Would you get in trouble for this?? (possible cheap-ass tactic)

i did this recently and got the eye toy complete and never used for 15 bucks. the eb guy told the guy trading it in to take my deal. he was also trading in some brand new sweet ass games like month old releases and i was tempted but didnt
when it really comes down to it it the only thing that really matters is the law, and the law says you cant do buisness on someone elses property.

If you really feel justified in doing this sort of thing, watch the guy, if he looks apprehensive about the credit ammount tap him on the shoulder, talk to him like he's a friend of yours and get him to step out side with you, have a short chat and offer him more for it outside.

Just dont do it in the store in front of the counter, he dosent know you and dosent have to listen, heck he may walk right back in and sell it to the store anyway rather than a stranger but atleast he had a choice.

Just because a guy asks how much credit they can get for a game at the counter dosent mean they;re gonna sell it to the store. If you get som ridiculously low price quoted to you you;reeither going to crumble under the impression there is no way to get more for it or you;ll take you buisness elsewhere.

Some times I wish people would acutally ask "is ther anyone in the store that will give me more than 6 bucks for this game?" so that someone can speak up and go "Heck yeah! they;re selling it for 30 here! let's go outside and talk!"
I would think at the very least the store could kick you out and ask you not to return.

I'd guess if it's not the store manager or owner behind the counter you probably have a decent chance of them not really caring.
[quote name='"Rodimus Donut"'][quote name='"The Game"'][quote name='"chunk"'][quote name='gizmogc']
Its people like you that think they could ever get a job at EB or Gamestop with an attitude like this. People come in all the time and ask for jobs that argue with me about trade ins and things they don't feel is fair and all I do is laugh at them and ask them if they actually expect to ever work for me.quote]

I know this was an eairlier post but I just have to comment on it.

I'm asuming you work at an EB or Gamestop. Now why do you highly regard your job as something only "special" people can have. I would "HATE" to work in an EB or Gamestop. I've actually been offered jobs their while in conversations with managers their. Personally, for me retail sucks as a job. I've done it, don't get me wrong, but I very much dislike it. Only like $6 an hour, most people at EB's or GS don't know shaq-fu about games. (Perfect example, my video game challanged brother works part-time at an EB.) What's so great about your job?

Sorry to the rest of you, I'm just venting. And anyone reading this that works at a video game store. I don't mean this directly to you. Just the person I'm quoting.[/quote]

I DO work at EB. And when I hire people I amke sure that they know ALOT about games. I mean c'mon, who would want to shop in a Video Game store that had employees that knew fuck about games?? I wouldn't. I have and when I had the opportunity to become a store amnager I made a promise to myself to only hire people who knew their shit.

Alot of people come in asking for jobs that have recently been in to do business and bitched and complained about trade ins or prices on used games. Do you think I want these people working for me?? That is what some people sound like on this thread. They do not understand business.

Casey RyBack does and chosen1s does.
BABETOOTH doesn't.

Alot of times people offer customers more money. All I do is ask them to do it outside and away from the store. I don not want people doing this but most of you are right. That person will most likely spend the money in my store. I have never and will probaly never ban anyone from my store. If someone is doing something innapropriate I simply ask them to leave until they can act properly.

This post has gone off topic then on topic then off topic and back on topic. The simple question was this. Is this wrong? Morally yes. Legally no.

When I go to work I try to get my customers the best deals possible. We usually have deals where people can get bonus $$$ for their trades or save on pre played with coupons, GMR cards, or in store specials. You guys just need to find a store with employees to traet you right and if they don't demand that they do. Do what you need to. Call the District Manager if need be. We are all in this together. I know how expensive games are. I know some tardes are bogus. But hey. EB pays my mortage, my car payment, flies me around the country once a year and allows me to do what I love most in life. Play video games and since I manage my store efficiantly I am able to spend time at home with my wife and 4 kids. I run my store very well and take great pride in what I do. Is my job better than working at McDonalds??? To you maybe not, but I can't think of anything else I would want to do.

[quote name='"The Game"'][quote name='"Rodimus Donut"'][quote name='"The Game"'][quote name='chunk'][quote name='gizmogc']
Its people like you that think they could ever get a job at EB or Gamestop with an attitude like this. People come in all the time and ask for jobs that argue with me about trade ins and things they don't feel is fair and all I do is laugh at them and ask them if they actually expect to ever work for me.quote]

I know this was an eairlier post but I just have to comment on it.

