XBLA - Battlefield 1943 - 1200pts


78 (100%)

(If someone wants to embed the video, be my guest. Nothing I try, works)



Gamespot Preview and Video

DICE Announces Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Before Rejoining the 'B' Company, Players Go Back to WWII in Battlefield 1943

STOCKHOLM, Feb 05, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- DICE, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio (NASDAQ:ERTS), today announced Battlefield: Bad Company 2(TM), the sequel to last year's blockbuster title. In this installment, the Bad Company crew again find themselves in the heart of the action, where they must use every weapon and vehicle at their disposal to survive. The action unfolds with unprecedented intensity, introducing a level of fervor to vehicular warfare never before experienced in a modern warfare action game. To get ready for the assault this winter, players can prepare for action in Battlefield 1943(TM), an all-new multiplayer game available this summer via PlayStation(R)Store, Xbox LIVE(TM) Marketplace and on the PC.

Using the same Frostbite(TM) engine, Battlefield 1943 takes players back to WWII. The game offers endless hours of 24 player multiplayer action over three classic and tropic locations; Wake Island, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. Delivering the award-winning through-the-gun and vehicle warfare online experience DICE is best recognized for, Battlefield 1943 will have players battling in ruthless aerial dog fights and intense trench combat. Players can see the game in action at New York Comic Con (Booth #1441) from February 6th-8th.
"Bad Company 2 takes everything that players liked in the original and ups the ante - more vehicles, more destruction and more team play," said Karl Magnus Troedsson, Executive Producer Battlefield Franchise, DICE. "Battlefield 1943 is a new take on a blast from the past classic coming to life with brand new technology that we're eager to get into players hands."

New map revealed



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It is an XBLA game....Plus the maps they released for BFBC were free

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is coming out either this fall or next fall, but I fail at making threads so I'll let someone else do it
For those that don't feel like reading, in the Gamespot preview, the guys at Dice said the game would only be 350mb and they are going to get it priced like a normal premium game like Braid (aka 1200 points).
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']Brings back memories of Battlefield 1942 online. That game was so much fun. Then the Desert Combat mod came out and I never played BF1942 again.[/quote]

haha, same. I loved the original BF1942. I hope this is very similar.
I dont know, after Battlefield Bad Company I dont know if I can trust Dice again. That was the single worst game I have played in a long time.

Looks like its back to basics though which is nice..if only they would make a full game like this.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I dont know, after Battlefield Bad Company I dont know if I can trust Dice again. That was the single worst game I have played in a long time.

Looks like its back to basics though which is nice..if only they would make a full game like this.[/quote]

Uh, look I'm all for people's opinions on games, but this is such a gross exaggeration. Bad Company was solid game. Not nearly as good as Call of Duty 4, but not nearly as terrible as games like Brothers in Arms.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I dont know, after Battlefield Bad Company I dont know if I can trust Dice again. That was the single worst game I have played in a long time.

Yet you have an 810/1000 achievement score on it... If it was so bad, you sure did enjoy it enough to get those.

Back on topic, I doubt this will release at 1200 points. We've heard that line before.
[quote name='mike.m']Uh, look I'm all for people's opinions on games, but this is such a gross exaggeration. Bad Company was solid game. Not nearly as good as Call of Duty 4, but not nearly as terrible as games like Brothers in Arms.[/quote]

Gross exaggeration? You are insane. That game was horrid in ways that can not be described and cant even be mentioned in the same book as COD4 let alone the same sentence.

See BFBC is one of the few game that just confirm that most gamers simply are to damn biased to ever recommend a game. No disrespect to you my friend but if you think that game was anything but a complete disappointment in every way you clearly are letting WAY to much slide. Which is a very common problem in the gaming world...there are way to many games that simply get a pass beacuse people "love the series," or "love the developer."

Dont get me wrong I love BF but there is no way in hell I will believe anyone who said that game was good.

All I am going to say is if you think that game was good fine, that is your opinion and I respect it but I guess my standards are just higher than yours because having a horrible single player, not so great of online modes along with the single worst squad mechanic I have seen makes the game completely horrid in my opinion. There is a whole list of problems with the game.

