Xbox 360 Elite VS Xbox 360 Classic comparison test


77 (100%)
A comparison from the crew at Engadget:

Xbox 360 Elite vs. classic: the test

Posted Apr 26th 2007 5:19PM by Ryan Block

Well, we've had a few hours with our Xbox 360 Elite wherein we've done nothing but test it against the most rigorous (unscientific) means at our disposal. But finally we are able to answer the question: is an HDMI-enabled Xbox 360 capable of outputting noticeably higher quality gameplay and movies? We compared our classic Xbox 360 (manufactured 12/08/2005) with our spankin' new 360 Elite (manufactured 3/4/2007). Ready for the face-off? Check out the gallery, and read on for our conclusions.

We tested the consoles with a Sharp 46D62U (46-inch) 1080p LCD and a 5.1 surround system -- we went HDMI vs component, since it's safe to assume the majority of people don't have VGA inputs on their HDTVs (including us). We played the first stage of Gears of War (on casual, so what?), and then plugged in our HD DVD drive and watched a few scenes from Batman Begins.

Console noise
We know how much you all wanted your Xbox 360 Elite to quiet down a bit, but we have some bad news for ya. As we heard from our sources who supplied us with much of our info about the Elite, unfortunately the noise level is about the same as before. It doesn't use the new 65nm chips, so it seems to require the same number of case fans.

The same is true of the disc drive. Our Elite and classic drives do sound different, and it's obvious they're not the same make or model. However, unfortunately, they're equally loud. Sorry guys, you're still going to have to put up with the same level of noise as before -- don't come looking to the Elite for something that sounds less like a shop-vac.

As we said before, these are using the old round of 90nm chips, not the 65nm variety. So it goes without saying that using the same chips as before, these things are going to produce the same amount of heat. We didn't run an 18 hour stress test or anything (obviously), but both units did feel about the same after an hour of playing games and movies, and they both felt like they were outputting about the same amount of heat.

HDMI 1080p vs component 1080p/i
We're going to be totally honest here, we hardly noticed a damn difference at all. We figured the best visual test would be playing in 1080p on both HDMI and component video, and we were right. What little difference we did notice, we noticed it with that test. In a couple of darker scenes in Gears there seemed to be a little more depth to the blacks (and a bit more distance detail because of it). But to tell you how subtle it was, we didn't even notice it until we literally started flipping back and forth as fast as we could. Fast motion, spinning, action, all the rest -- it looks almost identical on both consoles.

When watching an HD DVD in 1080p on HDMI and 1080i on component, we definitely didn't really notice anything different. The age old question though, right? Is 1080p actually noticeably different? Not to us, and probably not even if you have a 720p set -- assuming you're viewing on anything less than a massive, massive display. By the way, before you make any judgments about perceived visual quality based on our screen caps, please remember that those were taken with a regular camera, not pro screen capturing tools . In other words, what you may think is a big difference in quality may actually just be a small change in light metering or exposure. In other words, you'll kind of have to take our word for it when we say it looks almost identical.

We can now definitely confirm that despite its HDMI output, the Xbox 360 Elite still doesn't enable advanced codec support (like Dolby TrueHD). You still have the same three options as you had before: digital stereo, Dolby Digital 5.1, and DD with WMA Pro. When we played back an HD DVD with TrueHD audio (Batman Begins), it just stayed on DD5.1, nothing else happened. Bummer. But again, that's what we were expecting.

Other minor bits
We did notice that the front power button on the Elite console is much clickier than the squishy power button on our classic 360. Probably not enough clikiness to actually justify the purchase in and of itself, we'd imagine.

Also, the black controller is entirely matte, whereas the white controller is matte everywhere except the slick silver strip on the bottom. Since that bottom strip is where a couple of your fingers rest when holding the controller we found the entirely matte black controller slightly preferable.

We haven't yet checked out DVD upscaling, but that's on our list of thing sto do. Anything else you want to know or see? Leave us a comment.

Final thoughts
Basically, unless you are seriously eagle-eyed, have a massive friggin screen, or for whatever reason need to use HDMI because you're all out of component inputs, your investment in the first-gen Xbox 360 is probably safe. Do yourself a favor, just buy that 120GB drive if you need the space, the HDMI really just doesn't justify replacing your whole console for a new $480 unit. Then again, if you're truly "elite" then all the stuff we just said really doesn't matter, and you're probably gonna buy this thing anyway. Cheers, enjoy!
Ah, well, disappointed about the fan/disc noise to say the least (was hoping at least for a quieter disc drive). But thanks for the link - I was wondering when someone would do a comparison.

But since I don't have a 360 yet, I still think the Elite is a better buy - I'm getting the 120GB HD for $80 - beats $180... I sure wouldn't bother upgrading, though, if I already had one.

