Xbox 361, who's buying? (Link added with additional pics)

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[quote name='jmiller80']Anyone feel like starting a console leasing business? ~$25/mo for the latest console rev.

Gamefly? Cheapy?[/QUOTE]

you swear like these things are rolling out every week.
Wow, a lot of hate around here. As a primarily Nintendo consumer, you know what I've done in the past to "upgrade" when they shill out revisions that I think are worth-while? Sell my old one to pay for the new one. It's turned out to be about 10-20% of the total MSRP of the new unit to do it that way, which I then weigh if the upgrade it worth it. If whatever addition are "necessary" for you, sell your current 360 and get it (this logic works best if the units are the same price as the ones they're replacing, but can still work for a more expensive system).

I'm not wild about HDMI (I've only got DVI on my TV and my DVD player is using an HDMI->DVI cable to use up that port). But if this means that the current $400 system might come down to a $300 MSRP, and I could get in on that with a deal via CAG to knock it down even lower, I'll be amongst you 360 owners as fast as I can get to the store.
To be fair, there are some pretty good arguments to the significance of some prior system upgrades, particularly for the PS2 and, to a lesser extent IMO, the Game Boys.

Console manufacturers are always revising hardware - to parlay piracy, to build a cheaper and/or more reliable console, and for other reasons (but mostly cost and theft issues).

Now, one thing to consider is that the price stayed the same with these revisions on the PS2 and Game Boys. Never once did a change cause the cost of the system to go up in price.

I can live with an HDMI-enabled 360, even though I won't own one. I can output 1080p over component, so it's really not a major difference, IMO. It's completely reasonable to see the same 360 we all have, with an added HDMI port, be released for the same price as the current system is selling. If this rumor turns out to be true, I speculate that this is the most likely scenario.

Now a larger HDD, which must be on the horizon (to reduce reluctance to buy XBL media content over space concerns)...I'm not convinced that we would see a 360 with HDMI and a larger HDD retail for the same price. It sure isn't out of the question, but it could go one way or another.

Add an internal HD-DVD, and you have a console that is inconceivable to sell at the current MSRP of the 360, coupled with HDMI and the HDD. Moreover, this presents Microsoft with the same conundrum I mentioned on the first page here (you can go read it there if you want). They have a sweet spot in price, partially because the competition looks absurdly expensive. They can't afford to drive up the price of a console at a time when a looming price drop would give them significant leverage over the other consoles of this generation.
[quote name='hhhdx4']im pissed at the larger hard drive, because i know it will cost no less than $120 separate.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='likeaphoenixignition']The only part I'm pissed about is a bigger hard drive. I paid 80 bucks for a 20 gig one that should cost 40 dollars.[/QUOTE]

Why? That's like being pissed that you paid $300 for a PS2 in 2000 instead of $130 today. You're not losing or gaining functionality; the console is being changed to suit the needs of the consumer. Moreover, prices of commodities, especially electronics, decrease over time. That's always been the case.

If you wanna be pissed, buy a 60GB PS3, realize you aren't going to use the wifi, don't care for the card reader, and thus paid $100 more for 40-goddamn-GB of storage.
I think they could offer it for substantially cheaper then a ps3 if they included the hd dvd player. They are making roughly $75 a unit now. I am sure they are making money on the hd dvd player, as everything currently is processed on the xbox 360. Assuming this isn't released untill next holiday season, when there parts would cost them even less, they probably could go with a $200 core, a $300 premium, and a $400 or $450 hdmi 100gb hd, hd player included supersytem
[quote name='mykevermin']Why? That's like being pissed that you paid $300 for a PS2 in 2000 instead of $130 today. You're not losing or gaining functionality; the console is being changed to suit the needs of the consumer. Moreover, prices of commodities, especially electronics, decrease over time. That's always been the case.

If you wanna be pissed, buy a 60GB PS3, realize you aren't going to use the wifi, don't care for the card reader, and thus paid $100 more for 40-goddamn-GB of storage.[/QUOTE]

Well I just bought my 360 last week so yeah.
If these do come out. Then I'll simply sell my older one, and buy this one. I'll have to buy a memory card so I keep my saves, and profiles transfered to the new HD. The HDMI port is awesome my new tv has an HDMI port, whenever I get it.