I'm asuming you work at an EB or Gamestop. Now why do you highly regard your job as something only "special" people can have. I would "HATE" to work in an EB or Gamestop. I've actually been offered jobs their while in conversations with managers their. Personally, for me retail sucks as a job. I've done it, don't get me wrong, but I very much dislike it. Only like $6 an hour, most people at EB's or GS don't know shaq-fu about games. (Perfect example, my video game challanged brother works part-time at an EB.) What's so great about your job?

Sorry to the rest of you, I'm just venting. And anyone reading this that works at a video game store. I don't mean this directly to you. Just the person I'm quoting.[/quote]

I DO work at EB. And when I hire people I amke sure that they know ALOT about games. I mean c'mon, who would want to shop in a Video Game store that had employees that knew shaq-fu about games?? I wouldn't. I have and when I had the opportunity to become a store amnager I made a promise to myself to only hire people who knew their shit.

Alot of people come in asking for jobs that have recently been in to do business and bitched and complained about trade ins or prices on used games. Do you think I want these people working for me?? That is what some people sound like on this thread. They do not understand business.

Casey RyBack does and chosen1s does.
BABETOOTH doesn't.

Alot of times people offer customers more money. All I do is ask them to do it outside and away from the store. I don not want people doing this but most of you are right. That person will most likely spend the money in my store. I have never and will probaly never ban anyone from my store. If someone is doing something innapropriate I simply ask them to leave until they can act properly.

This post has gone off topic then on topic then off topic and back on topic. The simple question was this. Is this wrong? Morally yes. Legally no.

When I go to work I try to get my customers the best deals possible. We usually have deals where people can get bonus $$$ for their trades or save on pre played with coupons, GMR cards, or in store specials. You guys just need to find a store with employees to traet you right and if they don't demand that they do. Do what you need to. Call the District Manager if need be. We are all in this together. I know how expensive games are. I know some tardes are bogus. But hey. EB pays my mortage, my car payment, flies me around the country once a year and allows me to do what I love most in life. Play video games and since I manage my store efficiantly I am able to spend time at home with my wife and 4 kids. I run my store very well and take great pride in what I do. Is my job better than working at McDonalds??? To you maybe not, but I can't think of anything else I would want to do.

dude at the ebgames in my town there is no one that knows anything. Also i think it is wrong and unethical to take away buissness i mean these stores get most their profit from preowned games
These threads seriously start to get old after a while.

Normally, this type of thread breaks people off into those who understand buisness and the way it works and those who think Gamestop is ripping them off becuase they don't get 45.00 trade in credit for a game they paid 50.00 for last year.

You have to understand people, game stores make NOTHING off of new systems and games...5-10.00 each. And in buisness sense, that's nothing...it's piddly. Now how are they going to make up losses and stay in buisness? hmmm, how about give billy 20.00 trade in credit for a game we can sell for 40.00! 20.00 profit right there!

Sorry people, but if you don't understand how the buisness world works, don't argue your naive little "points".

I know if I owned a game store, and someone came in with a copy of Resident Evil Outbreak, and I was going to give him 15.00 and he was happy with that...then some little prick comes up and says "Ill give you 20!"...he's out of the store, and he won't be coming back. Taking profit from a store is wrong, basically it's the same as stealing...you stole there potential profits.

So continue arguing, nothing I say is going to make the whiny "gamestop'z A RIPoFF!!!!!!" children understand the buisness world.
[quote name='Cmosfm']These threads seriously start to get old after a while.

Normally, this type of thread breaks people off into those who understand buisness and the way it works and those who think Gamestop is ripping them off becuase they don't get 45.00 trade in credit for a game they paid 50.00 for last year.

You have to understand people, game stores make NOTHING off of new systems and games...5-10.00 each. And in buisness sense, that's nothing...it's piddly. Now how are they going to make up losses and stay in buisness? hmmm, how about give billy 20.00 trade in credit for a game we can sell for 40.00! 20.00 profit right there!

Sorry people, but if you don't understand how the buisness world works, don't argue your naive little "points".

I know if I owned a game store, and someone came in with a copy of Resident Evil Outbreak, and I was going to give him 15.00 and he was happy with that...then some little prick comes up and says "Ill give you 20!"...he's out of the store, and he won't be coming back. Taking profit from a store is wrong, basically it's the same as stealing...you stole there potential profits.

