Xbox 360 Preorders (Amazon/TRU, Costco, EB, GameRush, GameStop, Ritz, Sams, Walmart)

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I just noticed that for some bizarre reason, decided to add a bundle that includes a Dell Plasma TV for 4499.68?[/QUOTE]

When getting $1,000+ from you isn't enough. ;)

How about a bundle that includes a house to play your new Xbox 360 in? Only $200,000 +shipping!
[quote name='Inferno-X']When getting $1,000+ from you isn't enough. ;)

How about a bundle that includes a house to play your new Xbox 360 in? Only $200,000 +shipping![/QUOTE]

I'd snatch that up in a heart beat seeing as the median home price here is 470k : (
We're sorry, but we've SOLD OUT of our initial launch quantity of Xbox 360 hardware. However, the Xbox 360 will be AVAILABLE IN WAL-MART STORES AT 12:00 AM on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22.
wonder what bundle they will sell in the retail walmart stores? hmm Tues November 22nd, work is going to suck that day if I have to wait up until Midnight ...
[quote name='clueless']wonder what bundle they will sell in the retail walmart stores? hmm Tues November 22nd, work is going to suck that day if I have to wait up until Midnight ...[/QUOTE]

My guess is that it will not be a bundle in stores. They are usually good about not bundling at the store. Only online.
[quote name='mmercer13']I wonder if FYE will do preorders in the store. I know they did with the PSP in my town. Anyone know??[/QUOTE]
Yeah they are, a guy I work with preordered his 360 there over a month ago.
I haven't read all the posts in this thread but has Blockbuster been mentioned.
I was able to easily get a PSP from them and they have a non-extra pre order package available for the X360.
The latest from Ritz:

"A 4 game minimum purchase is recommended from our supplier with each Xbox console order to be considered for early order allocation. Product will be heavily constrained through the Holiday season and placement of order does not guarantee immediate shipment."
I can't wait to camp out for my 360. I have one pre-ordered but it's still fun to hang out with all the other gaming nerds and make fun of people to feel better about myself. I remember sitting in the mall waiting to get my Dreamcast at midnight. Getting home and playing Soul Caliber for the first time was a blast. :whistle2:D
[quote name='laurarellis']The latest from Ritz:

"A 4 game minimum purchase is recommended from our supplier with each Xbox console order to be considered for early order allocation. Product will be heavily constrained through the Holiday season and placement of order does not guarantee immediate shipment."[/QUOTE]

Haha... so glad I switched my order to Costco instead..
[quote name='laurarellis']The latest from Ritz:

"A 4 game minimum purchase is recommended from our supplier with each Xbox console order to be considered for early order allocation. Product will be heavily constrained through the Holiday season and placement of order does not guarantee immediate shipment."[/QUOTE]

It says recommended...not required. BIG difference.
Yes, but it's Ritz Camera's way of saying that if you don't order 4 games you will be at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to shipment placement. Does it mean you won't get your Xbox 360 at launch? No, but it's not a guarantee that you will either. Ritz may very well only have a small quantity and this is their way of selling first to the customers who will spend the most money. Nobody knows how the demand will be for the Xbox 360, but it certainly is a lousy move by Ritz to play on people's anxiety about not getting one at launch. Launches are certainly crazy...
The funny thing is... a four-game Ritz bundle would save me a lot of money compared to Wal-Mart, EB, etc., since they charge no tax (even without the games, I'm already saving around 10 bucks due to the lack of taxes, even with the higher initial price of the premium system).

It's very tempting to see if they come through on this. If they do, then it'd be the best deal for me. If they don't, then... well, I'll throw a hissy fit.
how about addressing the issue of: WHY RITZ?? when the hell have they ever sold anything remotely related to video games and consoles. this in itself is shady, IMO.

