xbox 360 Manufactuering dates


I finally got my xbox 360, but noticed that my unit has a manufacture date of June 14, 2006 which seems a bit old to me. Are there any known issues with this batch of xbox360s?

should i return it and exchange it for a more recently manufactured 360?
[quote name='cheapbrass']I finally got my xbox 360, but noticed that my unit has a manufacture date of June 14, 2006 which seems a bit old to me. Are there any known issues with this batch of xbox360s?

should i return it and exchange it for a more recently manufactured 360?[/QUOTE]

Supposedly, consoles manufactured after November 2006 have a quieter DVD drive installed in them... and trust me, you're really going to want that quieter drive after a while.
[quote name='Chacrana']Supposedly, consoles manufactured after November 2006 have a quieter DVD drive installed in them... and trust me, you're really going to want that quieter drive after a while.[/QUOTE]

I should check out my console. See if it's a 2007 edition. I replaced it in January. It's probably an old 2006.

Oh, and the DVD drive is newer, but it's as loud as hell.
I dunno why people complain about the drive so much. I got mine over the summer and when I play a disc game, sure its loud when the game loads. But it does not really hinder playing the game. I don't even notice the noise from the drive when I play the game.
[quote name='daroga']Are the dates listed on the console as YYYY-DD-MM or YYYY-MM-DD? I'd assume the latter, but I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]

Mine is year, Month, day.

Sure it's loud when i turn it on, but once the game loads, I forget all about it.
As long as you've got a good speaker setup and have it turned up, you'll barely ever notice the DVD drive noise.
[quote name='Reck_Havoc']As long as you've got a good speaker setup and have it turned up, you'll barely ever notice the DVD drive noise.[/QUOTE]

Why should you need to have constant noise to drown out the sound of the DVD drive? If you need to have the sound turned up all the time just to drown out the DVD drive, there's a clear problem. I'm not really sure how it's acceptable, but apparently we've lowered our standards so much that as long as the system turns on... sometimes... it's perfect.
[quote name='Chacrana']Why should you need to have constant noise to drown out the sound of the DVD drive? If you need to have the sound turned up all the time just to drown out the DVD drive, there's a clear problem. I'm not really sure how it's acceptable, but apparently we've lowered our standards so much that as long as the system turns on... sometimes... it's perfect.[/QUOTE]

so asides from the noise there any other reason (ie. more prone to failure) to exchange my July 2006 built unit for a more recently built unit?
[quote name='cheapbrass']so asides from the noise there any other reason (ie. more prone to failure) to exchange my July 2006 built unit for a more recently built unit?[/QUOTE]

I really don't know what you people are talking about with the whole loud drive thing. My 360 was manufactured in May 06, and frankly, even when my pc, and fan is off, I can barely hear it anyway. Maybe I just got lucky, shrug.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I really don't know what you people are talking about with the whole loud drive thing. My 360 was manufactured in May 07, and frankly, even when my pc, and fan is off, I can barely hear it anyway. Maybe I just got lucky, shrug.[/QUOTE]

maybe because your 360 is from the future?
[quote name='drbutchevil']I really don't know what you people are talking about with the whole loud drive thing. My 360 was manufactured in May 07, and frankly, even when my pc, and fan is off, I can barely hear it anyway. Maybe I just got lucky, shrug.[/QUOTE]

i think u mean may '06.
the whole fan issue is ridiculous to me mainly because people are willing to hold off buying an xbox for a year to wait for a quieter version. i mean is the sound really worth a year of enjoyment you'll be getting from it if you got it now and not sometime down the road? the only thing i really think people should be concerned about is the smaller processors if they're worried about the failure rate, but the sound really is a non-issue if you get right down to it.

you do learn to tune it out after the initial load and for some the sound actually reassures them that their console is working.
I dunno, guys. I went out and " pulled the trigger" on a 360 today and i read the manufacture date and saw " 2006-09-06 " i think, which is either september 6th or june 9th, and i'm completely fine with it. I played a cd and the moved the 360 around, then moved it to an upward position....nothing. CD still played. 360 was quiet.

