Would you recommend buying a used/refurbished PS3?


CAG Veteran
Been looking to buy a PS3 for awhile now and wondering if a used or refurbished PS3 is alright to buy compared to a new one. Just trying to save some money.
If I were you I'd shell out the extra 40-50 for a brand new one so you never will have to worry about anything. I personally never buy used consoles.
I never really had luck with the refurbished things so I would personally shell out the cash for a new unit.

It really depends on your preferences though.. if the extra cash saved is worth the risk, go for it. Make sure it comes with some sort of warranty though and the person/company you're buying from is somewhat reputable. If anything, just spend some extra cash and invest in a warranty from a third party as well.

Hopefully you're saving a good chunk of cash for you to even consider a refurbished unit. If you were asking about a refurbished 360 though, the obvious answer would be a flat out NO. :lol:
no. unless youre hellbent on having bc dont do it its not worth the risk . considering how many ps3s are starting to have issues its best to have a new system with a warranty.
Personally I bought a refurbished 60GB from gamestop maybe a year after the system released and I have never had a problem but I will say I know a lot of people that have had issues with used. If it is only $40-50 difference between new and used/refurbished you are probably safer with new since the retailer will probably charge you for a warranty plan.
I'd say go for a new one. I bought a used 40GB, and it sometimes freezes, which really is annoying. And I'm always worried that it's gonna break down on me. So definitely get a new one.
I bought mine used, but it was an atypical situation; I bought it from one of my best friends, who didn't play it more than 100 hours in the year he had it. I'd say for peace of mind, buy a new one.
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