It would be like Radio Shack taking 360 preorders except it's more weird still.
[quote name='mixmaster']Do u think Costco will have the 360 in store at launch? I wish i could have ordered one off the site.[/QUOTE]

If you have a walmart or Target just head there early launch day. You should be ok.
Question for anyone who works for Gamestop. I was in there tonight to check on my 360 preorder. I'm wondering if what the manager told me was a bunch of B.S. First off they were only allowed to do 9 first shipment preorders (for the XBox they did around 40). She said there is a possibility they'll send them more but if they don't that Microsoft was guaranteeing second shipment before Christmas. She also said that Gamestop/EBGames were getting 90% of the premium systems at launch. I personally don't believe any of it but just wanted another opinion. Anyone??
[quote name='mmercer13']Question for anyone who works for Gamestop. I was in there tonight to check on my 360 preorder. I'm wondering if what the manager told me was a bunch of B.S. First off they were only allowed to do 9 first shipment preorders (for the XBox they did around 40). She said there is a possibility they'll send them more but if they don't that Microsoft was guaranteeing second shipment before Christmas. She also said that Gamestop/EBGames were getting 90% of the premium systems at launch. I personally don't believe any of it but just wanted another opinion. Anyone??[/QUOTE]

Yes Gamestop/EBGames are getting around 90% premium systems, 10% core systems. They are not getting 90% of all the premium systems.

/does not work @ GS/EB
//can smell BS from a mile away ;)
I know it was, just wanted another opinion. I actually said to her, don't you mean 90% of YOUR systems will be the premium. She insisted they were getting 90% of all the premium systems overall. I just thougt the whole thing was kinda funny. Thanks for the reply.
Have any BB Reward Zone members got an email invite to pre-order the 360 online yet, ala the PSP back in the spring? I contacted RZ help and they said only select members would be getting the invite to pre-order the 360 online.
That's what they told me too. If I remember correctly I didn't get the PSP email until shortly before it launched. I bet we here something in the next 2 weeks. Hell I've bought a PS2 and 2 PSPs in the past 6 months, I'd better get the email.
[quote name='pthagonal']If you have a walmart or Target just head there early launch day. You should be ok.[/QUOTE]

How early would you recommend? I don't mind waiting, just want to make sure I get one.

How would I get in line for one prior to midnight at walmart when they're open around the clock? Do you think they'll actually have a line for them or will it be just a huge mob of people around the videogame section prior to midnight?

If anyone has any prior experience with this and can recommend the best way to get one on launch day please let me know.
They had a line for ps2 and xbox at my local wal-mart. for the ps2, ppl came very 5 in the afternoon the day before. By 8 pm that night, the line was bigger than our allocation. We were still told to not say anything cuz it would be possible that some persons' credit card might not go through. Expect them to have some sort of line or waitin area.
I went to Target after I got off work the night before the release date of the PS2. Waited from 10:00pm 'til 8:00am. I was 6th in line. Didn't do it for the Xbox or Gamecube. Weill probaly do it again, like a dumb ass for the 360.

When the PS3's release is near, I may damn near be in line, Episode 1 style.
Thanks for the info guys. I guess I'll be heading down to my local Wal-mart around 5pm then. I don't want to take any chances lol.

Time to dust off that GBA that I never use. If I have to wait that long may as well have something to keep me entertained.
My Wal-Mart had a numbered ticket system. You could start picking up tickets around 10 p.m.. Then at midnight they started drawing numbers. You might want to suggest that to your Wal-Mart. I thought it was a fair way to do it. I have an 18 month old son, so I can't go stand in line at 5:00 anymore.
[quote name='mmercer13']My Wal-Mart had a numbered ticket system. You could start picking up tickets around 10 p.m.. Then at midnight they started drawing numbers. You might want to suggest that to your Wal-Mart. I thought it was a fair way to do it. I have an 18 month old son, so I can't go stand in line at 5:00 anymore.[/QUOTE]

Lottery systems are hardly fair, more like complete socialist BS. How would you like to wait at Wal-Mart all night and draw the last ticket? :roll:
[quote name='bmarquardt']Have any BB Reward Zone members got an email invite to pre-order the 360 online yet, ala the PSP back in the spring? I contacted RZ help and they said only select members would be getting the invite to pre-order the 360 online.[/QUOTE]

