XBOX 360 Red Ring of Death FAQ: Soon to be known as the Red Dot of Death! :P

SO my third system just died...I called 4myxbox and they'll repair it for free once again.

Did they change something in the way you return the system? They said they were just sending me a shipping label and I had to provide my own box. Do they not senda coffin anymore or am I the first person to get this kind of treatment?
[quote name='Dingleberry']SO my third system just died...I called 4myxbox and they'll repair it for free once again.

Did they change something in the way you return the system? They said they were just sending me a shipping label and I had to provide my own box. Do they not senda coffin anymore or am I the first person to get this kind of treatment?[/quote]

I think that's standard now. I had to wait a week and call C/S three times before I got a label -_-

Anyway, I got my 360 back yesterday. I sent a falcon and received a falcon so I'm thankful for that. The manufacture date was December 07 so I technically got a "newer" xbox too. I only played about 10 minutes yesterday but it seems to run about as noisy as my previous one. Oh well.

Here's hoping that it doesn't RROD within a month :bomb:
uh oh.

This is the second time tonight that my 360 locked up on me.

During my second run thru the force unleashed, about a few seconds after one of my friends logs in, I get a lock up. :O

I smell a red ring or hard drive crash coming.

This is my *replacement* unit from MS I got back in April of this year, so my 3 months of warranty is up.

I could technically afford an elite but will just go thru the normal repair process to set an example here. I know MS is gonna give me SoL but we will see.
[quote name='ITDEFX']uh oh.

This is the second time tonight that my 360 locked up on me.

During my second run thru the force unleashed, about a few seconds after one of my friends logs in, I get a lock up. :O

I smell a red ring or hard drive crash coming.

This is my *replacement* unit from MS I got back in April of this year, so my 3 months of warranty is up.

I could technically afford an elite but will just go thru the normal repair process to set an example here. I know MS is gonna give me SoL but we will see.[/quote]

yeah, get this. I finally ponied up and bought an elite to replace my once-repaired '06 360 20gb. I wanted more space and hdmi. I sell my 20gb to a buddy at work for $200 and in two days it red rings on him! it red ringed the first time 11 months after i bought it, now it red ringed 11 months after it's "repair". weird. i gave him the $ back and sent it to MS and I'll just sell it on craigslist. the kicker is that I always get the E74 error on my new elite. sometimes i have to start it ten times to get it up and running. my 20gb is on the way back to me, i think i'll lie to MS that my elite red ringed so they can fix it and i don't have to pay $100. I'm thinking of soon too, since all the holiday games are a comin'.
So I figured out that the one they sent me was built on 2008-01-08, and that my old one (launch Elite) was a Zephyr. Will anything bad happen if I keep using my Zephyr's power supply with the new Falcon?
Sent it in, 2 days turnaround after taking a week to arrive at the center, and now it's on its way back?

Is that normal? Did they just swap consoles and shipped it back? They said they'd test and replace it since it was the second time so I expected longer than 2 days...
[quote name='artego']Sent it in, 2 days turnaround after taking a week to arrive at the center, and now it's on its way back?

Is that normal? Did they just swap consoles and shipped it back? They said they'd test and replace it since it was the second time so I expected longer than 2 days...[/QUOTE]

Well, if it's any comfort it took them two days to repair my console (I received my console, which I'm figuring is the case since it had my serial number on it)
Was kinda hoping for one of the newer models instead of another Xenon though, and the quick repair time feels like they just swapped my old one with another refurbished Xenon.
I got my Elite about Aug of 2007. The warranty is out but it red ringed on 9/23 (night of bungie update) shipped out my console the next day and system was shipped back to me on 9/30. Is there anyway for me to tell whether or not I've got Jasper or Falcon without opening the system?

I only shipped the console so I've got my original power supply. If they updated the system to Falcon or Jasper (not sure what I had in the first place), wouldn't they need to send me a new power supply as well?
My Xbox is pretty funky.

It's a 20GB model, I assume no Falcon chip.

When I turn it on before I turn on my TV or I don't have it on the right video setting, I get RROD'd (this happened about a month after I bought it). However, when I turn it to the right video setting, I don't get the RROD, but it doesn't process the video to my screen. I then have to turn it off and then back on to get it to work.