I don't care about the bigger hard drive. I'm only using 2 gigs of space now on a 20 gig. I have a tv show, 5 live games, couple of cds, 6 expansion/add-on packs, plus countless free downloads, and 60 game saves. Still only using 2 gigs. So I'm not understanding why everyone is after the bigger hard drive.

I'm personally more excited about the smaller chip, and HDMI.
The the change does end up being a big diffference then I'll wait for a Price drop and for a new Color to come out.

You know there is going to be a green one once Halo 3 comes out.
[quote name='mykevermin']Why? That's like being pissed that you paid $300 for a PS2 in 2000 instead of $130 today. You're not losing or gaining functionality; the console is being changed to suit the needs of the consumer. Moreover, prices of commodities, especially electronics, decrease over time. That's always been the case.

If you wanna be pissed, buy a 60GB PS3, realize you aren't going to use the wifi, don't care for the card reader, and thus paid $100 more for 40-goddamn-GB of storage.[/quote]
Don't forget those chrome accents. ;)
[quote name='crystalklear64']Sweet. I'm considering buying one now that I have some extra cash. Now I can wait a little longer and see if this is true.[/quote]

well i hope for your sake if you plan on waiting, that they make an announcement at ces. I am pretty sure bill gates is a keynote speaker
Announcing a revision at this point would completely nuke their sales, unless it's right around the corner. We're not going to know if this is true or not until shortly before these units begin to ship.

The only way this makes a difference to me is if they embrace HD-DVD as a game format. Even if they say they won't do it now (while the war is still up in the air), you can bet they'll do it later (if HD-DVD is victorious) if it'll net them more money.
Because I just bought one before Christmas.. anyways I haven't even used it yet, I'll just return it to Amazon if it gets released anytime soon.

[quote name='mykevermin']Why? That's like being pissed that you paid $300 for a PS2 in 2000 instead of $130 today. You're not losing or gaining functionality; the console is being changed to suit the needs of the consumer. Moreover, prices of commodities, especially electronics, decrease over time. That's always been the case.

If you wanna be pissed, buy a 60GB PS3, realize you aren't going to use the wifi, don't care for the card reader, and thus paid $100 more for 40-goddamn-GB of storage.[/quote]
[quote name='Cormier6083']Yes but it made my girls gone wild DVD's easier to watch[/QUOTE]

How does an HD-DVD drive or a 360 make it easier to watch girls gone wild DVD's?

Mmm, sluts.
Meh, this was in the works for a while now.

Some reasons why I can't and won't get riled up about this:

1) I don't need an HDMI port right now because my HD-TV only supports component inputs.
2) The unit works fine and I have computers that are just as loud.

And finally,

3) I already have an HD-DVD add-on and I don't believe the next redesign will have this built-in. I would be very surprised, but still unaffected if they do.
I don't really care about the movie or TV service so I am content with my 360, but if they go adding a steam like service they better let us hook up our own external hard drives or do something along those lines or I will be pissed off. 20 GB was too small when the console first came out and now its way too small and they should do something to appease the customers who already bought their console.
Hopefully this comes out within a year. Could I cash in on my free gamestop warranty to change my current 360 for one of these? They wont keep making normal 360's so what would they do if it costs the same?
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I don't really care about the movie or TV service so I am content with my 360, but if they go adding a steam like service they better let us hook up our own external hard drives or do something along those lines or I will be pissed off. 20 GB was too small when the console first came out and now its way too small and they should do something to appease the customers who already bought their console.[/quote]
way too small? how do you figure, what do you want to put on there that you cant do now??
[quote name='mykevermin']Add an internal HD-DVD, and you have a console that is inconceivable to sell at the current MSRP of the 360, coupled with HDMI and the HDD. Moreover, this presents Microsoft with the same conundrum I mentioned on the first page here (you can go read it there if you want). They have a sweet spot in price, partially because the competition looks absurdly expensive. They can't afford to drive up the price of a console at a time when a looming price drop would give them significant leverage over the other consoles of this generation.[/quote]
I would tend to agree, but what if they dropped the current price of the premium 360 to $350; hell, let's say $325 for grins. Now you have the bar set at $325 for this next gen console.

