Xbox Live DOTW: The Maw plus DOTD: Battlefield 1943

[quote name='hpv']I think you're crazy if you think there are any serious deals in there. The free "premium" theme is just a standard dashboard theme, not a "premium" theme as Microsoft has defined them. [/QUOTE]

Actually it is a premium theme. They made an error, and if you download it again (which, since you already downloaded it once, it will stay free), it will fix the error and you will have your premium theme.
Personally I'm rather tired of reading all the whining about the whiners. Sure, it's annoying when people go off about how "lame" some deal is just because they happen to already have it, or it appeals to a genre they don't care for but may be equally useful to others, but there are also times when it's fine to express to a company that what they are doing, is quite simply, stupid. When you generate a hype machine like microsoft does, then swap in a deal like yesterday's, where it's clear that it's not even intended to really appeal to anyone, that is a measured insult to any intelligent customer. It's really only an attempt to make a light boost to normal retail sales, and is as bad as the retail shops who for most of the year stuff our newspapers and mailboxes with wasted resources pushing "huge sales" on products that are actually priced at MSRP (gamestop, target, I'm looking at you). It's a machine in the american retail market run by stupidity on the part of the customers, and fed on by the greed of retail chains. Both parties are to blame, but at some point it has to stop, and there's nothing wrong with telling the retailer they have crossed the line and started treating us like morons again.

That said, CAG is probably not the place to do that, since clearly the retailers aren't watching, and the people here don't give a damn, but instead of going from whining to whining about whiners (to whining abount whining about whiners when you complain about this post ;)), how about you just let it be, let it be said once that a deal is stupid and then move on to the next one. It's the back and forth crap that fills these threads that's ends up making them useless. Thanks to the more vigilant OPs that keep the front page real.
[quote name='Kelegacy']I think I was charged for the "premium" theme before it became premium. It was supposed to be free and said so on the first screen, but when I clicked to purchase it I thought it said 240pts. I can't find a place to tell me my itemized purchase history WITH purchase price next to it, or deductions from my points bank. I might have to take it up with Microsoft, but it would be nice to save my time if I could find out if I was charged for it at all.

Is it that hard to get a full-fledged transaction history? Just listing a game with no price paid is a bit lacking for me.[/QUOTE]

If you go to and login with your live id it will show you.
[quote name='gkrykewy']I have not yet played Fallout 3, but will soon. If I were to buy just one of these DLC packs, which one should it be?[/QUOTE]

Broken Steel, if for no other reason, because you can't do half the stuff in the regular game before you max out your level advancement. With Broken Steel, you not only get added content, you can continue playing after the story ends (there was no "after" before this add-on) and your level cap is raised from 20 to 30.
[quote name='gkrykewy']I have not yet played Fallout 3, but will soon. If I were to buy just one of these DLC packs, which one should it be?[/QUOTE]
If you don't have the game yet, wait until the GotY Edition is $40 again.
Just bought Mothership Zeta. It says 800, but when I went to go confirm download it was 400. But now my Fallout 3 collection is complete. Now, if only I could transfer my stuff over from my 20 GB to my 120 GB
Debating on picking up Zeta and Lookout, I've already played the others and sold my game, but I figure I'll get the game again sometime in the future. Tough decisions.
Isn't it ironic to read posts from people whining about people whining? FUnny thing is, the whiners about the whiners are usually more long winded about their stance than the initial whiners are about their OPINIONS on the deals.

On topic, sucks I already bought all four DLC, but on the bright side, I got a premium theme for doing so. Part of me wishes I would have waited to save some money though.
[quote name='cycophuk']Isn't it ironic to read posts from people whining about people whining? FUnny thing is, the whiners about the whiners are usually more long winded about their stance than the initial whiners are about their OPINIONS on the deals.[/QUOTE]

Sure it is, but there are only two ways to make a statement on an internet forum - say something, or say nothing. You'll note I've been on this forum for a while, but have opted for the latter. I had a moment of weakness this morning. And as for your other point, I'm always long winded when I speak, you just don't know me on this forum. :)

-Goes back to his corner, enjoy your fun.
Of course MVC2 was on sale the day I was traveling and had to take my car to get fixed (400 bucks) and rush home before the oklahoma blizzard...son of bitch.
[quote name='hpv']I think you're crazy if you think there are any serious deals in there. The free "premium" theme is just a standard dashboard theme, not a "premium" theme as Microsoft has defined them. The avatar glasses only serve to make your avatar look like a dickbag, which I value because avatars are useless and at least I can laugh at what a tool my guy looks like, but I wouldn't call that a deal.