So far, so good! Kinda pissed that I already got RROD'd. It has about 6 inches from the corner its in, and it is not covered by anything, so it's pretty interesting to me it's so picky like that.

Maybe it's the TV, as it doesn't like my SNES either..
[quote name='Goodeye']Not sure my thoughts would be that maybe your getting a new one... (new or new to you)[/quote]

It looks like my information came back, it was very odd.
Just got my Fixed Xbox 360 back yesterday. My original retail purchase was a September -ish 2007 manufactured date Falcon with 175watt power supply. My "newly" refurbished is a 12/11/2007 manufactured date so I am happy as one can be with that aspect. And Getting my xbox yesterday was exactly 13 days from when I took it to UPS, so I am happy with that aspect as well. Overall the Microsoft Xbox 360 is still my favorite console in 25 or years of playing consoles, I only wished it hadn't broke to begin but that is just a known factor and Microsoft has been speedy in fixing the problem.

So Far I have spent about 6 hours straight playing with some friends playing Street Fighter, Fight Night and PURE without problems, I keep my fingers and toes crossed ha ha ha ha.
My 360 died today, was trying out the Mega Man 9 demo and watching the intro and all of the sudden there is a high pitch screech and a little graphic glitch (the 360 is frozen and has done this before and a usual restart fixes it). Restart it and what do you know....3 red rings showed up.

Anyway, had a quick question, I have not registered my 360 yet. Should I register now and then call or should I just call with out registering it. I got it on ebay in Aug 06, pretty sure I am still under warranty for the rrod.


never mind registering online. it seems there is something wrong with the system. on the phone with a rep right now
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Just a heads up, if your 360 has been "freezing" only when trying to sign into Live - delete the PES demo/any demos you recently downloaded. I had to recover my gamertag and then delete the demo as well other stuff to clear this problem. You'll notice when your ethernet is unplugged or your not connected to Live you won't have this problem. Hopefully MS is aware of the demo issue/other things that are causing this issue and they'll either pull the demo or issue some sort of "patch" in the future.

I posted this in the general thread incase anyone is having the same problem.
[quote name='Perfect*Ending']Just wondering, are there reports of the 60GB getting RRoD?

A friend is looking to buy the 60GB. Does it have the new chip?[/QUOTE]

I don't think the GB matter, I had a 120GB Elite and it happened to me so it depends on the guts (motherboard chips) i guess.
I will say this much sometimes you can get lucky and never have problem with the RROD , the bottom is a current poll going on at another website showing off people who got the RROD and what type of revision board they have. the poll has only been going for a week or 2 but still interesting results so far and for the most part shows no motherboard revision is %100 RROD free.

yes, Xenon (v1) [ 586 ]
yes, Zephyr (v2) [ 100 ]
yes, Falcon (v3) [ 61 ]
yes, Opus (v3.1) [ 17 ]
yes, unknown version [ 139 ]
no [ 416 ]
[quote name='bubbafett4hire']I will say this much sometimes you can get lucky and never have problem with the RROD , the bottom is a current poll going on at another website showing off people who got the RROD and what type of revision board they have. the poll has only been going for a week or 2 but still interesting results so far and for the most part shows no motherboard revision is %100 RROD free.

yes, Xenon (v1) [ 586 ]
yes, Zephyr (v2) [ 100 ]
yes, Falcon (v3) [ 61 ]
yes, Opus (v3.1) [ 17 ]
yes, unknown version [ 139 ]
no [ 416 ]
That's an interesting poll.
My elite purchased in sep 07 just red ringed. I did everything recommended and it didn't clear. Called support and they thought they had it cleared. I tell them how it happened when game froze up playing on live and he has me remove hd. Wanted to do something else to make sure it was ok. The whole time I am thinking yea right how many weeks before I call again. Well it froze up and got the rrod again while on the phone. Off it goes. Guess I'll get it back in time for all the good new releases. Back to my PS3.
10 day turn around for a repaired 360. selling this one, and might send my new elite in for E74, ridiculous :bomb:
I just got my Red ringed 360 back about a week ago and am forced to send it back again because they gave me a faulty dvd drive. It's rather annoying but I get another free month of xbox live out of it, so meh it's not so bad. Also since I was too lazy to get rid of my coffin, I just repackaged it in my old Coffin and sent it out the same day as I got my shipping label. So I guess it's a good thing I'm lazy lol.
I glanced over the FAQ. I couldn't find my issue so I decided to post.

