Xbox 360 price drop question


CAG Newbie
With the recent accouncement that Xbox 360 will be $299/$399........ How long do you think it'll be before its first price drop?

My guess is when PS3 launches
a little early on that speculation dont you think? Might want to let the 299/399 price thing settle for at least a day before we all start speculating about price drops.
with guestimates that the PS3 will launch at $499.99 I doubt M$ will have to much dropping. I fgure the first drop will occur next holiday season, when a redisgn comes out (possible the HD-DVD version).
[quote name='MrFriday18']The week before the PS3 launch.[/QUOTE]

Who knows, we might get a Halo edition 360 when Halo 3 ships. :D

Since it's supposed to be the same week as the PS3 launch.
If the PS3 launches high (as expected), and Halo 3 is MS's answer to the PS3 launch (as Bill Gates as suggested), then I don't think we'll see a price drop for at least a year.
I wouldn't expect a price drop for 2 years from launch, period.

If Sony doesn't launch next spring and holds off until fall 2006 MS won't drop to compete. It's likely you're going to see $299-399 for as long as 3 years.

This is the first generation where after 5 years the leader hasn't dropped to $99 or less. With current hardware configurations too many of the costs cannot be measured out to bring hardware to $99. Especially for the Xbox.

I wouldn't be surprised if launch prices held for even 3 years this time around.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']with guestimates that the PS3 will launch at $499.99 I doubt M$ will have to much dropping. I fgure the first drop will occur next holiday season, when a redisgn comes out (possible the HD-DVD version).[/QUOTE]

It will drop when the PS3 hits just to hammer home the price difference even more.

The DS had no reason to drop price either to $130, but Nintendo did it just to emphasize even more that you're saving more money over a PSP.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']With the recent accouncement that Xbox 360 will be $299/$399........ How long do you think it'll be before its first price drop?

My guess is when PS3 launches[/QUOTE]

it'll probably drop on like september 22nd. maybe the 26th. according to my calculations.
I don't think they want the 360 to be cheaper than the PS3 as the average consumer might see that as a sign of inferiority. So I don't thin it will drop at PS3 launch. And they'd be giving away money if they dropped it before Halo 3 is released.
[quote name='Tromack']I'm expecting a $50 price drop when Halo 3 comes out. I also expect a packaging with Halo 3 for 399.[/QUOTE]
I would agree. PS3 isn't exactly coming out anytime soon, possibly not until 07... Charge as much as you can when you've got no competition, then undercut PS3 when it comes out.
$399 till Jan. then a $50 price drop.
I think the $399 price tag is just to snag that little bit of extra cash from the people who must have it on day 1. As soon as they have them and there are a lot more 360 in stores then we'll see a small price drop.

But I think we'll see a big price drop around the time the PS3 comes out.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']With the recent accouncement that Xbox 360 will be $299/$399........ How long do you think it'll be before its first price drop?

My guess is when PS3 launches[/QUOTE]

Yikes. I guess they call this place CHEAP Ass Gamer for a reason ;)

When do you think the PS3's price will drop?
I agree with CapAmerica. They charge high in the first couple of weeks for all of the gamers who must have it first. Then after that expect a drop.
I got some very good information that right after Christmas Microsoft is going to send an email to Live subscribers to "spread the word - the 360 will drop at 360 on the first 360 in the greenest month of the year" or something like that...

I think it means that there will be a price drop at 4:00 a.m (get it? 3:60) on the weekend of the first full moon (get it? the moon's circle is 360 degrees) of March (green month which is the xbox color - also green meaning they will be making a lot of money). It kind of makes sense since the PS3 is rumored to hit around that time. I hope it is true.
[quote name='js321']I agree with CapAmerica. They charge high in the first couple of weeks for all of the gamers who must have it first. Then after that expect a drop.[/QUOTE]
Can you please name a console, any console, that had a price drop "a couple weeks" after launch?
Youd have a damn geek riot on your hands.
[quote name='supadupacheap']Can you please name a console, any console, that had a price drop "a couple weeks" after launch?
Youd have a damn geek riot on your hands.[/QUOTE]

That would be awesome. I'd love to jump in there and hand out a few free geek beat downs!
no.. it won't be dropping anytime soon.. (didn't everyone predict a PSP drop by now?.. hasn't happened).. so don't expect it until the summertime at the earliest.
[quote name='supadupacheap']Can you please name a console, any console, that had a price drop "a couple weeks" after launch?
Youd have a damn geek riot on your hands.[/QUOTE]

The N-Gage dropped pretty fast, but for obivious reasons ;) Still that was months, not weeks. Unless the 360 flops (slim chance) we won't see a price drop or a pack in game (Halo 3 anybody?) until the PS3 or Revolution release.
I say you wont see it drop Until E3 2007 no reason to drop it before then and that would only be a 50 buck drop. I say your looking 2008 Before you see the Magic 199.99 Price tag
Won't take long...Dreamcast and XBox both dropped pretty quickly - within 6 months if I recall correctly. Consoles that aren't "in first place" can't afford to be tough about their price when the big kid on the block is about to drop a bomb on them.

I could be wrong, but I'd be surprised if it were still the same price, say, 8 months after launch...give or take a few depending on Sony/Nintendo's plans. I guess to some people that may seem like a long time, but I have no problem waiting if it's going to save me 50-100 bucks, especially when I still have in-plastic XBox games I haven't had time to get to yet (and probably won't for quite a while yet).
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