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Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the US*. This include the Deal of the Week, Family Plan Sale Item, and any other sales or promotions. I have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases. Most sales are for one week.* Please feel free to PM or post if you doesn't see anything listed here. Please note: ALL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! and some sales are for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY*. Have fun and enjoy.
(*unless otherwise noted)


Xbox Live Deal of the Week:


11/8 - Legendary Warriors

-Deadliest Warrior: The Game - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic - Quick Look
-Scott Pilgrim The Game - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic - Quick Look
-Shinobi - 200 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic

Avatar Store:
-Deadliest Warrior Samurai Helmet - 80 Microsoft Points - 50% off
-Scott Pilgrim Guitar (Prop) - 120 Microsoft Points - 50% off


Family Gold Pack Deal:
(lasts one week)


Misc Sales:
If a start and end date are not listed. Act fast as these "sales" could end anytime.

-Cat (Pet) - 160 Microsoft Points - 33% off
-Pug Dog (Pet) - 160 Microsoft Points - 33% off

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[quote name='eastx']If you might also like to play online this month, it will definitely be worth it. Games occasionally go on sale for more than 50% off (Hydrophobia's at 50% now), but not that often.[/QUOTE]

I don't really care much for online play. I do it on rare occasions. I had a gold membership for two years and only played online a handful of times. I mostly used it to stream netflix. Once it was possible to do it for free on my PS3, I dropped my gold membership.

When I got my 360 back from repair, I kept the free month card to use when there's a sale but now I don't know if I should use it to get Hydrophobia for $5 or save it for some unknown future sale. Is Hydrophobia good?
[quote name='typical guy']I don't really care much for online play. I do it on rare occasions. I had a gold membership for two years and only played online a handful of times. I mostly used it to stream netflix. Once it was possible to do it for free on my PS3, I dropped my gold membership.

When I got my 360 back from repair, I kept the free month card to use when there's a sale but now I don't know if I should use it to get Hydrophobia for $5 or save it for some unknown future sale. Is Hydrophobia good?[/QUOTE]

It's apparently short, like 3 hours I've read. Does your silver membership allow you to download demos? If so I'd say try it yourself. I don't think it's worth burning your 1 free month card for, though. There's bound to be a better game on sale coming up
Sweet! Picked up Hydrophobia for 400 msp. I've been wanting this game but have such a huge backlog I decided to wait. Good thing I did!

Also, I voted for Pac-man for the future deal of the week.
[quote name='gryphter']It's apparently short, like 3 hours I've read. Does your silver membership allow you to download demos? If so I'd say try it yourself. I don't think it's worth burning your 1 free month card for, though. There's bound to be a better game on sale coming up[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the advice, I will hold onto the one month card.
[quote name='intoxicated662']Just a heads up, on the 360 dashboard there's a poll called "members choice deal of the week" under spotlight and u can vote for which item u would like to see discounted.

Castlevania HoD=800 ms points
Pac man championship edition dx=400 ms points
Pinball fx2: marvel pinball add on=400 ms points
Lara croft and the guardian of light=800 ms points

*all prices are after the sale price/discount*[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'll add a note to the OP this afternoon.

[quote name='utopianmachine']I'll definitely be voting for Marvel Pinball DLC. I'd download it in a heartbeat for 400 points.[/QUOTE]

I'm torn between Marvel Pinball and Pac-Man.

On the bright side, if the last vote was any indicator, those items will eventually be on sale.

Please people, don't vote on things that have already been on sale. Both Castlevania and Lara Croft were a 1-Day sale last month. This sale doesn't even match those prices.
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[quote name='utopianmachine']i'll definitely be voting for marvel pinball dlc. I'd download it in a heartbeat for 400 points.[/quote]


But I'd like Pac-Man DX too. Hmm.
Pacman is awesome deal at $10. $5 and your straight up retarded not buying it. Although there were some good ones, Pacman is my best XBLA game of 2010
Just copied what I already wrote about it since I already wrote it:

Dark Energy Digital really wants you to play Hydrophobia “Pure”. In addition to putting the title on sale this week at 400 points they’ve announced a sweepstakes with a grand prize worth $4500 to sweeten the pot.

Anyone over the age of 18 who downloads Hydrophobia Pure will automatically be entered. The winner will get to go on a cruise vacation with a total value (including spending money) of $4500. Gamer’s from the UK also have the choice to go on a “beach vacation” with an estimated value of $3,000 with the remaining $1,500 for applicable prize taxes and fees. Additionally, 5 runners-up will win 4000 Microsoft Points ($50) to blow on whatever they want in the Xbox Live Marketplace. Go ahead, buy that unicorn pet for your avatar, we won’t judge you.

Seems the Hydrophobia developers are taking the “Get Wet” theme this week very seriously. Good luck everyone!

