Would you date a fat chick

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This woman :?: at school Keeps turning around and making eye contact with me. She has beautiful eyes. She seems really smart and down to earth. But shes huge. I dont have anything against fat people its just that America alienates them and makes them look so bad. Like theyve commited a crime for becoming over weight. Every thing in america seems so Schizophrenic
I'd like to say I don't discriminate for size preference, but I have a huge problem with huge hipbones. You see it mostly in Goth guys. Something about the fresh from the former Nazi death camps look that just doesn't appeal to me ;-)

I think if I was inclined to date girls, I would find it impossible to get a date because of this issue. Way too many girls overdoing the dieting. In fact, there was a girl in the America's top model reality TV show earlier this week in a bathing suit who I literally scared the hell out of me when she came on screen in her bathing suit. Resident evil doesn't have walking dead this morbid ;-)

in other words, unless it's a personal preference issue against fat people with you-- as opposed to everyone else making your decisions for you because they personally don't like fat people-- consider yourself lucky and go for the girl.
yeah, when you start asking dating advice on a message board for find cheap video games.... I think you have bigger problems. Make sure to tell the girl where you got your advice from, if she still loves you she's a keeper.
go on one date with her dude, one thing youll learn in life, if a chick makes you smile and have a good time, then shes worth everything in the world no matter what she looks like.
Easy slick....Im not really afraid of getting flamed. you dorks flame me every day. with all this talk of dieting atkins this atkins that. Dr phil this dr phil that. Dont eat this dont eat that. jenny craig....you get thje pic

just seems like if I date her what the fvck. should I feel sorry for her and be her personal trainer or something or just let hr breath.
[quote name='Mr. Rhee']
Would you date a fat chick?

Would a fat chick date you?

much better question.


In stead of taking notes She keeps turning around staring me in the eye. Maybe you are right. Maybe she dosent want to date me. Maybe she thinks that Im a funny looking mofo and has to stare
[quote name='space_rover']
just seems like if I date her what the fvck. should I feel sorry for her and be her personal trainer or something or just let hr breath.[/quote]

Read your first post, then go back and read what I just quoted. You said America alienates overweight females. Your last post looks like you are a huge part of the alienation process. Treat her like you would any other girl, take her out, laugh, smile, have fun. If she feels she needs to loose weight I'm sure she'll gladly start training herself.
[quote name='minx']I'd like to say I don't discriminate for size preference, but I have a huge problem with huge hipbones. You see it mostly in Goth guys. Something about the fresh from the former Nazi death camps look that just doesn't appeal to me ;-)

I think if I was inclined to date girls, I would find it impossible to get a date because of this issue. Way too many girls overdoing the dieting. In fact, there was a girl in the America's top model reality TV show earlier this week in a bathing suit who I literally scared the hell out of me when she came on screen in her bathing suit. Resident evil doesn't have walking dead this morbid ;-)

in other words, unless it's a personal preference issue against fat people with you-- as opposed to everyone else making your decisions for you because they personally don't like fat people-- consider yourself lucky and go for the girl.[/quote]

are you male or female?
[quote name='mm07']Fat girls try harder...[/quote]

I've found that fat chicks are usually nicer people than skinny ones because fat chicks can't rely (not as much anyway) on their looks to get by in this society. Personally, I like fat chicks. I've gone out with a number of them over the years, and I eventually married one as well.

One thing I can tell you from experience: if you marry a fat chick, you'll never go hungry.
Yeah Im tired of prissy shallow superficial skinny chicks that think that they are hot to death. They think that being them selves means being some body else. I hear every ones fat in TX
I guess space_rover needs some inspirational literature to help him think out his problem.

How about: Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss?
On top of the many other lessons you can learn from this book, you also learn that a person is a person no matter how small.
(The opposite is true as well).
Wario weighs in over 200 pounds (according to the instruction booklet) and he seems pretty popular around these boards. So I'd have to conclude that bigger really is better!
The real question is: Would Wario date her?
If you think so, better go for it before he beats you to it.
why does every one always get emo when I post. I just asked a simple ? in the OFF TOPIC FORUM. Keyword OFF TOPIC. Boards called OFF TOPIC. If you even bother making Gameboy related remarks then go into the game boy forum
[quote name='space_rover']
just seems like if I date her what the fvck. should I feel sorry for her and be her personal trainer or something or just let hr breath.[/quote]

How about not categorizing her as a "fat chick" and treating her like everyone else (I think someone said this). Learn about who SHE is. She may be the nicest, smartest, most in-sync-with-you girl in the world. Or she could be rude, shallow, and not worth your time. But take a chance on her. That's what dating is about. Weight doesn't determine someone's personality.

