Worst or best blog ever? Title Changed. You gotta read this...

had the entire house to myself. What did I do? Ate, played games and masterbated all night. Fun times. So I was home alone and I stared to get hungry, I rifled through the pizza menus and found a place that delivers up to 4:00 AM... Partner's bar. No it isn't a gay bar, although it does sound like one. But yeah bars are open that late. Plus this bar is also a restaurant so I think underagers can even go in. Anyway, I ordered a chicken finger sub, hot, oil mayo no onion and a box of fries... at 2:00 AM in the morning. I am sooo hardcore!

Damn he is so hardcore!
I have recently found this thread and it is easily the best thread (other than the deals) I have ever read. the stuff on the first through about 3 page is hilarious. I love JSweeney's song. As Defender said earlier, I can't stop laughing.
[quote name='Lootr2Core']BWAAA it returns the best worst blog ever thread has returned!

"I smell incentive to lose weight![/quote]

Oh man I loved that qoute. It was a prime example for laughing my ass off.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I'm all for flaming people, especially the stupid ones, but I dunno how I feel about this. It's almost crossing the line.

Then again, if you don't want it read and commented on, don't post it on the internet.

Carry on.[/quote]

I think I will carry on, thanks WSB.

Has it been mentioned that he is fat? Thats gotta amount for something.
Did you hear? He's also a monkey.

[quote name='st0neface']
If you read earlier, he steals previously, and makes fun of mentally handicapped people, says he has a small penis, says Pink Floyd is gay, makes fun of other fat people, can't keep a job, lives with his parents at 20, at the worst offense, doesn't like Kill Bill Vol. 2, and the funniest of all is the girl he's looking for:

"18 - 23 year old female. Any race or ethnicity is okay. I prefer a non smoker. Light/social drinker is okay, but I prefer non drinker. I actually prefer a straight-edge female (No drinking, no smoking, no drugs, no casual sex). I would love it if she was into some my interests, like Video Games, Lord of the Rings, etc. Basically I need a girl who can kick my ass in Halo, and then lay down with me and watch a 4 hr movie (Lord of the Rings Extended Cut). And when I say that, I mean someone who doesn't just watch it because Orlando Bloom (Legolas) is hot. I mean someone that can actually understand the movie and talk about it in a intelligent way, because LOTR is a classic, both film and literature (Yes I own the books, and read the books multiple times, and fully understand the story). Basically I am looking for a Geeky straight edge girl. Looks are unimportant to me. "[/quote]

What, he doesn't like casual sex, what a loser
"I am also tired of foreigners coming to America and taking all the jobs that they have to talk to people; Tech support, customer service, telemarketing etc. It pisses me off when I try to get help with my wireless card I have to speak to Apu who can't speak english. He shouldn't be working tech support, he should be filling my slurpee cup! He should be serving me a roller dog! Why do people hire people for phone jobs, when they can't even speak our language? It is ludicrious! It is all the time too, whenever I call AOL, or adelphia (Cable company) or microsoft, or SMC, or encore. I am, tired of it. And I am sure many of you people are tired of it as well. Then you are thinking, man I really want to speak to an american instead, but you can't really say it, because it may be deemed racist or something. Okay you are coming to a predominately english speaking country to live. You have a really thick and annoying accent, so thick you cannot understand them, why the hell do you apply, and get the phone jobs? You are getting paid to talk to english speaking people, yet you can't speak englsih. maybe you should stick to pumping my gas, or folding my laundry okay... "

I don't know about you but im perfectly happy about Indians answering my calls, they are sometimes better than the Mexicans answering my call. As long as they can fix my problem im down wit that. I was made in China, let his overweight, 2 inch dick say that he hates foreigners to my face.
I really like how he says on his blog he's "so happy he got banned", yet says in his last burst of posts that he is going go to the library or employ other methods to get back on.
I bet he'll be all over the chats as well.

I finally understand what the core demographic Howard Stern is aim for now is.
bread's done