[quote name='typical guy']I'm not a gold member but I have a 1 month gold card that I received from the Microsoft repair center. Is it worth it to use it to get Hydrophobia for 400 points? I kind of want that game but I wonder if there will be better sales down the road?[/QUOTE]

If you decide to use your 1 month, wait until Sunday, sometime after midnight in your timezone (so technically Monday). The sale will still be live, and you'll get the most amount of possible DOTW's available to you.
[quote name='Zonic505']Already have Pac-Man C.E DX, but will be voting for it so more people buy it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed would love to see a deal on this another of the great downloadable holdovers I've been waiting for a deal on. I will be voting later today.
So...I'm assuming Hydrophobia is worth a spin now that it's been re-tooled? It only got tepid reviews originally, but now that it's remade (and freaking $5) I'm considering biting. I guess I'll try the demo first, but considering it's less than Doom 2 or Duke Nukum 3D now...
[quote name='intoxicated662']Just a heads up, on the 360 dashboard there's a poll called "members choice deal of the week" under spotlight and u can vote for which item u would like to see discounted.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for the timely heads up! I was planning on purchasing the Marvel pinball tables later today. I feel Pac-Man CE DX is the better game, but I also think it was likely to see multiple discounts/promos anyway. I don't recall the FX1 tables ever being on sale.
[quote name='reddjoey']I'm torn between Marvel Pinball and Pac-Man.

On the bright side, if the last vote was any indicator, those items will eventually be on sale.

Please people, don't vote on things that have already been on sale. Both Castlevania and Lara Croft were a 1-Day sale last month. This sale doesn't even match those prices.[/QUOTE]Although I'm voting for Marvel, I won't be too put out if Pac-Man wins. ;)
Yeah, I'm also hoping that we'll see more than one of these deals be realized.

I'm afraid you're wasting your entreaty on the wrong audience though. Unfortunately, if this poll is plastered on the dashboard spotlight, then the less savvy masses will be probably be deciding this one.
Got a new account, signed up for the Gold for $1...then used my Bing points for Hydrophobia! :D
[quote name='BudzMcGee']Just copied what I already wrote about it since I already wrote it:

Dark Energy Digital really wants you to play Hydrophobia “Pure”. In addition to putting the title on sale this week at 400 points they’ve announced a sweepstakes with a grand prize worth $4500 to sweeten the pot.

Anyone over the age of 18 who downloads Hydrophobia Pure will automatically be entered. The winner will get to go on a cruise vacation with a total value (including spending money) of $4500. Gamer’s from the UK also have the choice to go on a “beach vacation” with an estimated value of $3,000 with the remaining $1,500 for applicable prize taxes and fees. Additionally, 5 runners-up will win 4000 Microsoft Points ($50) to blow on whatever they want in the Xbox Live Marketplace. Go ahead, buy that unicorn pet for your avatar, we won’t judge you.

Seems the Hydrophobia developers are taking the “Get Wet” theme this week very seriously. Good luck everyone![/QUOTE]

So I just download it and I'm entered? I've been interested in giving this game a shot and the chance at a cool prize is worth taking the plunge.
[quote name='Blade']Got a new account, signed up for the Gold for $1...then used my Bing points for Hydrophobia! :D[/QUOTE]

Make sure to turn auto-renew off or you'll be getting a $60 surprise in a month.
Wow thats some great timing on Pacman Championship DX. I also wouldnt mind seeing Marvel Pinball go on sale either.
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Marvel Pinball or Pac Man CE Deluxe????
I want the BOTH!!

Also, for all of you still contemplating Hydrophobia....

I was really kicking it around and had the " what the heck, it's only 400 points" mindset. But, because it was the way it was before, I decided to try the demo.
Either I got a bad demo, I have never used an Xbox 360 controller before, or this is still broken. I wanted to smash my controller, so I just turned it off and deleted it!
Trying to move up and down in the lift shaft was next to impossible. At some points I was even hitting down and she was going up.
I tried a different controller and still the same.

It may be just me, but I will NOT be buying this deal!
Voted for Pacman, looked like it was winning by a decent margin (Castlevania HD was second) as of an hour ago. It's really too bad they can't put both Pacman and Marvel, though, since I'd actually get Marvel pinball despite having little interest in pinball.
[quote name='intoxicated662']Just a heads up, on the 360 dashboard there's a poll called "members choice deal of the week" under spotlight and u can vote for which item u would like to see discounted.

Castlevania HoD=800 ms points
Pac man championship edition dx=400 ms points
Pinball fx2: marvel pinball add on=400 ms points
Lara croft and the guardian of light=800 ms points

*all prices are after the sale price/discount*[/QUOTE]

Oooh...I hope Marvel Pinball wins.


Debating on Axel & Pixel...last day. :whistle2:k

Also, I'll give the Hydrophobia demo a shot...haven't even tried it, but since they went through all the effort of patching it up, I figured its worth a shot.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']So I just download it and I'm entered? I've been interested in giving this game a shot and the chance at a cool prize is worth taking the plunge.[/QUOTE]

That appears to be the case. Although I'm sure the odds of winning are slim.
I'll be voting Marvel pinball tonight. I really want PacMan too but I think the pinball will have more replay value for me. Also, I'm more confident PacMan will have another sale opportunity before the Marvel tables will.
Voted Marvell Pinball, as I bought Pac-Man like 4 days ago because I figured it wouldn't be on sale for a couple of months
Gonna vote for Lara Croft because the demo was fun and I already have Pac-Man CE DX and Marvel Pinball, both are excellent!
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I had the trial version of Hydrophobia and when I purchased it today, it just merely unlocked the full game. I hope I'm still entered in the contest
Didn't the last member's choice basically work out to "Which game/dlc do you want to go on sale a week or two before the others?"
Voted for Marvel Pinball cause it's the only one I'd play. And it says in the intro to the voting that the winning offer will be DOTW Feb. 28th.
[quote name='Cameron4All']Also, for all of you still contemplating Hydrophobia....

