Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter

As far as I know, there have been no good ones yet. I believe it's on clearance at Circuit City but the price hasn't been changed yet so keep those eyes peeled as that usually means a drop is around the corner.

You could go for the generic or buy a bridge but I figured I'd give you the heads up as I'm looking for an official one myself. Your other bets would be to try and pick one up refurbished or snag one off craigslist/ebay. Good luck and happy hunting.
I hope these eventually drop in price..though..they won't.
I have a wireless adapter, not this one, but I want THIS. It just looks nice :cool:
The Xbox adapter works with the 360. Just keep in mind that:

1) it's a bit bulkier than the 360 adapter. Not a massive deal, but for some people in small rooms, you might be looking for every inch of free space you can find.

2) it requires an external power source...that is, you need to plug it in.

3) it only works with WEP, which is the lowest form of encryption. Again, not a huge deal, but WEP is pretty easy to crack, if you're unlucky enough to have some jackass trying to crack into your network.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Right now, with the Gamestop 20% off coupon stacked with the EDGE card, you could pick up a preowned adapter for $50 at GameStop this week.[/quote]

Unfortunately, that coupon has now expired.
I have one that I can sell for $70 shipped. It's about 2 months old. Works great. I just hardwired the one I had in the garage and have no use for it now.
bread's done