Around Christmas you bring out this "new" console for $450 that includes this stuff mentioned. Yeah the HD-DVD is $200 retail, but the production costs are constantly lessening so they may be able to produce it for around $75 (plus they won't have to add the standard DVD to it). The larger HDD, let's be honest, doesn't cost all that much to produce, I'll give it $50 (they're making a killing selling the current 20 GB @ $100). With advances in the circuit technology and production, it's very feasible that they could send an "updated" unit out the door for a little more than what we're currently paying for a premium system now.

What's more, I could see MS scrapping the core system and having the current premium system become the "economy" system.

Yeah it sucks, but I suppose it's no different than those of us who bought the PS2 network adapter getting the shaft with the new PS2.
[quote name='elsnow77']way too small? how do you figure, what do you want to put on there that you cant do now?[/quote]
Well, for starters some of those demos are rather large, I've pulled some down that are damn near a gig in size. Add that to the large file sizes for some of the game trailers and your 20 GB drive is now at half capacity. Combine that with a FEW HD movies and you're hosed.
im actually happy about buying this, i recently sold my broken 360 to ebgames for some $$$ and bought a PS3. So, i would definetly pick this up when it comes out.
Changes are unprecedented? ok lol

My first ps2 died to DRE, second one i gave away for christmas because a newer version was coming out.

The last fat PS2 had a + on the corner that indicated it had these new features:

Built in IR reciever

DVD Progressive Playback


Lower Noise Operation

The IR Reciever was a nice addition, especially since they released a new dvd remote that could turn off the ps2 instead of having to get up and do it. Thats all fine and dandy unless you had the original remote, meaning you ended up paying twice the amount for the right version.

The added network adapter wasnt new to this version, but i was one of the people who shelled out $40 for an adapter when it was released, and after those "beta testers" were done, they bundled it onto the ps2.

Then i bought the HDD for $100 only to have the last version of the ps2 remove the use of it, support for it officially died right there.

So in changes, lost $40 on the adapter which they built in. $20 on the old remote that got revised for the new ps2, and support lost for the $100 hard drive. Unprecedented my ass.
If they do this, are they gonna rename the other two Xbox 360's to:

Xbox 360 Basic
Xbox 360 Premium

And the new one will be Xbox 360 Ultimate?
[quote name='mykevermin']Bingo. The fact that Microsoft was already willing to sell you a console that couldn't play all games to full capacity (the Core) indicates to me that, if this system is not rumor (and I'm not buying completely into it based on one photograph), then in the years to come Premium 360 users could just as easily find themselves unable to play certain software.[/quote] yay! the fanboy strikes again!

yer wrong on all counts.

- the core will be able to play all games (except Live! Arcade) for the life of the system. also, its EAAAAASILY upgradeable. the HDD just pops on the top, my dog sparky could do it. but then again sparky can also operate a space shuttle. dont pretend like some1 buys a core and its set in stone for eternity.

- premium 360s will be able to play all software titles for the life of the product. if there are 360 games which are actually written for 1080p native ; the hardware scaler chip will scale it to any resolution. though im about 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999% sure that they will also be optimized for 720p and 480i/p as well. theres also the fact that you wont be seeing many 1080p games period either on the PS3 or the 360. the hardwares just not strong enough this gen, despite what sony says. devs have said repeatadly that 720p is the sweet spot this gen because it allows for all the fancy-shmancy fx. and that to push out the polygons for 1080p the games would have to either be stipped down and plain, or suffer laggy framerates. just look at marvel ultimite alliance for the ps3 at 1080p, can you say slideshow? on the other hand the 360 version when scaled w/ the dedicated scaler chip to 1080p over the VGA cable suffers no framerate problems because the game is redering it internally 1st at 720p. see some people see 1080p HDMI on the ps3 and think, "wow it must be much more powerful to play at that resolution", fact of the matter is the 360s xenos GPU is stronger than the ps3's RSX. it's just marketing for blu-ray. dont believe me? go ask on

oh and the larger HDD? that wasnt predicated on games. it was predicated on the popularity of Live!s new HD Video marketplace.

