XBLA - Beyond Good & Evil HD - 800 Points - Out now!

i still have my ps2 copy of this fantastic game, would it be worth it for me to pick this up on the xbl as well?
Forgot I made this thread! Will update the OP later. Now to decide whether or not to wait for a sale. So busy lately...
[quote name='dark-star']My understanding is that the PC version is inferior, and has significant problems running on modern systems. There's an article on Arstechnica with some comments to that effect.[/QUOTE]

I grabbed the game on Steam when it was on sale a while ago but yeah there are serious graphical glitches on my system.

Played about 2 hours last night after it finally got done downloading lol. I love it, I mean it looks gorgeous, for a XBLA title, and the voice acting is pretty good. A few times I picked up a Brooklyn accent from the voice actress of Jade though lol.

Anyone know what the "Internet code" on the save screen is all about?
Downloading it now. It's not a sequel, but I'm happy this is out.

I still have my PS2 copy I bought from Circuit City on release. The same copy I kept price matching for 110% back when Circuit City had it's price drop like a rock week after week.

I'm excited
Why not check out all the reviews, http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/beyond-good-evil-hd

Played the game again last night and ended up playing for 3 hours lol. AND Oh man another game with a Reaper! This century's enemy buzz word haha. I think the level design is pretty decent, I've only gotten stuck once. I also like how the game lets you to do an open world kind of play even though they direct you to one area of the game world (factory).

Eidt: Hah, just did some research and BG&E's wiki page the designer, who also worked on Rayman believe it or not, said ''The idea was to make the player feel like an explorer, with a sense of absolute freedom.'

Dude, mind blown.
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Been playing this non-stop since I got it last night. Still love this game.

Maxed out Life Bar, missing about 5-6 pearls and I'm on the final level.

All I need to do is beat it and I'll have the full 200 Achievement Points.

[quote name='Spybreak8']
Eidt: Hah, just did some research and BG&E's wiki page the designer, who also worked on Rayman believe it or not, said ''The idea was to make the player feel like an explorer, with a sense of absolute freedom.'

I think most of the people who have played BG&E or have heard of it know that Michel Ancel was the creator of Rayman.
[quote name='asianxcore']

I think most of the people who have played BG&E or have heard of it know that Michel Ancel was the creator of Rayman.[/QUOTE]

Well sorry today is the first time I ever heard his name. Shame on me or whatever.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Well sorry today is the first time I ever heard his name. Shame on me or whatever.[/QUOTE]

Haha I didn't mean it in a snooty way.

Just beat the game tonight. Got all the Achievements! (Though they aren't that hard)
[quote name='faceturd']So... I'm just going to put this out there... I think BG&E-HD might be as good as or even better than Fable 3.[/QUOTE]

Stop making me want to spend my points. I'm begging you.

I loved the demo so much though.

I asked this question a couple pages back, but no one has answered yet. About how long is the game?
[quote name='utopianmachine']Stop making me want to spend my points. I'm begging you.

I loved the demo so much though.

I asked this question a couple pages back, but no one has answered yet. About how long is the game?[/QUOTE]

According to the thread in the general gaming forum (for xbox / gamecube versions), it's apparently 10-13 hours.
[quote name='JStryke']According to the thread in the general gaming forum (for xbox / gamecube versions), it's apparently 10-13 hours.[/QUOTE]

Nice. That's perfect for me. I'd rather play a great game for less than 15 hours than force myself to play a bloated 40 hour game.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Stop making me want to spend my points. I'm begging you.

I loved the demo so much though.