Still, I'm not going to go out of my way to get one of these - no camping out for the 2 my local store is going to have on sale. Actually, this is more incentive to wait it out at Gamecrazy (where I have credit) or Costco (for the warranty).
[quote name='Maklershed']We tested the consoles with a Sharp 46D62U (46-inch) 1080p LCD[/QUOTE]

Oh, those poor, poor men.

Thanks for posting that though. Nice to have our suspicions confirmed. Most of all, I'm glad to have that resolution chart. I grow tired of people insisting that there's a huge difference between 720p and 1080p on their 40" sets.
[quote name='Maklershed']We tested the consoles with a Sharp 46D62U (46-inch) 1080p LCD[/QUOTE]

Oh, those poor, poor men.

Thanks for posting that though. Nice to have our suspicions confirmed. Most of all, I'm glad to have that resolution chart. I grow tired of people insisting that there's a huge difference between 720p and 1080p on their 40" sets. It's nice to have somewhere to point to rather than have to try to explain it for the 500th time.
The only reason I even considered upgrading, is because my HDTV has 1 HDMI input and 1 Component cable input.

Comcast gave me a DVI-to-HDMI cable that never works, so I have to switch the cables everytime I want to play 360.
[quote name='Nomar1245']The only reason I even considered upgrading, is because my HDTV has 1 HDMI input and 1 Component cable input.

Comcast gave me a DVI-to-HDMI cable that never works, so I have to switch the cables everytime I want to play 360.[/QUOTE]

Did Comcast enable the HDMI port? I heard they disable them on most boxes for some reason. Or just buy a real HDMI to HDMI cable (I think Comcast offers HDMI out on their HD boxes).

Nice comparison though, I expected that's basically for people that are out of Component inputs and everything is essentially the same.
My HDTV has a DVI input and I've been using a component switcher for all my other systems (PS2, GC, Wii). I guess I can finally make use of that DVI, so that's nice I suppose ;).

I guess I better go get a HDMI->DVI converter. The question is do I use the cable that comes with the Elite or an existing DVI cable that I have (thus different types of converters)? Anyone know how long the HDMI cable is?

I'm assuming I can run optical audio (to my receiver) independent of whatever happens via HDMI (since I know that has audio as well). And then there's also some stereo audio splitter off the HDMI? I'd need that for the TV input (for when I don't feel like using the receiver).

Now, eventually, when I get a PS3 I'm not sure what I'll do - only have one DVI input. But maybe by then I'll have a 1080p set with multiple HDMI inputs.

And the big question is: will the 360 still support upscaling to 1080i (of 720p-only games)? That is one of my reasons for picking the 360 over the PS3 as my TV will downscale any 720p signal to 480p. I would assume the Elite is just like the older systems, but I know the scaling chip is one thing they had to mess with for the HDMI, so that has been a slight worry of mine - that they'll gimp it like the PS3.

If you've already got a 360, you're not missing out.
If you're new to the 360, welcome to the party.
mm well that doesn't make me feel bad then at all lol. 20GB is fine for me, so I won't be upgrading...and other than that...well theres no difference in anything so w/e
sucks it's just as loud. guess I'll stick with a premium. $80 for 100 extra gbs isn't too shabby I guess. too bad there's nothing to put (or nothing worth putting) in all that space.
I had already decided against getting one long ago. Glad to know I made the right decision. I DO wish they had made a VGA to HDMI comparison though, for that is what I use. Ah well, now if they'll ever drop the 120gb HD to a less than absurd price so I can buy it.
[quote name='doubledown']Did Comcast enable the HDMI port? I heard they disable them on most boxes for some reason. Or just buy a real HDMI to HDMI cable (I think Comcast offers HDMI out on their HD boxes).

Nice comparison though, I expected that's basically for people that are out of Component inputs and everything is essentially the same.[/QUOTE]

It works sometimes, and I think it looks better than the component cables, but after a while it just goes black.
haha MS screwed up there chance to come out swinging with the same features as PS3. what a waste of money and time. i'll stick with my 360. MS are a bunch of money-grubbing idiots. why not put the new 65nm chip, wifi, 1.3, True HD right into this damn thing? morons...
Come one guys! It is worth upgrading for the clicky power button alone!!!

