Wrestlemania 21


In my view which isnt probably very importent to you so here it goes any way. Wrestlemania 21 was going to be a great game but the designers really f 'ed this one up. I had more fun with the strategy guide then i hade with the actual game.
I had more fun looking at the back of the box dreaming about how great the game could have been then I did playing it.
I will agree about the graphics system, it is a big step up but other than that it still just doesn't live up to the hype it created and it still isn't as good as Day of Reckoning
I am a huge fan of the WWE but i can spot a bad game when i see one. I would like to also add that the fact of the matter of this video game is a complete insult to the WWE superstars and all of the WWE fans.
I still play this game occasionally. It's OK, but nowhere near the game that Xbox wrestling fans deserve.

I might have traded it before, but then I wouldn't have a good current-gen wrestling game. Well, we can always hope that THQ will get their heads out of their asses and get a good developer for the Xbox.
[quote name='guyver2077']yea the game isnt too good compared to others but if your a fan youll like it anywayz!! the entrances just look so amazing[/QUOTE]


Even if you're a fan, you cannot enjoy the gameplay of this piece of shit.
Also, when is this hunk of junk going to drop in price?

It's still $50 at every store around here...

If it drops to $17.99 used, I might pick it up during a GS Buy 2/Get 1 sale.
[quote name='kittie']Also, when is this hunk of junk going to drop in price?

It's still $50 at every store around here...

If it drops to $17.99 used, I might pick it up during a GS Buy 2/Get 1 sale.[/QUOTE]

It's $19.99 (and has been so for months) at Gamefly.com
[quote name='vihit']Has Aki made any wrestling titles recently?[/QUOTE]

Def Jam: Fight For N.Y. Not really "wrestling" (in terms of federations), but it still holds the style of their other wrestling titles. There is wrestling, though.

Pretty fun game, actually. Well-worth $15.
[quote name='vihit']Has Aki made any wrestling titles recently?[/QUOTE]

I thought they used it, or a similar engine for Def Jam: Fight for New York, but I may be wrong. Its not a wrestling game exactly, but its close.
How the heck did we go from Wrestleing to street fighting??? Wrestleing is more tecnical and Street fighting is just beat some one senseless untill the cant move or there dead.(but i always love to beat some one senseless.)
[quote name='RomanCohort']How the heck did we go from Wrestleing to street fighting???[/QUOTE]

Because, simply put, I mentioned Aki, somebody asked if Aki has ventured in any other wrestling titles. Craven and I replied with "Def Jam: Fight for N.Y.", which is Aki's closest effort in wrestling, as of late.

And there are wrestling elements in that game, in addition to Aki's wrestling engine.
So could you point out a few (and I am not trying to be a asshole) becuase if you say that Aki did good on them they might be worth picking up on them.
But THQ has really expanded the Wrestleing title.(such as Smackdown vs RAW)So i think THQ might have something with Smackdown vs RAW 2006 hopefully.
[quote name='RomanCohort']But THQ has really expanded the Wrestleing title.(such as Smackdown vs RAW)So i think THQ might have something with Smackdown vs RAW 2006 hopefully.[/QUOTE]

What do you mean by 'expanded'?
THQ has Made some good titles for Wrestleing fans,and has opend up a whole new concept with the superstar voices.( but the voice acting in horrible in Smackdown vs RAW) So i hope for better voice acting in SVR 2006.
I like wrestling and I like the wrestling games but I can truthfully say I don't want to play it all day long like Cohort ( I say this because he I know him).
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