XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

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190 (100%)
Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the USA. This includes the Deal of the Week, KINECT Central sale item(s), and any other 3rd-party sales or promotions. We have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases in the 2nd post. Most sales are for one week. Feel free to post if you see anything not listed here.

Please note:

  • All known sales and information on sales are in the OP. Major Nelson usually updates us with new sales information every other Tuesday. When offers are validated by Moderators, it will be added to the OP as time permits.
  • ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! No information within this thread can or should be construed as accurate (or still valid), therefore ...
  • Always verify Xbox Live Marketplace prices before your purchase!
  • Some sales are intended for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY, as noted within each section.
  • Spend wisely, have fun, and enjoy!
XBOX Live (Gold) Deal of the Week
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the sale price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


7/2 - 7/8 ... Borderlands DLC

7/9 - 7/15 ... Dishonored and Metal Gear Rising DLC and More

  • Dishonored Games on Demand - Price Unknown
    DLC - The Knife of Dunwall - 400 MSP (50% off)
  • DLC - Dunwall City Trials - 200 MSP (50% off)
  • DLC - Void Walkers Arsenal - 160 MSP (50% off)

[*]Metal Gear Rising Revengeance DLC
  • Jetstream - 400 MSP (50% off)
  • Raiden Custom Body - 80 MSP (50% off)
  • Bladewolf  - 320 MSP (43% off)

[*]XBLA - Battle: Los Angeles - 400 MSP (50% off)
XBox "Games with Gold" Promotion 
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the FREE price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


  • Confirmed as future free games: Halo 3


Sales & Specials: Open to Everyone!
NOTE ... if the start & end dates are not well-defined, ACT FAST! since these
"sales" could end anytime. However, they may also be permanent markdowns.


Ultimate Game One Day Sales:

7/2 ... Day One:

7/3 ... Day Two:

7/4 ... Day Three:

7/5 ... Day Four: (will last through 7/7)

7/2 - 7/8 ... Ultimate Games Persistent Sales:

* =  Want to Buy Games On Demand Using Microsoft Points? [customspoiler="GonD with MSP"]
Often overlooked, GoD are by default displayed in dollars both on Xbox.com as well as on the console, but on the very-first confirmation screen of the download process is the option to use Microsoft Points in place of real-world currency.

Through the console, after first selecting to download a GoD you are greeted by a familiar gray confirmation screen that pops up displaying the size of the download as well as confirming the price. At the bottom of this gray pop-up is the instruction to press the "X button" in order to change the payment type to MSP. Pictured below with an arrow:

On Xbox.com they've made it much more obvious, the confirmation "extra step" pop-up after clicking the download link displays a link that simply says "Use Microsoft Points" directly under the price in dollars at the top of the page.

The more you know....[/customspoiler]

Kinect Central sales

7/2 - ??? ... Unannounced Rocksmith DLC Markdowns

7/2 - ??? ... Other Unannounced Markdowns

7/2 - 7/8 ... Robocop and Fast and Furious Avatar Sale

  • Please check the avatar store on your Xbox 360 for more information

7/9 - 7/15 ... Just Dance 4

  • Price and content unknown

Monthly Marketplace Markdowns
Announced ... as confirmed on the Xbox 360's own dashboard, or corroborated from other sources (PSN, dev/pub, etc).

Unannounced ... from Xbox.com scrapes. *These may or may not be permanent, so judge accordingly.


Unannounced Price Drops for July:

* =  Want to Buy Games On Demand Using Microsoft Points? [customspoiler="GonD with MSP"]
Often overlooked, GoD are by default displayed in dollars both on Xbox.com as well as on the console, but on the very-first confirmation screen of the download process is the option to use Microsoft Points in place of real-world currency.

Through the console, after first selecting to download a GoD you are greeted by a familiar gray confirmation screen that pops up displaying the size of the download as well as confirming the price. At the bottom of this gray pop-up is the instruction to press the "X button" in order to change the payment type to MSP. Pictured below with an arrow:

On Xbox.com they've made it much more obvious, the confirmation "extra step" pop-up after clicking the download link displays a link that simply says "Use Microsoft Points" directly under the price in dollars at the top of the page.

The more you know....[/customspoiler]

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I'm not 100% but is say price drop, don't sales always have the discounted gold price as well as the original price listed on Xbox.com?
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Did a search for Out of the Shadows (Kinect heard me as "alan alda shatters") and I don't see it as playable yet. When do these titles and sales usually start?