I think more of the problem here as that you are too concerned about what the American media thinks about overweight people. So, why don't you not conform to their shallow ideals and go out and have a good time.
[quote name='space_rover']why does every one always get emo when I post. I just asked a simple ? in the OFF TOPIC FORUM. Keyword OFF TOPIC. Boards called OFF TOPIC. If you even bother making Gameboy related remarks then go into the game boy forum[/quote]

You can post stuff on the OFF TOPIC board, but you don't have to be an ass.
Hmm...I thought my point was quite clear. Perhaps I should re-write it without the Wario analogy for those that can't understand it (and I was referring to the GC version, but close enough.) Sorry for trying to make a point and still keep it game related....this being a game related site.
Large women are cool, too.
If you don't take a shot at it, somebody else might beat you to it.
Definitely take a shot at her. If you can 'click' and have some of the same interests - then she might be a real keeper. Just don't mention the weight thing, its probably a sensitive issue with her. One thing about it - if she's cool, that weight can always just as easily be lost.
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']Definitely take a shot at her. If you can 'click' and have some of the same interests - then she might be a real keeper. Just don't mention the weight thing, its probably a sensitive issue with her. One thing about it - if she's cool, that weight can always just as easily be lost.[/quote]

as soon as she loses the weight shell turn on me though :twisted:
This is the "Cheap Ass Lifestyle & Off Topic" forum, and that makes it perfect for this post -- this is exactly why CheapyD added this particular forum.

If you don't like space_rover, then stop posting to his topic.
DDR will become the nex gen weight loss craze. Its getting so much good publicity. I was watching TV da other day and some chick said she lost like 100 pounds. Its a pretty hard game with no experience though
[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='pukemon']does anyone else think rover is a nuisance to this site?[/quote]


He's not at an Antonio or Spriggan level, but almost all of his posts are useless.
[quote name='st0neface'][quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='pukemon']does anyone else think rover is a nuisance to this site?[/quote]


He's not at an Antonio or Spriggan level, but almost all of his posts are useless.[/quote]

IE spam, and he has left a whole hell of a lot all over the place.

I wonder if he even realizes that his kind are frowned upon here.
I stay away from fat chicks. If you can't put forth a good diet, then I'm not going out with you. I can do it, why can't you? Oh yeah, fat chicks give good...wait, never mind.
[quote name='space_rover']In stead of taking notes She keeps turning around staring me in the eye. Maybe you are right. Maybe she dosent want to date me. Maybe she thinks that Im a funny looking mofo and has to stare[/quote]

Maybe she's just trying to figure out why they're trying to mainstream a retard into her class...
Recent results of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999 indicate that an estimated 61 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese, defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more.

Among U.S. adults aged 20-74 years, the prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI 25.0–29.9) has increased an estimated 2 percent since 1980, increasing from 33 percent to the 35 percent of the population in 1999 (based on NHANES II and NHANES 1999 data).
In the same population, obesity (defined as BMI greater than or equal to 30.0) has nearly doubled from approximately 15 percent in 1980 to an estimated 27 percent in 1999.

Overweight refers to increased body weight in relation to height, when compared to some standard of acceptable or desirable weight (NRC p.114; Stunkard p.14). NOTE: Overweight may or may not be due to increases in body fat. It may also be due to an increase in lean muscle. For example, professional athletes may be very lean and muscular, with very little body fat, yet they may weigh more than others of the same height. While they may qualify as "overweight" due to their large muscle mass, they are not necessarily "over fat," regardless of BMI.

61 percent that is a joke! I look down on fat people,there is know way you need to let yourself get that way. Instead of exercising and tring to lose weight, Americans take the easy way out and get there tummy stapled!
[quote name='juicedup1']Recent results of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999 indicate that an estimated 61 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese, defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more.

Among U.S. adults aged 20-74 years, the prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI 25.0–29.9) has increased an estimated 2 percent since 1980, increasing from 33 percent to the 35 percent of the population in 1999 (based on NHANES II and NHANES 1999 data).
In the same population, obesity (defined as BMI greater than or equal to 30.0) has nearly doubled from approximately 15 percent in 1980 to an estimated 27 percent in 1999.

Overweight refers to increased body weight in relation to height, when compared to some standard of acceptable or desirable weight (NRC p.114; Stunkard p.14). NOTE: Overweight may or may not be due to increases in body fat. It may also be due to an increase in lean muscle. For example, professional athletes may be very lean and muscular, with very little body fat, yet they may weigh more than others of the same height. While they may qualify as "overweight" due to their large muscle mass, they are not necessarily "over fat," regardless of BMI.