My GH3 took awhile to load and the "Searching for DLC" section took about 40seconds when normally it takes about 5-10. I fire up a nondlc song, play about half and it freezes. First time ever my xbox locked up during a song. I think its just a problem w/ GH3 so i pop out the disk put Rockband 2 and restart the system and get this.

I am sorta happy and sad about this. Happy it didn't happen during Fallout 3 in a 20 some days. Sad that i wont beat MM9. i spend 20minute chating w/ people who RROD'd since its my first. I play w/ the cables and for the hell of it turn on the console. It starts up and runs fine, shocked I play some MM9 which runs fine but im worried that it might happen again so i put in CoD4 hoping it causes a RROD but it didn't. I try GH3 and again the DLC section loads very slowly but the console didn't freeze up on me(played for about an hour).

Is this a hard drive problem or RROD issues? Im letting my console run all day today hoping it crashes so i can send it in. I dont want to send it in knowing it somehow started running again. Thanks in advance.
My 360 just red ringed. Again.

This will be the third time in less than a year it's been sent in for repairs. Twice for the RRoD and once for the DVD tray going crazy and needed swapped out. I've lost all faith in Microsoft's ability to fix these problems.

I just bought NBA 2K9 today as for it as well. I should have gotten it for the PS3 right next to it since at least that console works. When I told the Microsoft rep that she went into "Red Alert Mode," put me on hold to "review my account" (call center code for "oh shit, I need a supervisor to see what we can do") and started offering free overnight shipping for everything and assured me that they'll be putting in their newest chipsets and drives. I told her I've heard this song and dance before and I just want it fixed once and for all.

I'm more discouraged and perhaps even depressed than mad right now though. I love my Xbox five times more than my PS3, but it's made me thirty times angrier than the PS3 ever has.

So, instead of playing 2K9, I'll be playing some Soul Calibur 4 and catching up on my small PS3 backlog.
[quote name='naiku']I glanced over the FAQ. I couldn't find my issue so I decided to post.

My GH3 took awhile to load and the "Searching for DLC" section took about 40seconds when normally it takes about 5-10. I fire up a nondlc song, play about half and it freezes. First time ever my xbox locked up during a song. I think its just a problem w/ GH3 so i pop out the disk put Rockband 2 and restart the system and get this.

I am sorta happy and sad about this. Happy it didn't happen during Fallout 3 in a 20 some days. Sad that i wont beat MM9. i spend 20minute chating w/ people who RROD'd since its my first. I play w/ the cables and for the hell of it turn on the console. It starts up and runs fine, shocked I play some MM9 which runs fine but im worried that it might happen again so i put in CoD4 hoping it causes a RROD but it didn't. I try GH3 and again the DLC section loads very slowly but the console didn't freeze up on me(played for about an hour).

Is this a hard drive problem or RROD issues? Im letting my console run all day today hoping it crashes so i can send it in. I dont want to send it in knowing it somehow started running again. Thanks in advance.[/quote]

Freezes/lock ups are signs that you are getting close to a RROD.
Well my launch day -- or I should say EVERY10MINUTES won console -- finally died today. That was a pretty good run for the most part ;)

I actually filled out the forms on for a return after registering the serial number, and only took a couple of minutes.

Anything to look for when it comes back? Good signs, bad signs, etc.?
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']Well my launch day -- or I should say EVERY10MINUTES won console -- finally died today. That was a pretty good run for the most part ;)

I actually filled out the forms on for a return after registering the serial number, and only took a couple of minutes.

Anything to look for when it comes back? Good signs, bad signs, etc.?[/quote]

The Refurb sticker. see the FAQ for this info.
Well...that was pretty fast. Rrod on a Thursday night, called on Friday, sent it out on Saturday, UPS tracking says it arrived at repair center Wednesday night, and now the status says they are sending it back.

I'm sorta regretting getting the arcade now since the turnaround time is pretty soon.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Freezes/lock ups are signs that you are getting close to a RROD.[/quote]

alright cool. Today again a XBLA game locked up on me. When I restarted I got a black screen and the xbox was doing the rrod, i restart I get the xbox boot logo then black screen, and finally restarted it 1 more time and I get to dashboard... This was all in 30seconds after the game froze.