Downloading State of Decay's demo now.

Catherine at $15 is the lowest price I've ever seen. Tempting.

Looked into buying Game of Thrones but remembered how it was reviewed.

via Giant Bomb:

"...Sad dialogue, combat, sad dialogue, combat, sad dialogue, more sad dialogue, something outright horrifying happening, sad combat, and so on repeated in varying orders for a bit more than 20 hours. I'll admit that as a fan of the source material, I did find myself increasingly willing to put up with Game of Thrones' mediocre mechanics and ass-ugly graphics for the sake of pushing forward in the story. At points, its tale can be quite gripping. But between its healthy dollops of bloated dialogue, its endlessly embittered tone, and its perhaps unsurprisingly bleak conclusion--no matter which of the multiple endings you end up with, mind you--I ultimately found Game of Thrones too soul-draining to enjoy. There is fan service to be had here, but the trade-off of what you have to endure to experience it isn't balanced in your favor."

Save your money/points.
Despite your valid points/reasoning, I am considering getting this at that price (mostly because of my discounted points). I actually bought this soon after it came out when Best Buy had a crazy DotD price. Played it for a few hours and flipped it. The combat mechanics atre pretty bad, but I did enjoy the story and have gotten much more into GoT since then... Sigh

Slightly OT but I can't find an answer-

Anyone know if the battlefield 3 premium that's on sale for 2000 includes single player and regular multiplayer? I want to sell my regular BF3 disc, but want to make sure I could still play everything using the premium download.
Slightly OT but I can't find an answer-

Anyone know if the battlefield 3 premium that's on sale for 2000 includes single player and regular multiplayer? I want to sell my regular BF3 disc, but want to make sure I could still play everything using the premium download.
Without checking, pretty sure it's just the DLC content. It's the disc copy of Premium that comes with the base game (and comes with a code for Premium access, not DLC on disc). Also, beware that you need to "purchase"/download the DLC from the Premium tab of the in-game store to avoid paying twice.

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Thanks that's what I was afraid of. Super conflicted on whether to buy this or not-it's a ton of content but I don't know anyone else who plays and BF4 is out in oct. does this series turn ino ghost towns when new one comes out? I know CoD has people still playing nearly every version-does anyone think the bf3 community will still be big when BF4 releases?
I know that Battlefield 1943 is hugely popular, but I'm not sure how much people are playing Bad Company... I would venture to guess that BF4 will sell poorly for 360 as everyone will want the improvements possible with the xbone/ps4/PC, and hence BF3 will still have a decent population on "older" devices.

*EDIT* o_O New price drops on Hitman Blood Monies (2400 > 1600) and Tomb Raider Underworld (1600 > 800), as well as some guitar hero tracks.

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Tomb Raider Underworld GoD, showing up for 800 MSP. and Guitar Hero World Tour "Classic Rock Track Pack" showing as 220 MSP. Meh...

Selection so far isn't great but at least we know they're still adding titles to the sale.

And captain brannagin, good point. I'll probably pull the trigger
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Selection so far isn't great but at least we know they're still adding titles to the sale.

And captain brannagin, good point. I'll probably pull the trigger
This is more of a "Rainy Day Sale"

And Battlefield 3 is still PACKED with players. That is a series that you will never have a problem finding a game. (Even Battlefield 2: Modern Combat had players on, right up until they pulled the plug. I happened to be playing when they did it, Good Times) Battlefield players are very dedicated to the series, unlike Call Of Dootie, where people give up the day a new game comes out.

There are also other drops live now
Testament of Sherlock Holmes 1200MSP/15$

Kung-Fu High Impact (Kinect) 400MSP/5$

And now all the Worms games are 50% off (Worms, Worms 2, Worms Ultimate Mayhem, Worms Revolution) and A LOT of FF13-2 DLCs.

Thanks that's what I was afraid of. Super conflicted on whether to buy this or not-it's a ton of content but I don't know anyone else who plays and BF4 is out in oct. does this series turn ino ghost towns when new one comes out? I know CoD has people still playing nearly every version-does anyone think the bf3 community will still be big when BF4 releases?
The bad company 2 community is still pretty big if that gives you a sense of how long people will stick around. Then again content wise I don't find myself playing the last 3 expansions much at all, nor are they really in popular rotations. There are still plenty of people playing the maps, just saying you could do well with just Karkand and Close Quarters (which is free this week) unless you are interested in the crossbow/s-tac and scavenger/capture the flag as the last 3 don't really add much loadout wise.

