XBox 360 camping LINES!!! @ Target


Target only got 4 of each type of system in and a group of teens had camped out all night in front of the Target to make sure they got one of those systems! I just had to laugh as some of them didn't even get systems because they didn't have enough! LOL.

One bad effect was they hadn't put out the Deluxe Polar Express DVD set that I went in for... settled for the regular WS edition but I may go back sometime later for the Deluxe set and give this one away to my Mom.

At least this is Georgia and was only in the 30's outside - I couldn't imagine what people would go through in Buffalo or Minneapolis! :)
[quote name='jlkeeton']Target only got 4 of each type of system in and a group of teens had camped out all night in front of the Target to make sure they got one of those systems! I just had to laugh as some of them didn't even get systems because they didn't have enough! LOL.

One bad effect was they hadn't put out the Deluxe Polar Express DVD set that I went in for... settled for the regular WS edition but I may go back sometime later for the Deluxe set and give this one away to my Mom.

At least this is Georgia and was only in the 30's outside - I couldn't imagine what people would go through in Buffalo or Minneapolis! :)[/QUOTE]

That would suck! Did they at least come out and warn teens #5 and above to go home and get into a warm bed?
4 premiums and 6 cores at my Target. There was also a sign on the doors saying there were that much. So about 10 people or so were camped out in their sleeping bags as it's only about 30 degrees out this morning.
At the Target I work at, I'm not sure how much there are exactly, but I estimate about 10 or 15 of each that I saw (Core and Premium). When I left there were about 35-40 people in line.
Seeing as they had several disgruntled people at the electronics line, I think they probably did not. I just remember hearing one person grumbling about being there all night and was leaving in a huff (and with nothing). :(

It's odd that Georgia and Minnesota would have the same weather this late in the year... guess a warm spell up there? :)
I somewhat considered hitting up Target this morning, but my body decided I should ignore my 5am alarm and sleep in till 7:30. I strolled over there at 8am, unsurprisingly they were out of stock, and a bunch of high schoolers were picking up their systems, looked to be cores (those are the green box ones, right?). I was only planning on eBaying it (where prices are now pushing $1000) so I didn't really care to take a spot from someone who wanted the thing for themselves, I'm just going to look for scraps on my lunch hour today.

Edit: My mistake, it's the EMAIL ADDRESSES that are going for $1000:
I was shocked to see a line outside my Target in Napa, CA. We have 2 Targets in town with a population of about 70k. The Target near me is a test market Target designed to compete more with their recently droppped Mervyns stores. There were at least 10 people out in front while I was on my way to work this morning at 6AM. There were a couple lined up last night at 8pm when I left after my Monday clearance check. I didn't think anyone in this town cared about games, let alone plopping down that much coin for a new XBox. It's cold here too. It's been unseasonably warm the past couple weeks (high 70s and warm over night) and now it's near freezing this early in the morning. I know it's not cold to some of you Northerners but it might get below freezing for only a couple days during the winter.

Silly people, I hope they can still handle the controllers after their hands warm up. I wonder how many 360s that mini-Target had? Couldn't have been too many...
[quote name='botticus']I somewhat considered hitting up Target this morning, but my body decided I should ignore my 5am alarm and sleep in till 7:30. I strolled over there at 8am, unsurprisingly they were out of stock, and a bunch of high schoolers were picking up their systems, looked to be cores (those are the green box ones, right?). I was only planning on eBaying it (where prices are now pushing $1000) so I didn't really care to take a spot from someone who wanted the thing for themselves, I'm just going to look for scraps on my lunch hour today.[/QUOTE]

Yes you are correct about the cores being in a green box and there won't be any scraps around period because of this one being in such limited supply the first go round. I don't understand though why people have to be first to have something that once in full swing will be available everywhere and be millions upon millions of these around in the US alone but I guess MS wanted everyone to be in a frenzy to buy this for the holiday season. Enough of my thoughts.

