Worst. Roommate. Ever. (with Pics!)


Short version: Friend moved in a psycho hot chick who trashed the house, stole his money, and now isn't moving out!

Here's the long version, for anyone who's up to the task. This is VERY LONG, so beware!

My friend Nick has gotten himself into quite a mess in the last couple of months. He's renting a 3 bedroom house, and his last roommate left on short notice, leaving Nick to pay the rent by himself - which he couldn't afford to do - meaning he had to find a new roomie, fast. Enter Craigslist - He put up an ad looking for a roomie, got a few replies but nothing panned out.... until Alea replied. She wanted to move in right away, and had the cash in hand... an offer he couldn't refuse, and it didn't hurt that he thought she was HOT! She has 2 pit mixes, which Nick wasn't too enthused about living with, and had a job as a flight attendent (though she was on worker's comp for the past 2 years, she was supposed to resume working in a month, making plenty of money)

She started moving in her stuff right away (this is the very end of March, BTW)- tons of things, clothes, etc. in walmart bags. All these bags went straight onto the living room floor. She didn't move in any furniture other than her couch... Nick's furniture got moved to the patio or the garage. Since she didn't move in a bed, she slept on her couch in the living room.

Weeks went by, and she still didn't get settled in. In fact, the bags upon bags of things kept piling up. It got to the point where the floor couldn't be vacuumed in the living room because of all the -stuff-. And boy, did the floor ever need to be vacuumed! The dogs DESTROY all their toys within hours - doesn't help that Alea buys her dogs boxes of Walmart 88c dog toys - not designed for tough chewers. Every day, it was a warzone, stuffing and cloth and chewed up plastic bits everywhere. Once, Nick moved some of her bags into a bedroom, and he got chewed out for moving her stuff.

At this time, she was supposed to go back to work in 2 weeks. The place was still a mess, and I offered to help get things together. I stayed at the house for a week helping, and the only thing that got done was spraypainting half the furniture white, and chopping down the trees in the backyard... Nick and I both asked her if she could, maybe, start getting the inside of the house together, but that was denied - to her, the painting of the furniture was of utmost importance, and cleaning the kitchen counter off so it was useable was low on the list.

In the second half of May, Nick was checking his account balance online, and noticed a couple charges he couldn't account for. Since they were checks, and the online banking provides images of his checks, he looked at them, and SURPRISE! These 3 checks were written out to Alea, in what looked exactly liker HER handwriting (and didn't look anything like Nicks' writing, or signature). There were a total of 3 checks written out to her, by her, totalling $1200, deposited over 4 days during April. Nick called the bank and asked for their advice. He knew that he couldn't live with her now, but he couldn't kick her out right away without having a replacement roomie to help with the bills. He reported the checks as fraudulent, and signed the affidavit stating he didn't write them. It was now the bank's turn.

Meanwhile, the situation at the house was getting worse. Alea still hadn't returned to work - it seems whenever she needed to go back to work, she "accidentaly" hurt herself and needed some more time to recover. The dogs took to shitting in the back room (her supposed bedroom, though the room was still empty) She didn't clean it up, either. The entire house stank of dog shit, and the scent was detectable even standing on the front porch. I personally went into the room a time or two and picked up the piles of crap that were accumulating and threw them outside.

The kitchen was also disgusting. Alea must have some sort of OCD condition, because her actions don't make sense otherwise. For more than a month, the dishwasher was unusable, because she had it filled with shampoo bottles, lotion bottles, toothpaste bottles, etc. The dirty dishes were piling up on the counter. It got to the point where EVERY dish and cup were dirty and sittng on the counter. Alea didn't want to use the dishwasher and wash the plates, because she "needed" to bleach out the cabinets, and the dishes would have to be washed again anyways. I got fed up with seeing modly cups and took it upon myself to take her shampoo out of the dishwasher and actually wash some dishes.

Eventually the bank got back to Nick about the checks. He was waiting on them before giving her the boot, hoping that the bank would get the money back out of her account and she would realize that he knew about the theft... unfortunately, that never happened. The bank returned the $1200 to Nick, but they never went after Alea for writing the checks - the paperwork was late, they said. Nick talked to someone at the bank about this, and they said if he filed a police report, they would send out their PI and hopefully get something done to her. Nick was torn in between reporting her to the police and getting her charged with multiple felonies and messing up her life - and trying to get $1200 out of her (since he already got his money back from the bank, this would be an extra $1200).

A little over a month ago, Nick was fed up with the situation - 4 months of living here, and the house was still a wreck, and she still didn't move in any furniture. He decided it was time to confront her about the checks. He had copies of the checks from the bank, and went outside with her on the patio and put the checks down on the table, and said "explain this". Naturally there was a big sob story, "Oh I don't understand why you're doing this, I thought we already discussed it"... He told her that by tommorrow, she better be able to give him a damn good reason not to kick her out and report it to the cops.