Selection so far isn't great but at least we know they're still adding titles to the sale.

And captain brannagin, good point. I'll probably pull the trigger
This is more of a "Rainy Day Sale"

And Battlefield 3 is still PACKED with players. That is a series that you will never have a problem finding a game. (Even Battlefield 2: Modern Combat had players on, right up until they pulled the plug. I happened to be playing when they did it, Good Times) Battlefield players are very dedicated to the series, unlike Call Of Dootie, where people give up the day a new game comes out.

To be fair, plenty of people still play Black Ops and Modern Warfare 3.

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Yea, I dunno where you got the idea that CoD plays "give up the day a new game comes out" cause I still go back and play BlOps, MW3 and MW2 and there are plenty of people playing. They're far from dead.

By the way is anyone other than me feeling that one of the best pieces of news out of E3 was that Ubisoft is bringing the first Far Cry game to XBLA, calling it Far Cry Classic, and only charging us 560 spacebucks for it?

I never had a PC that could run the first Far Cry but I heard good things. Looking forward to grabbing it at some point when it comes out this summer.
Ooh I must have missed this news. For that price I'll bite at launch. I remember renting FC Instincts and thought it was basically the same but I read there were key differences.

Once I buy that then I'll own all the FC games minus Blood Dragon which I'll pick up when it goes on sale. Does anybody else like that we can own an entire franchise on consoles with previous PC exclusives? I'm looking at you Crysis and Call of Duty.
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To be fair, plenty of people still play Black Ops and Modern Warfare 3.
Dont get me wrong, i was a COD fan-boy since COD 1, when all we had was cap the flag, team-death and a fantastic Single Player campaign. Its just turned into a $105 map pack every year since WAW (which is my fave, BTW) and the Campaigns, though fun, are entirely too short for the price tag. I enjoyed Every COD that came out, but don't plan on buying them day 1 anymore. But when it comes to Multiplayer longevity, DICE's Battlefield games are #1 (IMO).

Not to mention, DICE keeps an eye on people taking advantage on glitches and hacking/modding. Not the case with COD unfortunately. Last time i popped in COD 4: MW, people were sniping from the clouds...

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It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.

To be fair, plenty of people still play Black Ops and Modern Warfare 3.
Dont get me wrong, i was a COD fan-boy since COD 1, when all we had was cap the flag, team-death and a fantastic Single Player campaign. Its just turned into a $105 map pack every year since WAW (which is my fave, BTW) and the Campaigns, though fun, are entirely too short for the price tag. I enjoyed Every COD that came out, but don't plan on buying them day 1 anymore. But when it comes to Multiplayer longevity, DICE's Battlefield games are #1 (IMO).

Not to mention, DICE keeps an eye on people taking advantage on glitches and hacking/modding. Not the case with COD unfortunately. Last time i popped in COD 4: MW, people were sniping from the clouds...
I'm just saying lol the previous two installments are usually still in the top 10 most played monthly across platforms (which we can't say for DICE's games) so the longevity is there. I think it's great that DICE deviated a bit when making BF3 to broaden the appeal and get more players in the door so hopefully the community continues to grow from here on out.

Hmm, I'll likely pick up Kung Fu High Impact at that price. Gonna try the demo first though, but it looks like it'd be good fun and my daughter might enjoy it as well...

I was about to buy Sleeping Dogs last minute 20 minutes ago when it still showed as Gold Only... then one of the DLC packs charged me full price for it. That's what I get for waiting last minute to see if the Sunny Day sale was worth it. sigh.

It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).

As far as it being a "genuine move", if your definition of "genuine" entails copying another company to make it seem like a similar service you provide/ charge for is (as good of) a deal, than yea. Totally Genuine. Not going to lie though, I did download F3 yesterday morning even though I beat it and its terrible compared to F2. Guess I am ok with getting a few free games no matter what they are...