I've heard reports of people getting RZ preorder offers already. I complained to RZ about not getting one and they told me that there was nothing they could do because the decisions are made in "marketing."
[quote name='bmarquardt']Have any BB Reward Zone members got an email invite to pre-order the 360 online yet, ala the PSP back in the spring? I contacted RZ help and they said only select members would be getting the invite to pre-order the 360 online.[/QUOTE]

I think they're going to contact "Barry" first then "Buzz". :D
[quote name='chrisrc']Lottery systems are hardly fair, more like complete socialist BS. How would you like to wait at Wal-Mart all night and draw the last ticket? :roll:[/QUOTE]

Well asshole some of us have lives and can't sit around like a schmuck for 12 hours straight. Some of us have lives, wives, kids, and a job. Least with a lottery every one is on a level playing field. What's fair about you being able to go and sit and someone who can't??? Socialist BS, I love people who have taken a couple of college classes and then spout off about shit they know nothing about. I'm sure if you won 50 million in a lottery you wouldn't turn it down. It's what makes this country great. So get a life and get off your high horse.
[quote name='mmercer13']Well asshole some of us have lives and can't sit around like a schmuck for 12 hours straight. Some of us have lives, wives, kids, and a job. Least with a lottery every one is on a level playing field. What's fair about you being able to go and sit and someone who can't??? Socialist BS, I love people who have taken a couple of college classes and then spout off about shit they know nothing about. I'm sure if you won 50 million in a lottery you wouldn't turn it down. It's what makes this country great. So get a life and get off your high horse.[/QUOTE]

you ok there buddy?
I remember figuring I'd get up early and go to the local Target and get one. I went down at around 7:00AM and the line was HUGE. I spent the rest of the morning going from store to store with no luck. Eventually, I bought one at a premium from a friend of a friend of a friend who bought two. From then on, I preorder the new systems, even with a bundle. I'm not driving all over Jersey again.
Even though bundles are a lot, you usually end up spending that much anyways over the course of a month on games and accessorie. I did the driving thing too and it was a pain in the butt.
[quote name='mmercer13']I'm fine. Throwing in a comment about "Socialist BS" in a videogame forum is kind of stupid if you ask me.[/QUOTE]

A little sensitive, aren't we? I fully support all forms of legalized gambling, especially state lotteries. They're an excellent form of taxation on the ignorant. However, lotteries have no place in the market for consumer products. If some poor fellow wants to stay up all night to have metaphorical 'dibs' on Walmart's merchandise, I completely support the guy. He clearly values the console more than youself, especially considering his willingness to sacrifice sleep/time. What gives a schmuck like yourself the right to waltz in and swipe his console away in some mock redistribution of wealth? I have no intentions of sitting outside ANY store on November 22; I have one 360 coming from and another reserved at EB. ;)
[quote name='chrisrc']A little sensitive, aren't we? I fully support all forms of legalized gambling, especially state lotteries. They're an excellent form of taxation on the ignorant. However, lotteries have no place in the market for consumer products. If some poor fellow wants to stay up all night to have metaphorical 'dibs' on Walmart's merchandise, I completely support the guy. He clearly values the console more than youself, especially considering his willingness to sacrifice sleep/time. What gives a schmuck like yourself the right to waltz in and swipe his console away in some mock redistribution of wealth? I have no intentions of sitting outside ANY store on November 22; I have one 360 coming from and another reserved at EB. ;)[/QUOTE]

So you don't support the people with jobs who have a responsibility to their family and can't sit around for hours waiting in a store. BUT you support someone who can. You're a bigger idiot than I thought. How about we just say we have differing opinions and leave it at that. You strike me as someone who likes to hear himself talk and read his own posts. I'm done with you.
[quote name='mmercer13']So you don't support the people with jobs who have a responsibility to their family and can't sit around for hours waiting in a store. BUT you support someone who can. You're a bigger idiot than I thought. How about we just say we have differing opinions and leave it at that. You strike me as someone who likes to hear himself talk and read his own posts. I'm done with you.[/QUOTE]