Can I send in my unit now or do i have to wait for it to be bricked? just wanna make sure it doesn't brick during fallout 3 :/
[quote name='naiku']alright cool. Today again a XBLA game locked up on me. When I restarted I got a black screen and the xbox was doing the rrod, i restart I get the xbox boot logo then black screen, and finally restarted it 1 more time and I get to dashboard... This was all in 30seconds after the game froze.

Can I send in my unit now or do i have to wait for it to be bricked? just wanna make sure it doesn't brick during fallout 3 :/[/quote]

It's gonna Red Ring. Seems people get red rings just before or during a launch of a highly anticipated title. It's up to you when you want to call it in.
Gonna confirm the 10 day turnaround. Called in on a mon, I shipped on tues. I check status on sat night and it shows returned. They have submitted to ups for shipping back. Assumiing ups picks up on mon am it will be here by thurs/fri. For those that get a freeze up and red ring:
when you talk to the rep even if it goes away tell them exactly what happened and it will probably go in right then. Even if it doesn't call so they put the note on your account so when it happens again even if it goes away they will take it.

If I sell this 360 will they still cover it for the next owner?
I know how to make a fake RROD. Though, my xbox tricked me into thinking that it died, but soon i realized that it was a prank (That little bastard ;D)
[quote name='rmb']

If I sell this 360 will they still cover it for the next owner?[/quote]

from my experience yes they will. the unit is tracked by it's serial number not the user. My brother bought a used 360 from gamestop , it rrod on him about 2 months later he called MS gave them the system info and they told him it was under warranty. The manufacturing date was that of a generation 1 launch model but when we opened it up before sending it to MS we found it had a falcon board in it and that it had already been in the shop once before. Long story short no money out of pocket was paid to have it fixed.
well i'm the latest victim of the RROD bought my 360 back in may of 06 and it was great until this morning, oh well i have an external shell so my warranty is voided, guess its time for a ps3 sadely :(
Dear members of CAG

I was curious if anyone else has had my experience and would appreciate some feedback from experiences.

I have an xbox360 elite and it seems my disc drive is breaking. Not a Red ring of death. It is making whirring noises and screeching noises. Then it reads the disc and is ok. But i was wondering how much anyone has been charged if they mail back their system to fix the dvd drive? Should i bother? go until it dies? I bough it at costco so in theory i could go back to costco and exchange the system. The HD is fine of course. I dont know what to do. This is not covered under the red ring of death.... Thanks all!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']second time red ringing... time to give em a call.

glad it happened now instead of when Fallout 3 hits.

is the repair setup quicker doing it online or over the phone?[/quote]
I need to know this as well?!?:whistle2:k
I called yesterday on the phone, they said they couldn't process my order, call back in 2 hours. Last night I also couldn't use the online repair setup, so i tried it again this morning. It went through on the first try. Not sure if they stop accepting repair requests @ midnight PST or something. Seems like its the exact same thing, except on the phone u have someone else do it for you.


10/13 - Requested Coffin
10/16 - Coffin Arrived + Dropped off @ UPS Store
10/17 - Coffin Ships to Texas
10/24 - Coffin Arrived in Texas
10/25 - "Device shipped to customer"
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Wow, my console just red-ringed today. One month before my warranty expired, lol. Another launch unit bites the dust!

Was playing Rock Band 2 and it just paused in the middle of the song. Shut it off, turned it back on to see RRoD.
I just received my Xbox 360 back from MS. The replacement unit has a manufactured date of 2008-08-31 (pretty new). It appears the unit is a Falcon (14.2A); however, I don't see an HDMI port on the back. Based on the manufactured date, even a Xbox 360 Core/Arcade should get an HDMI port, right?
Hooray, my 360 died. Again. Sigh.

Luckily, the warranty was still good for RROD's. I thought I was screwed because my original purchase was a launch console. But hey, not gonna argue.

Would really have liked to have a working 360 when Fallout arrives...

At first, I thought the lockups I was experiencing was due to that Xbox Live glitch on the downloads, but my console proved me wrong with angry red lights.
bread's done