Worst New Game Ever Bought?

Gungriffon Allied Strike - Xbox. Paid full price and was really looking forward to another good mech game. I guess I should have listened to the reviews. The let down of the game after the anticiptaion was what hurt the most.
[quote name='inosuk']TUROK 2 for Xbox - only played it for like 15 minutes, which was fifteen minutes too long.[/quote]

Wasn't Turok 2 for the N64. Shouldn't it be like Turok 5 for the Xbox?
Since I am the megaman master I get all megaman related games when they come out....I got X7 on the release date for 40, blech. I paid 40 for starfox assault as well which was a huge disappointment.
[quote name='Tromack'][quote name='inosuk']TUROK 2 for Xbox - only played it for like 15 minutes, which was fifteen minutes too long.[/quote]

Wasn't Turok 2 for the N64. Shouldn't it be like Turok 5 for the Xbox?[/quote]

Hell if i know, all i know it was the biggest waste of money ever.
WcW vs NWO for N64. Was I really that desperate for a party game? I think I spent more than $60 for it. Suffice it to say that it was the first and last wrestling game I have or ever will purchase.

Recently, I bought Guardian Heroes Advance as soon as I saw it in a store. I remember thinking, "Hey! Guardian Heroes was awesome on the Saturn!" and "Hey! It's made by Treasure! What could possibly go wrong?" Well, it was hands-down the worst game I have ever purchased, even if it was only $25.
[quote name='greendc27'][quote name='jer7583']Mechassault 2 was up there, but I got it off retail site and got back $20 store credit for it..

I'd have to say Legend of Dragoon. I wanted an RPG and sony's hype machine got me. Terrible, terrible game..[/quote]
i loved legend of dragoon[/quote]

Me too almost more than FF8
South Park, also bought the Ram expansion (2 DOH's!)

Enter The Matrix. For a $5 bargin game, it would be freakin great...for a $50 new game with a $100 million budget, fuck no. That just pissed me off. "Oh look, another phone booth with a cordless phone..."
I rarely buy a game now for $50 or when it is released, but even still most of the ones that I have bought I find some redeeming qualities that I like. But if I had to say the worst $50 game I have ever bought it would be Halo2 which I actually received as a gift, but that's beside the point that they shouldn't have bought it. i won't get into details why I think it wasn't worthwile since I've said it in the past.

For the absolute worst new game that I have bought it would have to be Stake: Fortune Fighters. My God is that game crappy/shitty/what were they thinking. It's almost worse then some PS1 games that I own that are absolutely crap in their own right. At least I only paid $5 for it at last summer's CC sale.
I remember paying $72.99 for Star Wars Shadows of the Empire at KB way back when. It was the only place that had it in stock. Ouch.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I remember paying $72.99 for Star Wars Shadows of the Empire at KB way back when. It was the only place that had it in stock. Ouch.[/quote]

Wow :shock: that's pretty expensive for that game. I could only rent back then since prices were so expensive but that's one of my favorite early gen N64 games.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers'][quote name='SteveMcQ']I remember paying $72.99 for Star Wars Shadows of the Empire at KB way back when. It was the only place that had it in stock. Ouch.[/quote]

Wow :shock: that's pretty expensive for that game. I could only rent back then since prices were so expensive but that's one of my favorite early gen N64 games.[/quote]

Yeah, but I really enjoyed that game. The only other one that I paid that much for was WaveRace 64 at TRU. Pulled up one of those tickets for the price of $69.99. Every other N64 release was at $49.99 thankfully.
Halo 2. Biggest waste of 55 dollars. Luckily demand was still high and I dumped it away about 2 weeks later and took a 10 dollar hit on what I paid.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I remember paying $72.99 for Star Wars Shadows of the Empire at KB way back when. It was the only place that had it in stock. Ouch.[/quote]

:shock: You win just for the price alone.
State of Emergency was the biggest hype job in history for a game. Basically the entire marketing campaign was "Hey! Like Grand Theft Auto 3? This'll be 10 times better!" The Gamestop I went to had HUNDREDS of preorders. Then the game game out, it was a steaming pile of crap. Nowadays, stores can't give it away and traded in copies of SoE are used as doorstops in 9 out of 10 fine dining establishments
[quote name='inosuk']TUROK 2 for Xbox - only played it for like 15 minutes, which was fifteen minutes too long.[/quote]

Incredibly rare though. You should be able to sell it for a small fortune.
Although they're considered top tier titles I was very disappointed with my purchase of SSX for PS2 launch and DOA3 for XBox launch.
[quote name='BlueWingX']Jurassic Park: Trespasser for the PC. I should make a shrine of regret for that one...[/quote]

Gods! Why did you have to bring up that memory. I was so thrilled about this game with all the hype and news about it. Trespasser should go down in history as the biggest, overhyped disaster ever.

