XBOX 360 Console Repair Costs


CAG Veteran
I've been having the 2 Red Rings/Overheating Issue and it's gotten to the point where it happens every time only a few minutes after I turn it on.

Anyway what I was wondering is how much did it cost for anyone else who has had this problem to get it fixed by Microsoft? I'm debating on whether or not to send it in to them or to go to a local place here and get it fixed, so I wanted to compare prices and what not.

Thanks in advance. Any info would be appreciated.
A friend of mine just had a similar problem. His warranty ended six months ago and he just sent it in to get repaired. He filled-out the online form and got a mailer on the XBox website...and they repaired it for him free of charge. Maybe you'll get lucky like he did.
Standard Warranty†: Expired
Device: Xbox 360 Pro System
Serial Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Warranty Type: Repair
Warranty Expiration: 9/25/2008 4:59:59 PM
Oh so you have a launch console. Honestly, you may just want to sell it, and either buy an Arcade or sell the hdd as well and get a new pro.
question; are the fans still working ? or is it overheating with them on.
I shouldn't be to hard to fix yourself depending, and unfortunately 100$ to have MS isn't worth it. PM me if you need help
Your xbox is seriously out of the red ring repair warranty? Becuase no matter the problem I would just suggest sending it in under that.

I did for a disk drive issue and then got it back with a new disc drive. However I ran into some over heating issues while Street Fighter IV and sent it in again saying it has chronic over heating issues yet is in an area more than suitable for ventilation.

Doing what slickkill77 says isn't too bad of an idea. I mean I've definitely thought about upgrading to an elite. I know a kid that bought an elite while I was at basic training and for 400 he got the elite console and it was bundled with Halo 3 and Fable. That was in Georgia though and the bundles are in no way that good here. Our elite bundle is with Kung Fu Panda and the Narnia game or some crap; lame.
Yeah, if your warranty is expired, I would just send it in for repair and see how it goes. If they charge you for the repair, I'd recommend you just either try repairing it yourself or just buy an arcade.
Well I've had it fixed for the usual 3 red rings before, about a year ago from today or so, which was a free repair.

I checked the console repair info again on and this is what I saw at the bottom of it:

Standard warranty expired: A three-year warranty applies to Xbox 360 issues that are associated with three red lights. Please click Request a Repair to proceed.

So I assume that means the warranty is expired. Some other info though I got this console in December of 06, and the manufacture date on the back of it says July of 06 so I don't know how the warranty is expired.

In any case the reason I don't want to sell it is my brother and I shared it before he bought an elite and I paid for some of it and he gave me the pro, now it has all our DLC on this one and since we used the transfer chord he can use the DLC stuff on his too, so it's kind of nice for both of us to be able to have all our DLC without having to buy it twice.

Do you think I should try doing it over the phone or online would be better if I was to go through Microsoft. Do they give you an estimate before you send it in?

Otherwise I guess I'll just try to fix it myself. Thanks in advance.
[quote name='Franklyn231']Well I've had it fixed for the usual 3 red rings before, about a year ago from today or so, which was a free repair.

I checked the console repair info again on and this is what I saw at the bottom of it:

Standard warranty expired: A three-year warranty applies to Xbox 360 issues that are associated with three red lights. Please click Request a Repair to proceed.

So I assume that means the warranty is expired. Some other info though I got this console in December of 06, and the manufacture date on the back of it says July of 06 so I don't know how the warranty is expired.

In any case the reason I don't want to sell it is my brother and I shared it before he bought an elite and I paid for some of it and he gave me the pro, now it has all our DLC on this one and since we used the transfer chord he can use the DLC stuff on his too, so it's kind of nice for both of us to be able to have all our DLC without having to buy it twice.

Do you think I should try doing it over the phone or online would be better if I was to go through Microsoft. Do they give you an estimate before you send it in?

