Worthless Games


These are the games you would only accept if someone gave them to you for free - and that's just to be nice.

Let's start a list of games you know to be worth almost absolute zero - so that we know what crappy deals to look out for (sports titles not included - we all know about those).

I'll start: I found a game at Half Price Books I'd never heard of called C-12: Final Resistance for PlayStation. I thoght I'd better go home and look it up before paying the 4.98 they wanted for it.

They have some for 45¢ on Amazon; less that stellar reviews. Whew!

007 James Bond (Atari 2600)
Alien 3
American Gladiator (SNES)
Bad Boys II
Batman Dark Tomorrow
Blue Stinger
C-12: Final Resistance
Charlies Angel
Corvette (PS2)
Dark Stone
Divine Divinity
Drake of the 99 dragons
Ephemeral Fantasia
Ford Racing 2
Fight Club
Fur Fighters
Hot Pursuit 2 for Xbox & GC.
Irritating Stick
Killer Instinct Gold
KISS: Psycho Circus
Madden games
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Monster Seed
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 for Xbox & GC.
N.A.R.C. (The remake...the original was great)
Ping Pals
Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
Soul Fighter
Spirit of Speed 1937
Starfox Adventures
State of Emergency
Superman 64
Super Trucks Racing
Total Overdose
Turok EvolutionSiren (of course, YMMV. Some people adored it.)
Unlimited SaGa
V.I.P. (Playsation)
The X-Files.
Nothing will beat either Drake of the 99 dragons or charlies angels. Drake was hardly even a game, more like a shitty,shitty alpha. and Charlies Angels was what you would expect it to be, a turd sandwitch.
[quote name='megaseadramon']Oni was also really crappy. Rockstar some how let that one slip.[/QUOTE]
and Bungie, IIRC
Off topic: megaseadramon, you're a Clerks fan? Kevin Smith is my FAVORITE director, maayne. I've got ALL of his movies, even Jersey Girl [blech]

On Topic: 'Beyblade' for PS1
[quote name='megaseadramon']Oni was also really crappy. Rockstar some how let that one slip.[/QUOTE]

Oni was developed by Bungie....
Some are good though, just after introduction of other mediums.

For example... Superman 64 sucks balls. But once you add about a liter of Captain Morgan's... BOOM!! It's 200% better.. hell, Superman even starts flying in directions that you intended him to go in the first place.

Add to that list: Any Bible Adventures/Veggie Tales game.
I'm probably going to be flamed to hell for this, but:

Siren (of course, YMMV. Some people adored it.)
Unlimited SaGa
The X-Files (PSX) [got it as a gift... I still call it the best cure for insomnia yet! :)]
fucking Morrowind.....I hated that game, some people really liked it. Each to his own I guess. I got it for 20$ back in the day when it was "the only RPG for Xbox". I didn't like it, but I did have fun sitting in the middle of towns naked covered in all kinds of diseases.
[quote name='PhreQuencYViii']fucking Morrowind.....I hated that game, some people really liked it. Each to his own I guess. I got it for 20$ back in the day when it was "the only RPG for Xbox". I didn't like it, but I did have fun sitting in the middle of towns naked covered in all kinds of diseases.[/quote]

I agree with you. I paid $5 for it a year or so ago and just couldn't get into it. I couldn't get rid of the damn game by trading it(wouldn't trade it in, since they would only give me $.50 for it). I eventually said the hell with it and gave it to my old brother as a birthday gift. Weird thing is is that he loves the game, to each his own I guess.
Strafox Adventures. Worst. Game. Ever.

Also, it's "accept" not "except" - sorry to go all grammar nazi on you but for some reason that one bothers me when I read it :D
[quote name='javeryh']Strafox Adventures. Worst. Game. Ever.

Also, it's "accept" not "except" - sorry to go all grammar nazi on you but for some reason that one bothers me when I read it :D

You're right - Made the change. Must've been in a rush while writing that. Don't worry, I'm just like you. :)
[quote name='mingleje']Yet he calls it Strafox Adventures... Hypocrite[/QUOTE]

Lmao! I thought that game was kind of fun but I haven't played too much into it....not one for talking walking animal furry things though.