Where did I ever admonish hard working individuals or dismiss the importance of family? Hell, I'll give you a big thumbs up for being a family man. But what is the deal with your unwavering passion for these bastardized lottery systems on launch day? I'm going to assume that you're a somewhat avid game player. And as such, you'll undoubtedly want to enjoy the Xbox360 as soon as possible. These console lotteries require multiple trips to the store, a definite level of anxiety, and absolutely no guaranteed game playing come morning. While this method of distribution likely favors casual fans or people passing through the store, you're investing substantial amounts of time (which might be better spent waiting at a different store) for a highly questionable return. I've been fortunate to never experience this horrible situation in relation to video games, but Ticket Master has screwed both myself and my friends over on numerous occasions through similar systems. It's an entirely unequitable allocation of the goods; those people willing to wait longer obviously want the product more than those not willing to wait.

On a side note, will you family truly disentegrate due to your absence for a few hours on November 22? My father often worked evenings and nights. While the situation was clearly not ideal, we maintained a fairly solid relationship throughout my upbringing. I highly doubt that your waiting outside a store (in order to get a family oriented toy no less) will severely damage your children's psyche or your marital relations.
[quote name='vivisection']chrisrc, you are one huge self righteous asshole. mmercer13 don't back down from this.[/QUOTE]

;) Thanks.
[quote name='chrisrc']Where did I ever admonish hard working individuals or dismiss the importance of family? Hell, I'll give you a big thumbs up for being a family man. But what is the deal with your unwavering passion for these bastardized lottery systems on launch day? I'm going to assume that you're a somewhat avid game player. And as such, you'll undoubtedly want to enjoy the Xbox360 as soon as possible. These console lotteries require multiple trips to the store, a definite level of anxiety, and absolutely no guaranteed game playing come morning. While this method of distribution likely favors casual fans or people passing through the store, you're investing substantial amounts of time (which might be better spent waiting at a different store) for a highly questionable return. I've been fortunate to never experience this horrible situation in relation to video games, but Ticket Master has screwed both myself and my friends over on numerous occasions through similar systems. It's an entirely unequitable allocation of the goods; those people willing to wait longer obviously want the product more than those not willing to wait.

On a side note, will you family truly disentegrate due to your absence for a few hours on November 22? My father often worked evenings and nights. While the situation was clearly not ideal, we maintained a fairly solid relationship throughout my upbringing. I highly doubt that your waiting outside a store (in order to get a family oriented toy no less) will severely damage your children's psyche or your marital relations.[/QUOTE]

Dude, you've put WAY too much thought into this. I think all he was saying was that a lottery was ONE way of doing something. Not the only way. He let it drop I suggest you do too.
Wow, I never expected people to be so passionate about this issue. I have responsiblities, but I'm putting them on hold for that afternoon/evening while I wait. If I'm tired the next day from lack of sleep then so be it; I'll consider a sacrifice made to have the system at launch.

I'll agree that waiting in line for something like this is a hassle for those of us with families and responsiblities but there was an option for us. It's a little thing called a pre-order. Unfortunately, myself and my family will be paying the price on launch day because I didn't pre-order it early in the first place.

I was unaware of the possiblity of a lotto system but I'm finding out as soon as I arrive because no there is no sense in waiting around if there is. I'll get the ticket when I can and get out of there.

I have to agree with you chrisrc on the whole lottery thing. I'm not a fan of it either but as long as they tell me up front and I don't have to wait it won't bother me too much. Sorry to see you've taken so much heat for your opinion. You gave your opinion on it and you were immediately branded an ahole for it. I give you credit for trying to keep the discussion somewhat civil and not resorting to petty name calling.
[quote name='Chuckiefresh']Wow, I never expected people to be so passionate about this issue. I have responsiblities, but I'm putting them on hold for that afternoon/evening while I wait. If I'm tired the next day from lack of sleep then so be it; I'll consider a sacrifice made to have the system at launch.