People who are paying those outrageous prices on Ebay are sad because for the price some of the people are paying on there for one they could have bought everything that goes with it or multiple ones if they just were patient.
Same thing. I drove by my Target on the way to Sam's Club and there were like 20 people in line. On my disappointing drive back from Sams(because I didnt get one) I drove by there againa nd only like 5 people where in line. So I got out and waited for like 5 mins and the manager comes out and says they handed all the tickets out already. It was like 20 degrees where I was and I couldnt take 5 mins of being in the cold let alone all night.
at the target this am I stopped and ask the one teen in front .. he said they gave out tickets for all the xboxes. there was no one there but a few guys probably who didnt have a ride home. this was at 6:30 AM and the store opened at 8 AM. (Pittsburgh)
[quote name='botticus']I somewhat considered hitting up Target this morning, but my body decided I should ignore my 5am alarm and sleep in till 7:30. I strolled over there at 8am, unsurprisingly they were out of stock, and a bunch of high schoolers were picking up their systems, looked to be cores (those are the green box ones, right?). I was only planning on eBaying it (where prices are now pushing $1000) so I didn't really care to take a spot from someone who wanted the thing for themselves, I'm just going to look for scraps on my lunch hour today.

Edit: My mistake, it's the EMAIL ADDRESSES that are going for $1000:[/QUOTE]

How does one go about selling those email addresses? Can I do it myself? It seems like a freaking cash cow.
[quote name='Farny']How does one go about selling those email addresses? Can I do it myself? It seems like a freaking cash cow.[/QUOTE]
Basically you just create a free or cheap email address with XBox 360 in it, create an auction that looks just like a console auction, and then in the description you say its for the email address (or password to the email address, whatever), and boom, half the people bidding think its the system, the other half are crazy.
[quote name='botticus']Basically you just create a free or cheap email address with XBox 360 in it, create an auction that looks just like a console auction, and then in the description you say its for the email address (or password to the email address, whatever), and boom, half the people bidding think its the system, the other half are crazy.[/QUOTE]

Seems like badd business, so I'll stay away for a while.

But the Premium systems ARE going for 4-digit sales numbers already.

People are crazy, probably setting their max bids to unbelievable numbers. This one just ended:

There are several more ending in the next 10 minutes. I bet the price gaps will be insane because of all these frenzied buyers.
Man, are people really that stupid? The email addresses are going for over $900 in all the auctions. Crazy. I foresee thousands of negative feedbacks being created due to this 360 rush.
When my boyfriend went to work yesterday at 11AM there were already a group of eight people. My boyfriend told them up front that the Target had 8 premium and 8 core. I cannot comprehend hanging around a store for close to 24 hours waiting to purchase a 400 dollar system. This just reminds me I better preorder the Revolution.
[quote name='Farny']Seems like badd business, so I'll stay away for a while.

But the Premium systems ARE going for 4-digit sales numbers already.

People are crazy, probably setting their max bids to unbelievable numbers. This one just ended:

There are several more ending in the next 10 minutes. I bet the price gaps will be insane because of all these frenzied buyers.[/QUOTE]

wtf is that? $2k plus and the guy's charging shipping on top? what a fucking shithead.
[quote name='pimp tyranny']wtf is that? $2k plus and the guy's charging shipping on top? what a fucking shithead.[/QUOTE]

No, that's an actual system. x_x

I was just saying that the email addresses are going crazy high, too. But the actual console went for $2000+
Holy schnikes . . . these things are consistently going over a grand . . . wow. Makes me sad that I struck out at retail.

I think the demand is much, much higher than it has been for any previous system.

I'm supposed to getting one from (but the whole thing is a little goofy).

It's going straight onto ebay . . . even if it sells for $700, I'll be happy.
It would be interesting to know what % of the people who camped out at stores actually wanted the system and what % just wanted the system to resell it for a profit.
[quote name='guardian_owl']It would be interesting to know what % of the people who camped out at stores actually wanted the system and what % just wanted the system to resell it for a profit.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking a good % are hoping for profit on Ebay. it seems they'll get it, too! I can't believe ppl are paying over 1k$ for a 400$ system. It'll be VERY funny if MS drops a bunch of systems out sooner than expected. I wonder what % of those bids are fakes or fraudulent :(. It also makes me think Sony putting a 500$ PS3 isn't going to be retail death afterall! The early adopters might just pay that to be the one with the new toy! It can then drop in price as demand drops down.
The ebay prices are insane!! I hope microsoft did this on purpose to build hype and they ship a ton out next week. I bet there will be allot of chargebacks on ebay, allot of the buyers have 0 feedback.
bread's done