Would GTA on the Wii seal the deal?


Wii want Grand Theft Auto

Posted By: gunntims0103

news via clubskill

Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo of America, has recently stated in an interview on an American television station that he would like to see the popular Grand Theft Auto series appear on Nintendo's latest videogame console, the Wii.

Having sold millions of units across the globe, the Grand Theft Auto series has been an international success story for the PlayStation, PC, and Xbox. The latest in the series is set to arrive on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2007.

Reggie Fils-Aime stated that Nintendo has done all it possibly can to convince Take-Two, publisher of the Grand Theft Auto games, to create a game of the series for the Wii system, but it is now down to the publisher to make a decision.

The publisher has worked in Nintendo's favour, often publishing games for Nintendo systems, including an exclusive Game Boy Advance version of the original Grand Theft Auto game in late 2004.

We'll learn more about their choices in the New Year.


Many have said the GTA games have gotten repetitive. Ive played 3, vice city, and San Andreas and while the game is always improved, it does seem to be just another GTA game all the time. What do you think? Could the franchise use a Wii update?
Much like I think the DVD player was a bigger deal last gen than an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray player is this gen, I think having GTA on your console will bring diminished returns. Like it or not, GTA3 was something new, and is a large part of why the PS2 exploded past either the Xbox or the Gamecube in America (Sony just hit it right last gen, didn't they, between the RPGs for Japan and the "SHOOT EVERYONE!" games for our civilized nation? ;) ).

While GTA wouldn't really hurt the system, I don't think it's necessary. Now, getting Rockstar to see the Wii as a viable platform and getting them to make some other, new stuff for it? That I thinik is important.
[quote name='botticus']Wouldn't do much for me, but it would certainly no be a negative in any way.[/quote]

Do I think it would be the best version to date? Yes. Would i be excited about it? No. Would it be a huge positive for a TON of people? I would think so.
I think having GTA on the Wii would help the console out a lot. For the crowd that owns GTA3, GTA:VC, GTA:SA, and a bunch of other random games bought because "they looked cool," if they see that they can get GTA on the Wii, it becomes less of "What console has GTA" and more of "what other stuff looks cool." Even if it doesn't look as good as the Xbox 360 or PS3, the fact that the Wiimote allows them to point and shoot, as well as do other things, might be a strong draw for the system. The more popular franchises the Wii can get, the better.

I say this because I know a friend who bought an Xbox for Halo, basically ignored the PS2, and called the GC "kiddy." The rest of his games are Halo 2, DOA:U, DOA3, DOA:XBV, and a bunch of other assorted titles, mostly racing games. If GTA is the one game that will draw someone to the console and gets them to stick around and buy more games, that's more support for the Wii, and should help pad out the gaming library in the future.
Something tells me that the crowd of people who buy their systems based on where GTA is located are the same type of people that would not want to own a kiddy system for pussies like the Wii.
GTA is a non-factor on the Wii unless Rockstar actually makes you "feel" like you're killing a hooker with the Wii-mote. It's essentially the Madden factor. If they built the game up and actually take the time to develop Wii controls for the game, instead of tacking them on, it will do the franchise as much good as it will the Wii.

However, if they don't incorparate something that radical for the Wii version, and it's something akin to Far Cry, they might not even as well bother. It's just a waste of time and resources for Rockstar and it'll pull a dent into the overall quality of the GTA franchise.

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Something tells me that the crowd of people who buy their systems based on where GTA is located are the same type of people that would not want to own a kiddy system for pussies like the Wii.[/quote]

The thing is, the Wii doesn't have the kiddy system persona attached to it. They've got that whole hip, cool, trendy mainstream vibe going on and quite frankly, it's working for them.

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Something tells me that the crowd of people who buy their systems based on where GTA is located are the same type of people that would not want to own a kiddy system for pussies like the Wii.[/quote]
True, but I've seen some people who like the Wii that strike me more as Halo/Graphics-first people, so you never know. Besides, having one more game can't hurt in any case :).

[quote name='ahmedmalik']GTA is a non-factor on the Wii unless Rockstar actually makes you "feel" like you're killing a hooker with the Wii-mote. It's essentially the Madden factor. If they built the game up and actually take the time to develop Wii controls for the game, instead of tacking them on, it will do the franchise as much good as it will the Wii.

However, if they don't incorparate something that radical for the Wii version, and it's something akin to Far Cry, they might not even as well bother. It's just a waste of time and resources for Rockstar and it'll pull a dent into the overall quality of the GTA franchise.

The thing is, the Wii doesn't have the kiddy system persona attached to it. They've got that whole hip, cool, trendy mainstream vibe going on and quite frankly, it's working for them.