Was NARC that NES game where you ran around shooting hobos and people shot needles at you? That game rocked! Unlicensed too I think.
Second vote for Morrowind!! That game was TEH SUX. I tried to like it cos I paid fifty bux for it but OMG forget it... I gave up about seven hours in. Blech, ugly graphics, frustrating gameplay, the battle system was awful too. :(

Divine Divinity - very glitchy, piss poor Diablo wannabe.
Superman 64 - a known stinker
Fur Fighters - platformer with a horrid camera and terrible gameplay
[quote name='munch']Mafia. bleh[/QUOTE]

Really? I kept hearing crap about it being a "sleeper hit". Never played it though.

It's cool people here saw morrowind for what I saw it as. I didn't like the PC one either. I just thought since it was a popular game people would disagree with me more. Is Oblivion like it at all? It looked to me like it might be Morrowind with better graphics.
[quote name='PhreQuencYViii']Really? I kept hearing crap about it being a "sleeper hit". Never played it though.

It's cool people here saw morrowind for what I saw it as. I didn't like the PC one either. I just thought since it was a popular game people would disagree with me more. Is Oblivion like it at all? It looked to me like it might be Morrowind with better graphics.[/quote]

i never played Morrowind but i played Oblivion for about 120 hours, and completed 90% of the quests before i finally got burnt out. one of the best games i've played in YEARS. there's a few flaws to note, here and there, but i don't think any of them could keep someone from enjoying the game. i've considered picking up Morrowind to see how they compare, but on the PC, rather than XBox. maybe i'll reconsider. ;)
WTF. I know that some people may not like Morrowind, but it's definitely nowhere near as bad as any of the other games the topic creator listed. You know what? I bought Morrowind for $4.99, and I felt ripped off because I couldn't get into it either. But after reading up on some hints and tips to be successful in the game, I gave it a second chance. I am now addicted to Morrowind like crack. However, other than meh graphics, the combat system is the worst part about the game. It's tolerable, but still not that great. And while Oblivion was defintely an excellent game (especially with a much improved battle system), most of the people who have played it and Morrowind find themselves wanting to go back to Morrowind instead.
[quote name='allyourblood']i never played Morrowind but i played Oblivion for about 120 hours, and completed 90% of the quests before i finally got burnt out. one of the best games i've played in YEARS. there's a few flaws to note, here and there, but i don't think any of them could keep someone from enjoying the game. i've considered picking up Morrowind to see how they compare, but on the PC, rather than XBox. maybe i'll reconsider. ;)[/quote]

Both the Xbox and PC versions are fine, but this is one case where I highly recommend the PC version. A lot of the mods for the game are invaluable and extremely useful.
Okay, I'm gonna go a bit old school here...

Atari 2600:
007 James Bond...GOD AWEFUL! Why? Well, let's see...4 levels.
Level 1 = You drive a car (platformer style from left to right) that must jump radioactive pits. Satellites fly overhead that randomly fire shots...you cannot shoot them. Helicpoters also fly overhead with search light. If the light hits you, they shoot (and ALWAYS hit you). The only thing you can actually shoot is a Diamond in the sky to get points (and make the night sky flash...woopie). There's no actual objective to reach. You just have to live and make it far enough (timed I think) to get to level 2.
Level 2 = You still drive the same car. This time you are on the surface of water. Now, you must jump over or dive under frogmen (divers) that explode into a radioactive rings (same size as the pits in level 1). Satellites and copters are still in this level and invincible as ever (oh yea!...not). Oh, the diamonds are also in level 2 as well. Only this time, when you shoot one and make the night sky background flash, you must look for the "oil derrick" that shows up as a black silhouette. Then, you must memorize where this freaking thing is as you must jump your car and land EXACTLY on the helicopter platform. If you miss your jump, you must re-run the SAME length of the level just to reach it again. Land on the helipad and you advance to level 3.
Level 3 = In this level you are no longer in a car (YES!). You get to move a space shuttle at the bottom of the screen from left to right while dodging missles (ICBMs if I remember correctly) dropping from the top. You can't shoot them, they MUST be dodged. The precision required for this game (with the Atari 2600 joystick) is nearly impossible. Due to this, I was NEVER able to beat level 3 and see the glory that was level 4 (which I'm sure was just as great as the three previous ones...lol).

The worst part about this game is that I used birthday money ($25) to buy the game. Having paid so much for it (back then, $25 was a good bit for me as a kid), I put WAY too much effort into that POS just trying to get SOMETHING out of it (because I sure as H3LL wasn't getting fun out of it). I believe out of all the time I spent with the game I only reached level 3 a handfull of times and died so quickly that it wasn't even worth the work to have reached it.

