WWE '12 coming November 22: Macho Man announced as DLC in Jan. 9/10 on IGN

I agree that the controls are a bit complex, but at least the most important functions are mapped to the most basic controls. Novice players probably wouldn't be messing with "positioning" anyway, so mapping those to the right stick is a good choice IMO. Keep it out of the way until new players are ready to learn it. Previous few games had it all wrong; I mean try teaching a new player to grapple with the right stick and hold RB to modify their strikes. Counterintuitive as hell.

A few small things that I'm LOVING in '12:

- The ability to have different hairstyles on a CAW's alternate outfits!!! In my local wrestling days I had two very different hairstyles, so I'm glad I can incorporate both into my CAW without having to make two separate characters.

- Pinning moves with optional pins. i.e. you can do a Northern Lights Suplex and a "B" prompt flashes on the screen. If you hold "B" you will bridge into a pin; if you do nothing it will be a release version of the move.

- Finishers from multiple situations. For example RKO can be done standing vs. a groggy opponent, or as a running move.

I missed the 2011 game so Universe is brand new to me. Man oh man I can tell that's gonna be addicting.
I'm trying to like this game but currently it's feeling like a huge disappointment to me. Some moves seem just clunky compared to 2011. An example is the "Lesnar" german suplex (the one where a player does a throwing german suplex and the other person lands on their head, gets up and spins around in a circle, then falls down). In 2011 it was perfect but in this game it seems like they made it 2 or 3 times the speed of 2011's version so it doesnt look realistic. Still trying to get used to the controls but as of now I'm wishing they kept in 2011's controls as an option. Also disappointed they dont let you edit a superstar's brand and heel/face from the main menu (can only be done in Universe mode which I dont use).
[quote name='BustaUppa']

- Finishers from multiple situations. For example RKO can be done standing vs. a groggy opponent, or as a running move.

He hit one on me out of absolutely nowhere which I loved even though he pinned me with it, as opposed to the overblown taunt sequence he does in real life. I haven't had time to really learn the game, when he pinned me all sorts of prompts and meters came up and I had no idea what to do with them. I'm not crazy about these new online-only manuals they seem to be doing. Same goes for the Breaking Point system, my first match in any new wrestling game is beating the crap out of John Morrison, and about a minute in he put me in a cobra clutch and I lost immediately. Hopefully tonight I can really sit down and figure things out.

[quote name='Tsel']I had a similar experience. I was Del Rio facing Cena. I was dominating him for the entire match until he hit his 5 moves of doom to pick up the win. It was such a satisfying and realistic ending that I couldn't help but be happy with it.[/QUOTE]

:applause: Just like that I Quit match where Miz beat Cena's ass for a half-hour, then Cena hit the STF and Miz tapped instantly.
ok wtf is that wcw nitro theme in this game? would of been killer if it was the actual theme

i was about to go nuts thinking they actually put in the nitro theme
[quote name='guyver2077']ok wtf is that wcw nitro theme in this game? Would of been killer if it was the actual theme

i was about to go nuts thinking they actually put in the nitro theme[/quote]


I'm glad they put in some custom themes this year, even if the majority of them are incredibly generic. I'm loving the "Gold Medalist" theme song though. Now I just need to make a CAW that will be able to live up to that theme.

A bit disappointed with the draft. It's a really awesome feature, but only 4 people were drafted in my Universe. I'd like at least 6-8.
I had Del Rio pull a Cena with my draft. Im working on RtWM now and thats where everything is unlocked. I have the unlock all, but I refuse to dl it.
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Try to unlock a lot of belts. It's what I did and enjoy it more with my ECW show and official title. How ever, there is no right or wrong way or best. Just play at your own pace and enjoy.
[quote name='TheRock88']I'm trying to like this game but currently it's feeling like a huge disappointment to me. Some moves seem just clunky compared to 2011. An example is the "Lesnar" german suplex (the one where a player does a throwing german suplex and the other person lands on their head, gets up and spins around in a circle, then falls down). In 2011 it was perfect but in this game it seems like they made it 2 or 3 times the speed of 2011's version so it doesnt look realistic. Still trying to get used to the controls but as of now I'm wishing they kept in 2011's controls as an option. Also disappointed they dont let you edit a superstar's brand and heel/face from the main menu (can only be done in Universe mode which I dont use).[/QUOTE]

Overall I like the game, but I have a few similar complaints.
I haven't played a WWE game since '07. I thought that would make it easier to enjoy this one, but I actually find myself wondering how many of the bad points are new and how many are holdovers.

I feel like the sound-design is lacking. During backstage brawls the voice overs are too low. The sounds of the moves are also very underwhelming. I think some moves either don't register sounds, or just don't make any sounds, which seems silly.