It's OK guys, we didn't get screwed for our initial 360 purchases :grouphug:
I'm just gonna buy a black controller (as my current one is on its deathbed) and the harddrive, in the near future.
[quote name='mietha']I had already decided against getting one long ago. Glad to know I made the right decision. I DO wish they had made a VGA to HDMI comparison though, for that is what I use. Ah well, now if they'll ever drop the 120gb HD to a less than absurd price so I can buy it.[/quote]

Biiiiiig Diiitttooo... I mean hdd are not that freakin expensive and I can get a 250gig hdd for like 100 bucks online! It's too bad because I wouldn't mind the bigger hard drive as I'm constantly deleting crap to keep enough room on mine. Even a 80 gig hdd would be fine for me, 20 gigs is just way too small.;)
Sadly the only real reason I'd want to upgrade is only for everything being black. White is gay. At this point it's not worth it. Too bad I couldn't buy an elite, switch everything and then return it. xD
That is interesting. Sounds like this "revision" is utterly useless. Think I'll swap out my 360 today for another premium I guess.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Sadly the only real reason I'd want to upgrade is only for everything being black. White is gay. At this point it's not worth it. Too bad I couldn't buy an elite, switch everything and then return it. xD[/quote]

Thats why I skinned my box. Screw the change of color like Nintendo releases a different colored console and tons of japanese people run out and buy it. I don't see the point really. Check out:

I've got the Biohazard one and I love it.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Sadly the only real reason I'd want to upgrade is only for everything being black. White is gay. At this point it's not worth it. Too bad I couldn't buy an elite, switch everything and then return it. xD[/QUOTE]

Gay? Boy, you're both clever *and* classy. :roll:

As for the subject matter, 1080p is 1080p, isn't it, HDMI, DVI, or component? And we've known all along the disc drive and chipset were the same.

I see no surprises at all with the functionality of the Elite described in the OP.
[quote name='mykevermin']Gay? Boy, you're both clever *and* classy. :roll:

As for the subject matter, 1080p is 1080p, isn't it, HDMI, DVI, or component? And we've known all along the disc drive and chipset were the same.

I see no surprises at all with the functionality of the Elite described in the OP.[/quote]

Component is analog while the other two are digital. You also can't upscale to 1080p with movies or watch HD-DVDs in native 1080p with component.
[quote name='Trakan']Component is analog while the other two are digital. You also can't upscale to 1080p with movies or watch HD-DVDs in native 1080p with component.[/quote]

thats why you buy the VGA adapter...mine cost $20 and is tossin the 1080p around on my 56 incher like its nuthin
isnt the vga washed out? i tried it before and the picture didnt impress me.

i wish they would of given us better incentives to upgrade...
[quote name='guyver2077']isnt the vga washed out? i tried it before and the picture didnt impress me.

i wish they would of given us better incentives to upgrade...[/QUOTE]

Well, from the start, MS has emphasized that this isn't really something designed for people who already own the system. I think that once a cooler, quieter version of the system is out, that'll be the time to upgrade for most people though... although I also wish they added something at least moderately significant to justify the $80 increase in price (and no, a bigger hard drive isn't enough.)

It's funny and a little sad though that a reliable version of the 360 would be incentive for a lot of people to upgrade...
[quote name='Chacrana']It's funny and a little sad though that a reliable version of the 360 would be incentive for a lot of people to upgrade...[/QUOTE]

Please see PS2 for this as well.
[quote name='gizmogc']Please see PS2 for this as well.[/QUOTE]

I have seen the PS2 and its disc read errors in the initial batches of systems. Have you seen the coffin thread for the 360's that straight up broke?

(Okay, we're going way off topic.)
[quote name='guyver2077']isnt the vga washed out? i tried it before and the picture didnt impress me.

i wish they would of given us better incentives to upgrade...[/quote]

nope..the VGA looks gorgeous...considering VGA is still analog you need to make sure you arent using chinsy ass cables and that before you plug them in all the dust and nasty is out of the connectors
[quote name='Malik112099']nope..the VGA looks gorgeous...considering VGA is still analog you need to make sure you arent using chinsy ass cables and that before you plug them in all the dust and nasty is out of the connectors[/quote]

strange i have the microsoft ones...and they are nowhere as sharp as component
I wish there was some kind of normal matte black skin you could get for it...all the skins on those sites are kinda..not my style.
[quote name='guyver2077']strange i have the microsoft ones...and they are nowhere as sharp as component[/QUOTE]

THe reason it looks washed out is because at hdtv resolutions (1080p 720p 1080i) the 360 reverts to tv level line output and the tv is actually expecting pc level 255 output. If you switch it to any other resolution it does pc video levels.
[quote name='BULL_Ship']THe reason it looks washed out is because at hdtv resolutions (1080p 720p 1080i) the 360 reverts to tv level line output and the tv is actually expecting pc level 255 output. If you switch it to any other resolution it does pc video levels.[/quote]

that's weird cause it specifically states in my tv's manual that the VGA is for pc and the input is named "PC" which flashes on the screen when I choose the VGA input but i have never had to change anything settings wise to make it look good..the only thing i've had to do is stretch the picture to fully take up the screen (when i first hooked up the VGA there was a half inch of black on the screen bordering anything the 360 was outputting)....i just manually stretched the picture out to the outer edge of what i could see on screen and then it stayed that way every time i switched to that input on the tv
[quote name='Malik112099']that's weird cause it specifically states in my tv's manual that the VGA is for pc and the input is named "PC" which flashes on the screen when I choose the VGA input but i have never had to change anything settings wise to make it look good..the only thing i've had to do is stretch the picture to fully take up the screen (when i first hooked up the VGA there was a half inch of black on the screen bordering anything the 360 was outputting)....i just manually stretched the picture out to the outer edge of what i could see on screen and then it stayed that way every time i switched to that input on the tv[/QUOTE]

