Xbox 360 Preorders (Amazon/TRU, Costco, EB, GameRush, GameStop, Ritz, Sams, Walmart)

My amazon preorder got cancelled as well. At least I hadn't cancelled my ebgames one yet... This is rather lame and I completely agree on I'm never buying from amazon again.
Here's Amazon's bullshit answer to why my pre-order was canceled. They treat it like they ran out of inventory as if the 360 was already out.

"I am very sorry but unfortunately, when we contacted our supplier, we
learned that "Xbox 360 Video Game System (Fully-Loaded)" is no longer
available. Therefore, this item has been cancelled from your order.

Your credit card has not been charged for the item, as our policy is
to charge for items at the time of shipment.

I apologize for this inconvenience. Until recently we still hoped to
be able to obtain this item for you.

We make a significant effort to keep abreast of prices and
availabilities, but our reliance on our suppliers for information
about the items they offer means that, occasionally, our database
will not reflect all changes.

I will be sure to pass your message on to the appropriate department
in our company for consideration. Customer feedback like yours is
very important in helping us continue to improve the selection and
service we provide.

Again, we are very sorry for any disappointment this has caused.
Please know that we value your business and hope to see you again
soon at"
I sent them an e-mail too and I knew I would get their generic out of stock response like you got, so I told them in the e-mail they better give me a real answer. I'll post what they send me, but I know it will still probably be the same thing you got. CheapyD should post Amazon canceled all orders on the front page. I'm gonna be mad when they do the bundles because TRU always does the worst bundles on-line(check out their $500 PSP bundle they had for a long time after PSP came out).
I personally don't give a crap how good the bundle they post is. There is no way I am ordering it after this bs. Beyond the simple principle of it, I wouldn't trust them to not cancel it again, or something else to go wrong. I feel very sorry for anyone who DID cancel another preorder because of this deal, and then got screwed when it was "no longer available." How the hell can something that is two months away from release be "no longer available"? No wonder TRU got sold...
Amazon e-mailed me the same generic response as mmercer13got, except they offered me a $10 gift certificate, too. Everyone should e-mail them and complain about it. I basically just said the item was never in stock and should have been placed on preorder which is what I was doing not ordering it. I got the e-mail saying it was out of stock and they wouldn't get any more, but if it did make it back on the site I could reorder it since they can't reinstate canceled orders. Then it included a $10 gift certificate, which is better than nothing.
Ok, so here's my question:

Did they actually run out, or did they cancel ALL orders? I got in on this one eeeaaarly, so I'd be amazed if they didn't cancel every single one.

I suppose I'll e-mail them tonight and see what response I get about that.

EDIT: Sent an e-mail with questions people have posted before, as well as some new ones. I'll paste here when they respond.
Here's my email back from Amazon:

Greetings from

Again, we sincerely regret the error that resulted in an incorrect
price being displayed for the "Xbox 360 Video Game System (Fully-

Because this item's correct price was higher than our stated price,
we made the decision to cancel this item. In accordance with our
posted policies on pricing, we were unable to offer this item for the
incorrectly posted price.

Our pricing policy is posted in the Help section and is accessible
through numerous other areas of our web site. You can read it here:

We realize that the cancellation of this item may have been
disappointing, but we want to make sure that your decision to make a
purchase with us is based on the most accurate information possible.

Thanks again for letting us know how you feel about this issue. I
hope you will give us a chance to serve you again in the future.

Best regards,

Senthil Customer Service

Sounds to me like they've got a bundle package in the works and don't want to admit it.
So now it's a pricing error instead of it being not available? Do they just pull these answers out of the air and think we will believe them?
My order was canceled as well. I'll send them an e-mail bitching and hope for the gift certificate as well.

I caved and went to Gamestop today and put down $50 for the premium system. What was strange is that I called EBGames first and they said they weren't taking any more pre-orders because they sold out their allotment.
[quote name='pestario']amazon has bundles up now, all $800

5 games, no game choice. a couple extras

not very apealing[/QUOTE]
Making stuff up is pretty fun, huh?
[quote name='mick16']My order was canceled as well. I'll send them an e-mail bitching and hope for the gift certificate as well.

