Tried a few times last year. We had weekly 16 player games in my dorm room (was suite style with 8 living there and 8 guests :)). Just never did enjoy it though. I hear ya Sneaky!
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