[quote name='mtxbass1']Yet you have an 810/1000 achievement score on it... If it was so bad, you sure did enjoy it enough to get those.

Back on topic, I doubt this will release at 1200 points. We've heard that line before.[/quote]

That means nothing, I bought it and anything I buy I try to get my moneys worth before selling it. It was a complete chore to get through that waste of time and I wish I could unplay it. I have about 5 or 6 games on my list that I hated yet still played.
[quote name='Soodmeg']

Dont get me wrong I love BF but there is no way in hell I will believe anyone who said that game was good.


You obviously don't respect anyone's opinion on the game regardless of what you say.

I thought the single player was just fine. I hated the multiplayer for sure. The game was good for a playthrough. Its not NEARLY the worst game ever. Not even close. There are so many games out there that are infinitely worse.
Whatever you say man. Its all good. Yes, there are tons of worst games but this game take a good chunk of the cake "What not to do when making a game," I cant even believe you liked the SP.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this new one though.
Regenerating health, unlimited ammo, only 3 classes (no medic or heavy weapons class) meaning anyone can take down a tank.... I barely got into 1942, but neutering the game like this seems like the game will be nothing more than slaughter fest with no thought about strategy.
[quote name='homeland']Regenerating health, unlimited ammo, only 3 classes (no medic or heavy weapons class) meaning anyone can take down a tank.... I barely got into 1942, but neutering the game like this seems like the game will be nothing more than slaughter fest with no thought about strategy.[/quote]

Wait wait wait. How did I miss this information? If this is true...Dice once again is effing up.

I will have to take a second look at this.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Gross exaggeration? You are insane. That game was horrid in ways that can not be described and cant even be mentioned in the same book as COD4 let alone the same sentence.

See BFBC is one of the few game that just confirm that most gamers simply are to damn biased to ever recommend a game. No disrespect to you my friend but if you think that game was anything but a complete disappointment in every way you clearly are letting WAY to much slide. Which is a very common problem in the gaming world...there are way to many games that simply get a pass beacuse people "love the series," or "love the developer."

Dont get me wrong I love BF but there is no way in hell I will believe anyone who said that game was good.


Dude your batnuts insane. I've played every Battlefield game since 1942, and Bad Company is obviously not the greatest in the series, but not even HALF as bad as you make it out to be, I mean come on.. a complete disappointment in every way? Don't be a douche, and just hate a game for the sake of hating it, that's the problem with the gaming world now-a-days. In your entire little pitty rant, you fail to mention what makes it so bad, all you've wrote is a paragrah that is taking personal jabs at anyone who likes it, and claiming you can't "believe" anyone who actually likes it, what are you 12?

We get it, you don't like the damn game, we don't need to read these personal attacks, and obvious flame bait bullshit. And as someone already pointed out, you have over 800 acehivements in Bad Company for christ's sake, god damn hypocrite. And guess what, I'm a huge Battlefield vet and I liked it. So, you fail in your argument.

Oh, and Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2 PC >>> Call of Duty 4

This so called Battlefield 1943 will be a complete and utter joke. It's 2009, why the hell are we seeing Battlefield games locked in at 24 players, that's not a war, that's a skirmish. I mean come on, Battlefield 1942 was released in 2001, and featured 32 players max, why EA.. do you constantly have to go backwards with every game?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Wait wait wait. How did I miss this information? If this is true...Dice once again is effing up.

I will have to take a second look at this.[/quote]


What Needs Improvement
Unlike previous Battlefield games, Pacific only has three unit classes: Infantry, Riflemen, and Scout. Gone are the Medics and Heavy weapons classes. Van dyke explained they wanted every class to be able to fight in every situation. Every class has weapons to fight against the biggest tanks and armor. I would like to have seen more classes with varied abilities and risks.
Also, players have auto-health and unlimited ammo. I find auto-health to be too simple and easy and unlimited ammo means players will be firing without thinking. That will probably mean no more knife fights.
Wow, thanks for the info.

Regen health and unlimited ammo?