A day, 2, passed, and she didn't say anything. Nick decides to confront her again, this time in front of me and her boyfriend (who was a friend of Nick's). Her story goes, "Yeah, I took your money because I needed it really bad, but then after I did it I asked you about it and you said it was OK." Strange, because Nick doesn't remember any of this. She says she left him voicemails and text messages where they've discussed this, and she'll prove it. She says she doesn't want to live with him if he doesn't believe her, and she says she has 30 days to leave, legally, and then she'd be gone.

Now we are at the present...
Unsurprisingly, it's been 30 days, and she's still here. In fact, after she said she was going to leave, she moved MORE stuff in. She's been wanting to "talk" with Nick the past couple days, about what, I don't know, but we're expecting her to say something like, "I'm not moving out yet, I don't have any place to go, please let me stay".... Yeah fucking righ. For the past month, she's hardly been here - she maybe comes over for 30 minutes a day to take the dogs out (and they're still shitting on the carpet)

Here comes the best part - pictures! The pics of the house were taken today...


Living room



Another Bedroom view

Her Bedroom... the furniture was just moved in this past month, she's never used the bedroom (obviously)


Oh, almost forgot a picture of the she-devil herself (not the best angle, but all I have right now)
Well I think we can rule out the possibility she is a meth-head. Doesn't appear to be obsessively cleaning ;)

Spin that chick around and take us CAG's a picture.. let's see how much she should be allowed to get away with before we start judging too harshly.

Oh wait, she has a boyfriend and is a complete fucking mess as a housemate and as a person. Help your friend get the resolve to boot her ass.
Sucks to be Nick, so filthy ass crazy bitch with nasty dogs in house. She steals, is lazy, and broke to boot. Nick should just have the police come arrest her ass get her shit out of there and find another roomate, surely they can't all be fucking crazy.
She shouldn't be allowed to "get away" with anything, but you still need to deliver on more/better pics of this chick. Preferrably in that same bikini top and sweats outfit in the one you already provided.

On second thought, lose the sweats--just the bikini. xD
It's not worth it. There are plenty of hot girls in the world who AREN'T lazy, inconsiderate, trifling, theives to have to put up with this particular chick.

Tell Nick to get her the fuck out his house as soon as he can.
if I were you, I'd get those dogs REMOVED...Give her a warning saying you have 1-2 weeks to either A-take responsiblity of your dogs or B-Give them away. They are doing damage to the house and making it smell like shit. If in 2 weeks the dogs are still there, call animal control and have them removed period. If she bitches, say you gave her that fair warning and if she brings them back then just open the door and let them run loose and hopefully they run away.

I'd really, and I mean really file charges against that girl for writing those checks...that is a federal crime I believe and she needs to be punished. I don't care how hot she is, do you really want to come home one day and see all your goods stolen so she can buy crack?

Dude, getting a stiffy is not worth this shit.
btw is she having a kid or has a bit of fat in her stomach??

I've been looking at those photos for a while now, but I still can't find Waldo.

Give 'er the boot.
[quote name='ITDEFX']btw is she having a kid or has a bit of fat in her stomach??


gee, im not tryin to defend that crazy bitch.. but thats why everyone in america has eating disorders cuz of views like that lol

Just call the cops on the bitch, thats all !
[quote name='lilboo']gee, im not tryin to defend that crazy bitch.. but thats why everyone in america has eating disorders cuz of views like that lol

Just call the cops on the bitch, thats all ![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I have to agree, that's a fucking retarded comment. ITDEFX should be ashamed.

And Nick should call the cops.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']Well I think we can rule out the possibility she is a meth-head. Doesn't appear to be obsessively cleaning ;)[/QUOTE]

Sadly, you're not entirely correct. The bedroom walls used to be blue. She painted them... with the help of chemicals and buddies of hers.

One day the landlord came over to fix something, and I was with Nick somewhere. We came home and found a baggie of meth (several hundred $ worth) in the middle of the floor, where the landlord could have easily seen it... Not cool.