I caved and went to Gamestop today and put down $50 for the premium system. What was strange is that I called EBGames first and they said they weren't taking any more pre-orders because they sold out their allotment.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it's not stange at all. Most EBs are stopping taking preorders when they reach their allotment. The same is not true for most Gamestops. They'll take your money, even if they know you're not getting first shipment. I'd call tomorrow and make sure that is first shipment that you preordered. BTW, anyone in the Nashville, TN area: Thanks to a tip from Scorch, I went to the Opry Mills eb today, and they are still taking first shipment preorders. They also said they had several slots left. Yeah!! No more of this online bundle nonsense for me.
My, those are the crappest bundles yet. I am never ordering from amazon again. I never really liked them in the first place, but it is pretty obvious they have no idea what the fuck they are doing. On a side note, the release date of the 15th agrees with what the guy at eb told me yesterday that there was no exact date set yet, but that it was FOR SURE the week of the 14th. Is this official somewhere and I've just not seen it yet, or has anyone else heard/been told this?
I am never shopping Amazon again. Hell I'd at least respect them if their reply emails were honest and said they saw a GREAT chance to screw people and make more money.
geez, after screwing up they come back with bundles. if they got rid of the face plate and live card I might have gotten one, but as it is now im just going to take my chances on launch
Think I'll call Gamestop, to see if there bundles are 1st shopment or not. Theres come closest to the games I actually want, only game I wasnt planning on getting in the bundle was Dead or Alive 4 and that one I was considering for a later purchase.
A few gamestop/eb stores are still taking 1st shipment reserves. My brother did one this morning at the gamestop near here. They got a few more openings this week

I do have one at a local Ebgames, when I asked what number I was for preorders the said it didnt work that way and that any pre-order is guarnteed a system on launch day. When I ordered they did not have a seperate SKU for Core and premium, but when I call yesterday I was automatically upgraded to premium which is at least consistent with what else I have heard.

This is a smaller newly opened Ebgames in a strip mall so many in the area problly diot know about it yet, but I'm still having a hard time trusting them that I will have one at launch.
[quote name='mietha']Actually, it's not stange at all. Most EBs are stopping taking preorders when they reach their allotment. The same is not true for most Gamestops. They'll take your money, even if they know you're not getting first shipment. I'd call tomorrow and make sure that is first shipment that you preordered. BTW, anyone in the Nashville, TN area: Thanks to a tip from Scorch, I went to the Opry Mills eb today, and they are still taking first shipment preorders. They also said they had several slots left. Yeah!! No more of this online bundle nonsense for me.[/QUOTE]

I'll be pissed if I don't get it on release date as I specifically asked her if I'd be getting it in the first shipment before she charged my credit card. She confirmed it was 1st shipment and told me that I'd get a call the day before it comes out telling me to come pick it up the next day. I guess I won't know for sure until its comes out...
well, good news is..some people are just going to end up with the bundles and games they dont want....which should help the used game market..
What the HELL is TRU thinking? the "teen", "mature" classification of bundles is absolutely idiotic. How can we shuffle games and accessories around and stay at $800? Where's the imbecile bundle? OH yeah, its called the Omega....way to go TRU/EB/GMSTP marketing fools.

This is probably for another thread but for how long will manufacturers sell technology at a loss, hoping and praying they will recoup by overpricing accessories? Like the PSP "Only Pack""Value Pack." This is one area of business where I respect the big N.
[quote name='wildnuts02']What the HELL is TRU thinking? the "teen", "mature" classification of bundles is absolutely idiotic. How can we shuffle games and accessories around and stay at $800? Where's the imbecile bundle? OH yeah, its called the Omega....way to go TRU/EB/GMSTP marketing fools.

This is probably for another thread but for how long will manufacturers sell technology at a loss, hoping and praying they will recoup by overpricing accessories? Like the PSP "Only Pack""Value Pack." This is one area of business where I respect the big N.[/QUOTE]

It's pretty obvious TRU wansn't thinking at all. I think all of the blood in the marketing peoples bodies went to a certain body part while they were thinking about all the money they think these dumbass bundles will make them. I really hope no one from this site orders from amazon. Even the Gamestop bundles are better, and at least they've not out and out screwed anyone over this yet. Honestly, for value for the money, even the Ultra Dumb Ass Omega bundle is better than these. Oh, you mean like $100 20gig hard drives? As long as it works I guess. And no offense, but Nintendo doesn't do it, because they are fully aware they have an inferior product and always have. They have good games (at least they used to), but they have never had (with the sole exception of the GBA SP) the best piece of tech on the market at any given time. Hell, they've not even had the most popular at any time since 1990 (at least in consoles). All nintendo has left is their first party properties, which they have whored out to a sickening degree in this generation (Donkey Konga, Mario DDR, NBA Street 3, etc.). And, at least IMO none of the tradional titles were really worth playing in this gen. I know a lot of people disagree with me, but can anyone say Super Mario Sunshine was even in the same league as Mario 64? I feel sorry for Nintendo. Do they really think anyone is going to buy a (far inferior) revolution over the supercomputers that are the 360 and ps3 so they can pay $10 to download excitebike? Somehow, I just don't see that happening.
[quote name='mietha']All nintendo has left is their first party properties, which they have whored out to a sickening degree in this generation (Donkey Konga, Mario DDR, NBA Street 3, etc.). And, at least IMO none of the tradional titles were really worth playing in this gen. I know a lot of people disagree with me, but can anyone say Super Mario Sunshine was even in the same league as Mario 64? I feel sorry for Nintendo. Do they really think anyone is going to buy a (far inferior) revolution over the supercomputers that are the 360 and ps3 so they can pay $10 to download excitebike? Somehow, I just don't see that happening.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm sure N's greedy self will continue to exploit it's customer's nostalgia for a profit. This won't last forever though seeing as N's biggest customers are those who weren't gaming in the 80s.