Otherwise I guess I'll just try to fix it myself. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

Send it in under the red light warranty. They won't even know it didn't happen. Go online though because they'll ship you a box if you do it online and you don't have to deal with bad Indian accents.
Well I went to repair it and request repair and I put in all my info and it told me the price was $0.00 for whatever reason, and it let me print out the label, hopefully I don't have to pay anything then.
About a month ago my 360 died for the third time. Warranty expired in march but they still repaired it free of charge. I called in btw and the rep did it no problem.
I had a similar problem. 2 red rings came up after playing Resident Evil 5 for 30 minutes. Anytime I tried to play after that, the box would just shut down after a few minutes regardless of just sitting in the desktop or actually playing a game. I take it that Resident Evil 5 was just that awesome that it killed it.

Seriously though, this happened Friday (July 10th) and I shipped it Wednesday (July 15th) after bitching to customer service, supervisors, and e-mailing the CEO. Basically, they said there was nothing they could do until I paid for the repair. It was $100 as the only things covered under the 3 year warranty are 3 red lights and an E74 message, NOT 2 red lights.

So, you might have to pay $100 to get your console back if they actually do check it and see you don't have the 3 red lights. They will just keep it until you pay. I'm sure there are a lot of people that try and pull that stunt.

Regardless, I find it better to actually pay microsoft in this instance (and trust me, I really hate them right now for making a faulty product) because once they repair it, they extend the warranty a year and you'll still have 3 years on the E74 and 3 red lights problem. It is $30 a year after that to cover everything. I took good care of my console so I was pissed when this happened and fully believe that yes, there will come a time in a year or so when it happens again 'cause there was no reason why that thing should have gotten 2 red lights except for the fact that Microsoft was negligent in making those things. Besides, we seem to have been in the same boat because I got my console around Christmas of 2007 and the warranty expired Christmas of 2008.

Luckily, after talking to a rep today, I am getting some free shit out of it as if you bitch enough, they give you a list of things to choose from including games and accessories. Sure, I wish Blaz Blue was on said list, but alas, I am sure it will be something like Perfect Dark Zero and microsoft points for Turtles in Time and Marvel vs. Capcom 2!

Hope this helps. This was my experience so far. I won't get the console back for another 2 weeks.
Be warned, if you repair itself, and I have had friends that did this, you will void the 3 year warranty for the E74 Error and 3 red lights really putting you up shit creek without a paddle. I suggest NOT doing that as most fixes are short term and you will most likely end up having to send it in anyways. If your box keeps getting 2 red lights, then the most likely problem is that something inside has probably fried or become disconnected (hint: GPU). You could really cement that sucker back in place, but do that and you're probalby gonna have problems again in a couple weeks.

I think my friend Dave had the proper response to this and his box has died 5 times (he had an original launch console):
"I love XBOX. It is great. I just wish it wasn't made by Microsoft."
Hey guys I have a quick question, my brother's xbox broke awhile back, you'd turn it on and it would work for about 5 minutes then the picture would go out but there would still be sound. And since it wasn't giving out the RROD we had to pop it open ourselves and try and fix it by replacing the x-clamps (which never solved anything). I think he found out through some research the the GPU was fried. So my question is can we send it in to microsoft and pay the flat $100 fee, even though the seal has been ripped off when we tried to fix it?
[quote name='slickkill77']I'm surprised your 3 year warranty is out.[/QUOTE]The advancement of time surprises me everyday. I mean, it's AMAZING that July 2009 is over 3 years later than November 22nd 2005 :roll:
[quote name='redboat']Hey guys I have a quick question, my brother's xbox broke awhile back, you'd turn it on and it would work for about 5 minutes then the picture would go out but there would still be sound. And since it wasn't giving out the RROD we had to pop it open ourselves and try and fix it by replacing the x-clamps (which never solved anything). I think he found out through some research the the GPU was fried. So my question is can we send it in to microsoft and pay the flat $100 fee, even though the seal has been ripped off when we tried to fix it?[/QUOTE]

Yes, you can still send it in as long as you pay the $100 fee.
bread's done