I got some Xbox Live Gold Trials that I took out of my games and I'm gonna post them here. (Because I couldn't stack them on my membership lol)

2 Day Trial: 4C97Q-62CPR-DHXWJ-M69MG-FHM6K


2 Day Trial: V6KNJ-F2HX8-DB387-QKWY7-MBG74

14 Day Trial: H2XYF-HHF6J-P3QGD-9QCRX-9R9PV
Thank you! I got 1st code

Both games work with Xbox One or Xbox 360

Had 2 cards from 2 copies of Rainbow Six so these are my extra codes

Rainbow Six Vegas


Rainbow Six Vegas 2


I have a 2 day trial code that I got with a new X360 controller. I don't have Xbox (I am on PC) so if anyone wants it here you go (note that it says for use only with Xbox 360 so not sure if it'll work with Xbox One):


Found this one in my Gears of War Judgment game boxes but don't know if it still works. Original Xbox 360 Gears of War full game download, backwards compatible with Xbox One:



and another


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everyone is so fast lmao can never get a gold trial
I think there would be leecher everywhere because you wouldn´t have to sign in to get the codes. the better way is when somebody let us know if he had a code and then he must be PMed to get the code. And if "x" get the code (because he´s the first) then the next code goes to everyone without "x" and so on. so that not only one person who is everytime in this topic gets all codes. but it´s just an idea ;) . the rule is another: be fast - be the first and grab it if you can...

I got GoW 3 and Judgement for playing Ultimate but already have both message me if you would like them.

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Thanks to dromeadows that you would´t post the codes. So the codes won´t be leeched and will go to a member from cheapassgamer!!! :grouphug:

Have Xbox live gold 2 day trial code.
472nd person to quote this gets it. Thanks gigreb for the idea not to just post the code.
yeah I think thats the best way. Then the code arrives someone of us.

I don´t think that he mean the 472nd person. I think it was a mistake and he mean the 2nd or the 4th or something like this...

Not a mistake, 2 down 470 to go. I don't make mistakes.
You just did.
There is no reason for 472 users on here to quote your original post for a 2 day LIVE code. And the fact that you put it in this thread where other posts are going to pop up means it is more than likely going to be pushed off the active page for most to see.

Your mistake was picking a crazy number for a nothing prize. Make your own thread and post that in it.

Swear that people gotta stop taking drugs and posting.
You just did.
There is no reason for 472 users on here to quote your original post for a 2 day LIVE code. And the fact that you put it in this thread where other posts are going to pop up means it is more than likely going to be pushed off the active page for most to see.

Your mistake was picking a crazy number for a nothing prize. Make your own thread and post that in it.

Swear that people gotta stop taking drugs and posting.
Or, or- Debbie Downer - YOU could become a Moderator. Then, when you see things like this, move it to a mock and or satirical thread so that we can have something positive come of it.

Also, I like the number. Outrageous, unrealistic, and uncalled for - but it was kind of funny. I may, just MAY, be reading into it too much but that was the year Vesuvius erupted. Maybe the poster was trying to do something similar here..
I think there would be leecher everywhere because you wouldn´t have to sign in to get the codes. the better way is when somebody let us know if he had a code and then he must be PMed to get the code. And if "x" get the code (because he´s the first) then the next code goes to everyone without "x" and so on. so that not only one person who is everytime in this topic gets all codes. but it´s just an idea ;) . the rule is another: be fast - be the first and grab it if you can...
true guess i should come to the site more often and post hopefully i will get lucky!

Haven't posted in a long while but here are a few free items. Enjoy and please post which code you used.

Male T-Shirt Token:

Female T-Shirt Token:
bread's done