Testament of Sherlock Holmes is a Fine Game (if that's what you are into) btw.

hmm yeah even that link says: "Lots of great games are going on sale for a limited time. Pick up classics like Tomb Raider Underworld, Dungeon Siege III, Game of Thrones, Guardian of Middle-earth and many more at discounts of up to 50% off!"

...but they dont even have them all listed below. Dont see any of the Tomb Raider games but Im not sure if I would want to pick them up anyways. Just got the new Tomb Raider and its actually an awesome reset for this franchise. I might pick up GoT just for the hell of it...got plenty of points from the MS deal so 800 pts for it only equates to about $3.33 lol :)

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xbox.com is working very poorly at the moment.  Frustrating as I'm trying to update the OP...

Anyway, it's been confirmed that 48 hour and 2 week trials won't work to get in on the free games, right?

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It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).
There's around 77 million Xbox 360's out there, while Halo 3 sold about 14 million copies new. Let's double that to account for rentals and used games, so around 28 million, give or take. That means there's still almost 50 million potential players to try to pull into the Halo franchise. It's a smart move on Microsoft's part.

Don't forget that most deals and promotions are not targeted at us, the people who buy 20+ games per year.

It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).
There's around 77 million Xbox 360's out there, while Halo 3 sold about 14 million copies new. Let's double that to account for rentals and used games, so around 28 million, give or take. That means there's still almost 50 million potential players to try to pull into the Halo franchise. It's a smart move on Microsoft's part.

Don't forget that most deals and promotions are not targeted at us, the people who buy 20+ games per year.
just saying, why not reach then? the community would be more active, and people get a better game. I know that those out there who haven't bought reach "may still be potential customers" but this who thing is being touted as a reward for loyal XBL members (per the ad/info on the dashboard).

not saying I won't download it, but that doesn't mean I will play it.

It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).
There's around 77 million Xbox 360's out there, while Halo 3 sold about 14 million copies new. Let's double that to account for rentals and used games, so around 28 million, give or take. That means there's still almost 50 million potential players to try to pull into the Halo franchise. It's a smart move on Microsoft's part.

Don't forget that most deals and promotions are not targeted at us, the people who buy 20+ games per year.
just saying, why not reach then? the community would be more active, and people get a better game. I know that those out there who haven't bought reach "may still be potential customers" but this who thing is being touted as a reward for loyal XBL members (per the ad/info on the dashboard).

not saying I won't download it, but that doesn't mean I will play it.
Agreed, I mean there have already been 3 more entries in both the franchises (Halo ODST, Reach, 4 - AC Brotherhood, Revelations, 3), so why not give use one of the more recent ones? To me it just feels lazy for Microsoft to scrape that far down the barrel. Hopefully future games are at least slightly more recent, though I'm not holding my breath.

On the fence for Game of Thrones, I like the show but the reviews aren't very good for the game.

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It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).
There's around 77 million Xbox 360's out there, while Halo 3 sold about 14 million copies new. Let's double that to account for rentals and used games, so around 28 million, give or take. That means there's still almost 50 million potential players to try to pull into the Halo franchise. It's a smart move on Microsoft's part.

Don't forget that most deals and promotions are not targeted at us, the people who buy 20+ games per year.
just saying, why not reach then? the community would be more active, and people get a better game. I know that those out there who haven't bought reach "may still be potential customers" but this who thing is being touted as a reward for loyal XBL members (per the ad/info on the dashboard).

not saying I won't download it, but that doesn't mean I will play it.
Agreed, I mean there have already been 3 more entries in both the franchises (Halo ODST, Reach, 4 - AC Brotherhood, Revelations, 3), so why not give use one of the more recent ones? To me it just feels lazy for Microsoft to scrape that far down the barrel. Hopefully future games are at least slightly more recent, though I'm not holding my breath.
My guess is they're targeting the new Xbox 360 owners that they're going to be bringing in with price cuts and bundles over the next six months. These are generally not going to be very savvy customers who know the difference between iterations of a series. Maybe the plan is give them an older game for free and hope they like it enough to buy the newer ones later. I'm just guessing.

It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).
There's around 77 million Xbox 360's out there, while Halo 3 sold about 14 million copies new. Let's double that to account for rentals and used games, so around 28 million, give or take. That means there's still almost 50 million potential players to try to pull into the Halo franchise. It's a smart move on Microsoft's part.

