Worst Games you bought (Console)

Here's a good question: did anyone here ever own/play Custer's Revenge? I think it was for the Atari 2600, and it was rated as the worst game of all time by EGM a while back. Or maybe the second worse, I know Bible Adventure for the NES was up there too...
[quote name='saigumi']Dash Galaxy and the Alien Asylum for the NES... *shudders*[/quote]
Good LORD that game sucked!

Anyway, buying and playing games for over 25 years I have come across a LOT of shitastic games. My personal lows:
Atari 2600- Rubiks Cube
Colecovision- Smurfs
NES- John Elways Football/ Dash Galaxy/ Total Recall
SNES- Crono Trigger (haha...just kidding), The Lawnmower Man
Sega CD - Sewer Shark
Genesis- Super Nova
Jaguar- Kasumi Ninja
3DO- Way of the Warrior
Saturn- Hot Blooded Family (import)
Nintendo 64- Turok
PSone- Cosmic Race (import), Criticom(my friends and I called it Shiticom)
Dreamcast -Blue Stinger
PS2- Orphen
Gamecube- (haven't bought any I hated yet)
PC- Freedom Force
Xbox- Crimson Sea
Sadly, I've owned them all...but the bad games make you grateful for the AWESOME ones :)
Zelda: OOT

I saw it at a friend's house when I wasn't old enough to appreciate the value of money, and I thought it looked cool, so I paid the full $60 for it (ouch!). It wasn't really bad, but for some reason I expected a little more. I haven't touched it for years now, but hopefully I can sit down with it this summer and finish it.
[quote name='jousley'][quote name='saigumi']Dash Galaxy and the Alien Asylum for the NES... *shudders*[/quote]
Good LORD that game sucked!

Anyway, buying and playing games for over 25 years I have come across a LOT of shitastic games. My personal lows:
Atari 2600- Rubiks Cube
Colecovision- Smurfs
PC- Freedom Force
Xbox- Crimson Sea
Sadly, I've owned them all...but the bad games make you grateful for the AWESOME ones :)[/quote]

Smurfs -- Embarassed to say I played that a lot. Not only the Coleco one at a friend's house, but the Atari port of it as well.

Freedom Force? Good game.

I haven't played Crimson Sea yet, but I do have it. I hope it isn't all that bad.
[quote name='video_gamer324']Zelda: OOT

I saw it at a friend's house when I wasn't old enough to appreciate the value of money, and I thought it looked cool, so I paid the full $60 for it (ouch!). It wasn't really bad, but for some reason I expected a little more. I haven't touched it for years now, but hopefully I can sit down with it this summer and finish it.[/quote]

I couldn't disagree more! That game was and still is excellent!
[quote="guessed Freedom Force? Good game.

I haven't played Crimson Sea yet, but I do have it. I hope it isn't all that bad.[/quote]

Well I don't buy very many PC games at all. Maybe a total of 10 in my lifetime...and by comparison, Freedom Force was the biggest disappointment

As for Crimson Sea....I was expecting Dynasty Warriors in a modern setting....to me, Crimson Sea couldn't carry DWs jock.
-Space Ace for Super Nintendo. What a ridiculously hard piece of crap.

-Other awful SNES games I've had include Batman Returns and Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (I fortunately got the latter for free).

-Top Gear Dare Devil for PS2 was awful too... so bad that I exchanged it at Gamestop the next day. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Genesis. Back when my younger brother had a Genesis in the mid 90's, he wanted the game for his birthday because he was a big Power Rangers fan. Awful game.
[quote name='jshorr']
I also paid 40 for Double Dragon for C64, thinking it would be like the arcade :[/quote]

Whoah! Me too! I still remember trying to force my self to enjoy it.. After that I saved my money up and bought a Sega Master System and Double Dragon to get a better arcade experience.

But to top that, my worst purchase ever was when I bought SimEarth for the SNES the day it came out for $79.99 at Babbages (now Gamestop).. what a rip. I enjoyed simcity for snes so much, i thought the 'sequel' would kick ass too. :?
Batman: Dark Tomorrow and Sneakers for the Xbox. Both sucked really bad.

Smurfs for the Colecovision rocked! Especially after a few beers at 3 in the morning. :D
Like michael6668 I also bought Batman Dark Tomorrow and it blew more than any other game in the history of..... well, history. The graphics were friggin awesome, but the game play was so bad that I was cursing like a manic sailor within five minutes of starting the game.
The funny part is that I feel that I got ripped off worse than I've ever been, even though I got it for $2.99.
Sorry to all you military strategist fans out there, but Kessen is the worst game i have ever paid 20 dollars for. Played for ... 2 minutes (at the most) and traded it into funcoland.
I haven't bought that many bad games so the worst one I have is Silent Hill 2 for Xbox. I hate that game with a passion.

My cousin's friend got Superman 64 for 60 bucks on the first day it was out. I was there when he was playing it. The look of dissappointment was classic.


worst game i have EVER PLAYED

My friend who owns a game store tried to convince me not to buy it cause it blowed.... but me being a huge wrestling fan bought it anyways cause the graphics were great and IGN (cant spell Ignorant without IGN) gave it a 9.1 out of 10

after 2 hours I gave the game back and told him to burn it to hell...
Omg, Zombies Ate My Neighbors kicked ass! (except i played it on the genesis) That was an awesome multiplayer game!
The worst game I have played must be True Crime for the XBox
[quote name='kfkl']Sorry to all you military strategist fans out there, but Kessen is the worst game i have ever paid 20 dollars for. Played for ... 2 minutes (at the most) and traded it into funcoland.[/quote]

What?! Kessen is definitely not the best RST game ever, but it's still worth $20.

I guess the two worst games I've bought would be Enter the Matrix ($50) and Brute Force ($50). Both of those games I was so excited about, both I pre-ordered, and both I bought on launch. Oh, I forgot one, Dead to Rights ($50).
[quote name='Hunter55']No Contest....Zombies Ate My Neighbors for SNES was definitely the worst.[/quote]

I call bullshit! That game is awesome!
I dont think anyone can beat this ebarresing purchase... LOL... MAGIC CARPET For the ps1. Lol wooh.. I remember getting that game at toys r us man... LOL.. I got this when i was about 8 years old. The only thing I remember was flying around on a damnned carpet and shooting fire balls with this arabian music in the background.. LOL.. Also I remember my brother almost beating it. I dont no why in the hell he would try but.. Anyways one day I accidently deleted his file.. LOL wooopsies :shock: my bad :D
Hunter55 wrote:
No Contest....Zombies Ate My Neighbors for SNES was definitely the worst.

I CAN BULL SHIT THAT ALSO! DUDE THAT GAME ROCKS! I REMEMBER GETING THAT A FEW MONTHS AGO. My brother told me about it casue his friend was desperate for it. I found it at gamestop in one of dem used bins.. I WAS LIKE CHA CHING! Well maybe no, but you no.. I loved the look on one of the employies faces when I bought it. The cashier was like, "Shaun this kids buying your game."
Ha ha ha! Suckas.!
Test Drive for the PS2 is pretty far up there. It's #1 redeeming feature was that you can play Pong. And more often did I power it up to play Pong than I powered it up to play Test Drive.
Yeah, I bought Enter The Matrix first day (pre-order), but I actually enjoyed it. I was caught up in Matrix hype and I was like "0MG BULL37 71M3 15 73H R0X0R!!1!1!!
Pokemon Snapshot $50. When I bought this, I didn't know what the hell I was smoking. I thought you could go around taking pics of pokemon in their most cutest positions but noooo I had to stay on a cart! the whole friggin time! Damn you nintendo
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