I agree, as if Rockstar doesn't incorperate good Wii-specific controls, such as aiming/swinging weapons, driving, and whatever else they can think of, then it would be a wasted effort. It might hurt the Wii more than help, as then everyone would know that the Wii couldn't handle a good GTA, and thus think of what else it couldn't do.
While I never really got into the GTA games, they do sell consistantly well.

However, I haven't really heard anyone state that they bought a PSP just for the GTA games on that platform.

Myself, I see GTA getting kinda old. If they did one for the Wii, I would expect something radically different, with full use of Nintendo's motion-sensing technology.

Imagine smackin ho's with a baseball bat by actually swinging the Wiimote. And I'm not even gonna get into the motion-sensing version of Hot Coffee....
I pretty much could care less about GTA at this point. I loved the series in the GTA3/GTA Vice era but San Andreas (which spawned a countless torrent of crappy gangsta wannabe games) and the two PSP versions (LCS has horribly cheesy missions and VCS has shitty control) have killed most of my enthusiasm for the series.
[quote name='MarkMark']Many have said the GTA games have gotten repetitive. Ive played 3, vice city, and San Andreas and while the game is always improved, it does seem to be just another GTA game all the time. What do you think? Could the franchise use a Wii update?[/QUOTE]

It wouldnt hurt to have GTA on the Wii. Would give Nintendo another notch on its belt. Might help EA move some of their other game franchises over, faster.

However, if Nintendo really wants to nail this generation they should work to score the next Final Fantasy game (not CC, but 14) on the Wii, like they did with DQ on the DS.
I don't think it would help that much, if at all. The next generation of GTA belongs on the next generation consoles like PS3 and the 360. Graphically, the Wii will not be able to even hold a candle to what the PS3 and 360 will be churning out with the next GTA, all the Wii would be able to accommodate is something that looks like GTA: San Andreas, which isn't bad, but when you have the next-gen GTA looking 3 times as good, it's not gonna be that appealing.
[quote name='Empyrical']I don't think it would help that much, if at all. The next generation of GTA belongs on the next generation consoles like PS3 and the 360. Graphically, the Wii will not be able to even hold a candle to what the PS3 and 360 will be churning out with the next GTA, all the Wii would be able to accommodate is something that looks like GTA: San Andreas, which isn't bad, but when you have the next-gen GTA looking 3 times as good, it's not gonna be that appealing.[/quote]

Since graphics are all that matter, right? Screw the fact that the developers might have a better control scheme.
[quote name='ajservo1']I'd only get it if it used Mii's.

If this is our avatar in games, they need to be used as often as possible.[/QUOTE]

That'd be freakin awesome... create a host and then allow for multiple Miis (just a few) to do whatever they wish. They can either work together to pull of heists or run around trying to outdo one another.

They wouldn't have to do Wiimote controls for everything. The Wiimote could be used for mini-games and some gameplay mechanics like shooting and stuff.
it would be excellent to see a gta game on the wii, but as stated it would be way better to get take two entertainment to start making games for the wii in general.
[quote name='gpupp']table tennis for wii![/quote]

[quote name='Scorch']

Yeah, but then you can't see every individual sweat drop on those floating hands, totally ruins the experience.
It would be great if they used the Miis and Mii Parade feature. The novelty of gunning down a whole crowd of Miis and then picking up a Mii hooker would really make the game stand out.

Nintendo would probably be against it though.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Am I the only person who would have a blast playing Grand Theft Auto: Toadstool Kingdom?[/QUOTE]
Grand Theft Yoshi
Maybe they can do like MGS: Twin Snakes for the NGC, but make it a Trilogy Pack. Take all the the GTA games from the PS2/Xbox. tweak them with new controls/graphics and release it for $49.99. This way Rockstar/Take Two can test the waters without spending the huge budget it takes for an original title.
[quote name='schuerm26']Do I think it would be the best version to date? Yes. Would i be excited about it? No. Would it be a huge positive for a TON of people? I would think so.[/quote]

Considering how underpowered the Wii is I strongly doubt a GTA on the Wii would be the best version to date and or superior to the PS3 or 360 versions.
[quote name='Rozz']Considering how underpowered the Wii is I strongly doubt a GTA on the Wii would be the best version to date and or superior to the PS3 or 360 versions.[/quote]

Maybe not the best looking. gameplay wise? who knows.
[quote name='Rozz']Considering how underpowered the Wii is I strongly doubt a GTA on the Wii would be the best version to date and or superior to the PS3 or 360 versions.[/quote]Please see Madden 07 and reconsider. Adding online multiplayer to 08 will only make it moreso.
[quote name='botticus']Please see Madden 07 and reconsider. Adding online multiplayer to 08 will only make it moreso.[/quote]

Ditto. It seems like all you PS3 and 360 fans seem to think the only thing that matters is graphics (at least the one's who decide to post in the Wii section :)). Funny how i haven't had as much fun with a game on the 360 as i have with Wii sports.