Note: didn't play any retail games, just demos and Hexic HD
[quote name='Punk_Raven']I dunno, guys. I went out and " pulled the trigger" on a 360 today and i read the manufacture date and saw " 2006-09-06 " [/QUOTE]

Congrats on the 360! It's a bonny wee thing indeed. But get the extended warranty.
I have an August 06 system and while it's louder than systems from last gen I can't say that the noise is a distraction. I'm starting to think that some systems have louder drives than others.
i recently did an exchange and microsoft sent me an oct 06 system... maybe i shoulda waited a little longer and they may have sent me an nov system..

regardless im keeping this one mint and hopefully selling when the black one comes out... the only thing that worries me is i wont have access to some of my content on my 20gb hd like games
I just sent in a January 06 system for some minor freezing issues. I'm hoping for a new one with a quieter drive, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

As long as it isn't a crummy looking refurb that craps out in a month, I'll be happy.
[quote name='VipFREAK']It's not the drive that bothers me it's the damn fans... And also how hot this thing runs.[/QUOTE]

It does get hot. I had to purchase a fan for my entertainment center. It's a 4" fan from radioshck that moves 65cfm. The fan is louder than the 360... but the system runs much cooler now. :)
Well, I'm sort of using this room fan which is half as quiet as the fans inside the 360 but it doesn't seem to help since it's not getting inside the console. I also have my old USB laptop cooler with 4 fans but that doesn't get in either. I heard the intec (or whatever the company is) that adds onto the back makes it worse.

The replacement unit that I received from MS last month has a "born on" date of December 15, 2006.

And the quiet drive is very nice!
call me crazy but here's what I did after returning a 360 costco bundle because it had disc errors

After reading about the manu. dates and how I had to look for one made 11/06 or later, I decided to hit up the BB sale of the premium 360 with GRAW and $20 GC for free. I went to three BB's yesterday with no luck. Newest 360 was 10/26/06 so I stuck with being stubborn and held off. I mainly wanted to buy a 360 to play MLB 2k7 anyway.

I just got back from a BB near my work and got my 360. I went through their huge pile of 360's (ignore the NFS and Madden bundles, they are all either 05/06 or 08/06 models) and I was down to the last one. At this point, I was done being stubborn because I had MLB 2k7 in my hands already. I dug out the last one and opened the flap to reveal... .... ... 11/01/06!! Picked it up, found GRAW and used the $20 GC on MLB

I'll report on how much of a difference the noise is on this one...
[quote name='chernggoh']call me crazy but here's what I did after returning a 360 costco bundle because it had disc errors

After reading about the manu. dates and how I had to look for one made 11/06 or later, I decided to hit up the BB sale of the premium 360 with GRAW and $20 GC for free. I went to three BB's yesterday with no luck. Newest 360 was 10/26/06 so I stuck with being stubborn and held off. I mainly wanted to buy a 360 to play MLB 2k7 anyway.

I just got back from a BB near my work and got my 360. I went through their huge pile of 360's (ignore the NFS and Madden bundles, they are all either 05/06 or 08/06 models) and I was down to the last one. At this point, I was done being stubborn because I had MLB 2k7 in my hands already. I dug out the last one and opened the flap to reveal... .... ... 11/01/06!! Picked it up, found GRAW and used the $20 GC on MLB

I'll report on how much of a difference the noise is on this one...[/quote]

Looking forward to it.
[quote name='chernggoh']call me crazy but here's what I did after returning a 360 costco bundle because it had disc errors

After reading about the manu. dates and how I had to look for one made 11/06 or later, I decided to hit up the BB sale of the premium 360 with GRAW and $20 GC for free. I went to three BB's yesterday with no luck. Newest 360 was 10/26/06 so I stuck with being stubborn and held off. I mainly wanted to buy a 360 to play MLB 2k7 anyway.

I just got back from a BB near my work and got my 360. I went through their huge pile of 360's (ignore the NFS and Madden bundles, they are all either 05/06 or 08/06 models) and I was down to the last one. At this point, I was done being stubborn because I had MLB 2k7 in my hands already. I dug out the last one and opened the flap to reveal... .... ... 11/01/06!! Picked it up, found GRAW and used the $20 GC on MLB

I'll report on how much of a difference the noise is on this one...[/quote]

I hope that you got a quiet system, but there is no guarantee that if its Nov+, that it has the quiet drive. MS is still making systems with other drives.
played my new 360 for a few hours last night. I'm not sure if it's just me or it does seem to run a little quieter now. It also didn't seem like it was burning up after I turned it off.

MLB 2k7 is... beautiful
My system is an Oct 06 system and for some odd reason it has the quietest drive I've ever heard on a 360 (of 4 previous systems). It does give me DRE's sporadically when playing factory perfect games however which really has me worried.
The reduced noise is nice.

now if they could fix that disturbing rumbling sound that comes from the drive you play GoW...
[quote name='Callandor']I just sent in a January 06 system for some minor freezing issues. I'm hoping for a new one with a quieter drive, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

As long as it isn't a crummy looking refurb that craps out in a month, I'll be happy.[/QUOTE]

I've got a Jan 06 system too and have recently starting experiencing freezing issues. How would you describe your freezing experience (besides frustrating)? I'm trying to decide if it's time to use my warranty (I was hoping to wait for the rumored variations to the 360s to come out but oh well).
bread's done