Where I was saying I do like N is its perfectly respectable strategy of selling a system at a profit so we don't get stuck with obnoxious, overpriced extras. BUT, like you touched on, they haven't been able to back it up with games (although the DS is starting to look surprisingly promising).
[quote name='wildnuts02']Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm sure N's greedy self will continue to exploit it's customer's nostalgia for a profit. This won't last forever though seeing as N's biggest customers are those who weren't gaming in the 80s.

Where I was saying I do like N is its perfectly respectable strategy of selling a system at a profit so we don't get stuck with obnoxious, overpriced extras. BUT, like you touched on, they haven't been able to back it up with games (although the DS is starting to look surprisingly promising).[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on the DS, but the DS looks good right now mainly because Sony still hasn't managed to release 5 games worth playing on the PSP. If they ever get off their ass and start making decent games for it instead of crappy console ports, the DS will more or less be a bad joke.
Well I just preordered my xbox 360 at the Blockbuster in Wadsworth, OH. There are 3 slots left if anyone in the area is looking. Anyone know what time Blockbuster should get their systems in? They didn't tell me and theres nothing about it on my receipt.
[quote name='takingchase']Well I just preordered my xbox 360 at the Blockbuster in Wadsworth, OH. There are 3 slots left if anyone in the area is looking. Anyone know what time Blockbuster should get their systems in? They didn't tell me and theres nothing about it on my receipt.[/QUOTE]

If you mean what date, it's not there because it's not set yet (or at least not officially announced). It's looking to be around nov 15th, if not that date exactly. If you mean what time of day, they should get them before the street date, so midnight if they do it then or opening of business on the day.
thanks for the info mietha. And it was a blockbuster game rush. I traded in a couple games and got 126 bucks credit so I put it down on my preorder. By the way blockbuster game rush is running a trade in sale where you get 25% extra trade in value if you trade in at least 3 games, I know gamestop has a 40% promotion going but game rush gives you much better trade ins in the first place.
thats just sad that people have 600 bucks to blow on a game system.. this just shows the game makers that they can just keep pushing up their prices
Why the hell spend 2K on a bundle that you dont even save any freakin money on. For real add up the cost you save no money. I went 2 months ago and pre-ordered a 360 at my local EB. So I can buy what I want I dont need them telling me what games I want
Anyone know where else to find pre-orders? Seems like Wal-Mart and Amazon 360 Pro consoles are tapped out.

Bundles can bite my ass. I'll rent games and buy them if I like. Madden I know I'm already buying with the system regardless of the complaints. The graphics def look upgraded. Maybe not on par with the movie that came out for it but the stadiums and players look a WHOLE lot better.
This is bullshit how can they have preorders without bundle. than just cancel. I had a preorder for a no bundle and now I am stuck because the only other remotely good deal is walmart and they are sold out. Amazon should be held accountable and give the people, like me, who preorder a free up grade to a bundle or just strip out the bundle and give the system.
My question is why do video game systems always have to start so freaking high? If they can drop them a hundred bucks after 6 months they should just START that way. I'd be more apt to buy the system at launch with a bunch of games if they did that. As it is, I ain't spending 400 bucks on a just released system unless it does the laundry for me.
[quote name='CheapyD']To order or not to order...that is the question.[/QUOTE]

Just ordered mine! :)
Xbox 360 Pro Bundle
Now I have to figure out which way to go. Went to Ebgames and finally talkd to a rep that knew what he was talking about. He confirmed they had 23 preorders and 22 slots, but one of them is for a core system that nobody else wanted.

So it would appear I have a guarenteed system on Launch and since it's in a strip mall they may even do a midnight opening. But I feel so paranoid about not getting a system I feel like I should cover all my bases.
There no point in buying an Xbox 360 when it first comes out........especially when pretty much everyone on this website has a backlog of current gen games........ and cause initial shipments of systems tend to have problems........ just wait a few months (when the PS3 comes out) and the system will be cheaper and more reliable
[quote name='splendorlex']My question is why do video game systems always have to start so freaking high? If they can drop them a hundred bucks after 6 months they should just START that way. I'd be more apt to buy the system at launch with a bunch of games if they did that. As it is, I ain't spending 400 bucks on a just released system unless it does the laundry for me.[/QUOTE]

They start "so freaking high" because people with limitless expendable income and/or no self control will buy it regardless of price.

You're obviously in my boat...I have no desire to own an overpriced system on day one, especially after learning my lesson by buying an XBox and Dreamcast on launch eve/day. I can wait until my birthday/tax return window (March/April-ish)...price drop shouldn't take much longer after that.
bread's done