Xbox 360 Premium System $299 - REFURBISHED


I saw a post earlier about a $249 Refurbished Xbox 360 Premium on another (seemingly unreliable) website, but I noticed this deal at (where I've ordered computer parts from before) for only $299:

Be aware that these units are REFURBISHED. Now, I bought my first Xbox refurbished and it has always worked for me, but of course the 360 is another story altogether - my first 360 (launch production) red-ringed on me earlier this year. Also, I punched in my zip code (Seattle, WA) to check the shipping and it is about $27 via UPS ground. No tax charged except for FL, IL and NC.
Thats not a bad deal as long the system holds up.

I trust tigerdirect so i would have no worries buying from them.

But with only the 90 day warranty id have to get another warranty from micro.

I just dont trust the thing.
I purchased one off the site and it came in excellent condition. Because it is refurb from microsoft it also comes with the MS 2 year warranty (found out by registering my system and then clicking on warranty status)... so basically you are guaranteeing the system for 2 years for 299 + shipping.
[quote name='cmedjesky']I just talked to MS - They said refurbished systems have a 1 year warranty from date of purchase.[/quote]

The TigerDIrect site says 3 Months Part and Labor though and it shows Microsoft as the provider of the warranty.

I'm not saying that it's possible you could get warranty for up to 1 year if that is MS policy. That's not what is written or advertised on the site though so I wouldn't count on a 1 year warranty for this 360 deal.
Is it OK to bump this? Looks like the steal is still going. I'm just wondering if anyone can second that MS will let it have a 1 year warranty. Tiger Direct is a respectable store, so the system might not be outright defective, but then again it's still a 360, so one has to cover his ass no matter what.
I doubt Tiger direct would sell a banned console and not accept it back afterward; they do good business and have been around for a long while. Also it really doesn't matter if it's refurbished so much as if it has a warranty. I can buy a brand new console and have it break under warranty, and then what will I get back? A refurb. So in the long run it makes no difference, so long as I can get a replacement.
I tried to call MS re: their warranty policy on this using the number on Tiger Direct, but they're not available at this hour.
Well I don't know who to call. I called XBox support and they said that I would only have whatever warranty was left on the console since it was first registered and can optionally extend it, if it's still under warranty when I get it. But then of course on TigerDirect they say it's 3 months, and there's people here saying it's 1 year or 2 years. I have no idea what to believe. Maybe there's someone else to talk to or I can e-mail MS and ask.

Any less than a year and I won't buy it. Too risky. I don't trust a brand new console to last a year, let alone a refurb.
Also it doesn't help that I can't understand .5 of the words the people on the phone are saying.
I think Tiger's "3 month" claim is based on the original Xbox 90 day warranty, which was upgraded across the board early this year. If you look at the current warranty on it implies that it also covers factory refurbished units. If that's the case then assuming these really are factory refurbs you will get 1 year. I think this is the case at Tiger. I've seen shadier sites (especially on Ebay) where they call it a refurb but it really means they just threw together working parts from several broken boxes and made a good one. These would not be covered under any MS warranty, even the original because they were opened.

I was going to take the chance and find out (and return it if I was wrong) but Tiger wanted over $30 to ship it to me.
I don't see anything about the warranty covering refurbs, can you point out to me where it says that?
[quote name='Eleo']I don't see anything about the warranty covering refurbs, can you point out to me where it says that?[/quote]

Under "G. Additional Consitions":

  • Your Xbox Product and its internal components are new pursuant to industry standards, unless otherwise indicated on the Xbox Product retail packaging as "Refurbished."

To me this implies that this document applies to both, and I can't find anything in it that limits the warranty period for refurbished items, even though they make it very clear that accessories are only covered for 90 days. I also can't find any other official warranty document. So in theory, if you bought a refurb from MS today, this is the document that will be in the box.

