Xbox 360 - Online games


I Graduated from college recently and I am looking for a way to stay connected with my little brother now that we are across the country from each other. I ordered an Xbox 360 in hopes to tap into his interests and provide us with an opportunity to stay connected. The problem is, I don't know about Xbox live or what online content each game provides.

He is still in high school so I am not looking for kids games(just to clarify). I would like suggestion on games that provide more content than the typical run around killing everyone first person shooter.

Do games like Dragon Age provide online content for 2 individuals?

I would really like a game where we can play a campaign together and not just play against other users.

I can't afford to purchase 2 copies of a game at retail so I need some Deals!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am open to any genre.
Borderlands is a really good game! Yes, your goal is to shoot things, but it is put in an RPG format so that you can play cooperatively.
Dragon Age is a single-player only game, sorry. I recommend these co-op based games:

Left 4 Dead 2
Army of Two
Resident Evil 5
Gears of War 2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1&2
Too Human
the Rock Band series also offers online co-op and is a far cry from shooting things to death all the time.
Also, if you're a competitive pair then you'll get a kick out of battling it out in Street Fighter IV.

As shooters go, Left 4 Dead is the way to go. You and your brother against 2,000 zombies.
bread's done