Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter (used) $65 shipped


15 (100%)

I just ordered a PlayStation 3 from this site...and they also have an excellent deal on the 360 wireless adapter. Also, the item is listed as in "Good" condition, which means- according to the site...

"Used, Good Condition (Used)
This item is in Good condition with all original artwork and materials. Case and/or artwork may show visible wear."

I think that means that all the original packaging materials are included. I do know that people that ordered their PlayStation Threes from this site got the box and everything.

I already have this, but the quantity is listed at "5." I'd bite quickly- when the 60GB PS3's came up, they sold out quickly.

The site only accepts credit and debit cards- no PayPal, Google Checkout, etc.
bread's done