Would you buy a Wii U if....

Dropping the best feature of the system (IMO) is not going to get me to buy one.

To get my interest, Nintendo would need to fix several other problems:
(1) Design a true account system that removes tying of downloads/software to a console instead of an account

(2) Deliver some games I really care about.  So far, nothing really.  But get a new Metroid of some sort on there and a new Zelda that uses a classic control scheme and I'll start considering it.  Exclusives are what draw me to consoles these days and the ones put out on WiiU offer nothing for me so far.  Bayonetta 2 might.  But that's only a single game.

(3) Besides the account system, which I felt deserved it's own point, Nintendo really needs to fix it's online to be in the same realm as the PC/Xbox/Playstation offerings.

To get me to buy a Wii U Nintendo is going to have to:

Release some Pokemon games for it, and they have to be RPG's not spinoffs. I like Pokemon and I want more than just the handheld RPG's but they have to be main series games. It doesn't have to be a MMO but it must be an RPG that somehow ties in with the DS games just like how you could catch pokemon in Pokemon XD and transfer them to your handheld game. It was really cool. Honestly pokemon games are the only Nintendo games I want to play, I am not interested in Mario or Zelda. Also needs some other RPG's.

Put a higher capacity battery in the tablet controller. There is one in Japan so they should start including it with systems soon enough. The idea of putting lower quality parts into the hardware then trying to sell me an upgraded part later on for an extra fee will not sell me on the console.

Lower the price, maximum $299 with a game included

Off consoleTablet support for all Wii U games I should be able to play all Wii U games on the tablet

I would purchase pokemon rumble Wii U and earthbound but I am not going to pay $350 for the privilege. If these things happen I will be sold on the Wii U. I am sold especially after that kotaku article where they mention you can plug in your Wii U and not even have it hooked up to a TV and still play on the Gamepad, that is very cool.

Merging the Wii e-shop and Wii U E shop would be a nice bonus with tablet play for all Wii VC games but that is not a dealbreaker
I'll get one a year or so from now. 

I'm not excited about it in the way I was the GC or the Wii (to the extent that I broke my CAG tendencies and picked up a Wii at launch).  I don't like the tablet controller at all, it's a forced attempt at a "new" play control in the manner of the Wii's motion control.  However, this time around, with smartphones and tablets being very common well before the WIIU came along, the tablet controller just seems so obvious and pathetic.  And it's yet to be implemented in a way that makes it impressive -- to me, at least.  I've demoed it on a lot of different games and it's just there, being a map or a fat awkward steering wheel or an unnecessary assist (platform multiplier) in games.

Another thing that has me hesitating with the WIIU is that I don't see it having the long-term versatility of the Wii.  The thing I like about my old Wii, and it's been mentioned above in the thread, is that for Nintento fans, the Wii's GC-compatibility gives it a lot of life after its generation expired.  I've played through half of wind waker on it with the family, and I'm still crushing spirits in MKDD.  If the VC were more robust, so that multiple controllers were easier, we'd be doing even more old SNES/N64 titles more frequently.  This life-after-death aspect of the Wii helps me justify buying it at launch -- I've gotten a lot of playtime out of it even if I honestly haven't put many hours into Wii games on it.  I can't imagine I will use the WIIu in this way, especially when I already have the Wii sitting around.

And then there's the games.  I know people are gushing over the WW re-release but it's still lame, and the "better than nothing" defense of it is even lamer.  Nintendo definitely blew it, I can see that rushing to market gets them out of the way of the PS4/XB1 steamroller, but you only rush if you're ready to go.  And they definitely weren't.  Wii momentum blown.

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So Blaster man was right all along :)
Dude's a cancer. I don't know what his deal is.

I'm biased to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt, and as pissed as I am at them for not looking before they leaped, part of me thinks that maybe they're learning a lesson Sony and MS might be learning this coming holiday. Maybe consumers aren't interested in the next gen, maybe it's just the industry really dogging it for the new hardware and bullshit.