Some devices detect the different levels 235 vs 255 but many don't. This explains why many believe the xbox 360 looks washed out over vga.
[quote name='BULL_Ship']Some devices detect the different levels 235 vs 255 but many don't. This explains why many believe the xbox 360 looks washed out over vga.[/quote]

yeah..that would totally explain it...cause if VGA was so washed out then why doesnt my analog LCD screen look washed out on my pc?
[quote name='Malik112099']yeah..that would totally explain it...cause if VGA was so washed out then why doesnt my analog LCD screen look washed out on my pc?[/QUOTE]

Beats me, but I've got the same problem... it looks saturated entirely too much, and I spend time tweaking only to get a more 'matte' washout. ;) Component looks vibrant and quite well.. since my TV's "only" 720p, I use component for all my inputs (except my upscaling DVD, over the HDMI) My laptop looks fine, though over VGA... not that it is very useful..

There's something not quite right about the VGA resolution of the 360 for my box, or it could be that my non-standard 720p resolution isn't playing well with the VGA on the 360. Perhaps on a 1080p TV or something similar, it'd look better. *shrug*

My 360 also develops what appears to be a "sparkling" and weird adjustment issue sometimes when I play (screen 'jitter' as it tries to i guess get back to a normal screen) The corners of objects look sparkly and jaggy... It happens not just in games, but at the dashboard too.
It only seems to occur (unscientifically) when I turn on the 360 before the TV... It plagues VGA much more horribly than component (and in fact, up until recently, I hadn't seen it on component). I'm sure it's an omen that my 360's developing an issue... *sigh*

Oh, and it's been mentioned (OT) in a previous post, but I'm proud to say my launch PS2 is humming along... the only problem that has developed is the slower loading of blue discs... ;) As with all consoles... YMMV. I had to replace my Xbox twice... Third time's a charm though... still runs fine...
[quote name='Apossum']I wish there was some kind of normal matte black skin you could get for it...all the skins on those sites are kinda..not my style.[/quote]

This isn't your style?,4297.htm
If that's not sick, I don't know what is.

or you can go with the other cases they've got:,212.htm

just google xbox 360 case and you'll get a few sites where you can buy a better case than the "stock" white one.
Both the same in this aspect as well...

Lots of reports of this already... sigh. I've had good luck with systems, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

[quote name='dallow']Both the same in this aspect as well...

Lots of reports of this already... sigh. I've had good luck with systems, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.


On the bright side, the red lights with the black system look much cooler. So when the system breaks... well, it's at least moderately enjoyable until you get it fixed.
[quote name='Mechafenris']There's something not quite right about the VGA resolution of the 360 for my box, or it could be that my non-standard 720p resolution isn't playing well with the VGA on the 360. Perhaps on a 1080p TV or something similar, it'd look better. *shrug*

My 360 also develops what appears to be a "sparkling" and weird adjustment issue sometimes when I play (screen 'jitter' as it tries to i guess get back to a normal screen) The corners of objects look sparkly and jaggy... It happens not just in games, but at the dashboard too. [/quote]

im starting to think this whole "washed out" situation is the TV itself..not the 360's cause i know quite a few people who use VGA with no problems.....haveyou tried a different resolution? what kind of tv do you have?
[quote name='Spybreak8']This isn't your style?,4297.htm
If that's not sick, I don't know what is.

or you can go with the other cases they've got:,212.htm

just google xbox 360 case and you'll get a few sites where you can buy a better case than the "stock" white one.[/quote]

I read (I think it was on llama) that the chrome case actually affects the wireless controllers range. If combined with the chrome controller shells, the range becomes practically worthless.


Good show MS.

"[$480] FOR THIS? It's over. [MS] is finished."

[quote name='Spybreak8']This isn't your style?,4297.htm
If that's not sick, I don't know what is.

or you can go with the other cases they've got:,212.htm

just google xbox 360 case and you'll get a few sites where you can buy a better case than the "stock" white one.[/QUOTE]

nah, I really don't like chrome. The black case is nice though. unfortunately that voids the warranty.

Here's some confirmation from Kotaku about the 65nm chips. Might as well wait and pass up this gouge-a-licious slight upgrade.
bread's done