A few moves seem really fast too. The main one I notice is Triple H's spinebuster. I remember back in 06 and 07 that they were slow and felt powerful. Now they happen in an instant and barely make a noise. A few other moves are troublesome. Wade Barrett's big-boot when the opponent is running comes to mind. It's so slow that I have not been able to hit it one single time. The opponent just runs into me and disrupts it.

Sound design and speed of a fraction of the moves are off. Aside from that, pretty fun so far. Haven't dug too deep into most of it though.
[quote name='guyver2077']is the only way to get the custom music on the 360 still only via cdr?[/QUOTE]

I have everything networked (360 via wireless router, which my desktop is connected to via ethernet cable) and I can utilize any music on my computer as a theme as long as it's made into a playlist first, which is much more easily done on the computer than it is doing it on the Xbox.

So no, CD-R is not the only option, yet just one of two, sadly.

Edit: You should be able to use a USB flash drive this way as well. Just make sure the music files you want to use are individually made into individual playlists or the game will not recognize them.
I dont stream because I just dont see it very beneficial to the computer/laptop being on when I need to stream. Thats why I put it on a cd-rw and just clear it and write again. Might be able to do it with usb but never tried. Don't know why ps3 allows it but not the 360.
Can't stop playing RTWM. I hated the button controls at first but now enjoy them. The flow of chain wrestling and reversals is very smooth and the game actually puts up a challenge on the harder difficulty levels.
[quote name='HydroX']I have everything networked (360 via wireless router, which my desktop is connected to via ethernet cable) and I can utilize any music on my computer as a theme as long as it's made into a playlist first, which is much more easily done on the computer than it is doing it on the Xbox.

So no, CD-R is not the only option, yet just one of two, sadly.

Edit: You should be able to use a USB flash drive this way as well. Just make sure the music files you want to use are individually made into individual playlists or the game will not recognize them.[/QUOTE]

i could of sworn i tried this back in the day but couldnt get it to work.. ill give it a shot again...

edit- see i can access the music on my xbox ok.. but when i try to save the playlist it says only songs from the hard drive can be added
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I have a question. The last wrestling game I played was back on the PS2, I think it was the first Smackdown Vs Raw but playing some No Mercy really sparked my interest in the genre again.

Is WWE 12 a good re-entry into the series of WWE games or do you recommend I get an earlier version for cheap?
Really enjoying the game, it just sucks that the CAW is basically identical to last years game aside from like five items.
[quote name='guyver2077']i could of sworn i tried this back in the day but couldnt get it to work.. ill give it a shot again...

edit- see i can access the music on my xbox ok.. but when i try to save the playlist it says only songs from the hard drive can be added[/QUOTE]

You cant use the files themselves. As I stated in my previous post, The songs you want to use have to be made into playlists on your computer. Just add them to winamp or whatever you use as a single song playlist and save them as a playlist.
[quote name='HydroX']You cant use the files themselves. As I stated in my previous post, The songs you want to use have to be made into playlists on your computer. Just add them to winamp or whatever you use as a single song playlist and save them as a playlist.[/QUOTE]

thanks.. figured it out...works nicely..

ofcourse though they sound horrible and too loud in game..
Bought the game today with the B2G1 at Best Buy. Loving it except for the fact that THQ's servers are fucked and I am not doing anything in the game until I download enough classic wrestler CAW's for universe mode.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Bought the game today with the B2G1 at Best Buy. Loving it except for the fact that THQ's servers are fucked and I am not doing anything in the game until I download enough classic wrestler CAW's for universe mode.[/QUOTE]

They've said they've fixed the servers twice now, but yeah, they're still trash. I cant connect 98% of the time, and the 2% I can miraculously connect, I get booted when I try using the search filter.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I have a question. The last wrestling game I played was back on the PS2, I think it was the first Smackdown Vs Raw but playing some No Mercy really sparked my interest in the genre again.

Is WWE 12 a good re-entry into the series of WWE games or do you recommend I get an earlier version for cheap?[/QUOTE]

I hadn't played a wrestling game since Wrestlemania 2000, but picked this up at Amazon for $47 + $10 GC. I'm enjoying it. It's kind of crazy to have 10+ years of wrestling video game advancement thrown at you all at once.

