Xbox $149.99 Confirmation 3-30-04 (Tentative)-- KB Toys


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We got promotional signage in today with our checks, lots of it, advertising the new XBOX price point, 149.99. Instructions were to hold onto the signage for a week or so, until coorporate gives us the ok to put the signs up.

This is going to be a universal price drop most likely, in the next week or so. Anyone who doesn't have an xbox should really look into it.
Thanks for the update. And for any noobs who are going to start questioning his posterity, he really does work for KB and has pointed out many things before ranging from sales to certain store closing info.
No prob. Personnaly, i own an xbox, but im hoping against hope it makes the ps2 drop a notch. i know evrything Sony has said about NOT dropping along with MS, but i have a feeling thats bs.

I just want to finish .hack and Kingdom Hearts someday. Playing an rpg on somebody elses machine is a BAD idea
Please clerify this for me

The xbox with the 30 dollar price drop wont come with any games right? Will the tetris and star wars combo still be there?
Depends on stock on hand. However, after the 20% off everything sale a couple weekends ago, u'd be hard pressed to find a combo anymore at a KB.
Right we had that too, along with a lot of speculation as to the authenticity of it, and whether it was universal or just Wal-Mart.

Just clearing things up.
[quote name='Tricky']Someone on another website had a scanned Wal-Mart ad. The ad had picture of an Xbox along with the price drop.[/quote]

Most people wrote that off as an april fools joke or photshop...i didnt, because ive had reliable sources check into it and approve. This is a regular with a history of truths confirming something he's held in his hands.
[quote name='Wshakspear']No prob. Personnaly, i own an xbox, but im hoping against hope it makes the ps2 drop a notch. i know evrything Sony has said about NOT dropping along with MS, but i have a feeling thats bs.

I just want to finish .hack and Kingdom Hearts someday. Playing an rpg on somebody elses machine is a BAD idea[/quote]

I think Sony will drop the PS2 price too. I thought the console price drop will happen during E3, but I guess MS want a head start.
What motivation does Sony have to drop the price of the PS2? Aren't their sales figures like 10x that of the Xbox? I guess the sales are starting to slow down after the Christmas holiday, but apart from just saying 'See! We matched MS's price drop!' I don't really see a big reason to drop the price. Esp. with the console itself only being 179/199 with a game and the NA.
I'm not saying they won't, and I'm certainly not an MBA or anything, but with the market dominance Sony has, I don't see them benefiting much from a price drop at the same time Xbox does. Maybe a little later, depending on how the sales figures go.
I was in Walmart yesterday and saw a sign at the front of the store advertising the xbox for $149. Don't know when it comes in effect though.
The Combos have been out of production for a while now and they are VERY hard to come by. That was a xmas promotional package.
[quote name='defender']The Combos have been out of production for a while now and they are VERY hard to come by. That was a xmas promotional package.[/quote]

The Tetris/Clone War package went away fast. I still remember stores still have the JSRF/Sega package for the longest time after the Christmas holiday 2 years ago up to August of the following year.
[quote name='dtcarson']What motivation does Sony have to drop the price of the PS2? Aren't their sales figures like 10x that of the Xbox? I guess the sales are starting to slow down after the Christmas holiday, but apart from just saying 'See! We matched MS's price drop!' I don't really see a big reason to drop the price. Esp. with the console itself only being [/quote]

10x as much in Japan perhaps, but not in North America. Sony has to keep its momentum going and prevent Microsoft from catching up.
[quote name='scuba']ok just wondering, I would rather buy an xbox for 30 bucks cheaper then pay 30 more to get 2 games I dont want.[/quote]
True, but I also think it came with two free months of x-box live. If you are an online gamer, that is worth something.
I just read in a Reuters report that the Xbox will drip to $149 this tuesday officially. No word on when or if sony will match it.
Something else to look out for as far as new bundles. There is a rumor around that a Halo bundle will be released in the US. Now what I think might make this true is that the newer Halo games now come with the 3 viewable demos of Halo2. Now, I don't mean it comes with an additional cd with the demos, but actually it's a new option in the Halo menu.

