XBLA - Snoopy Flying Ace

OK, I've set up a gamertag for Snoopy Flying Ace.

Send a friend request to "CAG Dogfighter".

I'll keep tabs of the account and accept friend requests as I see them. To find other CAG members playing this game, click on "CAG Dogfighter" in your friends list, select "View Friends" under the personal profile tab, and you'll see a list of the CAG community who's grouped to this game and send game/party invites to anybody on this list.

How about a gamer night this Friday. I'll be on late (
Tybee and I were in fir a little bit, but I'm such a voice chat newbie. I couldn't tell if Tybee was talking or if I was hearing someone else! In any case nobody responded to anything I said. I tried setting up a party chat and Tybee was in it, and so I have to presume the voice I was hearing was Tybee, but no response to anything I said? Did you have a headset Tybee? Anyway, it got boring with only one CAG other then me. Or maybe it was because I was getting my ass handed to me. ;) :) I need to practice with single player - hadn't played in months! Anyway, more next time?
Sorry I missed it - I was busy trying to finish the last level of Super Meat Boy (took forever), when I was done, you were as well. Let me know another time that works. I definitely will be practicing up in single player in the mean time.
[quote name='fatboyjam']Sorry I missed it - I was busy trying to finish the last level of Super Meat Boy (took forever), when I was done, you were as well. Let me know another time that works. I definitely will be practicing up in single player in the mean time.[/QUOTE]

The turnout was a disappointment, but I'm all for continuing to try to have this. We need some organization. How about if whoever is on first sets up a party chat open to friends, and then as people get online they just join it. The newb in me thinks that's possible (as opposed to only being open to invites), so if that's not possible let me know. If somebody not in for SFA gets into the chat, make them play it. ;^)

Incidentally, is there a way to select what team you are on? At one point Tybee and I were on opposite teams and I wanted to switch so it was CAG vs non-CAG, more or less, but couldn't figure out how to do it if that's possible.

It's a fun game. Just online would be a lot more fun with people I "know" (ok, I don't really know any of you, but you get the idea).
[quote name='crunchewy']The turnout was a disappointment, but I'm all for continuing to try to have this.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I ended up passing out at about 9pm (long week at work). Hopefully this week will work out better for me, I still want in.
I've been wanting to buy this game but I don't have gold anymore since I don't play many multiplayer games. Is the single player portion of the game worth it and have replayability? I love Snoopy and Crimson Skies games like this.
[quote name='deszaras']I've been wanting to buy this game but I don't have gold anymore since I don't play many multiplayer games. Is the single player portion of the game worth it and have replayability? I love Snoopy and Crimson Skies games like this.[/QUOTE]

It's replayable if you're looking to get the achievements, but everyone will get the most from this game by playing it online. I think the game would get very boring if all you had to play was the campaign.
The online is fun, but I have to say that I really enjoyed the variety of the campaign. I think it's worth $5. Also note that you can play 2 player battles locally and they are more fun then you might think because you can put in as many AI pilots as you want. You can battle each other, of you can go 2 against many, coop, or whatever arrangement. Plus you can play the "solo" campaign coop, which is how I played it with one of my kids. Problem, though - don't you need Gold to take advantage of this deal?
[quote name='crunchewy']Tybee and I were in fir a little bit, but I'm such a voice chat newbie. I couldn't tell if Tybee was talking or if I was hearing someone else! In any case nobody responded to anything I said. I tried setting up a party chat and Tybee was in it, and so I have to presume the voice I was hearing was Tybee, but no response to anything I said? Did you have a headset Tybee? Anyway, it got boring with only one CAG other then me. Or maybe it was because I was getting my ass handed to me. ;) :) I need to practice with single player - hadn't played in months! Anyway, more next time?[/QUOTE]

I was having headset problems as well. One of my headsets appeared to be defective, as I was getting no sound at all. The other one worked, but all I was getting was what sounded like screeching feedback. I have two of the little rechargeable earpiece ones -- neither of which were charged. So I just set the headsets aside for the evening. ;)

I too was getting pwned nonstop. So a CAG-only room would certainly be preferable if we could get it together.
[quote name='Corvin']So is it still $5 today. I've been on the fence all week but only had 150 points in my account. lol[/QUOTE]