So continue arguing, nothing I say is going to make the whiny "gamestop'z A RIPoFF!!!!!!" children understand the buisness world.[/quote]

do you think stating your points in such a condescending tone is helping resolve the issue?
[quote name='alongx'][quote name='BABETOOTH']You got some great games. Good for you! My point is they sold these games new for a profit. Lets say $50 a pop plus tax. Then I bring them back and they give in average $12 each but here is the catch no tax added to that credit. Yet when you bought those used games on average $25 each you also paid tax. If they dont give me tax on my used game how can they charge it on the same game when they sell it. That sounds a bit illegal too. This is why I dont feel bad for any of these chain stores.[/quote]

Do you know why they don't give you the $12 + tax? Because you aren't an agency which collects tax dollars for the US government that would then pass the money on to the government. Do you think they just keep the tax money and laugh all the way to the bank? No, they hold it in specialized accounts and then send a big check to the government every month. This happens on the sale of a new or used game. In fact, it happens on every sale, at every business, everywhere in America. And they probably put money aside to pay for the taxes when they purchase an item secondhand, although I can't be sure about that. I don't know where the re-purchase of used goods would be categorized for taxing purposes.[/quote]

Thank you for posting this, although I will point out that the US government gets NOTHING, nada, zero, zilch from your paying sales tax. Sales taxes are set and go to state governments in the United States. The federal government has plenty of other ways to bleed us dry, unfortunately.
Please leave me out of your crap... As for the Bunnyman "Cmosfm" you sound like a winner. If you kick people out of your store that means even less profit. May be the person you kick out tells his friends not to go to your store. Believe me there are plenty of places where you can buy videogames. Best thing one can do is be nice to customers. That along with good prices translates into more sales!!!
[quote name='"alongx"'][quote name='BABETOOTH']

Do you know why they don't give you the $12 + tax? Because you aren't an agency which collects tax dollars for the US government that would then pass the money on to the government. Do you think they just keep the tax money and laugh all the way to the bank? No, they hold it in specialized accounts and then send a big check to the government every month. This happens on the sale of a new or used game. In fact, it happens on every sale, at every business, everywhere in America.


Not in oregon :p. BTW, just curious if any of you live in oregon, are your states infrastructure(roads. public works, schools) hurting because of the lack of sales tax? I would like to see higher cigarette taxes, make them $20 per pack and that would be fine with me.
[quote name='Cmosfm']These threads seriously start to get old after a while.

Normally, this type of thread breaks people off into those who understand buisness and the way it works and those who think Gamestop is ripping them off becuase they don't get 45.00 trade in credit for a game they paid 50.00 for last year.[/quote]

Well I agree and disagree about this, look at MVP 2004. I fully know that it will be selling for $3 new when MVP 2005 comes out next year, so I have no problem waiting 11 months being the cheap ass that I am. I think EA and the other sports games makers could do is just put out an expansion pack every year with updated rosters and sell it for $20 new rather than make a new game, it would cost less to make and be a great deal for the consumer and the publisher, right?

Just look at the madden games, they were great for the genesis 12 years ago, and I still play my john madden championship edition with all the great old teams.

But back on topic, I would LOVE it if stores didnt give their employees the opportunity to snipe games before they go on the shelves.

If I am in a gamestop, and someone tries to trade in old school games(snes, nes, genny, dc) and the store no longer takes it, I will have a look at it and ask to meet them outside if I have any interest in it. That is the only time I ever interefere with a gamestop or EB, if they no longer accept what the person is trying to trade in.

The only problem is that gamecrazy, gamestop and eb have employees that call dibs on the good games that get traded in and the good games never make it to the shelf, so doesnt the store lose business for that? The employee will just snipe the game before it hits the shelves and the customers lose out on getting to buy the good games that got traded in and the employees that snipe the good games just turn around and sell it on ebay.

as for the regmonkey(i think his namne was gizmogc) who works at gamecrazy and said,"do that in my store and I would never let you back in" well in another thread he was saying how he snipes the games he knows have a good trade value at another store, and uses his employee discount at his store to buy the game on the cheap and then resells it at gamestop/eb. He abuses the system just as much as the kids who offer one dollar more of the trade in value for it at the store. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E??? That kind of thing really makes me sick. It is employess like gizmogc that make his particular gamecrazy have such a sh!tty selection, and when you hear about regmonkeys that give their store a bad name, think of gizmogc.
[quote name='dracula']
But back on topic, I would LOVE it if stores didnt give their employees the opportunity to snipe games before they go on the shelves.[/quote]

I'd like to agree with you on this, because you are right, we definitely get the upper hand here, and that is a bit unfair. Still, this is one of the few benefits available to employees at these stores. Most of the people I've ever known who work at GameStop are working there because they are collectors. It's pretty much the reason I still work there, seeing as how our discount has been slowly and methodically excised out of relevance. The whole 'buy it with discount, sell it on ebay' thing isn't as widespread as people think. Like I said, people work there because they like videogames and they know this is one of the best ways to get the upperhand in terms of collecting them.