61 percent that is a joke! I look down on fat people,there is know way you need to let yourself get that way. Instead of exercising and tring to lose weight, Americans take the easy way out and get there tummy stapled![/quote]

And lo, the proletariat shall rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie.
Eventually, people will just come to terms with body image.. they will have to, with 61 percent being overweight. There were times in history that obesiety was a sign of prestige, and I wouldn't doubt that an eventual paradigm shift will have to occur.

I laugh at these children who whine about how they hate fat people... just wait until thier metabolisms drop off, and there gains in weight aren't hidden by growth. They will become what they hate... and even worse, they'll likely be self loathing overwieght people.
I also laugh at the people that say "if I can diet so can you" and all that shit. Some people simply CANT lose weight. They go on unhealthy diets and starve themselves and excerise and the weight just will not come off. Thyroid problems can blow you up if its hypo and then if it switches to hyper you start losing weight like crazy. People's metabolisms also differ. Some can eat whatever they want in huge quantities, sit on their butt all day, rinse, repeat and never gain an ounce. Others just LOOK at a cheeseburger or candy bar and instantly you can add on three pounds.

That doesn't excuse not getting a good diet though, it should be balanced and not too one way or the other. The Atkins diet is okay though... it seems to gel with alot of people. Maybe we were once simply carnivores. The world will never know.
More cushion for the pushin... Honestly women, no matter what size they are, whether height or weight, still are women. Anyone seen "Shallow Hal" it makes a good point, even though it pokes fun at obesity in certain scenes.
I really do not see any problem with dating a woman who has some weight on her, just more to love. I don't think it should be an issue, if you enjoy her company go for it period. Yes if you don't find her physically attractive, then that is on you, you developed a preference. Don't hate yourself or allow others to hate you because of your preference. By the way Rich, you are right, they do tend to give good......
[quote name='paean']If you don't mind getting eaten... hehe, there are so many subtle meanings to this! :D[/quote]

There are no subtle meanings to that.
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']I also laugh at the people that say "if I can diet so can you" and all that shit. Some people simply CANT lose weight. They go on unhealthy diets and starve themselves and excerise and the weight just will not come off. Thyroid problems can blow you up if its hypo and then if it switches to hyper you start losing weight like crazy. People's metabolisms also differ. Some can eat whatever they want in huge quantities, sit on their butt all day, rinse, repeat and never gain an ounce. Others just LOOK at a cheeseburger or candy bar and instantly you can add on three pounds.

That doesn't excuse not getting a good diet though, it should be balanced and not too one way or the other. The Atkins diet is okay though... it seems to gel with alot of people. Maybe we were once simply carnivores. The world will never know.[/quote]

Are you fat?
I tried the South Beach diet (which is really like Atkins). They make it sound like you'll be able to eat an entire cow as long as you don't have a slice of bread. It isn't so. They limit you to very little meat (or anything else for that matter). No matter what diet you choose, it's all about eating less, just worded differently and with a different gimmick. I just decided I'd eat whatever I want but less of it and I lost about 15lbs in 3 months which is what I wanted to do. I ate bread, I ate meat, candy, whatever. I just didn't overdo it. I'm at 165 (5'9) and I think according to the government study, I'm STILL overweight. I'm fine with where I'm at and maintain it. I think whoever did the study is out of touch with reality. Then again, maybe a bunch of supermodels did the study. Who knows?

To another post: I love Shallow Hal. Don't know why. Every time it comes on cable, I feel compelled to sit through the whole thing and watch it.
wasn't a big fan of the atkins diet myself, while it certainly has worked for some people, I felt like I was destroying my body, then again, the month I did it I probably consumed close to 300 chicken wings and mich ultra lacks the beer flavor that my diet so desires.
[quote name='bradr']I just didn't overdo it. I'm at 165 (5'9) and I think according to the government study, I'm STILL overweight. I'm fine with where I'm at and maintain it. I think whoever did the study is out of touch with reality. Then again, maybe a bunch of supermodels did the study. Who knows?

I don't think the study was supposed to be based on physical appearance, but rather health issues.
I'm on something like the South Beach Diet, basically you avoid sugar and processed wheat. That's it. And, of course, you exercise.

I lost thirty pounds in 8 months and have kept the weight off.

The Atkins diet is supposedly a quick fix that temporarily reduces weight by confusing your metabolism, but doesn't last long term.

The No Sugar/South Beach Diet/Whatever is more of a long-term, slow results, lifetime kind of thing.

The hardest part is finding true whole wheat bread that is packed full of sugar to eat.
[quote name='space_rover']This woman :?: at school Keeps turning around and making eye contact with me. She has beautiful eyes. She seems really smart and down to earth. But shes huge. I dont have anything against fat people its just that America alienates them and makes them look so bad. Like theyve commited a crime for becoming over weight. Every thing in america seems so Schizophrenic[/quote]

Sure! Go for it! She fat just like your Xbox! :lol:
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