I do honestly have one nice thing to say about this game. It taught me a VERY important lesson about NOT purchasing games that you think may be cool/fun without finding more info out first. This is one of the reasons that unless a game is SUPER CHEAP (below $5), I refuse to purchase it without having played a demo, rented it, or, at the very least, read up a LOT of info on it first. So, Thanks 007...lol.

Atari 2600 Honorable Mention:
Alien (same 4 level setup, with level 1 basically being Pac-Man and Level 2 basically being Frogger...yeah, really sad).

It's a tie between Cliffhanger and American Gladiator.
The graphics for both games looked to be NES quality (if that...lol). And, neither of the games controlled worth a cr@p. I never owned them (thank GOD), and I only rented them because I had pretty much rented everything else in the SNES game section before. :}

Spirit of Speed 1937
BAD quality graphics and even worse sense of "speed" in this POS. There was no difference from a graphics OR control perspective between 30 MPH and 80 MPH (or any other MPH for that matter...lol). I think that game spent less time in my Dreamcast than ANY other game I ever owned for it. The fact that it had no sense of speed in the game, yet had "Speed" in the title should have been grounds for lawsuits for false advertisement.

Just a few of the "gems" I've had the pleasure (yeah right...lol) of playing (or trying to play) in my time.
Some of those on that list are a little unfair [Madden, Siren, Turok, Starfox, etc] to their fans, they're not the worst games ever..just easy to make fun of among video game circles.

Now first of all, in my eBay experience, no game is -truly- worthless. Cheap $1 to $5 games, new and sealed, even if they're "bad games", you can break even on, get a plus one feedback, and make a little profit on shipping. Even licensed games, canned sequels, and small developer games can make the money back plus if listed right.

Second of all, some games you don't sell on eBay, sell them to people at school, people at work, have your parents take them to their work, put them on craigslist as a bundle. The $2 copy of Catwoman you despise is an easy $5 to a parent at a workplace or some young kid. Plus the fact that lots of these HORRIBLE games, you can turn around at events like the FYE 4-1 or the GS/EB bring 3 bonus 10.

Granted though, there are some games that are extremely hard to sell.

I had a copy of Dark Stone for PSOne that I bought for 25 cents and I wasn't even able to move it at a dollar, this was about a year ago. Even listing it at one cent plus shipping didn't sell it.

There was a Wal-Mart racing three pack that had CORVETTE, FORD RACING 2, AND SUPER TRUCKS RACING..

Well, I traded in Corvette for $9 at Blockbuster..

I sold Ford Racing 2 for $8 on eBay

but I was NEVER able to sell Super Trucks Racing, I didn't get to do anything with it until a $10 bonus trade in at Gamestop, and that was a VERY long time after I bought it..

And another one is Ephemeral Fantasia, my Wal-Mart still has one copy at $19.99 that it has never been able to sell, I've even kind of begged "Hey, this has been here since the PSTwo came out like four years ago, can't you sell it to me for $1?"

And they never really sell on eBay either..

So yeah...

Add those to the list

Super Trucks Racing
Ephemeral Fantasia

Oh, and Fantavision

It had NOTHING to do with Fanta.
[quote name='STATIC3D']
Spirit of Speed 1937[/QUOTE]


Some other honorable mentions:

KISS: Psycho Circus - I bought it for .99 new because I was morbidly curious. I think I should write Gene Simmons & demand my .99 back.

Irritating Stick - title says it all.

Geist - boring, ugly, and glitchy. If I clip outside the walls in the beginning areas of your game, you MIGHT need to test it just a little more.

And I'll see your Starfox Adventures, and raise you anything else Rare has put out in the past 7-8 years. Seriously, how can anyone still respect this dev after all the crap they keep shoveling out?
[quote name='argyle']Winner.

Some other honorable mentions:

KISS: Psycho Circus - I bought it for .99 new because I was morbidly curious. I think I should write Gene Simmons & demand my .99 back.

Irritating Stick - title says it all.

Geist - boring, ugly, and glitchy. If I clip outside the walls in the beginning areas of your game, you MIGHT need to test it just a little more.