- then thers the question of if it indeed is a seperate output like the picture & not just a firmware update w/ a different cable. the question is, does their propietary port have digital capability as well as analog & optical. since optical is really digital; there's a strong possibility.;)

lastly & not leastly. i cant believe people would actually complain about getting more for less. current 360s may not have HDMI standard and a larger HDD, but people have had them and been playing them for over a year. its not like they're going up in price, in fact theyll be going down. watch for it this summer. :bouncy:
to the ppl considering if it will have HD-DVD drive built in. IT WONT. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray drives are significangly slower at reading standard DVDs.

plus MS has said w/o a doubt it will never come w/ a HD-DVD drive internal. that it will always be external.

they could possibly bundle the external HD-DVD drive w/ it, that's an option.

but it will never, i repeat never ever, come w/ an internal HD-DVD drive.

[quote name='propeller_head']- the core will be able to play all games (except Live! Arcade) for the life of the system. also, its EAAAAASILY upgradeable. the HDD just pops on the top, my dog sparky could do it. but then again sparky can also operate a space shuttle. dont pretend like some1 buys a core and its set in stone for eternity.[/QUOTE]

Well, if you have to use the word "except," then you can't use the word "all," can you? In addition to XBLA, there are a handful of games that require the HDD (Final Fantasy XI, and I believe 99 Nights, or Enchant Arms...some of those games I haven't yet played). Not to mention any game demos/DLC.

My point wasn't that you, as a consumer, are stuck for life with the inability to play game X or game Y. My point was that MS was selling a console that, out of the box, can not play all 360 gaming content. As a result of their willingness to sell you a product that, de facto, cannot play all content, it stands to reason they could certainly try that yet again. Is the likelihood of it small? You bet. However, if MS is willing to sell you an "incomplete" system, what makes you so confident that your premium console will be able to play all 360 games for the duration of software releases?
Since this means probally no real price drop, I hope that the core get cheaper or they introduce this "NEW" version minus the harddrive for say 50 dollars less, or pack in a 2 games or 2 controllers.

I only need the core at the point, and am waiting for the hopefully eventual price drop or extra more for you money. I don't need a harddrive don't have old games, sold them with my xbox long time ago, don't really care about playing online, I just want some choice games out or comeing out that I cann't have on Wii or PC or prefer to play on console over PC.
[quote name='anomynous']:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: What world do you live in?[/quote]

he lives in fantasy world where chewicorns run around and devs only use 75% of dvd discs
i hope this fix happens very soon i need to replace my 360 at bestbuy before 2nd year aniversary. My 360 freezes often, rarely but sometimes gives graphic glitches where red dots are all over the screen, and disc tray does not open anymore. I guess the drive shifted because i have to move it when opening it or it won't come out.
[quote name='Dante Devil']How many are willing to trade in your Xbox 360 for the newest version?[/QUOTE]

Lot's of people on these boards probably would, but they only account for about %0.0001 of the XBox360 population so it doesn't really mean much.
Just Purchased my 360 from best buy 3 days ago.
Should i return it and wait for the new one?
Do you think its going to be soon enough for me to
return and wait??
WTF? There's way more than .0001% of the 360 user population that would trade-in, myself included.

When the new system comes out, it won't cost any more than $400, I believe. I'll get at least $200, maybe $250 if they have a trade-up deal, leaving me to only pay $150 or so for the new 360. No problems here.