I was really kicking it around and had the " what the heck, it's only 400 points" mindset. But, because it was the way it was before, I decided to try the demo.
Either I got a bad demo, I have never used an Xbox 360 controller before, or this is still broken. I wanted to smash my controller, so I just turned it off and deleted it!
Trying to move up and down in the lift shaft was next to impossible. At some points I was even hitting down and she was going up.
I tried a different controller and still the same.

It may be just me, but I will NOT be buying this deal![/QUOTE]

I too had a little trouble with demo. It's not nearly as responsive as I would like, but I didn't think it was broken. However, I had to wonder just what in the heck the game was like before that caused it to get re-released. I can't imagine what the controls were like then. I'm still on the fence about picking this one up, especially given the news of the possible sale on Marvel Pinball.

Thank goodness I haven't bought MP yet. I'm going to vote for that one right away. 400 would be one of the nicest price points ever. I think Pac-Man has a much better chance of being on sale sometime down the road. Like someone else said, the Pinball FX tables are never on sale.
Bought Minerva's Den after all the talk about it from various podcasts, hopefully it'll get me back into BioShock 2 since I never started the single player.
I wonder if my kids will be allowed to vote. We've got Family Gold, but I couldn't set them up with Xbox Rewards as it said they were too young. Hopefully they aren't blocked out of this one too. If not, 3 votes for Marvel, and maybe 4 if I add a fourth, ghost, family account. :)
looks like pac man is gonna take it, does anyone remember when the last members choice sale was, how long it took between the week of voting and it (battlefield BC2 DLC won) being on sale? was it the next week or did it take a while?
[quote name='ArmyOfFun']Didn't the last member's choice basically work out to "Which game/dlc do you want to go on sale a week or two before the others?"[/QUOTE]

How often do they give this type of promotion? It's an awesome concept. I really hope they do all the promotion...I definably want pacman :).
[quote name='nerdtown']looks like pac man is gonna take it, does anyone remember when the last members choice sale was, how long it took between the week of voting and it (battlefield BC2 DLC won) being on sale? was it the next week or did it take a while?[/QUOTE]

In the poll it says the week of Feb 28th so I would imagine that's when it'll happen.
[quote name='ArmyOfFun']Didn't the last member's choice basically work out to "Which game/dlc do you want to go on sale a week or two before the others?"[/QUOTE]Not that I recall. Deathspank was included in the voting & that wasn't on sale until a week or so ago.

Earthking: Last time they did it was in Sept. (voting) & Oct. (when it was DotW).
[quote name='Zonic505']......[/QUOTE]

Beat me to it, while I was puting this together.

Oh well, here's a bit more detailed version

Here's the info for the last vote. The vote started on or about 9/21 (WTPolaris was the one to spot it). People stopped advocating who to vote for 9/30. Sale started on 10/18.

Last Member's Vote Options vs When they went on sale:
DeathSpank (WENT ON SALE 1/18)
Perfect Dark (1 DAY SALE ON 12/26)
Dragon Age Origins DLC (WENT ON SALE 11/2-11/29)
Trials HD Big Pack (WENT ON SALE 11/23 - 11/29)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 DLC (WON - WENT ON SALE 10/18)
Picked up Minerva's Den, Undead Nightmare, and P.B. Winterbottom from the 2K sale, and Hydrophobia from DotW. Might pick up the DLC for Midnight Club... haven't decided on that yet.

Also voted for Pacman for the next DotW. It's the most interesting, and AFAIK, hasn't gone on sale yet, unlike the others.
Got Minerva's Den, even though I haven't played Bioshock 2 yet, and picked up Hydrophobia today. At 400 points I couldn't pass.
[quote name='Zonic505']

Earthking: Last time they did it was in Sept. (voting) & Oct. (when it was DotW).[/QUOTE]

Damn...So, not often at all...Thanx for letting me know. Still hoping for pacman though :).
Grabbed Hydrophobia this morning. 400 points / $5 is my "try anything" price, and I've gotta give it to the developers for accepting criticism and completely overhauling their game post-release. Thanks OP!
[quote name='metallicoholic']I too had a little trouble with demo. It's not nearly as responsive as I would like, but I didn't think it was broken. However, I had to wonder just what in the heck the game was like before that caused it to get re-released. I can't imagine what the controls were like then.[/QUOTE]

I was wondering the exact same thing!!
If I thought Hydrophobia was that bad now, what would I have thought then?!?!?!
:hot: :bomb: :wall: :twoguns::whee: :puke:
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