The selection of games is pretty weak and, aside from the Maw, there's nothing there that I find interesting. Even the games that I already own that are being discounted aren't bringing them down to the level of "deal" since they were already over priced. Shadow Complex is okay but it's way overhyped and BF1943 is good but thin. Both should have been $10 to begin with and a "deal" on either should have put them around $5.

This sale is a bust. Unsurprising for Xbox Live, paying too much is kind of the whole point of the service, but it is disappointing.[/QUOTE]

Jesus are you an idiot.

Just because you don't like the deal doesn't mean it's been disappointing for everyone.
I'm glad this deal was true because all I need is Mothership Zeta to complete the expansion. I'm not buying them just for collection, but so far I have player Broken Steel and Operation Anchorage and pretty fun to keep playing them.
Just grabbed all 5 Fallout DLC. Got the game last Christmas but couldn't play it because of school. Now I'll have tons of content waiting for me :)
u just need the dlc disc from the goty edition to throw all this content on your hard drive, dont waste your $ when u can literally hold the disc for 30 seconds and spend zero dollars.
I played through the original FO3 and sold it on eBay a few months after I bought it. Just debating now on whether to buy all 5 DLC's for $22.50 (I paid $45 for my 4000 points card) or get the GOTY and resell it after I finish the DLC's. I'm thinking I'll go the latter route, b/c I don't like paying for games that I have no way to re-sell. Maybe I'll get Shadow Complex today for 800 points instead b/c there's no retail option there.

This is def. a great deal, though, for people who only need to complete their DLC package or don't like to re-sell games.
[quote name='markyshizzle']u just need the dlc disc from the goty edition to throw all this content on your hard drive, dont waste your $ when u can literally hold the disc for 30 seconds and spend zero dollars.[/QUOTE]

Uh, what do you mean by this? Rent and steal the dlc??
Marky, are u saying the DLC will play on your HDD after installation w/out the disc inserted? If they are dumb enough to not require players to keep the disc in order to play the DLC, then why wouldn't people just do what he's saying, i.e., buy the goty version at gamestop, install the DLC to HDD and then take advantage of their 7-day return policy?

I will certainly take advantage of this option if anyone can confirm that the DLC does NOT require the disc be inserted in order to play.
good deal, but i just took the approach of buying fallout 3 goty used from gamestop to download the dlc's and return the game. call me a rat, but i really don't think bethesda lost any money because i wouldn't have bought the dlc's anyway, except for broken steel (which i did when it first came out).

csmason1, that's exactly the case with the fallout 3 goty for xbox 360, as well as oblivion goty.
fallout 3 dlc as deal of the day=crap. it's like dumping unwanted stock knowing it isn't worth much really and not many people want it. as someone stated, just borrow the game of the year edition 2nd disc (1st is the fallout 3 game) and install all the map packs FREE, don't waste your points! Now, i'd like to see all the people who were complaining about the movie deals complain about this. I'd agree with them in saying this is crappy.
[quote name='thanksbetotap']Uh, what do you mean by this? Rent and steal the dlc??[/QUOTE]'re not stealing anything. You're simply putting the disc into your machine, as you would w/ any other game, and installing it to your HDD (as you might w/ any other game to "improve" performance). If Bethesda isn't smart enough to require the disc in order to play the DLC, why should the player be penalized if s/he chooses to return the game in accordance w/ a retailer's policy? The fact that the content is installed on a player's HDD doesn't make the player the thief if he returns the disc b/c he no longer wants the game.

That would mean that by simply installing the DLC to your HDD, you have abdicated your right to return the game...that certainly doesn't make any sense to me!
As I think this through, even if the DLC disc isn't required to play the game, I have to believe that the original game disc IS required to play the DLC. For example, if you've finished the game and sold it (like I did), you can't now do what markyshizzle suggested unless you still have the game disc.

Can anyone confirm or clarify this?
yeah, you can rent it, borrow it, gamestop it and return it, be creative :p

like i said, its like oblivion goty was.... you only need the dlc once and it has a second disc u put in, it adds it to your hard drive, then u dont see it again. then you can just use your old fallout disc or whatever.
[quote name='csmason1']'re not stealing anything. You're simply putting the disc into your machine, as you would w/ any other game, and installing it to your HDD (as you might w/ any other game to "improve" performance). If Bethesda isn't smart enough to require the disc in order to play the DLC, why should the player be penalized if s/he chooses to return the game in accordance w/ a retailer's policy? The fact that the content is installed on a player's HDD doesn't make the player the thief if he returns the disc b/c he no longer wants the game.

