Xbox 360 Elites in wild?


So... has anybody actually seen one of these things in the store since launch day? I'm not asking this so I can find one...I happpened to snag the last one at Fred Meyer's on launch, and there didn't seem to be much interest. But since then, I haven't seen any at a single store I've been to. They're all dried up online except for the insane bundles too.

I'm just curious more than anything. I thought these were going to be everywhere from day one, but that doesn't seem to be the case, at least in my anecdotal observations. I'm sure its a temporary shortage, but its surprising, to say the least.

In other non-Xbox news, I'm FINALLY seeing Wii consoles in stores, not in the hands of customers. That only took what, 6 months?
I saw one at Target a few days ago, along with all the Elite accessories. Haven't been there since, so I don't know if it sold.

On another note, I haven't seen any Wiis on store shelves.
Well, I don't think it's much of a surprise that the initial shipment was sold out. More will show up and be sitting in stores though soon enough.

I, too, saw one at Target last Friday. So that was, what, 5 days after they came out? I haven't seen one since though. And hell no, no Wiis in sight either!

My boys are playing Lego Star Wars II on my Elite right now (got it at Gamecrazy the day they released by getting there just after they opened to snag their one system) ;).

I'm guessing that many of the units that showed up in singles at stores late last week and this week were returns that people bought for ebaying before they came to their senses and realized that except for a few very early sales no one is going to make money off these.
I have seen quite a few. But there were over 30 in stores less than a mile from my house (Then again, there are like 6-7 stores that sell games in that radius.)
I live in NW IND and they are everywhere. As a matter of fact the weird guy at wally world said they haven't even sold one yet. I also talked to the guys at the local EB and they said there was little interest in them. They did say they have sold a few 120gb hard drives. I'm heading to a big shopping town close to Chicago, I'll see how things are going there.
Best Buy had 7-8 Elites last weekend, and I think I've seen them other places as well (haven't really been looking). I saw one Wii at Wal-mart a few weeks ago, but that's the first one I've seen since Christmas.
The first day they came out BB had a huge PS3 like stack of them, Unfountatly I bought mine at EB which I had to wait in line(45mins). Eb games had 1. I did see 2 at target yesterday and last sat I saw 24 wiis! I bought one for a contest winner of mine but he didn't want it so Im gonna sell it on craigs list or something.
anyone see any at costco or know when costco will be receiving them? I will only consider buying an elite from there.
I've seen them at Hastings, Wal-Mart and Target. I've also seen two Wii's on the shelf, one at Hastings and one at Wal-Mart.
I haven't seen any. In addition to that, I haven't seen any Cores at stores that stocked the new HDD either. People can't find the Elite so they buy a Core and the HDD. The only place I've found a Core is the local Meijer where they don't have any new HDDs in stock, just the old 20GB paperweight.
Wow at the people seeing all these Elites and Wiis. It just goes to show how stuff isn't distributed evenly across the country (or it IS distributed evenly but instead needs to be distributed more according to purchasing habits of various areas). As usual, my area (Portland, OR) gets short-shipped :lol:. These kinds of things are always hard to find here (and I'm always out at some store or another and notice such things - was at Target last night, no Elite's or Wii's in sight).

A few months back when Wii's were still super-hot (as opposed to just moderately hot as it is now) I remember people saying on CAG they could go into their TRU's on Sunday shipment days at noon and still find them. The anecdotal evidence from here (from me talking to people at stores - I got one at launch and thus didn't have to wait in the subsequent lines) was that they'd all be sold out hours before opening by line-sitters.

Even here, though, I expect to start seeing Elites become pretty common within a few weeks. Still none that I can see now though (except that one in Target a week ago).
I did a lot of shopping yesterday and made sure that every store I was at to look to see if they had any Wiis or Elites. Wal-Mart, Meijer, EB Games, Game Crazy all had neither of the consoles. I saw a crapload of Premium bundles, but not a single Elite bundle.

Which I'm looking to buy a Elite bundle at the end of the month and will be pissed if I can't find one. I'm mainly want that bundle, since I'd rather pay the extra $80 on a hard drive that has 100 GB more space on the hard drive.

BTW, does anyone know if stores have gotten the replacements for Guitar Hero 2(360 version)? Don't want to buy one only to find out it's one of the defective versions.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Wow, I haven't been to a store since they came out. I wonder what the box looks like in person.[/quote]

It's Black. ;-)
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']It's Black. ;-)[/QUOTE]

Actually, no, it isn't at all ;).

Mine is sitting right here. It is more of a silver grey - like a gunmetal gray you might say... (we're talking packing box and not the Elite itself)
bread's done