An anecdote in support of this is the neighbors have been around, and they decided they wanted a 360 after playing a ton of Dance Central. So how're they going to react when a "new" 360 is released soon? Probably won't give a shit. These are the same neighbors who jumped on the Wii late, and they're still under the impression that the WIIU is "like that wii fit board" (in her words), they think it's a kind of tablet add-on thingie. The anecdote is a long way of saying while console makers want the console cycle to get closer to the handheld/smartphone tech cycle, consumers aren't quite there yet. And that's maybe part of the lesson that Nintendo's learning for Sony and MS.

Another lesson N has learned, of course, is that people aren't going to buy a console if they don't know what the fuck it is (e.g. WIIU-Wii Fit confusion). Ugh.

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Only way I'd buy a Wii U is for some killer apps (games). They could be better off making an SKU for $150-$200 (although they don't want to go too low on price so soon like they did with Gamecube and then have it end up at $100 and still not sell) that has a pro instead of tablet controller and the tablet version cost $250-$300. Then sell the tablet on the side for $79.99, pack in some games at $99.99.  

Would probably help sales but not as much as people would hope. Then they could rerelease their early games with Players Choice branding that states "REQUIRES TABLET CONTROLLER".

I think by the time most of these new games come out they will have lowered the price by 50.00$.  I can see them moving at that point.  Im almost getting to the point where Im looking for games that are just fun to play.  WII U seems to be coming out with games that are almost  a stark contrast to what the other two are putting out.  That may be what pushes it forward.  Dont get me wrong I have a PS4 pre ordered so that wont be changing,   If more money comes my way I may be inclined to get one.  Im just scared to spend money on it because my WII collected dust.

If it got a few solid games that I wanted to play for a hundred or more hours each I would consider, but it needs to get to the point where I see enough on the shelf to justify the purchase because if it continues to flop then there will be less and less games for it and there might not be anything else I want to buy in the future. If sales for it pick up like the 3DS did then that is another story. This is not a system you buy for games that are promised to come out, those games might never come.

I think after the 3DS a lot of people are waiting for that first price drop, since the 3DS had a price drop so early on those that haven't bought it yet are now expecting the drop to happen for the Wii U, the dedicated were the launch buyers and those already have their system. Customers don't want to get screwed by buying the console right before the price drop.
Another lesson N has learned, of course, is that people aren't going to buy a console if they don't know what the fuck it is (e.g. WIIU-Wii Fit confusion). Ugh.
It still amazes me that Nintendo didn't realize this would happen before they released it. When they announced the name was WiiU, I knew that everyone would think it was some kind of add-on. And sure enough, everytime I talk to someone about the WiiU, they ask if it's some kind of attachment. If Nintendo wanted to keep the Wii name for an attempt at capturing mass market Wii fans, they could have at least named it the Wii 2 to make it clear that it's a successor and not some kind of add-on like Wii Fit.

I can't believe how badly they timed the new console release with their major titles.  It was a really important console release for them and it seems like they rushed it to market and there wasn't enough thought behind its release and near term future.  They still can turn it around and there are a couple cool Nintendo games that could lead me to buying it in the future but right now there's no urgency and won't be for a couple years probably.

With the PS4 coming out in a few months, I can't see myself buying the Wii U ever. Not trying to hate on the little guy but the thing just has no games that interest me and rather spend my money on other things. I sold my first Wii and got another 2 years later to give it another chance and it just collected dust.

There was and your suggestion is not a bad idea. Personally the tablet controller offers more than $50 worth of value. I can see it being great for kids. If nothing else you can play games without using the TV. So there is obviously value there and it's a pretty intricate part of what Nintendo is doing this gen.
It is awesome for both kids and off-TV play. My 10 year-old is using it all the time now to mess around with MiiVerse and to play VC games (Earthbound, Kirby, a few others). If anything, the proliferation of tablets makes adoption of the Gamepad pretty easy for most people. That was probably Nintendo's intention. But on the flip side it kicks the ass of any tablet out there because of the dual analog sticks and real buttons/triggers.

NSMB U, Scribblenauts, and now Pikmin 3 are all great games that we have had a lot of fun with. I don't regret one bit getting one at launch. The games are on a slow roll-out but they will come. I started using the Pro Controller the other day and it is a nice option too - can often use that instead of (or in conjunction with) the Gamepad. I'm using it for Pikmin 3 and just using the tablet for the map when necessary. It is a great option and the two work well together - the Wii U recognized the Pro Controller right away and switched the control scheme to that instantly. I can't wait for some deep RPG-type experiences that use the pad for inventory control, etc.