If youare so concerned with this, why not try to get a job at one of these stores and have that benefit for yourself? You seem like a very intelligent person and I can't see any reason why you wouldn't get hired. During your interview though, don't say "Man, all I do is play man. Nothin' else. I'm just what you need, cuz all I ever do is play games man." I GUARANTEE you won't get the job then.
yeah....my gfs looking for a job....shes thinking of target or some cellphone place....im trying to push her into working at gamestop so she can hook me up....if she does...(which i doubt)....i will never have any money due to all of the "first dibs"....or maybe ill save money due to getting them while they're not rare and too expensive...who knows?

has anyone else had their gf get a job somewhere just to benefit yourself? lol....or am i the only asshole?
I did this twice once I got gta 3 for 6 bucks. the next time the seller said no. I offered him $5 more. guess he didn't want me to take advantage of his loss. Must of been a tight ass
I don't mind it, as if the person accepts your offer then it's less paper work for me to fill out. All I ask is that you take it outside, or at the very least out of earshot(as someone mentioned before, that IS considered solicitation). The only way it would upset me is if I was about to jump on a game and someone got the upper hand!
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='dracula']
But back on topic, I would LOVE it if stores didnt give their employees the opportunity to snipe games before they go on the shelves.[/quote]

I'd like to agree with you on this, because you are right, we definitely get the upper hand here, and that is a bit unfair. Still, this is one of the few benefits available to employees at these stores. Most of the people I've ever known who work at GameStop are working there because they are collectors. It's pretty much the reason I still work there, seeing as how our discount has been slowly and methodically excised out of relevance. The whole 'buy it with discount, sell it on ebay' thing isn't as widespread as people think. Like I said, people work there because they like videogames and they know this is one of the best ways to get the upperhand in terms of collecting them.

If youare so concerned with this, why not try to get a job at one of these stores and have that benefit for yourself? You seem like a very intelligent person and I can't see any reason why you wouldn't get hired. During your interview though, don't say "Man, all I do is play man. Nothin' else. I'm just what you need, cuz all I ever do is play games man." I GUARANTEE you won't get the job then.[/quote]

Well I already have a job as a schoolteacher(substitute/halftime) but I may try to get a job at a thrift shop over the summer. For one thing, I could get to snipe stuff that comes in for much cheaper, and another thing, those places like GS, EB, and GC wouldnt pay me enough(not that thrift shops pay great money, they dont but I would be able to snipe valuable stuff that comes in and not just games).

My time is valuable, I cant work for $9 per hour, I am 27 years old and have to worry about more important things than games like paying the rent. BUT that is ultimately why I think most of the employees at GS, EB, and GC are ok, sure there are a few bad apples, but most of them are pretty cool, as long as they arent assholes, I am fine with them. And yeah I know most of them arent total ebay whores.
Well I already have a job as a schoolteacher(substitute/halftime)

Is this a man you want influencing your children?

I kid, I kid.

Well if you know a foreign language and you see someone who looks like they may talk that language (like you know japanese and the customer is asian, or know italian and the customer is italian, etc.) you can try and talk to them about buying the game directly without the cashier knowing.

Ofcourse, they could be american born and only speak english, making you look like a fool. Then I laugh at you, ha ha ha.
I say let the people who trade in games get ripped off. They're either lazy or not very intelligent. I could trade in a game at EB and get $10 or sell it on ebay and get $25. Hmmm...what to do?
on the subject of being hired at gs/eb:
one time i was in line at gamestop and the man in front of me was in a shirt and tie and had no games in his hand for purchase. when it was his turn at the register he opened a leather-bound portfolio thingy and handed a fancy resume to the cashier.
and he wasnt applying for a managers position :?
i thought it was pretty funny
[quote name='weimerwanger']on the subject of being hired at gs/eb:
one time i was in line at gamestop and the man in front of me was in a shirt and tie and had no games in his hand for purchase. when it was his turn at the register he opened a leather-bound portfolio thingy and handed a fancy resume to the cashier.
and he wasnt applying for a managers position :?
i thought it was pretty funny[/quote]

I think it is a good idea to wear pants anytime you are applying for a job, it looks more professional, but I doubt he will wear a tie to work at his GS job
[quote name='paz9x']undercutters pizza. Just imagine the undercutters games sequel.[/quote]

I guess no one caught that. That is quite possibly my favorite Tom Green sketch. The way he jumps out and approaches people always makes me laugh so hard
bread's done