I asked this question a couple pages back, but no one has answered yet. About how long is the game?[/QUOTE]

i finished it on the ps2 years ago 100% in 12 hours.
I just played the demo for this... Seems like an awesome game, but man, can you really not invert the X and Y axes of the camera independently? That could be a deal breaker.
[quote name='uglyteradon']If I had bought this game for any cheaper it could be considered stealing it.[/QUOTE]

This makes me think Ubisoft is cautious with a game that didn't do well before or they reallllly want people to pick it up so they can go ahead with the sequel they're "totally not working on". Remember that video a few years ago that nobody denied or accepted was footage of BG&E2?!
I rented this game for the xbox about 6 months back. Got the factory but just couldn't get into it.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I just played the demo for this... Seems like an awesome game, but man, can you really not invert the X and Y axes of the camera independently? That could be a deal breaker.[/QUOTE]

Kinda glad I'm not the only one completely baffled w/ their camera/control options.
I'll probably wait and see if they patch this. I absolutely need the Y axis inverted, that's not negotiable. I can probably train my brain to accept the inverted X axis along with it (I used to play PS2 and GameCube games that way, before retraining my brain the first time for Gears of War), but honestly, I have other stuff in my backlog that I won't have to work to enjoy. Patch it if you want my $10!
I have a friend that has this game on Gamecube. I might just end up borrowing from him rather than buying this from XBLA, unless there's something new I don't know about? D:
[quote name='MogKnight']I have a friend that has this game on Gamecube. I might just end up borrowing from him rather than buying this from XBLA, unless there's something new I don't know about? D:[/QUOTE]

Achievement, new textures, and smoother models is pretty much all that's different. Though if you play on an HDTV, I've heard the GC/PS2 versions are letterboxed (meaning on an HDTV you will have black bars around all four edges), where the HD one will fill your screen.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Stop making me want to spend my points. I'm begging you.

I loved the demo so much though.

I asked this question a couple pages back, but no one has answered yet. About how long is the game?[/QUOTE]

I think you should buy it, I am like 3 hours into it, so I can't really say how long it is, but it is worth 800 points.
Holy crap. That combined inversion of X & Y axis is incredibly bizarre and totally a deal killer. I need the Y axis inverted, but having to deal with the X axis also being inverted is pretty much impossible for me. Why in the world did they do that? Was it this way in the original game too? I'll definitely be passing on this game until (and if) that's changed.
Inverted Y makes sense as it's the usual way for airplane sims/games, and is something I'm use to. But moving the stick left to look right and vice versa? Too weird. The bit I tried to get use to it was a failure, and that was just when nothing important was going on, I was just trying to move and look around.
[quote name='crunchewy'] But moving the stick left to look right and vice versa? Too weird.[/QUOTE]
It does make sense if you think of the camera following behind the character-- You would swing the camera to the left to see the view to the character's right side, and vice versa. Exact same rationale as with an inverted Y-axis. Final Fantasy XII and other PS2/GameCube RPGs had their camera controls set up that way.

Still no excuse in this day and age to not offer all possible options, and it's the biggest thing holding me back from purchasing the game.
Just started playing it this morning. I had heard the game title over the years, but with a title like Beyond Good and Evil, well, it just didn't seem like my kind of game. I never looked into it.

Then I played the demo and was hooked.

Been playing it for a bit this morning and have gone off exploring before starting the Black Isle. I tell you, I got the biggest smile on my face when I beat Francis at that tabletop game and got that pearl. :D
Awesome, glad to hear.

I'm a fan of game music and the unique music in this game has grown on me. I love the song Propaganda now.:D
[quote name='utopianmachine']Been playing it for a bit this morning and have gone off exploring before starting the Black Isle. I tell you, I got the biggest smile on my face when I beat Francis at that tabletop game and got that pearl. :D[/QUOTE]

Hah... you're not alone on that one. :) It was such simple enjoyment.
I really enjoy finding the animals to photograph. It's pretty cool to be patiently waiting at the borders of the water, waiting for a giant whale creature to breach so you can photograph it. And then, because it's a harder photo to get, you get rewarded extra money than for easier pictures. Very cool.

Got a little frustrated earlier when I couldn't figure out how to get into the factory. Looked it up online and realized that I was supposed to
shoot the machine guarding the entrance to the factory. I had actually just purchased the ship upgrade at Mamango's, but I had received no information that I was supposed to use it to gain entrance to the factory. Apparently there's a person at Akuda's that would have told me that, had I talked to everyone during my visit to join the IRIS.