I'll agree that waiting in line for something like this is a hassle for those of us with families and responsiblities but there was an option for us. It's a little thing called a pre-order. Unfortunately, myself and my family will be paying the price on launch day because I didn't pre-order it early in the first place.

I was unaware of the possiblity of a lotto system but I'm finding out as soon as I arrive because no there is no sense in waiting around if there is. I'll get the ticket when I can and get out of there.

I have to agree with you chrisrc on the whole lottery thing. I'm not a fan of it either but as long as they tell me up front and I don't have to wait it won't bother me too much. Sorry to see you've taken so much heat for your opinion. You gave your opinion on it and you were immediately branded an ahole for it. I give you credit for trying to keep the discussion somewhat civil and not resorting to petty name calling.[/QUOTE]

You're kidding right?? Someone mentioned a lottery and he jumped on them first calling a lottery "socialist". Hell I don't agree with a lottery either but to label it "socialist" is kinda odd. This thread has gotten weird.
[quote name='Chuckiefresh']Wow, I never expected people to be so passionate about this issue. I have responsiblities, but I'm putting them on hold for that afternoon/evening while I wait. If I'm tired the next day from lack of sleep then so be it; I'll consider a sacrifice made to have the system at launch.

I'll agree that waiting in line for something like this is a hassle for those of us with families and responsiblities but there was an option for us. It's a little thing called a pre-order. Unfortunately, myself and my family will be paying the price on launch day because I didn't pre-order it early in the first place.

I was unaware of the possiblity of a lotto system but I'm finding out as soon as I arrive because no there is no sense in waiting around if there is. I'll get the ticket when I can and get out of there.

I have to agree with you chrisrc on the whole lottery thing. I'm not a fan of it either but as long as they tell me up front and I don't have to wait it won't bother me too much. Sorry to see you've taken so much heat for your opinion. You gave your opinion on it and you were immediately branded an ahole for it. I give you credit for trying to keep the discussion somewhat civil and not resorting to petty name calling.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate the agreement, Chuckie. I'm actually very surprised so many forums members prefer the lottery system. I've had a number of fun experiences lining up for various first come, first serve releases (Star Wars movies, Star Fox 64, PS2). The anticipation and usually enthusiastic waiting companions easily make for a good time, particularly when shared with friends or family. In contrast, some of my most stressful and negative experiences have resulted from lottery based sales. I distinctly recall ticket agents announcing 'surprise' lotteries for playoff baseball games and professional wrestling events on two separate occasions. Both instances caused a great deal of outrage and rude behavior within the crowds, rightly so for those who had been waiting the longest. I managed to jump to the front of the wrestling ticket line, but it was hardly a just or equitable transaction. I completely lost out on the baseball playoffs. I honestly view lotteries as an unfair means of assigning 'rights' to consumer products. While you are all free to disagree with my opinion, I am by no means an 'asshole' or an 'idiot.' ;)
[quote name='vivisection']You're kidding right?? Someone mentioned a lottery and he jumped on them first calling a lottery "socialist". Hell I don't agree with a lottery either but to label it "socialist" is kinda odd. This thread has gotten weird.[/QUOTE]

This highlights a common problem in discussion. Chrisc criticized the IDEA and offered a justification for his opinion. The other poster immediately took offense and criticized the PERSON by name calling. People really need to stop being so easily incensed.

Personally, there is no way in hell I'd wait in line for a product. Do I think a lottery system is more fair? No, I believe if you're gung-ho enough to wait out for half a day, you should get the product. It's not a matter of rights, as the reseller can do what they want, but I think it is honorable to reward the most eager customers. As others have pointed, the pre-order option wasn't a secret. If you don't like those couple of options, you do have the last one which I will take, wait.
bread's done