That would mean that by simply installing the DLC to your HDD, you have abdicated your right to return the game...that certainly doesn't make any sense to me![/QUOTE]

I have no moral horse in this race but buying the game with the intent to download the DLC and return the game is fraud/stealing at worst dishonest at best. I would assume you need the original disk to play so the intent is to scam a way to play the rest of the DLC with no cost to you. These explanations around here to justify things that are most of the time flat out wrong are crazy. It's like leaving the keys in your car someone driving off in it and the cops and your insurance company saying well it's nothing we can do because it's technically not stolen because you left the keys in there. I'm not throwing stones out of my glass house but if it's a scam call it that don't dress it up as just taking what is rightfully yours because XYZ game company are morons.
[quote name='csmason1']Marky, are u saying the DLC will play on your HDD after installation w/out the disc inserted? If they are dumb enough to not require players to keep the disc in order to play the DLC, then why wouldn't people just do what he's saying, i.e., buy the goty version at gamestop, install the DLC to HDD and then take advantage of their 7-day return policy?

I will certainly take advantage of this option if anyone can confirm that the DLC does NOT require the disc be inserted in order to play.[/QUOTE]

didnt see this... haha...

yeah ask them why they arent too smart about that, i never paid for the oblivion dlc :p and def not paying for this when i can get it free :p
[quote name='hyunkim']call me a rat, but i really don't think bethesda lost any money because i wouldn't have bought the dlc's anyway, except for broken steel (which i did when it first came out)[/QUOTE]
This is the number one way people try to validate pirating games/music/movies.
[quote name='Commander0Zero']I have no moral horse in this race but buying the game with the intent to download the DLC and return the game is fraud/stealing at worst dishonest at best. I would assume you need the original disk to play so the intent is to scam a way to play the rest of the DLC with no cost to you. These explanations around here to justify things that are most of the time flat out wrong are crazy. It's like leaving the keys in your car someone driving off in it and the cops and your insurance company saying well it's nothing we can do because it's technically not stolen because you left the keys in there. I'm not throwing stones out of my glass house but if it's a scam call it that don't dress it up as just taking what is rightfully yours because XYZ game company are morons.[/QUOTE]

actually if it were like u think... id be stealing the game from gamestop... which im not, im buying it.

So... think of it as I buy a car, but I have another one just like it... look at my new car i can tell what sexyness to put into my old car... so i decide to conveniently return the new car before the place's return policy ends. I bought it fair and square, they will take the return, and the game is still in the same condition. I see no issue :roll:
[quote name='hyunkim']good deal, but i just took the approach of buying fallout 3 goty used from gamestop to download the dlc's and return the game. call me a rat, but i really don't think bethesda lost any money because i wouldn't have bought the dlc's anyway, except for broken steel (which i did when it first came out).[/QUOTE]

If you wouldn't have bought the DLC, then you shouldn't have played them either.
[quote name='Commander0Zero']I have no moral horse in this race but buying the game with the intent to download the DLC and return the game is fraud/stealing at worst dishonest at best. I would assume you need the original disk to play so the intent is to scam a way to play the rest of the DLC with no cost to you. These explanations around here to justify things that are most of the time flat out wrong are crazy. It's like leaving the keys in your car someone driving off in it and the cops and your insurance company saying well it's nothing we can do because it's technically not stolen because you left the keys in there. I'm not throwing stones out of my glass house but if it's a scam call it that don't dress it up as just taking what is rightfully yours because XYZ game company are morons.[/QUOTE]

So now we're responsible for the decisions made by game companies? Wow...and here I thought that when I buy something, I actually have the right to return it in accordance w/ a retailer's policy. You really don't want to go down the "gamer's intent" road, either. Next you'll be telling me that I can't buy a game at Gamestop, beat it, and then return it in the 7-day window b/c my "intent" was to play the game to completion and I'm somehow scamming the publisher by returning the game...sorry, but I don't see the word "intent" anywhere in Gamestop's return policy.

A scam would be trying to illegally copy the contents of the DLC disc and then returning the disc. This is simply a gamer using the tools at his disposal, i.e., the ability to install content to his/her HDD and returning a game which is covered by a retailer's .