I think he's gonna give her the boot once and for all pretty soon. I think he's still holding out because she owes him a lot of money - she hasn't paid her share of rent or bills this past month, plus he still wants the $1200 from her. She 'could' come up with the money, her dad's loaded. Regardless, this is not going to go on much longer. He talked to a cop the other day and the cop said they'd give her 10 days and then they'd remove her and her stuff.
If this was anywhere else, all her shit would be on the fuckin street. When he said 1 or 2 days, the bitch had 1 or 2 days to move out and then the stuff should of been sold or thrown out. You already have pictures of the situtation. You should also tell him to file actiob against her for those checks weather or not he get the $1200 back, she should still pay him $1200 regardless.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Yeah, I have to agree, that's a fucking retarded comment. ITDEFX should be ashamed.

dude what the fuck did I say that was wrong?? The point is if his friend was smart, he would have gotten rid of her a long time ago. She doesn't look hot period and for his friend to keep her around is just asking for more trouble.
If anyone thinks of this person as anything other than an inconsiderate, frightening slob, (i.e., if you're thinking of forgiving her because you want to put your penis in her vagina in whatever imaginary world you live in), you're a fucking moron.

My sympathies go out to your friend. I hope that there is no formal paperwork involved, and that you and others will be good friends, and move all her shit out for her. Make him buy you some beers, and all will be kosher.

Let me say this: those piles of bags signal to me that, if you expect her to move everything out on her own, she will leave those bags in there for *months*. Take the initiative, or things will get worse. She's gotta go, homie.

EDIT: forget some of what I said; I just read the rest of the OP: get the police involved. If your friend doesn't, then consider yourself responsible for the next person she does this to. Also, try to find out if her boyfriend (your friend) is hip to any of this bullshit she's pulled. He sure may be, to your surprise.

EDIT: ITDEFX, I get the impression that if you look at a woman like that, and think she "has a bit of stomach fat," you spend far too much time with Playboy and FHM magazines, and far too little time with women in the real world. I'm not tryin' to take the piss, but for fuck's sake, homeboy, if you think that girl has some fat, your standards are just way the fuck out of whack with reality. Unless you've exclusively dated professional volleyball players or some shit.
Just toss some of her shit one by one. She probably wouldn't notice since she has so much of it.
I had one roommate who was a basket case. She threaten to "Stab me in the heart with a kitchen knife" (Yes...those were her own words). My other roommates and I all turned against her and threw her ass out.

I gave you guys the short story. There was a lot more but I dont feel like typing up my life story...
[quote name='2poor']Just toss some of her shit one by one. She probably wouldn't notice since she has so much of it.[/QUOTE] Hehe... we were thinking more along the lines of eBay (she has TONS of clothes, brand new never worn, still with tags, along with a ton of other stuff)
[quote name='pinatamonkey']Sadly, you're not entirely correct. The bedroom walls used to be blue. She painted them... with the help of chemicals and buddies of hers.

One day the landlord came over to fix something, and I was with Nick somewhere. We came home and found a baggie of meth (several hundred $ worth) in the middle of the floor, where the landlord could have easily seen it... Not cool.

I think he's gonna give her the boot once and for all pretty soon. I think he's still holding out because she owes him a lot of money - she hasn't paid her share of rent or bills this past month, plus he still wants the $1200 from her. She 'could' come up with the money, her dad's loaded. Regardless, this is not going to go on much longer. He talked to a cop the other day and the cop said they'd give her 10 days and then they'd remove her and her stuff.[/quote]

Holy shit.. I was just joking around, but Jesus, those cops can't get there fast enough.

I can't believe it, those kids I've known that did meth were all total neat freaks. Sweeping and shit at 5:30am when I would be going to work. God that chick just became a grosser than gross joke.
Publix Grociery bags, she's Floridian. Threads over.

I grew up in Florida all my life, Floridian chicks are insane, especially Certral Florida chicks.
[quote name='pinatamonkey']Hehe... we were thinking more along the lines of eBay (she has TONS of clothes, brand new never worn, still with tags, along with a ton of other stuff)[/quote]
Becareful with selling stolen merchandise.
I gotta say Nick has to be the most patient and nicest guys I've EVER seen! If that was me, I wouldn't have even let it go that far. The girl could be Carmen Electra for all I care, it wouldn't happen.

I feel really sorry for him that he had to put up with that BS and hope that things work out for him.
[quote name='ITDEFX']dude what the fuck did I say that was wrong?? The point is if his friend was smart, he would have gotten rid of her a long time ago. She doesn't look hot period and for his friend to keep her around is just asking for more trouble.[/QUOTE]

The fat part was pretty uncalled for. There's no way she's fat. I totally agree that she's an asshole, however, and should be thrown on the street.
1) Tell your friend to CALL THE COPS ALREADY!!!