Besides, it isn't like MS will continually do this. This will probably be a one time deal, and there won't be any internal HD-DVD support. That would screw MS by not allowing them to use the expanded disc capacity for games (since it would screw the consumers by not allowing them to play the new games without an HD-DVD drive). MS already said they wouldn't use HD-DVD for games, and that's that.
I hope I can tell gamestop that my 360 broke and then get this new one.
It will be YEARS before an HD-DVD drive exists that can read dvds at 12x. No way microsoft releases a 360 with a drive that can't play 360 games. HD-DVD will stay as an add on for a good while, probably forever.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, if you have to use the word "except," then you can't use the word "all," can you? In addition to XBLA, there are a handful of games that require the HDD (Final Fantasy XI, and I believe 99 Nights, or Enchant Arms...some of those games I haven't yet played). Not to mention any game demos/DLC.

My point wasn't that you, as a consumer, are stuck for life with the inability to play game X or game Y. My point was that MS was selling a console that, out of the box, can not play all 360 gaming content. As a result of their willingness to sell you a product that, de facto, cannot play all content, it stands to reason they could certainly try that yet again. Is the likelihood of it small? You bet. However, if MS is willing to sell you an "incomplete" system, what makes you so confident that your premium console will be able to play all 360 games for the duration of software releases?[/quote] oh give me a fucking break

cant say all if you say except? really?

all NFL teams can play in the superbowl, except those that lose qualifying.
all things cost money, except things that are free.
all your base are belong to us, except when 'Zig' moved & taken off.

youre just BSing. your argument is completely innocuous.

the core is EXACTLY the same as the premium. you can easily go out and buy accessories at any time to upgrade it. MS simply gave people a CHOICE. no1 was forced at gunpoint to go buy a core.

you just want something to whine about cause your a fanboy. admit it.:hot:

people are getting a bigger HDD (2x as big as the $600 PS3 model) & HDMI as a bonus. & it will start AT MOST the same price as the current premium. which is still $200 cheaper than the PS3. put that in your pipe and smoke it.
(yes i know the PS3 drive is user upgradable & i applaud sony for that, 1 of the things they did right:applause:)

it also drives down the price of the other models for people who dont have 1080p TVs w/ HDMI 1.3 (aka 95% of every1 w/ a HDTV).

chances are stratospherical theyll make the 120GB drive available as an accessory. for about the same price as the 20GB, $100. not a bad deal.

cliff notes: youre a negative nancy & are looking for excuses to put down a good thing. more for less. and this makes you a fanboy because if it was the PS3 that was getting more features for less money you would go off the walls about how awesome sony is.

bottom line, sony waited and put it all in at a high price point. MS released a year earlier for less $ and made it user customizable. the addition of HDMI wont make any games unplayable. it's techologically impossible, it will be able to output component, optical, vga, as well as HDMI. all the previous are perfectly fine for almost all the HD market.

explain how exactly the addition of hdmi would make any game unplayable on say a 360 bought a year ago? im dying to know.:booty::bomb::hot:
I get the feeling I'm one of the few who feel's like M$ is screwing current 360 owners. Yes these features don't do much for gameplay, but upgrading a system thats less than 2 years old! Come on that's a total screw job. I can live with it when it comes to my PC, that's expected. No console has ever spit in the faces of its customers like this. Yes the PS2 got upgraded years after its original release and after a price drop. So if M$ offers this 360v2 for $299, and lets us trade our old 360s for a good buck maybe just maybe it wouldn't be that bad. The one thing that sticks in my mind though is how long before they do it again? Will we have to start buying new 360s every couple of years? That's going to hurt them in the long run. Average joe's like me, as well as parents out there, don't want to be buying new consoles every 2 years. I understand that the upgrades are not that big, unless HD drive is added, but it still sucks. What is M$ saying to the 2+ million people who bought 360s during the Holiday season? Believe me this is going to swing alot of Sony bashers to Sony praisers.
I agree with you guys. Why can't Microsoft make an HDMI cable that goes through the video slot in the back of the console? Why would they make us buy a system with a bigger hard drive and built in HD-DVD(which I doubt since they have said that they would not support HDDVD if it failed). I understand the smaller chips, the PS2 went thru that and even a slimmer model in a year or two I would buy a la PS2 slim but can't they just make the hard drive an enclosure and allow us to put our own drives in it a la PS3. I am loyal to MS and Nintendo this generation (so far) but if this X361 does come to fruition then I will trade in my X360 for a PS3 and toss in a 750GB hard drive and just call it a day
[quote name='edzz']Just Purchased my 360 from best buy 3 days ago.
Should i return it and wait for the new one?
Do you think its going to be soon enough for me to
return and wait??
its not going to come out till the summer. since thats whem MS is releasing the 65nm 360s.