The most underrated aspect of the Wii U, though, is the ability for 2 people to play games with their own full-screen views (one on the TV, one on the Gamepad). This is an incredible feature for couch multiplayer and a huge improvement over splitscreen. My son and I played Tank Tank Tank that way and as I understand it games like Sonic Racing Transformed (and I can only assume the upcoming Mario Kart) allow that as well.

Considering I never bought a Wii, even for $100, it's safe to say no. I'm done with Nintendo consoles and hope they wise up soon going developer only. I want to play their games again, but I'm not buying an entire console to do it.
And I hope they never do so you never get to experience those games ;).

No, that's the whole point of the Wii U. It's like saying would you buy a truck if they ditched the bed and gave you a trunk. Give me a price drop and a new Zelda game, and I'll pick one up.
Yep, good analogy. A Wii U SKU without the Gamepad is a non-starter. You might as well ask for a DS/3DS without the second screen...

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It is awesome for both kids and off-TV play. My 10 year-old is using it all the time now to mess around with MiiVerse and to play VC games (Earthbound, Kirby, a few others). If anything, the proliferation of tablets makes adoption of the Gamepad pretty easy for most people. That was probably Nintendo's intention. But on the flip side it kicks the ass of any tablet out there because of the dual analog sticks and real buttons/triggers.
That's a good point about the sticks/buttons for tablet gaming.

As you're using it for the VC, which is how I'd mainly use it (it would replace the current use of the Wii), I've gotta ask just to be certain: while I can play my Wii VC titles on the WIIU, I can only do that if I'm in Wii mode. Which would take the advantages of the tablet out of it entirely.

Another way of asking this is if I want to use the tablet for VC gaming, I will have to re-buy all of my current Wii VC titles for the WIIU VC, correct?

That's a good point about the sticks/buttons for tablet gaming.

As you're using it for the VC, which is how I'd mainly use it (it would replace the current use of the Wii), I've gotta ask just to be certain: while I can play my Wii VC titles on the WIIU, I can only do that if I'm in Wii mode. Which would take the advantages of the tablet out of it entirely.

Another way of asking this is if I want to use the tablet for VC gaming, I will have to re-buy all of my current Wii VC titles for the WIIU VC, correct?
Well, the way they do it is that they charge an upgrade fee of like a dollar or something to upgrade from a Wii VC game to a WiiU VC game.

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The problem with the Tablet controller is it drives up costs and makes an under powered console cost nearly as much as the PS4 will at launch.

And the feature just doesn't appeal to a lot of gamers.  Yeah it's great for kids who can play off screen when others are using the TV, or for anyone to game when the main TV is in use.  Useless for someone like me who isn't having kids and lives alone.  Even when I move in with my fiancee, I only game when  she's doing other stuff (working usually).  It's great for couch co-op, but I have no local gaming friends and mainly play single player games.

So for someone like me who mainly just wants to play single player games with amazing graphics on my big screen, the WIi U just has little to know appeal.  It has a big controller with not great battery life, with a touch screen that would be used for little more than maps and inventory management.

Add in that it will have little other than Nintendo franchises that are worth playing as exclusives, and that I'm largely sick of most of their franchises after playing them for 25+ years and there's just no way I'll ever by a Wii U.  I've got a 3DS to get my Nintendo fix, and honestly, outside of getting sucked into Animal Crossing, I don't have much desire to go out and buy their franchise games on it.  It mainly just gets played when I'm at my fiancee's place and will probably gather a lot of dust once we move in together.

I used to be a Nintendo first gamer, but their lack of no IPs outside of casual gamer crap like Wii Fit/Wii Sports, and their lack of keeping up with specs, online gaming etc. just caused them to lose me as I got more into wanting the best HD graphics, online play and more into genres like FPS and WRPG than stuff like Mario and Zelda.

I think that's one of the two biggest reasons they've fallen so far behind (ignoring the lightning in a bottle success of the Wii with casuals).  They'll failed to adjust as gaming when more mainstream and shifted more to adults driving sales rather than kids, and the resulting rise of western developed games like FPS and WRPG.  The other big reason being alienating third parties with the N64 by shunning the partnership with Sony and going with carts with big license fees.  They've never gotten that support back, and even worse with the Wii and Wii U since they were/will be underpowered relative to the Sony and MS machines and thus harder to port to.