As stated, check out Madden 2007 and see what that's like. Changes the gameplay dramatically, in a positive way. In my experience it seemed to make it more intense.
GTA on Wii? I really don't think it is necessary but I guess it couldn't hurt provided it was designed from the ground up with the Wiimote in mind and not a port of the GTA4 or whatever. It might actually be fun to play a GTA where you could aim and actually hit the thing you are aiming for. Either way, if I do buy a new GTA this generation it will probably be for the 360.

EDIT: Graphics do matter in a game like this. Wii Sports - not so much. Developers need to recognize the strengths of the system and develop with that in mind. I'd rather have a GTA-like game with say Wind Waker graphics on the Wii. In the eyes of the public any time the Wii strives for realism it is going to fail horribly when compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360 even if it is fun to control.
[quote name='botticus']Please see Madden 07 and reconsider. Adding online multiplayer to 08 will only make it moreso.[/quote]
Because, you know, Madden 07 is a huge game set in a gigantic city.

Graphics are not the only thing that matters, but gameplay is a step up in 360/PS3 games of this type as well. See: Call of Duty 3, and that is not even a huge tech feat. Something like GTA IV will not go well on something underpowered anymore, unless its a side story like VCS.
Considering no one has yet played a GTA on a next gen system, it's a bold claim. Not unfounded, but hardly backed by anything either.

I hope you aren't saying that Madden wasn't sold based on graphics for most of its lifetime.
Isn't this the old news where Reggie said that he'd like to see GTA on the Wii? If so, he kind of recalled the "GTA is coming to the Wii" idea that everybody on one of the GameHead episodes by saying that it's up to Take-Two and Rockstar to make that decision. He was just speaking as a gamer.

I couldn't really care that much. If it happens, great. If it doesn't, there's other stuff to play.
GTA on Wii- Well personally this is one of those things where yeah it would be sweet, but also deadly. If Rockstar took the time to get the controls fixed out and stuff I am all for a GTA on Wii, but if they want to fuck around with UBI is doing with there crappy ports, then hell no. I would gladly rebuy the GTA Trilogy with the Wiimote style of gameplay, if it was that damn fun. A new game though, wow that would rock, if and only if the controls were good.
I got sick of GTA while playing Vice City, but I'm sure a GTA game for the Wii would be good, increasing sales of the hardware, and thus increasing third party support.
GTA is a game that thrives on immersion and a graphically convincing world. According to today's standards it'd be very difficult to do on the Wii.

I think i'd rather keep the games on my wii to games like Rayman rabbids and smash bros.
I'd only like GTA on Wii if I could use a remote with the steering wheel attachment in one hand and another remote with the zapper attachment in the other. I would then need the game able to detect me driving leaning back while busting caps with my glock turned sideways.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Am I the only person who would have a blast playing Grand Theft Auto: Toadstool Kingdom?[/quote]

Can i just say that is the most awesome thing ive ever heard? Replacing the guns with turtle shells, replacing the vehicles with mario karts and deep story based on bowser being an asshole yet again.

I'd buy it:applause:
[quote name='Onifrio']Can i just say that is the most awesome thing ive ever heard? Replacing the guns with turtle shells, replacing the vehicles with mario karts and deep story based on bowser being an asshole yet again.

I'd buy it:applause:[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much exactly what I was thinking of the other day before I posted this. You can't forget having fireballs as well!
Or maybe your yoshi in the game and use different eggs as weapons. The clouds replace the helicopter and instead of a swat team the koopa in the cloud with a fishing pull drops bob-ombs.

Oh yes i think we should get a dev team goin.
[quote name='Onifrio']Or maybe your yoshi in the game and use different eggs as weapons. The clouds replace the helicopter and instead of a swat team the koopa in the cloud with a fishing pull drops bob-ombs.

Oh yes i think we should get a dev team goin.[/quote]

Wow you are thinking about this way too hard. Get some sleep. Get laid. Get a life. You are the biggest loser I have ever seen.
[quote name='Zoglog']GTA is a game that thrives on immersion and a graphically convincing world. According to today's standards it'd be very difficult to do on the Wii.

I think i'd rather keep the games on my wii to games like Rayman rabbids and smash bros.[/quote]

Yeah sure it does, since GTA San Andreas was so beautiful to look at.
bread's done