This seems like the best way to show new Xbox owners what's in store for 2004. Why else would MS just include the demos when the majority of Xbox owners already have Halo?

Well, that's just my theory anyway :p
those combo packs of tetris & clone wars are not worth 30 bucks. Soon you'll be able to get them for less then 10 bucks just like the JSRF/Sega GT combo disks. And the 2 months of live free are easy to get, just ask around the net. Someone will eventually give you one.

I say all the CAG who don't have a xbox wait till Best buy or CC has a deal where they give you a free game/controller with the 150 xbox.

Of course if you do find a clone wars/tetris xbox for 150 then it's a great deal. Like finding a zelda bundle for 99 bucks.
I talked to an X-box rep about a week ago and they mentioned the X-box would be dropping 3/30. I didn't believe this as fact since they are mostly clueless, but then today at TRU there was a notice posted on the Intranet that a big R-zone special is starting Monday 3/29. It said be prepared to copy flyers, put up posters, and more. It sounds like something big is being planned, and I'm thinking since they didn't actually say what it was there is a good chance it is the X-box price drop. Of course, I could be completely wrong and I hate posting info that may not be accurate, but it does raise some questions. Anyway, we'll find out this Monday if its true. If not I'd expect this to be happening any day. What was the date of the WM ad floating around the net?
Tuesday is the day. (3-30)

They didnt have any of the 20% off signage destroyed, coorporate wanted it all to stay in the stores, so expect another sale.

April 5th,6th Employee Special Discount Day::

35% off toys and video game acc., 15% off videogames, hope u know a buddy at a kB :)
Does anyone know if Best Buy's 2 year replacement plan price matches competitor's prices (or their own store price), cuz I bought an xbox in 3/2/03 for 199.99 and was wondering if I could get credit back?
lol all this for a $30 price drop.....are there actually people that have waited this long to get a system just to save a few bucks?????
[quote name='ksuwild25']Does anyone know if Best Buy's 2 year replacement plan price matches competitor's prices (or their own store price), cuz I bought an xbox in 3/2/03 for 199.99 and was wondering if I could get credit back?[/quote]

Someone once said if you use the plan you have to send them back the item (they will mail you a prepaid label) and they send you a voucher for the original purchase price plus tax. Ask your Best Buy if that's how they do it, so you might be able to "trade" your $199 Xbox for a $150 one.
If you are still wanting a bundle, then go to Gamestop/EB and create your own after the price drop. If you spend $150 for an Xbox (new) and get a used Sega GT/JSRF ($5 @ GS, $8 @ EB) then that would only be $55 (GS) or $58 (EB) for the bundle.
You could also do that for the SW/Tetris bundle (I think each store sells them for $18 used) and that would only be $168 for the bundle.
Hell, you could by both disks used (that would be 4 games) for less than what the bundles were at Christmas time...and you are still getting a new Xbox.
As far as the Halo bundle goes... I am crossing my fingers on that one. I own Halo, but my friend doesn't and he's willing to give me $20 for it. If the bundle is $150 w/ Halo then I would only spend $130 for a second Xbox (for my LAN) and he would only spend $20 for a new copy of Halo.
I wish sony would drop the Network Adapter PS2 to 150, and the regular one to 130. Obviously wont happen, but it'd be nice.
Im not an xbox fanboy, but it costs a lot of money to equip the PS2 to match the features of the xbox.
There's an adage that says never stop advertising or your competition will increase his. I know this isn't really advertising, but in a sense it is. Back in the hayday of colgate toothpaste, they thought they could cutback in the advertising department. Crest took their spot and Colgate never got it back.

Expect Playstation to drop $$ by May 4th
This is just an educated guess.
bread's done