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Well, the way they do it is that they charge an upgrade fee of like a dollar or something to upgrade from a Wii VC game to a WiiU VC game.
Thanks! I'm still deciding if I'm okay with that policy.

Also, don't ever get rid of Adamastache. NEVER EVER. It's one of my favorite things about visiting CAG anymore, that big mustache hug waiting for me from pappy adama.

...I'm largely sick of most of their franchises after playing them for 25+ years and there's just no way I'll ever by a Wii U.
I don't that I'd go this far (i.e. being sick of their big names) because there are Mario/Zelda titles that I can always pick up and play without hesistation, and it's always been that way. However, after A) getting burned/bored on a few new releases and B) sitting through a batch of re-releases, I will occasionally experience a GFY vibe toward Nintendo. Not frequently, only when I'm really annoyed, and not in the sense that I want them to fail, but only in that they've disappointed me.

I don't think there's an excuse for disappointing/burning out devoted, patient fans with your bullshit. They shouldn't be doing that. I mean, this goes back to the policy I'm thinking over on the ROM and VC re-buy thing. For example, over the course of my life, I have literally owned four versions of SMB3: the NES cart, the version on the SM All-Stars SNES cart, the Advance cart, and the Wii VC ROM. And I know it's just a buck, and I know I get the added ability to play on the tablet, but fuck me, Nintendo. Yeah, maybe I'm a sucker for buying each repackage, but at this point, just let me have the ROM for free if I've already bought the goddamn Wii VC ROM. (And that's just SMB3, there's SWM, SWM2YI, SMK, MK64, on and on...).

This is the kind of thing that forces the GFY vibe to wash over me and look less kindly on Nintendo things, say whether or not I want to dip a toe in the WIIU pool.

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The day Metroid is announced is the day I race to my local retailer and purchase a Wii U.
A good Metroid would be the hardest thing for me to miss out on. Followed by a good Zelda--i.e. adult Link, realistic graphics.

But I won't by a system for one or two games--I did that twice with the Wii and ended up selling as there just wasn't more than interested me.

I'm pretty done with platformers in general as I just get too frustrated with them, never cared for Pikmin, Mario Kart wasn't fun after college and not having local friends to play it with, Animal Crossing is something I'd only play on a portable, never played a Pokemon (may try the new 3DS one, but that's also a game that seems better suited to a portable).

I just don't have much interest in their franchises aside of Metroid and Zelda. And I can get those fixes on 3DS--at least the latter. And I'd honestly prefer a new 2D Metroid on 3DS to a new Metroid Prime 3D shooter on either platform.

A good Metroid would be the hardest thing for me to miss out on. Followed by a good Zelda--i.e. adult Link, realistic graphics.

But I won't by a system for one or two games--I did that twice with the Wii and ended up selling as there just wasn't more than interested me.

I'm pretty done with platformers in general as I just get too frustrated with them, never cared for Pikmin, Mario Kart wasn't fun after college and not having local friends to play it with, Animal Crossing is something I'd only play on a portable, never played a Pokemon (may try the new 3DS one, but that's also a game that seems better suited to a portable).

I just don't have much interest in their franchises aside of Metroid and Zelda. And I can get those fixes on 3DS--at least the latter. And I'd honestly prefer a new 2D Metroid on 3DS to a new Metroid Prime 3D shooter on either platform.

I briefly had a Wii U (got a great deal off Craigslist) for MH3U. Had to part with it because I took a job overseas. Anyway, being a HUGE fan of Prime, I just have so much faith with using the tablet in conjunction with game play.

I just pray to the Nintendo Gods that there are ZERO NPCs, and no gimmick like controls like the one for the Wii, meh. Not a fan of that one. I'm sure it's great, but the controls, the NPCs, turned me off so much.

Give me good music and amazing immersion.