Don't forget that most deals and promotions are not targeted at us, the people who buy 20+ games per year.
Yeah and 77 million units are currently in use right? Lets put it into perspective, I have had 6 xbox's, currently using 2 slims.

I would say closer to (77/2)-(14*2)=10.5 million maximum. Then divide that by 3 for gold users (pure guess as I haven't looked at the ratio of gold:silver members) then again by 2 for people interested/ know about it.




3.5/2=1.75 absolute maximum I would say, although still not bad if it gets anothe million sales of the later releases due to creating new fans, it still stinks a bit of ms bullshit

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It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).
There's around 77 million Xbox 360's out there, while Halo 3 sold about 14 million copies new. Let's double that to account for rentals and used games, so around 28 million, give or take. That means there's still almost 50 million potential players to try to pull into the Halo franchise. It's a smart move on Microsoft's part.

Don't forget that most deals and promotions are not targeted at us, the people who buy 20+ games per year.
just saying, why not reach then? the community would be more active, and people get a better game. I know that those out there who haven't bought reach "may still be potential customers" but this who thing is being touted as a reward for loyal XBL members (per the ad/info on the dashboard).

not saying I won't download it, but that doesn't mean I will play it.
Agreed, I mean there have already been 3 more entries in both the franchises (Halo ODST, Reach, 4 - AC Brotherhood, Revelations, 3), so why not give use one of the more recent ones? To me it just feels lazy for Microsoft to scrape that far down the barrel. Hopefully future games are at least slightly more recent, though I'm not holding my breath.
typical gamer stance lol complain about reach/4 & brotherhood/revelations not being as good as halo 3 & AC2 .....and then complain when they give away those two games instead of recent ones.

It's nice that they're going to be offering free games to Gold members up to the Xbox One's launch, but it doesn't really feel like a genuine move at this point. My hard drive is pretty much full at this point, so it's more of a hassle to play those games I would be interested in.
I like the idea, been saying it since last E3 when sony did the PS+ deal. I can't imagine that many of the games are going to be of the type that most Xbox owners haven't already played (Halo 3???? Really?!?!?! Like that's a gift? come on, man. almost choked laughing about that one yesterday).
There's around 77 million Xbox 360's out there, while Halo 3 sold about 14 million copies new. Let's double that to account for rentals and used games, so around 28 million, give or take. That means there's still almost 50 million potential players to try to pull into the Halo franchise. It's a smart move on Microsoft's part.

Don't forget that most deals and promotions are not targeted at us, the people who buy 20+ games per year.
Yeah and 77 million units are currently in use right? Lets put it into perspective, I have had 6 xbox's, currently using 2 slims.

I would say closer to (77/2)-(14*2)=10.5 million maximum. Then divide that by 3 for gold users (pure guess as I haven't looked at the ratio of gold:silver members) then again by 2 for people interested/ know about it.




3.5/2=1.75 absolute maximum I would say, although still not bad if it gets anothe million sales of the later releases due to creating new fans, it still stinks a bit of ms bullshit
I'm looking for the stats now, but so far I've found that (1) there are currently 46 million silver and gold members combined, (2) as of 2010, about 50% of Live subscribers were gold (presumably that ratio has remained constant, but I can't find anything more recent), (3) I've heard from multiple sources (but can't find any at the moment) that Live is a billion-dollar business for MS, so 20-25 million gold members seems about right.

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I normally don't come on any CAG thread purely to trash something and contribute nothing, but goddammit Microsoft.  I'm not sure why this "Sunny Days" sale has me a bit over the edge, but fuck you'd think with the prison style shanking they have received for the last month they would at least have someone in their ranks saying "we should probably do some nice sales since the spotlight is on us and our services for an entire week, good or bad."

does worms revolution offer anything armageddon doesn't? does it make the game at all better for local multiplayer (simpler for nubs coming over for couch coop, easier aiming or anything) at all?

I normally don't come on any CAG thread purely to trash something and contribute nothing, but goddammit Microsoft. I'm not sure why this "Sunny Days" sale has me a bit over the edge, but fuck you'd think with the prison style shanking they have received for the last month they would at least have someone in their ranks saying "we should probably do some nice sales since the spotlight is on us and our services for an entire week, good or bad."
Their answer to that is Fable III for free, but obviously Microsoft won't be totally shanked hard enough until the X1 is competing in sales against PS4 and Microsoft will hopefully get their asses humbled by then.

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