Now, I've got to go to therapy to have my mind wiped clean of the memory of spending money on this game when it first came out.
When i bought my Ps2(i bought it late) they offered a free game with it. It was the friday of the week SOE came out, and we all know how much hype it had behind it. It was huge at E3, that year. I almost bought it, but my gf at the time convinced me to buy GTA 3, because i had already played it and knew i loved it. God was she smart!
Turok Evolution and The Thing, bring 2 stinkers to mind.

Best leaps of faith were:

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne and Mortal Kombat Deception!!! I love them to DEATH!!!
[quote name='soulwish2003']N64 - South Park

2600 - Pac Man

2 worst game purchases I ever made.[/quote]

Holy crap. I forgot about Atari 2600 Pac Man. Yeah...that was one of the biggest turds in video game console history. I will never forget those damn blinking ghosts running around.
[quote name='drone8888']Turok Evolution and The Thing, bring 2 stinkers to mind.

I loved the Thing. I had it on PC though. I dont know how the Xbox version turned out.
This is XBox only, my brain can't think back to some of the utter shit I bought for the Atari 5200 and NES.

Raw 2, although State of Emergency is a close second.

What's REALLY sad is, I should have KNOWN SoE would suck - I bought the XBox one, which came out well after the PS2 game. I hadn't actually played it, just saw the "slightly above average" reviews of the PS2 game and figured it would be ok since it was 20 bucks. I thought custom soundtrack support would make the game better - nope. Sold it and got a good chunk of it back thankfully.

Raw 2 is my biggest screw-up. Went out on release day and bought it, despite the voice in my head that said "those preview videos you saw look an awful lot like a more polished version of the crappy the first one..." I think I paid 50 bucks for it. Sold it a week later and took about a 17 dollar hit on it. Oh well.

For those that think Halo 2 is the biggest waste of their game-buying careers...yikes. You either buy nothing but completely amazing games for rock-bottom prices, or you're exaggerating a bit so you can take another dig at Halo 2. To each their own, I suppose.
Actually, Turok was GC, and Thing was PS2.

The graphics just sucked, and the gameplay felt generic. Story progressed nicely, until I just got tired of the lame controls.

Also,........ Southpark on the N64 was awesome.
I got it at a computer show, for $30,... the week it was released. It was going for $50-60 at the time.
I played the sheot out of that game.
I actully still have it.
The engine was unbeatable,.... but that's thanks to good 'ol Turok!!!

Hence the decision to get Evolution.

I should have known better.
[quote name='KaneRobot']For those that think Halo 2 is the biggest waste of their game-buying careers...yikes. You either buy nothing but completely amazing games for rock-bottom prices, or you're exaggerating a bit so you can take another dig at Halo 2. To each their own, I suppose.[/quote]

The only times i buy games at retail are either when they are gifts and I don't have time for a price drop, or it is a can't miss game (San Andreas, Chrono Triggger, Goldeneye N64). I bought games that were flops, but they were usually cheaper games. For me Halo 2 was a boring mess on single player and multiplayer is overrated. If you like it great, but it wasn't for me, and apparently not for my brothers either.
[quote name='mmn']I'm just waiting for the comedian who says "HALO 2!!!!"[/quote]

I guess its time for me to step up to the mike then....

I haven't played Halo 2 once since December. I just don't like it that much. The game seems very rushed (all the graphical glitches and what-not) and the online multiplayer isn't a big deal to me at all (its not THAT fun, seriously. Its really not)

The game is all hype, but believe what you want I guess. If you think that Halo 2 is "TEH ONLY GAME WORTH PLAYING! EVERYTHING ELSE IS TEH SUCK!!!!11111", that's super. Let the rest of us enjoy all the other good games. Wahoo.
Tekken 4, which I sold on eBay about 2 weeks after I bought it. Halo 2 would be a close second, though I only paid $33 for it.
aidyn chronicles, closely followed by outpost

also i would say daikatana 64 (but i was fully aware of its awfulness when i picked it up)
[quote name='KaneRobot']For those that think Halo 2 is the biggest waste of their game-buying careers...yikes. You either buy nothing but completely amazing games for rock-bottom prices, or you're exaggerating a bit so you can take another dig at Halo 2. To each their own, I suppose.[/quote]

the hype was fun, the midnight madness was fun, the game was sort of fun. looking back at it now, im sure i played my 55 bucks worth of Halo2, but i havent touched it in months. Ive played Half Life2 and Street Fighter Aniversary more that Halo2.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers'][quote name='SteveMcQ']I remember paying $72.99 for Star Wars Shadows of the Empire at KB way back when. It was the only place that had it in stock. Ouch.[/quote]

Wow :shock: that's pretty expensive for that game. I could only rent back then since prices were so expensive but that's one of my favorite early gen N64 games.[/quote]

I worked at a Funcoland at the time of N64's launch, and we had games jacked up to $90, because we had to go through multiple distributors to get them in-store. I personally paid $73 for GoldenEye ($90 minus employee discount), but I don't regret the decision. Still have the copy, mint and complete.