Another way of asking this is if I want to use the tablet for VC gaming, I will have to re-buy all of my current Wii VC titles for the WIIU VC, correct?
Well, the way they do it is that they charge an upgrade fee of like a dollar or something to upgrade from a Wii VC game to a WiiU VC game.
Thanks! I'm still deciding if I'm okay with that policy.
I was slightly annoyed with it at first, but I've come to terms with it. They do add some functionality for the Wii U (state saves, etc - I don't play it much myself but I've seen this discussed elsewhere). So I don't mind paying $1.50 for a game that is otherwise $8-$10. You can upgrade NES games for $1 and SNES games for $1.50. They haven't done any N64 games yet but I'm guessing it will be $2 for those. If the small upgrade cost helps them develop more VC games for the Wii U then I'm all for that. They can't simply dump the ROMs onto the Wii U - they do need to add the gamepad features. Although it would have been nice if maybe for us early adopters, at least, they could have upgraded all of our previous Wii purchases up to the time of the Wii U launch upgrade for free when they hit the Wii U VC. But that's really just a slight annoyance in the grand scheme of things.

At the very least, the recognition of your past Wii purchases works flawlessly and we've even had confirmation that stuff you buy after transferring your Wii games to your Wii U also gets the discounted upgrade. So, for example, any Club Nintendo games that you get can be redeemed on your "Wii within a Wii U" and then upgraded later when they add them to the Wii U VC for the small upgrade price. That is keeping me getting the Club Nintendo freebies, otherwise I wouldn't bother with them at all at this point. For as much crap as Nintendo (sometimes rightly) gets for their obtuse online/account setup, they got upgrade mechanism implemented pretty smoothly. If I browse the Wii U shop I see discounted prices (complete with a line through the original price so I can see how much less I am paying) for all my previous Wii VC purchases.

My only complaint would be the same as it was for the Wii - they need to get more games out more often. And they need to add N64 games in there. Earthbound was a nice treat, but they need to keep 'em coming.

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Give me good music and amazing immersion.

Good old Phendrana Drifts, honestly good music is what has been lacking in recent Metroids (most current games as well IMO).

For me, there is nothing holding me back from eventually getting a Wii U, I just have too much backlog to be concerned about getting any new consoles. There is plenty of untapped potential that was shown in the GC / GBA link era, that I just think Nintendo needs to figure out to best utilize the packed in technology (a necessity for any different control scheme or peripheral is to pack it in, a tablet-less Wii U would kill the entire purpose).

Overall Nintendo is just horrible at marketing and the Wii U name gamble didn't pay off. As someone who grew up with games since the 8-bit (well, some 4-bit that I remember) era, I think Nintendo has been developing their consoles directly to people like me. There was a large push for 2D platformers for the Wii, a genre that older gamers appreciate moreso than newcomers, and a majority of their first party stuff has been family / kid friendly, so I can easily drag my kids into it without hesitation.

It seems like their second player option nowadays is always geared towards a child playing along side a parent (or swapping roles for parental assist), and that makes it great for an introduction into the hobby. The asymmetrical tablet gameplay features and off-screen play just add to that mindset.

I was a big Playstation fan in the PS1 and PS2 eras, but it seems that Sony (as well as Microsoft) is more content to cater to the same age group consistently (which does still make up the majority of the gamer population), while Nintendo is trying to both grow with long-time gamers and offer plenty of gateway opportunities for the next generation. They will not be the #1 seller this console gen, but they need to continue to appeal to that market type. I don't think three consoles going after the same demographic is going to be sustainable in the next gen.

Add in that it will have little other than Nintendo franchises that are worth playing as exclusives, and that I'm largely sick of most of their franchises after playing them for 25+ years and there's just no way I'll ever by a Wii U. I've got a 3DS to get my Nintendo fix, and honestly, outside of getting sucked into Animal Crossing, I don't have much desire to go out and buy their franchise games on it.
I thought I was the only one but I actually have found myself having more fun playing non-Nintendo stuff on the 3DS. Resident Evil Revelations, Shinobi, and The Amazing Spider-Man to name a few. I think that is what it is though, I too am just burnt out on their franchise games. I started Paper Mario on 3DS and don't have the urge to go back. Kid Icarus was just ok, no urge to play New Super Mario Bros. 2, the new Zelda looks good but I feel like if I miss out on it I'd be just fine. The shining joy for me was definitely Super Mario 3D land...but it just doesn't feel like enough.