At least I got into the factory. I'm also grateful for the abundance of save points.
Hehe yeah I also had to look that up, was stuck there too. When I found out what I had to do I smacked my forehead, duh.

The soundtrack was available free, linked from Joystiq, but it seems the link isn't working now. :(
[quote name='intoxicated662']Tried the demo, didn't like it. Don't see the hype about the game. Gonna pass until it's @ 400 ms points[/QUOTE]

Just curious, what didn't you like about it?
I really wish there was a code to just give me the pearls I need to go to the moon. I mean, the game is fun, but I'm about ready to move on after 9 hours of it.
Downloaded this yesterday after being given 800MSP for free from someone on xbox live customer support helpline. All because he was in a good mood. Winning? I think so.

Anyway, this game is just as good as I remember back in the day and I look forward to continuing playing it.
I never got into the original game, so can someone convince me as to why I should get this game? I tried the demo and it's something different from previous arcade games i've played on xbl, just trying to figure out if it's hack & slash or what. Convince me people..
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's more like Zelda than a hack-and-slash game.[/QUOTE]

how so? the pig is funny. I tried the demo @ launch and was just walking around not really doing anything so the trial didn't leave a good impression on me and felt more like a chore. Just trying to figure out if it has alot of action or what exactly it is since i've never played it before. Also, does it have avatar awards and/or any other features or just achievements? Debating on this or ilomilo
Yeah, the camera is the only real issue. I'm worried about one part though. Hopefully I can get back to it? Maybe someone can answer...

Inside the factory, I killed that stalker creature or whatever it was that put the green prints all over the wall. It dropped down into the water below the fighting platform and Pey'j said, "We need to find a way to get to that pearl." At that point, I just kept moving along figuring we would find a way down, but now I'm walking through the rest of the factory and sneaking past Alphas and recued the other agent etc. Do I get to go back and get that pearl? Are there any pearls or animals that you could possibly skip? Or can you go back and get everything? I want to try to get all achievements on the first run.
[quote name='Retom7']Yeah, the camera is the only real issue. I'm worried about one part though. Hopefully I can get back to it? Maybe someone can answer...

Inside the factory, I killed that stalker creature or whatever it was that put the green prints all over the wall. It dropped down into the water below the fighting platform and Pey'j said, "We need to find a way to get to that pearl." At that point, I just kept moving along figuring we would find a way down, but now I'm walking through the rest of the factory and sneaking past Alphas and recued the other agent etc. Do I get to go back and get that pearl? Are there any pearls or animals that you could possibly skip? Or can you go back and get everything? I want to try to get all achievements on the first run.

Nah you're not going to miss it.
You can grab that pearl by using your hovercraft, back at the entrance where you're docked you can find an entrance to the ground floor area.I don't know if you'll miss pearls or animals. I'm also wondering this myself.
i don't think there are any pearls that you can miss, if i remember correctly... but there's a couple animals that are pretty easy to miss if you're not careful... especially bosses. i'd use a guide if you want to make sure you snap them all the first time through.
I need some help. I am 4 short of getting the 30 needed for the engine and am getting really annoyed at having to re-track every step to get these damn pearls. I am particularly stuck on this one:

"Pearls 39-41 are all Taken Back from the Alpha Sections: they are found in the Alpha Sections Underground, located in a cave outside the city. You need the Neutralizing blaster for the hovercraft to get past the guard."

I have shot the guard 10+ times with no effect. How do you destroy it so that you can get these pearls?
Oh, right faceturd... yeah, that parts a little tricky. There are actually two sections where there are tractor beam ships that stop you from going into certain areas. Both are on the black isle side of the city. The incorrect one has a tractor and a mining ship that leads to the factory. On the other side of the city entrance is a tractor ship by itself that is guarding the underground alpha section base. Also, you have to HOLD X to use the neutralizing gun. Hope that helps.
bread's done