xbox 360 = dreamcast? or does it

[quote name='tgk2044']Older article, but not gonna flame you on it, its a good read.[/QUOTE]

allow me.

this is way fucking old news.
[quote name='the3rdkey']THe main difference between the DC and the 360 launch was that DC had more than one good game.[/QUOTE]

I don't get why some people are so down on the 360 launch...I have a lot of problems with the 360 but that sure isn't one of them. Yes, it's lacking the Halo/Super Mario/Soul Calibur-level game to launch the system, but OVERALL, the average quality of all the launch games is better than almost every system previously released. There was no Fusion Frenzy or Fantavision in the 360 lineup. Not every game was amazing, but they were all worth at least a try.
[quote name='the3rdkey']THe main difference between the DC and the 360 launch was that DC had more than one good game.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say that... It's more like the DC had more than 1 good original series at launch. The 360 has some good launch titles, but nothing that I'd pay $50-60 for.:)
[quote name='Vinny']I wouldn't say that... It's more like the DC had more than 1 good original series at launch. The 360 has some good launch titles, but nothing that I'd pay $50-60 for.:)[/QUOTE]

Dammit vinny give me that dog!
videogamefreak0701 get use to people hounding you on old news. It is a good read and yes it is old (see Scorch's link), but some haven't seen it. Your new so no foul on your part, but a little heads up try doing a search before starting a new thread. Welcome to CAG, I hope you enjoy your stay:)
I've said it before: M$ used the DC as a learning tool for when they would later launch a system (M$ originally teamed up with Sega for the DC), it's no surprise the 360 is quickly becoming the new DC, only with a bigger budget and hopefully, a longer lifespan.
[quote name='the3rdkey']THe main difference between the DC and the 360 launch was that DC had more than one good game.[/QUOTE]

both system had more than 1 good game @ lanuch...

But the dreamcast lanuch is the best to date!

IMO Sony has the most sorry lanuch... PS2! blah!
[quote name='the3rdkey']THe main difference between the DC and the 360 launch was that DC had more than one good game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, PS2 had a great launt too with Fantavision! We all know that game rocked :roll:
Did the DC really have anything great for launch besides Soul Calibur? That is the only game I recall when I bought my DC at launch that wowed me. I thought Sonic Adventure was lacking. Am I forgetting something?
Why does everyone bust Sonic Adventure's balls?

The second one wasnt that good, but the first was awesome.
[quote name='valor19']Did the DC really have anything great for launch besides Soul Calibur? That is the only game I recall when I bought my DC at launch that wowed me. I thought Sonic Adventure was lacking. Am I forgetting something?[/QUOTE]

NFL 2K, House of the Dead, Sega Rally, Power Stone
bread's done