It is still $5, but for who knows how much longer.
[quote name='Tybee']
I too was getting pwned nonstop. So a CAG-only room would certainly be preferable if we could get it together.[/QUOTE]

You all up for a gamenight on Friday? We have a couple new adds to the CAG Dogfighter list, so if you're interested in joining, you can still send a friend request to that gamertag.
[quote name='fatboyjam']You all up for a gamenight on Friday? We have a couple new adds to the CAG Dogfighter list, so if you're interested in joining, you can still send a friend request to that gamertag.[/QUOTE]

I might play this Friday, but it'll be hard to say for sure since I might be playing Black Ops with friends that night.
I might've, but I'm usually stuck working 8 hour shifts Friday nights and this week is no different.
Bought this for 400 points. It is awesome, but is it just me or is the online SUPER laggy? If anyone wants to get in on some online stuff add me on Xbox Live Burrito187
Bought during the sale and I've really enjoyed the game. The multiplayer is perfect when I need a break from halo or rock band. Feel free to add me but make sure to tell me youre from cag.
[quote name='smarkbran']Bought this for 400 points. It is awesome, but is it just me or is the online SUPER laggy? If anyone wants to get in on some online stuff add me on Xbox Live Burrito187[/QUOTE]

[quote name='m3talst0rm']Bought during the sale and I've really enjoyed the game. The multiplayer is perfect when I need a break from halo or rock band. Feel free to add me but make sure to tell me youre from cag.[/QUOTE]

If you want, both of you can send a friend request to CAG Dogfighter. I'll add you to the group and it'll be easier for others to find you when we're playing the game.
[quote name='fatboyjam']If you want, both of you can send a friend request to CAG Dogfighter. I'll add you to the group and it'll be easier for others to find you when we're playing the game.[/QUOTE]

Awesome....I'll send one as soon as I'm on again. Thanks.
[quote name='smarkbran']Bought this for 400 points. It is awesome, but is it just me or is the online SUPER laggy? If anyone wants to get in on some online stuff add me on Xbox Live Burrito187[/QUOTE]

Online was very smooth last Friday. When I first got the game way back, often when I started an online game it would be very stuttery for a minute or so and then it would clear up. Did it clear up for you? In any case, as noted, last Friday it was smooth from the start.
I suck at this game :(

What weapons are the best? Do you have to rank up to unlock new weapons? Is that why I keep getting rocked? Maybe it's just because I suck at flying lol.
When I'm playing solo or co-op, I tend to use the shotgun and the missiles. Multiplayer, I have no idea. Seems no matter what I choose I get my ass handed to me.
I think you might have to play through single player to unlock weapons in multiplayer, but don't quote me on it. I get my ass handed to me in online multiplayer too, though I do get some kills. I sometimes wonder if my DSL connection is giving me lag, though it doesn't *look* like I'm getting lag. Either I'm getting lag or I just suck. Or both.

I'd still be all for a CAG night. It hasn't really happened yet, but if we could get a CAG-only battle going that would be awesome and undoubtably a lot more fun for us hacks. :)
Since Friday night doesn't seem to be working out is there another night folks might prefer instead? Maybe something during the week since Friday night is the weekend and some folks might have a social life? I mean I don't but.. :D
[quote name='WTPolaris']Since Friday night doesn't seem to be working out is there another night folks might prefer instead? Maybe something during the week since Friday night is the weekend and some folks might have a social life? I mean I don't but.. :D[/QUOTE]

LOL. Another weeknight would work, except not Wednesday night for me. In generally I can't get on until 9 PM Eastern due to having to get my kids to bed and such.
[quote name='matto1233']Does anybody still play this? Bueller?[/QUOTE]

I get crushed online so it's largely lost it's appeal for me. Every once in a while I play it splitscreen with one of my kids vs. lots of bots and that's fun. If there was an easy way to get a lot CAGs together to play it in a private game that would be awesome, but it seems impossible to organize. Actually, I'm not sure - can you play an online game that is limited to just friends? I think you have to play against strangers, but if that's not the case that would be cool. Especially if we could throw in lots of bots to fill in the gaps. I think that's only possible with local play, though.
bread's done