if there are no games in the next 6 months you want to play. and you have a 1080p HDTV w/ HDMI 1.3. and you can see any diff between HDMI and component. then wait. if not, just get it and be happy w/ it.

i have a theory that they will offer a service which will map whats on a current 20GB drive and just automate the DL of an image of everything you have (or choose) on a new 120GB drive. after the system has been powered down & drives switched of course ;)
[quote name='millrat1030']I get the feeling I'm one of the few who feel's like M$ is screwing current 360 owners. Yes these features don't do much for gameplay, but upgrading a system thats less than 2 years old! Come on that's a total screw job. I can live with it when it comes to my PC, that's expected. No console has ever spit in the faces of its customers like this. Yes the PS2 got upgraded years after its original release and after a price drop. So if M$ offers this 360v2 for $299, and lets us trade our old 360s for a good buck maybe just maybe it wouldn't be that bad. The one thing that sticks in my mind though is how long before they do it again? Will we have to start buying new 360s every couple of years? That's going to hurt them in the long run. Average joe's like me, as well as parents out there, don't want to be buying new consoles every 2 years. I understand that the upgrades are not that big, unless HD drive is added, but it still sucks. What is M$ saying to the 2+ million people who bought 360s during the Holiday season? Believe me this is going to swing alot of Sony bashers to Sony praisers.[/quote]

Honest question. Would you rather have Microsoft not improve its product?
Wait!! Didn't they all just extend our warranties? You think if our 360 v 1.0 "happen" to break they would replace them or allow us to put them towards the 361. Damn you M$ we should have never trusted you. I should have remembered the Windows...the Windows......
It is okay to improve a product to lessen their expense. That is just streamlining and improving their profitability that is okay but the point of a console is that when you buy it you can keep playing it till the end of that console life. I have friends who still have their phat PS2's and they play just fine. I hope this is a rumor. This X361 reminds me of Sega dumping their Saturn for the Dreamcast. Remember that you guys?
[quote name='Indiana']Yeah but that didn't make the games look better or add High Def movies.[/QUOTE]

High def movies aren't added in this iteration, and they likely never will be. HD-DVD is never going to be used for games, so it doesn't make sense to have it built in. As far as "looking better", the 360 now can do full 1080P (same as HDMI will be capable of) over VGA.

These additions are like the PS2's late addition of a built in ethernet port: previously, you could buy accessories to add the functionality that now is standard.

That said, if this comes out by the end of the year, I may very well buy one. Fall 2007 I should be buying my own place and building a theater setup, and a new souped-up 360 would compliment that nicely.

Edit: Why have numerous idiots claimed that the supposed Xbox "361" would include a built in HD-DVD? The original report from Engadget and all of its subsequent coverage has indicated: 5X harddrive space, cooler running CPU, HDMI port. Never has HD-DVD been mentioned.
What are you bitches complaining about? Sony came out with the PSX,remember that? So yes Sony has done this before and they said they planned to make another PSX type model with the PS3. Secondly what MAKES you screwed over by a newer 360? Do you absolutely need to have HDMI? No, do you have to absolutely need to have a built in HDDVD drive? No, do you absolutely need a bigger hard drive? No. Does this prevent you from playing 360 games only the ultimate model can? NO. If this rumor was true(and this has been around years before 360 launch) then the higher model is to satisfy the people that have to have best of the best with extra features. It would not be able to play any games that a regular 360 cant and if you believed otherwise you are STUPID. Don't ever buy anything electronics or a car again if thats your frame of thinking.

OH NOES PS2 with DVR+more!
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