*Sigh. I knew I couldnt trust Dice anymore...I will still take a look see but that doesnt seem like it will appeal to me at all.
I thought BFBC was a decent rental. A nicely paced and entertaining single player. WHile MP wasn't quite up to normal BF standards it was still fun. I liked some of the perks you could unlock like the artillery strike
I thought battlefield 2 and 1942 were awesome (though admittedly I did suck at them).

I'll most likely pick this up, probably with gamesharing on the ps3, but i'm a little turned off by the unlimited ammo/health regeneration.

Either way I'll try the demo before I decide to pick it up though. Hopefully it's not half bad.
Why cant they make a console BF game that simply that...a god damn console BF game.

Stick with what you do best Dice you dont need any other this other trash. I would kill for BF2 on the xbox.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Why cant they make a console BF game that simply that...a god damn console BF game.

Stick with what you do best Dice you dont need any other this other trash. I would kill for BF2 on the xbox.[/quote]

Um did you miss Battlefield 2 MC for the 360 and Xbox?
I'm so friggen pumped for this.

I loved 1942 (midway) map, I believe it was a demo before BF1942 came out. I played that level like crazy! I love the whole balance of land and sea battles. So awesome! Can't wait for this!
[quote name='Soodmeg']See BFBC is one of the few game that just confirm that most gamers simply are to damn biased to ever recommend a game. No disrespect to you my friend but if you think that game was anything but a complete disappointment in every way you clearly are letting WAY to much slide. Which is a very common problem in the gaming world...there are way to many games that simply get a pass beacuse people "love the series," or "love the developer." [/quote]

See the problem here is that you're ragging on DICE so that they learn from their mistakes (in your eyes) and make a better game. But why do i get the feeling that nothing will ever be good enough for people like you? They'll come out with the next game and have some new features and more polish and you'll say all of this crap all over again and hope they'll "get it right" next time. It's a never ending cycle.

I am in no way saying you are right or wrong, you have your opinion and i respect that. I really do. But it's just something that has always bugged me.
I can see where you are getting that from but thats not me. If they make a better game I will give them props for it but until then I will rag them to no end.

BFMC (I had this for PS2 beacuse I didnt have a xbox at the time) was amazing and did a lot of stuff completely right. How they went from this to BFBC is completely beyond me and the sooner they get back to what mad Modern Combat great the better.

The way to do that is to not scrap everything that people loved for mainstream ideas. I dont want to right this game off yet because I havent played it but unlimited ammo, regen health, 3 classes....all of this just speaks of disaster.
[quote name='fart_bubble']Them announcing it only being 1200 points does surprise me. Figured they would try charging more for it[/quote]
It only has 3 maps, I doubt they could of gotten away with charging more for it.

This new video has officially sold me on this game. There are a couple things I don't like about it like the infinite ammo and regenerating health, but at the end of the day this is still a BF game. I am actually kind of surprised that this is only going to be $15.

I played the crap out of BF 1942 and BF2 so I am automatically interested in any new BF game. Plus the inclusion of Wake Island alone is a huge selling point. Wake Island is one of my all time favorite multiplayer maps in any online game. :whee:
The auto health and unlimited ammo make me very hesitant to get this. I was super excited at first but that shit will get old after a while. Like in Counter-Strike, everyone goes through the Deathmatch mode phase were you have unlimited money and weapons, but after a week or so it's right back to the normal modes. With no option of having a game mode were it's just plain old fashioned Battlefield this might get old quick.
The screenshots look a little blocky, but the graphics aren't as important as gameplay. I am looking forward to spending the points. I wouldn't mind spending a few more for more maps.
This was one of the last PC games I really got alot of play into before eventually retiring from PC games to consoles. Well my video card dieing combined with me being a cheapass helped but anyway it's time to start saving back some points for this bad boy.

Vids look fun and the planes videos makes me want a Crimson Skies sequal. Read a few posts about unlimited ammo and health regens WTF is that about? Just make a normal big boy shooter don't baby it down.
From that Coral Sea video it looked like there were quite a few planes in the air at a time which is pretty awesome. Have they said anything about the "Air Superiority" mode that is going to come with the map?
bread's done