Road to Wrestlemania is really fun to me, since I've never seen it before. I think it was worth the $37 after GC price I paid from Amazon. It's not a perfect game, but definitely solid and impressive if you haven't picked up a wrestling game in years like myself.
Would you guys consider this the best one THQ has made so far? Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 was the last one I actually played.
[quote name='Stallio']Would you guys consider this the best one THQ has made so far? Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 was the last one I actually played.[/QUOTE]

Not even close. It's worth a rental or a go if you can find it on the cheap.
[quote name='Stallio']Would you guys consider this the best one THQ has made so far? Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 was the last one I actually played.[/QUOTE]

That honor still goes to Here Comes The Pain.
I disagree with my man Hydro here. I buy the games every year and I love this one. To me, it's the best WWE game on the 360 and isthe best since SvR 2006 on the PS2.
[quote name='Matt Young']I disagree with my man Hydro here. I buy the games every year and I love this one. To me, it's the best WWE game on the 360 and isthe best since SvR 2006 on the PS2.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='HydroX']Not even close. It's worth a rental or a go if you can find it on the cheap.[/QUOTE]
high expectations
Well after wrestling with the fucking servers to get my god damn legendary CAWs I finally have everything good to go. I don't play online much so the WWE Universe mode is the reason I bought it and is going to keep me busy for a long time.

Reason I haven't bought a WWE game in forever was the first Smackdown vs Raw on the PS2 felt kinda stale combat wise (and I decided to not buy any until now). This game vastly improves upon it and I would say rivals No Mercy on the N64. I love how just I can be about on my deathbed, and one or two moves later, win the match. It feels very realistic but yet keeps it easy to play.

My only complaints so far is that they don't treat CAWs as superstars in Universe mode (so you still have to include a lot of the WWE 12 lineup). You can't just edit a show, say WWE Superstars HD and change it every week to something else automatically. Also they don't tell you all the controls (or at least are not detailed enough anyway) for the match types in the in game manual.

Loving this game though.
How in thee blue hell do you unlock Goldust? I have tried everything I've read on various other sites and he is the only character I have yet to unlock. Nothing seems to work.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Win a singles match with Cody Rhodes. Worked for me.[/QUOTE]

Tried it, nada. Tried winning the title (WWE, IC, and WHC) with Cody, nope. Tried defending titles with Cody, nothing.

No big loss, really, but that one blank block on the character select screen kind of irritates me.
Yeah, I cant unlock Goldust either. I've played numerous matches with Cody in Universe but get nothing.
[quote name='SEH']Yeah, I cant unlock Goldust either. I've played numerous matches with Cody in Universe but get nothing.[/QUOTE]

It took me forever but I did it today. Not sure if it's random or what. You can't put Cody in a match, he has to be there by default. It has to be a normal 1 on 1 match, no modifications, no gimmicks, no other rule changes. I did it on a RAW show.
Wwe 12 is pretty sweet, considering I had a 30 min ironman 3 vs 3 tagteam match. With Arn Anderson & LOD taking on demolition & vader. Yes LOD and Arn ruled the match 7-3.
Alright guys, convince me to get this game or not get this game.

For every good review I read I read an average/bad one. Seems like controls are a bit of an issue? I haven't played a wrestling game since No Mercy. What is Universe Mode, and why can you only be 2 or 3 wrestlers in Road to Wrestlemania?

I'm intrigued, but not sure if it's worth it.
As a man who enjoys Kinect and is a fan of Hulk Hogan, I bit on the $15 sale price of Hulk Hogan's Main Event. I know fully well how bad it is. I have friends who played it at E3. But for that price, morbid curiosity won out.
[quote name='Mizzou75']Alright guys, convince me to get this game or not get this game.

For every good review I read I read an average/bad one. Seems like controls are a bit of an issue? I haven't played a wrestling game since No Mercy. What is Universe Mode, and why can you only be 2 or 3 wrestlers in Road to Wrestlemania?

I'm intrigued, but not sure if it's worth it.[/QUOTE]

I bought this game after swearing off wrestling games weeks after buying Smackdown '07. I haven't regretted it, but it comes with some caveats. I have no problem with the controls. Although there does feel like there are less moves than the what I remember from 07 and 06. The bad reviews seem to focus on Road to Wrestlemania. I'm 2/3 of the way through it and I don't think it's horrible. Like most of the game, there are a few design choices that make you scratch your head. I suppose this game is a lot like WWE programming in real life. When you're in a match and watching a struggle it's very dramatic and you get sucked in. But there are a bunch of problems with everything besides the basic wrestling.

I went through a week were I started to regret having it. Then I played it all night once and it won me over because it just kind of clicked for me. Can't guarantee it will happen to you, but if you have some extra money and can get it on sale or with a gift card, it could be a fun risk to take.
[quote name='Mizzou75']Alright guys, convince me to get this game or not get this game.

For every good review I read I read an average/bad one. Seems like controls are a bit of an issue? I haven't played a wrestling game since No Mercy. What is Universe Mode, and why can you only be 2 or 3 wrestlers in Road to Wrestlemania?

I'm intrigued, but not sure if it's worth it.[/QUOTE]

1. No Mercy is overrated

2. This is a really fun game if you can get past some of the quirks, especially in Universe mode.
bread's done