XBLA Deal of the Week: Ikaruga 400 points

Best $5 you'll spend in a while if you're up to the challenge; still getting used to it myself to be honest.
Freaking awesome price on an amazing game (my favorite shooter ever). I haven't spent much time with the 360 version, but played the GCN version a ton back in the day.
[quote name='prateeko']It's a fantastic game that'll test the boundries of skill and patience[/QUOTE]

True statement. It WILL test your skills and patience, this is not for the faint of heart. This games is as hardcore as shooters get. Has online co-op as well.

Never could get past the second stage (I suck, I know :bomb:), but its definitely a good deal at 400pts.
I bought it when it was 800 points and thought that was well worth it. 400 points is a great price for it.
Great game. Picked it up on launch. Highly recommended if you like shooters.

Anyone seen the list of deals of the week for July yet? I'm guessing they are guarding this one more closely now.
I really hope the rest of the month maintains this quality of deals for XBL, so far I've been impressed but have already owned both games.
Ya know i got this game on the cube.. and why the hell not. Its totally worth 400 points easily.. Digital Snag! Does the Xbox version support tate-mode? (Vertical screen rotation)
Nice, I'll buy one at that price. Ch33v0s look pretty tough (clear the game without using a continue - seriously!?!).
I tried the demo when it first came out and didn't get it. I'll download it again and see if I want to bite on this.
good game, def. trial/demo it before you buy though.
if you can get thru the demo go for the full version.
it is hard as fuck.
[quote name='ncc1701p']Does the Xbox version support tate-mode? (Vertical screen rotation)[/QUOTE]

TATE is supported. Go nuts! I'd jump all over this if my Gold didn't expire though.
That's two solid deals in a row.

This video has made the rounds, but worth checking out if you're not sure what you're getting with Ikaruga. This bad ass is playing both ships by himself - but it shows the unique play and the 'hard as fuck' aspects of this game.
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Major fuck up if they ever leaked future deals. People might be inclined to wait rather than buy, which would be the last thing they'd want.
Tempting, just for the online leaderboards, sucked on the Cube having to run over to a computer to type a code in to watch myself moving up (and I could barely get past stage 2, stage 3 owned me early and often).

Normally wouldn't even think about this, but $5, it's tempting, even if I just went and bought far more games than I needed this weekend at Gamestop.
How weird. I just started playing this again for the first time in well over a year this weekend.

It's a beautifully brutal game, with a distinctive pick-your-poison element. Play the game for a cumulative eight hours, get unlimited continues. So, yeah, you can--in theory--eventually beat it.

Plus, it looks great in HD. Highly recommended for $5.
Bought N+ last week being convinced at the price. Now this... I'm sold. Great game! Almost forgot there was an XBLA version. Thanks OP
It's still showing up as 800 points at xbox.com marketplace... I need to purchase it on my computer because my 360 is off being repaired.

:: ok... nevermind, it changed to 400 points after I purchased it.
I have this for the GC and it was one of my favorite games, I'll definitely be picking this up...this game is brutal...but definitely worth it at 800 if you've never played it before, and its an amazing bargain at 400pts
Okay important question...is this 400 pts for Live GOLD memebers or is is 400 pts for everyone. I am currently only silver and would love to pick this up. Anyone know?
bread's done