XBLA - Rocketmen: Axis of Evil - 800pts


170 (100%)


Join Nick Sion, Alec Mink and the Alliance of Free Planets in their white-knuckled, frenzied struggle to free the Solar System from the tyrannical grip of the Legion of Terra! Rocketmen®: Axis of Evil provides non-stop multiplayer action with role-playing game elements, including customizable characters and an engaging story, all wrapped in the game's distinctive cel-shaded art style. Play with up to four players in co-op mode and blast anything that moves.
  • Customize your character: Create, customize, and level up your own individual Rocketmen characters with new items, abilities, and looks.
  • Multiplayer action: Join with friends to save the galaxy in four-player cooperative play locally or online.
  • Your choice: Choose from three races: Human, Mercurian, or Venusian, and from three classes: Warrior, Engineer, or Outcast.
  • Explosive action: Simple, addictive, and highly explosive gameplay blasts onto your TV in high-definition with plenty of levels, hordes of enemies, and lots of fun.

About time...I've been wanting to try this one.
two stick shooters are the new FPS. TSS (copyright 2007 Apossum)

this actually looks pretty good.
Coming next Wed:
Good news, everyone! Rocketmen: Axis of Evil will finally be ready for liftoff next week. Those of you who have given Microsoft all your money can snag off of LIVE on Wednesday, March 5 for a measly 800 points, which is less that you will spend on a sandwich next week, if’n you think about it. For those of you who worship at the altar of Blu-Ray, you can get your Rocketmen on starting Thursday, March 6 for the non-robot sum of $10 American.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Looks cool. Does it have Zapp Brannigan?[/quote]

No, but you might be able to make him ^_^ The Character Creation is suppose to be pretty robust. And as you level up, I believe you get better, more in depth parts to use so... guess we'll have to see soon.
Reminds me of Monster Madness + Contra + Loaded / Reloaded + Smash TV.. with the sole exception of Monster Madness being on the list, looks like it might actually be good.
[quote name='deathweasel']Geez, just how many "move with left stick, aim/shoot with right stick" games does XBLA need?[/quote]

Apparently, alot.. although this is made (or atleast produced) by Capcom, so I have no doubt that it'll be good.
[quote name='deathweasel']Geez, just how many "move with left stick, aim/shoot with right stick" games does XBLA need?[/quote]

It's a good mechanic, I like it better than the "move with left stick, shoot with button" games. Although the "move with d-pad, jump with button" has been awesome for decades and continues to be.
Well, this game gave me warm fuzzies at ComicCon last year (!) so assuming it's as good as I remember, I'll more than likely purchase it. Finally.
why would they make a game like this with no kind of dodge nor a dash button? That's my only gripe about this game so far, although there's a lot of other nit picky things about it I could say.....the help screen is almost no help at all.
Aye, I've bought it:) The most annoying part is the forced scrolling of the camera. It makes it so you'll really have to work together and make sure not to advance the screen too early if you want to press every button.

Other than that... the way your wep upgrades effect your basic pistol is really cool. Leveling up your weps and stats feels nice and effective. The sub weapons are also fun. Airstrikes from above, posion gas, rockets, auto turrets... Shouldn't be hard to find on you like.

The story cinematics are done like minimally-animated comic book panels. The game has a lot of personality, especially for an arcade release. Overall, it's campy and fun .

Enemies have suprisingly good personality. Snipers stay far away and shoot, closer gunmen will actually do evasive rolls while shooting at you, the grunts hold their guns with both hands and take sissy potshots at you...

I'm only to stage 4 myself ATM, but I've definitely enjoyed what I've been through so far.
I just can't get in to this one. I find the enemies to have incredible aim, despite my constant movement. The story itself seemed forgettable.

Does gameplay ever get any faster? The entire experience seemed extremely slow...
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']My 2 cents, didn't like it at all.[/QUOTE]

me neither. camera bothered me and this game was a schmup that looked like it was trying to hid it. i could see why people would like it, but not for me.
I'm passing on this. It did feel really slow, and the forced scrolling was really lame.
I did like the character design and being able to create your character, but that's not enough.
I think this game was the epitome of "meh"

It starts picking up with a horde of enemies at the end, so it's possible that it gets better after that, but this is the representation of the game they decided to release, so it's a definite pass for me.
I was all set to buy this, but I found the comic panels a bit annoying and not very funny when I guess they were supposed to be.

Also the game was slow and not very exciting, I think I'd rather play Smash TV TBH. Maybe I'll give the next level on the demo a try, give it a second chance.

Shame cos I was all set to pull the trigger on it, still there's always next week.
capcom has alot of time on they hands to be pushing out crappy xbla games and not putting out more megaman games >_> ill try this when i get home
I didn't think it was that terrible, but the forced scrolling was pretty annoying. It was especially annoying when trying to defuse bombs and the stupid thing scrolls up and doesn't let you go back.

If they took out the forced scrolling I'd get it, but right now I think I'll pass on it. (I still haven't bought smash TV, maybe I should just get the full version of that for 400 instead).
Damn...I couldn't get into it. There's just some areas where its impossible to doge bullets because enemies have guns that shoot faster than your slow ass gun. I'll pass.
Yeah, I must've been playing with a powered up character when I tried the demo, because I don't remember the frustrating inability to dodge incoming fire. It seems to get better as you dump points into speed, but still. And the camera won't pan back? Sorry, but that's the worst decision in a game I've seen since they mapped grenades to "Back" in Mass Effect. Really, really disappointing.
..... It gets A LOT easier to dodge and avoid bullets when your guns get uber powerful. I just went through most of Stage 6 with my bro, maintaining a full 3x multiplier almost the entire time.

Save for the camera problems, the dodging and ability to survive + not getting hit is easily the kinda thing that is improved as the game progresses. Leveling up makes the game a lot easier.

Since the story actually has your own character in it, who has well made emotions and poses, (and gender-specific-voice) I actually rather like the story. It's fun the first time through.

Capcom Published, A.C.R.O.N.Y.M developed. I never heard of THEM before, but overall, I think they did a very good job. It's like a cheaper, less Iconic version of Cannon Spike... for 10 bucks, it's hard to complain with how good this game feels in the end.

I especially like the "Bling" Items you get as you clear levels, it really makes your character start to have a well fleshed out silhouette after enough play.

And the way the other guns effect your own... My own P.I.S.T.O.L has the spread effect of a fresh shotgun, and by leveling the razor, my little brothers gun how splits and bounces in different directions when it hits enemies. It's actually pretty cool.

It actually has a good amount of features I'd like to see in full retail releases more... It's a shame this game has better character building and integration than many full-priced games.
I sort of liked the trial... the cut scenes were a tad on the lame side but ok. The upgrade system was nice.

But that forced move camera....

Just can't buy it because of that.
This is one of the only games I actively hate. I just played it, bad cutscenes, awful camera scrolling. I want to punch the developers in the face.
Just beat this and I enjoyed it a lot. It gets a lot better after the first level as you upgrade your attributes, though the camera is annoyingly old school. It's short though, so it's probably made for replaying with friends in co-op.

It's a shame that the demo kind of sucks. It should've taken after the Crackdown demo and given you a decently upgraded character to play with for maybe two levels, so you can see how the game progresses.
bread's done