Would you buy from an Ebay seller that had 1 neutral feedback out of 42?


1 (100%)
I received neutral feedback today. It HAD to happen when I shipped something to Canada. Post office screwed up and didn't mark my item as a gift, therefore the buyer had to pay a customs fee. He emailed me about it, and I responded to him, trying to work it out. The buyer never responded and I checked today to find that I had 1 neutral feedback on my profile. It's the first blemish on my account ever, and even though the buyer made a comment on there apologizing and calling me an A+++ seller, the damn Neutral thing is still on there! So now what, am I screwed now? Would you buy from me?
I would absolutely buy from you. You have 99.976 positive feedback - that is great!

When you see a ton of positive feedbacks and a negative or neutral thrown in there, its something you should just ignore. Shit happens, there are misunderstandings that sometimes occur, some people are never satisfied, etc.
Well, it wasn't a gift. He _should_ have paid the customs fee.

I'd buy from you regardless. You can respond to the feedback, you know.
Yeah, I already responded to the feedback, but what's done is done I guess. I've already got like 10 questions about my reliability on the one item that i do have for sale. eh, oh well.
buyers on ebay realize how shitty other buyers can be when it comes to leaving feedback....some ppl leave negative feedback just to be a prick when everything went perfectly......so it really doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't happen too often
Yeah, thats true - I think you are *supposed* to mark items you sell as merchandise?

And good point about responding to feedback-good thing to do.
[quote name='bmulligan']Moral of the story:

Don't ever deal with Candian customers. There are plenty of customers in the good old USA.[/quote]
True dat!!!!!!
i would still buy from you. i read every negative comment somebody has and base my judgment on what the buyer/seller wrote on the feedback. since this guy gave you an A+++, then i would still assume you had perfect feedback :p

EDIT: oh yea, one time i marked "gift" for a customer and she still had to pay a customs fee. :(
I only ship to USA no outta countries lol try to put ur auctions like that too i still get a whole crap load of bids......give it a try!!
I'd still buy from you too. The neutral/negative feedback would really piss me off though. I have one negative from some dipshit kid, that failed to communicate with me after the auction, plus I was going up to college. He later responded to my emails saying he had given the game away to a friend. Mind you the auction I won was for an old NES game, with a bid of $2.

That being said, it's all a matter of perspective and what the incident (negative/neutral feedback) is about. In this case, I'd ignore it and buy from you.
I make it a point not to trade with Canadians (or anywhere outside the US for that matter) because so many more things can go wrong, plus the added shipping cost.

To answer your original question, as long as you don't slack off and let your feedback drop anymore I'd buy from you. :wink:

But seriously that's a really high percentage; anything lower than 90% would set off my scam-meter.
In my case, I was the one negative. I bought a wavebird wireless controller from some guy for about $22. Sent the payment immedietly but never recieved the item. I'm pretty sure he sold that exact controller a week later to someone else as a part of a GC bundle with games. He kept my money and hasn't responded to my numerous emails.

In that case, I wouldn't deal with that guy and wouldn't want anyone else to deal with him. All his other feedbacks were positive but the one situation I dealt with was horrible. If he did infact sell it to someone else, he could've at least apoligized and refunded my money, but he decided to ignore me. that bastard.
I just got a neutral feedback today, I shipped something first class and he says he payed for priority, but when they are same days to get there I usually ship lower. I have one negative, but thats what I get for letting my mom use my ebay account! She didnt pay for something and forgot about it:( One negative and one neutral isnt too bad out of 147 positive.
Only 1 neutral? Doesn't even phase me when i'm deciding to bid or not, like others do if the person is still somewhere in the high 90's i'll take my chances.
bread's done