2) What in the hell is the landlord doing? Has he seen the place? Why let him and her get away with all this? Honestly I'm suprised someone hasn't filed a zoning complaint with the city saying she put a landfill where an apartment used to be...
[quote name='mykevermin']
EDIT: ITDEFX, I get the impression that if you look at a woman like that, and think she "has a bit of stomach fat," you spend far too much time with Playboy and FHM magazines, and far too little time with women in the real world. I'm not tryin' to take the piss, but for fuck's sake, homeboy, if you think that girl has some fat, your standards are just way the fuck out of whack with reality. Unless you've exclusively dated professional volleyball players or some shit.[/QUOTE]

the reason why i said either baby or fat, was because from her side it looks like she might be carrying a kid......just to let you know that because I work in the school system, every freaking year someone gets pregnant..and if that was the case, I'd feel real bad if I had to kick someone out who was going to have a kid...that was my point, maybe I should have clairfied it before... and yea...so sue me for playing too much DOA:XBV for the xbox :)
She looks like a chick I dated in Florida from another glance... Is her name Ally? (I think thats her name... she had a stomach ulcer she used for skipping work)
[quote name='ITDEFX']the reason why i said either baby or fat, was because from her side it looks like she might be carrying a kid......just to let you know that because I work in the school system, every freaking year someone gets pregnant..and if that was the case, I'd feel real bad if I had to kick someone out who was going to have a kid...that was my point, maybe I should have clairfied it before... and yea...so sue me for playing too much DOA:XBV for the xbox :)[/quote]

Because you go to Middle School, doesnt mean you "Work" in the school system.
not for nothin'

nick's a fucking idiot

he should have physically thrown her stuff and her out into the street the second he found out about the checks

problem solved

he is allowing this to happen to him
If she has no trouble stealing and writing checks, I would be seriously worried about the stuff in your room. Make sure she doesn't move out and "accidentally" steal all your valueble stuff. It would also be funny to have all her drugs like out in the open with her name written on it *( DO NOT TOUCH! MINE!!!!) on the top of her bag when the cops come to move her out lol.
Good luck on the whole thing, but I dont forsee a good result.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Publix Grociery bags, she's Floridian. Threads over.

I grew up in Florida all my life, Floridian chicks are insane, especially Certral Florida chicks.[/QUOTE]

Well, the fact that the OP is from Orlando, FL gave away the fact that this whole story probably takes place in Florida ;)
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Because you go to Middle School, doesnt mean you "Work" in the school system.[/quote]

I lol'ed.

Can't see the pictures, really curious about these shopping bags...
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Because you go to Middle School, doesnt mean you "Work" in the school system.[/QUOTE]

give me your email so I can send you a scanned copy of my pay stub beatch!!!

[quote name='Roufuss']Well, the fact that the OP is from Orlando, FL gave away the fact that this whole story probably takes place in Florida ;)[/quote]

Mine says Oklahoma City, I dont live there.
[quote name='Roufuss']Well, the fact that the OP is from Orlando, FL gave away the fact that this whole story probably takes place in Florida ;)[/QUOTE]

i thought the south flordia chicks where the crazy ones. but then again i never lived in central florida.
[quote name='ITDEFX']btw is she having a kid or has a bit of fat in her stomach??


No, my friend, chicks are ALLOWED to have some meat on them.

IF you wants teh bones go over to china, or maybe india. I'm sure some of those starving arse chicks would love to hook up.

From that view, aint nothing looks wrong on her.

Anyways. Yeah call the cops, but cop a feel first
[quote name='ITDEFX']give me your email so I can send you a scanned copy of my pay stub beatch!!!


Working at the middle school doesn't mean you have to act like a middle school student.
[quote name='ITDEFX']give me your email so I can send you a scanned copy of my pay stub beatch!!!


I live in Charlottesville, Va... how about we meet somewhere, and I'll video this and put it on CAG. I'm dying to know if you're really 12. I'm sure others would like to, too.

Tell me where you live and let me see your pay check in person. Its less than a 2 hour drive for me.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I live in Charlottesville, Va... how about we meet somewhere, and I'll video this and put it on CAG. I'm dying to know if you're really 12. I'm sure others would like to, too.

Tell me where you live and let me see your pay check in person. Its less than a 2 hour drive for me.[/QUOTE]

lol, how about i just post my pay stub shortly.. why do I want to meet you? You have nothing I want. Perhaps your one of those people on the internet who drives long distances to meet kids ... wasn't this on Dateline NBC a few months back?

meeting and videos.......*shivers*..... now that is wacked dude.
I know a really hot girl who lives like a slob, she's REALLY rich, but her parents don't want her at home, so they just throw her money, a place, and she just smokes bud all day and spills bong water over everything. :p
You know... if 30 days are up, and he's given her notice... I would just wait 'til she's gone and move EVERYTHING of hers to the lawn. Including the dogs.

If she comes home and starts threatening or making a scene, call the cops.
[quote name='Autumn Star']She is decent looking; however, she needs to go.
Call the cops already.[/quote]
how can you tell? don't get me wrong, i'd hit it from that angle, but i need some forewarning if i'm gonna flip the bitch over and let her see my O face
bread's done