Another thing to consider is that nowadays MS likes to include EULAs in their products that says something to the effect of "If you don't agree with this EULA, return all contents unopened to MS for a full refund of the purchase price, taxes, and shipping". I'll check my 360 packaging when I get home today and see if this is the case for 360 hardware. If it is, you're not risking anything because you can disagree with the EULA and get a full refund.
Also you can always extend your warrent through M$ its only like $50 4 another 2 years. But you have to do that before ur warrenty expires.
I bought a refurbed dreamcast back in the day and the thing is a tank. If you think about it they've mulled over the whole thing in person and tested it versus pulling it off a factory line with minimal quality testing.
Yeah except this is a 360 :( I mean there are people on their third and fourth console so there's really no guarantees your hardware will work, that's why a warranty is extremely important with a 360.
I just called XBOX customer support. The guy told me that the warranty is from when the system was originally purchased, so if the system was purchased in December 2005, there's no warranty on it anymore (except probably for the 3 month warranty), which makes buying a refurbished 360 not such a good idea...

HOWEVER, it is possible that these refurbished 360s have the new heatpipe cooling
This don't make no sense. TigerDirect themselves say it has a 90 day warranty through MS, so it would make no sense to get it and it potentially have no warranty at all.
[quote name='Eleo']This don't make no sense. TigerDirect themselves say it has a 90 day warranty through MS, so it would make no sense to get it and it potentially have no warranty at all.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I meant that the warranty is ONLY 90 days, and that it's not eligible for a 1 year warranty, as the only extra warranty you get is from when the console was originally purchased.

I personally don't think 90 days is a long enough warranty. You should have at least a year to make sure nothing happens...especially with 360s dropping like flies.

UPDATE: I looked around XBOX forums and other sites, and it seems as though all refurbished systems by now should have the new cooling solution, which I should hope, makes them less prone to failure.

Since TigerDirect's video game bestseller is refurbished XBOX 360 Premium systems, then I think it's safe to say that a refurbished 360 purchased from them will have a new cooling system.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']I bought a refurbed dreamcast back in the day and the thing is a tank. If you think about it they've mulled over the whole thing in person and tested it versus pulling it off a factory line with minimal quality testing.[/quote]

I definitely agree. All my past experiences with refurbished items have been problem-free. Most people have concerns against refurb items because they were returned at some point and thus not new. The truth is that if there were anything essentially flawed with the product it'd be trashed rather than refurbished. Many refurb items contain replacement parts anyway so they're really not the same items that were returned in the first place. Plus, as you pointed out, they're likely tested more carefully than their factory line counterparts, and they're still covered by warranty in case anything does happen.
[quote name='rapsodist']I definitely agree. All my past experiences with refurbished items have been problem-free. Most people have concerns against refurb items because they were returned at some point and thus not new. The truth is that if there were anything essentially flawed with the product it'd be trashed rather than refurbished. Many refurb items contain replacement parts anyway so they're really not the same items that were returned in the first place. Plus, as you pointed out, they're likely tested more carefully than their factory line counterparts, and they're still covered by warranty in case anything does happen.[/QUOTE]

I do agree with this somewhat. I also have a used dreamcast (very badly used too) and it works fine. I still play it somewhat often. Sure, the power connection did come undone from overheating, but that happens to all overplayed Dreamcasts, and is SOO easy to fix.

The thing is, refurbished may not mean a whole lot. I remember that I sent my PS2 to get fixed 3 times, and it never lasted more than a week. It only actually started working once I fixed it myself.

Refurbished systems aren't as good as new ones because they are put together by people, and not machines. They also aren't held up to the same quality a non-defective new system would be much better than a refurb...

But, the reason 360s were breaking was because of heating, and refurbished systems have new cooling, so they might be better...I think I might be buying a refurbished 360 from tigerdirect really soon
Not until I hear directly from MS (or at least the retailer) that it has a year long warranty. If it doesn't or I never find out for sure, I don't think I'll take the risk in buying it.
[quote name='Furashu']so did anyone get this deal?[/quote]

I want to find out too. They're having a free shipping special until friday and I might jump on this if somebody can confirm they have the new cooling system and a possible new 1yr. warranty. seems they have two models of the same refurbished units: Item #: M17-4168 and Item #: M17-4200. I wonder if choosing the latter would mean a newer produced model.
[quote name='Eleo']Not until I hear directly from MS (or at least the retailer) that it has a year long warranty. If it doesn't or I never find out for sure, I don't think I'll take the risk in buying it.[/QUOTE]

I already answered this earlier, and it may or may not have a year long warranty, but you can at least be sure that it has a 90 day warranty.