I too was a Nintendo first gamer but as it stands I've considered selling the 3DS and just moving on without them all together.

The people who say the Wii U will be Nintendo's last console don't realize that Sony and Microsoft have BOTH lost a shitload of money on the PS3 and 360. Sony had to sell buildings just to make their first profit in 5 years, and yet NINTENDO is the one in danger?



Love it when someone presents facts. Good post. Liked.

Not a very strong argument when you can only back it up with six games across two generations....

I don't really agree with Nintendo only being for kids as games like Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc. appeal to all ages.

It's just that they don't have many M-rated games and lack games in genres like FPS, WRPG etc. that really hurts them with gamers like me as those are mostly  what I play these days.  I still enjoy games like Mario and Zelda, but not enough to buy a Wii U when there's only a handful of those games a generation and I can get my fix of them for much cheaper on the 3DS.

Yes I'm buying a WiiU for my 7 years old and canceling my PS4 Battlefield 4 bundle in amazon.

Paying extra $ just to play online is not my cup of tea . .  I'm too old for that I'm sticking with PC and PS3.

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The people who say the Wii U will be Nintendo's last console don't realize that Sony and Microsoft have BOTH lost a shitload of money on the PS3 and 360. Sony had to sell buildings just to make their first profit in 5 years, and yet NINTENDO is the one in danger?



I'm not sure I agree with those articles. A quick look at Microsoft's earning reports shows that they have made money on the Xbox360. Their gaming division has been profitable every year since 08. M$'s cost to date for entering the gaming industry has been 3 billion dollars which isn't so bad considering that M$ showed up way late to the party. Additionally, Sony's problem isn't necessarily the Playstation division. Their home entertainment division has been an absolute failure over the last 5-7 years.

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They came out with a version that ditched the controller with the screen, threw in a pro controller, and priced it accordingly? I just read about how the Wii U isn't selling so hot. I for one am not looking into buying one. However after thinking about it if they did this I might be enticed to pick one up. It's just the tablet controller hasn't proved itself as a must have device and Nintendo themselves haven't really pushed the envelope with it. If I could get just the base hardware and a pro controller for around $200 I might think about it.
This is a terrible idea. Would you have asked for a Wii without the Wii Remote & Nunchuck in favor of a Classic Controller? Of course not, because that's what sets the console apart from its competition, just like the Gamepad sets the Wii U apart from its competition.
This is a terrible idea. Would you have asked for a Wii without the Wii Remote & Nunchuck in favor of a Classic Controller? Of course not, because that's what sets the console apart from its competition, just like the Gamepad sets the Wii U apart from its competition.
While that's a fair point, I hated the Wii (bought and sold it twice, stupidly) as I loathe motion controls. So I would have loved a classic controller only one, ability to play Super Mario Galaxy without the waggle and pointer nonsense etc.

As long as Nintendo keeps trying gimmicks to set themselves apart, they can piss off and I'll never buy another of their consoles. They have great software franchises, that's what should set them apart. Problem is they pissed off third parties with their greedy licensing fees on SNES and N64, and then compounded this with Wii/Wii U by having weak hardware that makes ports difficult, so most publishers are happy to see them languishing and fine not putting many of their games on their platform. Thus they just don't have enough games to appeal to core gamers, and lack the FPS/WRPGs etc. that get the mainstream gamers.

Personally, I hope they keep trying gimmicks and I hope they keep failing like the Wii U. Nintendo sucks at hardware, but still makes great games. I'd love to see them eventually get snatched up by Sony and become a first/second party studio for them so I could get Mario et al. with true current gen graphics on future PS consoles.

I know that's a pipe dream since Nintendo is still profitable despite the Wii U failing miserably so far. But no skin off my nose as I can live without their franchises--especially if I have to play them with gimmicky motion controls or tablet crap. And there's always their portables for when I have an urge to play a Zelda or whatever.

they said touchpad is gimick too, but apparently it is ok on the ps4.

and I still remember when vita was only a rumor... oh no, we don't want touchpad on our hardcore PSP2 like the kiddie DS. 

oh boy, what do we have now, 2 touchpad front and back and that is supposedly the greatest thing ever!

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bread's done