As I said later, though, I think Bethesda probably requires the orig. disc to play the game, which makes this discussion moot for my purposes.
[quote name='hyunkim']good deal, but i just took the approach of buying fallout 3 goty used from gamestop to download the dlc's and return the game. call me a rat, but i really don't think bethesda lost any money because i wouldn't have bought the dlc's anyway, except for broken steel (which i did when it first came out).

csmason1, that's exactly the case with the fallout 3 goty for xbox 360, as well as oblivion goty.[/QUOTE]

thanks hyunkim, so you're confirming that I can play the dlc from the 2nd disc (after installation) w/out having any FO3 disc in my 360? If so, then the discussion is not moot for my purposes.
[quote name='csmason1']So now we're responsible for the decisions made by game companies? Wow...and here I thought that when I buy something, I actually have the right to return it in accordance w/ a retailer's policy. You really don't want to go down the "gamer's intent" road, either. Next you'll be telling me that I can't buy a game at Gamestop, beat it, and then return it in the 7-day window b/c my "intent" was to play the game to completion and I'm somehow scamming the publisher by returning the game...sorry, but I don't see the word "intent" anywhere in Gamestop's return policy.

A scam would be trying to illegally copy the contents of the DLC disc and then returning the disc. This is simply a gamer using the tools at his disposal, i.e., the ability to install content to his/her HDD and returning a game which is covered by a retailer's .

As I said later, though, I think Bethesda probably requires the orig. disc to play the game, which makes this discussion moot for my purposes.[/QUOTE]

You're right, it's not illegal. But it IS unethical. (You don't need the dlc disk, just the original disk. And no one just wants to play the DLC without playing the regular game.)

"I never was going to buy Photoshop anyway, but I just found it online for free, so no loss to Adobe." Anything along those lines is wrong.

If you're buying it just to return it but keep the dlc, because you already have the original disk, there is no possible argument against that being theft.
I'd also like to propose an alternative: sell the original game for $30-35 on ebay, then buy the GOTY edition for $40 when it's on sale.

$5-10 for $50 of DLC? Pretty good deal no matter how you slice it.
I just made the argument for the particular set of circumstances I described, and being that I'm an attorney who has prosecuted people for theft...well, I can only say "good luck" to any prosecutor who would try to make charges stick on this basis. I wouldn't waste 10 seconds looking at charges for exactly this situation (and note that I'm not addressing the photoshop argument or anything of the kind) if they came across my desk.

But you guys in the moral police have a good time with this, OK?
[quote name='gkrykewy']I have not yet played Fallout 3, but will soon. If I were to buy just one of these DLC packs, which one should it be?[/QUOTE]

I had the most fun with Point Lookout.
[quote name='csmason1']I just made the argument for the particular set of circumstances I described, and being that I'm an attorney who has prosecuted people for theft...well, I can only say "good luck" to any prosecutor who would try to make charges stick on this basis. I wouldn't waste 10 seconds looking at charges for exactly this situation (and note that I'm not addressing the photoshop argument or anything of the kind) if they came across my desk.

But you guys in the moral police have a good time with this, OK?[/QUOTE]

Buying the GOTY version, beating it, and then selling it is completely moral, obviously.

Some people intended to keep their original copy, buy the GOTY, dl the DLC, and then immediately return the GOTY game. Which is obviously legal, but immoral imo. That is all.
I decided to get Shadow Complex and thought, "why not?" Holy crap it's an awesome game. I forgot how fun Metriod-vania games are on a console. It'll make me wanna go through Symphony of the Night again!
Finally! I've been looking forward to this one. IMO, the DLC packs were not worth $10 apiece...I made that mistake on Anchorage and felt like $50 for all the DLC was absurd.

Of course, now this gives me a good reason to get my evil playthrough going. And seeing as how I spent like 100 hours on the good playthrough, $5 sounds nice for these. I've been playing Borderlands and it just wasn't doing it for me, made me want to come back to the wasteland.
Just picked up Fallout 3 used at GS and now this sale. Only have 1840 ms points left and there are 5 dlc at 400 a pop. Whats a guy to do? What else is coming up on sale? I may only get 2 then.
lol wow... my post gets deleted informing gamers that you dont need to buy this bc u can get them from the dlc disc n GOTY edition, even if its just to borrow it. I guess somebody dont like me looking out for people spending their $ wisely
Could someone with gold subscription please check if Shadow Complex is still on sale today the last day? I want to make sure before burning a 1 month gold card (currently on silver).
bread's done