I just called XBOX customer support. The guy told me that the warranty is from when the system was originally purchased, so if the system was purchased in December 2005, there's no warranty on it anymore (except probably for the 3 month warranty)
[quote name='pack.sheet']I want to find out too. They're having a free shipping special until friday and I might jump on this if somebody can confirm they have the new cooling system and a possible new 1yr. warranty. seems they have two models of the same refurbished units: Item #: M17-4168 and Item #: M17-4200. I wonder if choosing the latter would mean a newer produced model.[/QUOTE]

well, i don't see the M17-4168 anymore...maybe that means they only carry the newer ones now, which have newer cooling systems? Thats what I'm betting. That also explains why it says "ships in 1-2 days" now, instead of, in stock, or ships in 24 hours. They're probably still stocking up on these new ones.

as for manufacturer numbers, it looks like B4J-00001 is the one TigerDirect is selling, and B4J-00002 is a XBOX 360 that needs repair....weird

Hey...does anyone want to take the pictures of the 360 from the page and brighten them up to try and see whats in the grill? So we can tell if its new cooling or not? It probably won't work though cuz these are probably stock photos
[quote name='quadomatic']I already answered this earlier, and it may or may not have a year long warranty, but you can at least be sure that it has a 90 day warranty.[/quote]
Right, a lot of people said a lot of things about the warranty.

Anyway, 90 days isn't enough for a console rumored to have a failure rate of ~30%.

Plus it looks like Tiger Direct sold out of them.
Delivers the most powerful console, the best games, the next generation of Xbox Live, and amazing digital entertainment experiences. (Manufacturer Recertified)

Yeah, it is.
[quote name='Eleo']Right, a lot of people said a lot of things about the warranty.

Anyway, 90 days isn't enough for a console rumored to have a failure rate of ~30%.

Plus it looks like Tiger Direct sold out of them.[/QUOTE]

Yea, its probably not the safest choice, but the model number changed, which may point to the idea that these now have new cooling systems

BUT DARN, they're not selling it anymore.... still carries it though.
Aw fuck. I did a search for "refurbished" and "used" but didn't think to search for "recertified".
Also I recently made a thread, has them for $299 and about $315 after shipping.

I guess one can always buy a 1 year warranty from MS and make it a ~$340 dollar deal. That's still a good amount less than what it would cost for me to buy a brand new premium after shipping/tax.
Is there any way to check the leftover time or ending date of your warranty? I just registered the console I currently have on It shows that it is under warranty but doesn't say anything about when the warranty will end.
u know, i might just wait for fall to get a 360 with the smaller, cooler chips, at which point they may drop the price...or at least it'll have a far lower failure rate
Yeah, regardless of the fact that these refurbished 360's MAY have new cooling systems, it's too much of a chance I'd rather not take on a purchase like this.
Thnks for the info quadomatic. I had a chat with a tigerdirect rep and he said they're gonna have another 250+ refurbished units in stock by July 7th..

I thought gee, what a coincidence, that is exactly the day when their free shipping promo is no longer available. :applause: Bravo tigerdirect Bravo!:applause:
Even though i have had my 360 for sometime, WHY DOES EVERY WEBSITE TAX US IN ILLINOIS!?!?!? lol, i dont like that :( i wish the government would just leave us alone. THey aree rich enough, they dont need to be sucking every last penny outta us!
It wouldn't really make sense for it to be. For a console to be banned it has to be opened, which cracks the warranty sticker, which means it can't be returned. Most likely refurbished consoles are the broken consoles people have sent that MS replaced with a brand new console.
bread's done