[quote name='inosuk'][quote name='Tromack'][quote name='inosuk']TUROK 2 for Xbox - only played it for like 15 minutes, which was fifteen minutes too long.[/quote]

Wasn't Turok 2 for the N64. Shouldn't it be like Turok 5 for the Xbox?[/quote]

Hell if i know, all i know it was the biggest waste of money ever.[/quote]

That was seriously the best answer you could've given to that question, inosuk. Nicely done.
I think it was Chef's Love Shack for the Dreamcast. Of course, that was when EB/Gamestop would accept game returns within 7 days if you didn't like it, so my investment wasn't sour for long...

Good pick, I think I agree. Worst interface ever. Totally ruined a great great series.

[quote name='dj_stretch']Buddy of mine says Master of Orion 3 on the PC.[/quote]
[quote name='KaneRobot']For those that think Halo 2 is the biggest waste of their game-buying careers...yikes. You either buy nothing but completely amazing games for rock-bottom prices, or you're exaggerating a bit so you can take another dig at Halo 2. To each their own, I suppose.[/quote]

That's exactly what it is. Halo 2 is popular and fun so it must have a giant backlash against it. Its a rule with anything popular in media. Look at music - there's a whole group of people out there who think ANY song played on the radio sucks, simply because its popular enough to be played on the radio.

Don't worry about these people who hate on Halo 2 all day long. In their eyes, you're not a real gamer unless you're playing old Dreamcast imports or something. F*ck 'em.
Ultima: Ascension (Dragon Edition): 69.99

While it came with the Ultima Anthology, a few of which I can play with modern emulators, and also the soundtrack on cd and a ton of cool extras, the game itself was not very good. Buggy as hell, actually. Still, graphically, it still somehow holds up.
[quote name='graft']WcW vs NWO for N64. [/quote]

i bought that game for a 12 pack from a buddy in college. I played the sheeite out of that game.
I have never bought a game for full price that I thought was crappy. But I remember 2 years back I was all hyped on Brute Force and I had my sister get it for me on release day, which was 2 days before my b-day. Played it on my b-day and I felt I had ripped my sister off for having her buy that piece of crap for me.
Tiger Woods 2000 for PC.

I think I only payed $35 for it... but, the game was literally unplayable in every way, and EA should have been embarassed to release such garbage.

After Tiger Woods 99, which was very popular online, I splurged. And got screwed.

Never trust EA again after that.
[quote name='drone8888']Also,........ Southpark on the N64 was awesome.
I got it at a computer show, for $30,... the week it was released. It was going for $50-60 at the time.
I played the sheot out of that game.
I actully still have it.
The engine was unbeatable,.... but that's thanks to good 'ol Turok!!![/quote]

What are you on crack? The game had one enemy per level - but yeah killing the same turkey for 20 minutes is pretty sweet.
The only game I've (not really me, but my dad) ever paid full price - Shadow Dancer. It was something like $55 when good guys still sold video games. I had played Revenge of Shinobi and thought it was great. Shadow Dancer on the other hand was a big let down.

Other games I've bought off ebay but were disappointed by them even though I got them really cheap:
Bouncer - $5 - the fighting was crappy, dumb AI
lotr: return of the king - $7 - was not a fun experience, dumb AI
Silent hill 2 for $6 - found it quite boring after the first few hours.

I feel for the people who bought Bouncer and return of the king at full price.
[quote name='mmn'][quote name='KaneRobot']For those that think Halo 2 is the biggest waste of their game-buying careers...yikes. You either buy nothing but completely amazing games for rock-bottom prices, or you're exaggerating a bit so you can take another dig at Halo 2. To each their own, I suppose.[/quote]

That's exactly what it is. Halo 2 is popular and fun so it must have a giant backlash against it. Its a rule with anything popular in media. Look at music - there's a whole group of people out there who think ANY song played on the radio sucks, simply because its popular enough to be played on the radio.

Don't worry about these people who hate on Halo 2 all day long. In their eyes, you're not a real gamer unless you're playing old Dreamcast imports or something. F*ck 'em.[/quote]

Yeah, fuck everyone who didn't like Halo 2, how ignorant is that? I actually like some of the "popular" games. Games like the Grand Theft Auto series and Madden I can enjoy and they seem pretty damn popular. Did I once say anyone wasn't a real gamer for enjoying Halo 2? I find it wildly amusing how personal fans of the game get when someone says they don't like it. And if you get worried about people disliking your favorite game, then you have serious issues. I only replied to the topic created.
bread's done