And I'll see your Starfox Adventures, and raise you anything else Rare has put out in the past 7-8 years. Seriously, how can anyone still respect this dev after all the crap they keep shoveling out?[/QUOTE]

Eh, it's better than Killer Instinct Gold, you think a brand new 4x more powerful console and twice as many buttons on the control pad would guarantee you arcade perfect and absolutely flawless game play? The SNES version is even better than Gold...the Gold is like a good looking version of the Gameboy port...ugh..no wonder N64 never got a Street Fighter...how a company messed up its own games is a mystery to me....plus the fact they had to reduce every single frame animations on a 2d game and cut out every single FMV [which was supposed to be running on ULTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 64 hardware] completely proved how pathetic and absolutely crappy N64 was compared to PSX and Saturn

I think they kind of started killing themselves back during the N64 days. They kept releasing the same game with just different characters, I look at 75 percent of their games and can't believe they're the same people behind Battletoads, Blast Corps, Perfect Dark, and Jet Force Gemini.
Bad Boys II
C-12: Final Resistance
Charlies Angel
Divine Divinity
Drake of the 99 dragons
Fur Fighters
Madden games
Monster Seed
N.A.R.C. (The remMorrowindake...the original was great)
Ping Pals
Starfox Adventures
State of Emergency
Superman 64
Turok EvolutionSiren (of course, YMMV. Some people adored it.)
Unlimited SaGa
The X-Files.

I HAVE owned or do currently OWN a couple of those games(bolded ones). However, State Of Emergency was the only game I ever reserved that I asked for my money back after playing the giant turd it was.Surprisingly, SOE was also the LAST game I EVER reserved. No game publisher is worth my money on something that has a 50/50 chance of being a coaster.

And by NARC, I assume you mean the Midway 'update' to the classic side scrolling shooter.

I admit to having FUN in that new version just running down and cuffing perps and the occasional innocent ped at random. Of course, doing the drugs you confiscate from people helps too.

c-12 was an EB purchase, since most of their crappier PS1 games are about a buck anymore. I always wanted to try it during the PS1 days and for .96, I couldn't say NO.

As for Airblade, I bought that at about $5-6 from a Gamestop. It was one of my PS2 games to watch, back before it came out and I traded my second PS2 in before it could die of video problems on me. I personally think its fun too, doing the weird and insane stunts on your hoverboard.

But hey, what is 'crap' to some, might be a hidden gem to others.
Alien 3, pick your system. Bald chicks are not cool. Even if they can carry 99 grenades and a gun that can shoot any kind of bullet and flames. (Genesis version)
Is it just me, or is that list beginning to look like Bryce Draven's video game collection?

I kid, I kid!
Out of all the games I have actually owned at one point or another, only one game stands out in my mind as being the worst of the worst.

V.I.P. (Playsation)

Was apart of some value game set (It had GTA for the PS in it) that was on sale at CC for about 5 bucks.
Just absolutely terrible. Nothing to redeem it.
Forgot another, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 for Xbox & GC.

Somehow EA fucked up these two versions, cause both have less cars & tracks. It also has very little sense of speed, like looks like you're going 25 MPH when you're going 80.

If you want this game, go with the PS2 version, since the original developer made that version and EA half-assed the Xbox & GC versions.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Forgot another, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 for Xbox & GC.

Somehow EA fucked up these two versions, cause both have less cars & tracks. It also has very little sense of speed, like looks like you're going 25 MPH when you're going 80.

If you want this game, go with the PS2 version, since the original developer made that version and EA half-assed the Xbox & GC versions.[/quote]

I'm guessing that's because the Xbox and GCN versions were developed by a different team.
After searching each page, I've seen no mention of Fight Club. I'd probably only take that game if it were given to me plus 5 bucks. Its a worthless Tekken wannabe. Shit, the fucking piece of shit has Fred Durst in it?!?! What else spells shitty game!?!
[quote name='smellhasreturned']dude wtf id take state of emergency off of someones hands

I Love that game[/quote]

I got rid of my copy back ion Feb. State of Emergency was only good if you'd had a bad day and put in the invicebility code and all ammo code and just mow down every person in sight! Kinda sad that SoE2 got released in Feb/March, yet was 8.98 at the latest Circuit City clearance. I can't complain too much, I only paid 10 bucks for it used at Blockbuster when it was at least 40 new in GS/EB
bread's done