Xbox LIVE - Will it ever be free? Should Sony start charging for PSN?

[quote name='gokou36']This is just retarded. Do you even know why there are $15 monthly fees? They have to host the servers, perform maintenance, make more content and fix game bugs. Just FYI, I've played EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, FFXI and WoW. I have never bought an Xbox Live card.

Now tell me why Xbox Live should cost money? All I want to do is play online games, i don't really care about all the extra features. Why should P2P cost money? Besides MMOs, do you pay to play online with any other PC games? Why are Steam and PSN free yet Xbox Live isn't?[/quote]

You know the answer. Because they can.

Can't blame Microsoft, can only blame the consumers.
I've paid the following for XBL

$30- 12 months
$20- 12 months
$5- 12 months
$6- 6 months

If you're paying $50 for LIVE you're not trying.

And in the absence of a viable alternative*, they won't stop charging

PSN licks fromunda from a fat man's sack
But if MS lowers the official price that would mean there would be even better clearance and discount deal.
I pay $50 a year for my AMEX, $19.99 a month for XM, $80 a year for rapidshare....I think $50 a year (if you are actually paying that, you are retarded) for Xbox Live is very reasonable and to complain about it is just dumb. Skip that shitty fast food you get on the way home 10 times throughout the coarse of the year and Live is paid for. Smoke a carton less cigarettes. Don't get popcorn eveytime you go to the movies. Use a tank less of gas a year. Xbox Live is cheap. People need to stop complaining.
live is worth every penny... always has been.. heck even since xbox 1 days which originally got me on board.

PSN store is blah of course. It is nice that it is free though. I have a casual gamer friend which has access to a 360 and a ps3.. i wanted to game with him on the 360 one day but couldnt because he was silver.. sucked.. no way im gonna convince a very casual gamer to pay for a live subscription so ill just have to play on ps3 with him.

I think they should allow online gaming on the silver account.. (even if limited)
Let me just put it this way. Live will never be free. MS might give some stuff away for free, but then they also find other ways to charge you (like for gamer pictures). MS already has an excellent number of subscribers and unless they see a huge drop, MS sees no reason to make XBL free.

PSN will most likely stay free, but Sony will find ways to charge you (Qore, Home items, Premium Themes, etc.). Sony may also (which they kind of do already) continue to add servers on a much slower basis (which might explain why some will experience slower downloads on PSN).

Personally, I'm fine how both companies are doing it right now. Making life easier (which XBL kind of does) usually costs more, and that's why I feel it's ok for XBL to be a paid service. For those who don't really care about that, just want to play games online with others for nothing (and don't care about some luxury things making life so easy), it's perfectly fine.
XBL is free. XBL Gold isn't. That said, XBL Gold will never be free and Sony shouldn't charge for the PSN.
I do think it should be cheaper, but probably not free. You can usually find people on XBL who are fun to play with, and take it seriously enough to pay.
If XBL had a free version where you could go online and play games, but gave you no more features than PSN... would you still pay for live?
If Sony would get off their bullshit feature making asses and give me private/party chat options on the PS3 I honestly wouldn't care how much Live charges, because I wouldn't have it. The only thing I've used Live for in the past few months was to chat with my buddies while we played LittleBigPlanet on our PS3s.

I'm not saying the 360 doesn't have any games I want to play. I'm just a Warhawk/LBP/Socom guy, and unless we can go back in time to when Halo 2 was Live's best FPS and we'd stay up until 5 AM fucking around drinking Rockstar Juiced and watching Adult Swim's second showing of that night's new episode of Venture Bros, I don't have an interest.

Wait, what was the question again?
I stopped paying for live, it's annoying getting charged 50 bucks every year. And I never really play things on my 360. The new dashboard is to clunky.

You get what you pay for.

And that's why PSN stinks.

Ya... but I can play online on my PS3 for free, but not on my 360... that's all I really care about. You can go have fun with your picture sharing groups.
Theres no reason to make it free. Free in a way is bad when it comes to online. See Socom on what free online does to fun online games.
XBOX 360 LIVE 13 Month Gold Card // SKU # 7530246 >>>> $29.99 at Best Buy on February 1.

Okay, first, amazon, and now Best Buy. Maybe this is a new price point for LIVE.
[quote name='tinman_licks']XBOX 360 LIVE 13 Month Gold Card // SKU # 7530246 >>>> $29.99 at Best Buy on February 1.

Okay, first, amazon, and now Best Buy. Maybe this is a new price point for LIVE.[/QUOTE]
That would be great, but why is it that they're all doing it at different times?
[quote name='greyzieoriental']I cant wait til PSN starts charging $4 a month in April (fact or myth?) :D[/QUOTE]
Where's the $4 a month from?
[quote name='KingDox']I hope its never free. I figure the price keeps the real trash off the network. I can't imagine how bad the service would be if it was free.

I'll gladly pay 30 (Thanks Amazon) a year* to keep the poor people away from me.

*actually its 13 months.[/quote]

Oh god. You think the 360 users can be WORSE if they made the service free? God then humanity is fucking doomed. 360 Live users are some of the worst idiots I've ever met in my life. Bigoted, Racist, Concentrated Stupid, dullards in a can. THAT is 90% of Live users after playing a few bouts of Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War. If you believe that the 50 dollars a year fee keeps trash off the network, you are sadly mistaken. I timed it and in FIVE minutes I got someone saying they want to rape my sister AND teabag my mom.

I firmly believe that the low end of society, the dullards, the serfs, the peons and the general douche live on LIVE.

I'm just glad that people don't have mics on the PS3 so I don't have to listen to some idiot blast LIMP BIZKIT or whatever the hell they're listening to.
[quote name='Paco']Oh god. You think the 360 users can be WORSE if they made the service free? God then humanity is fucking doomed. 360 Live users are some of the worst idiots I've ever met in my life. Bigoted, Racist, Concentrated Stupid, dullards in a can. THAT is 90% of Live users after playing a few bouts of Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War. If you believe that the 50 dollars a year fee keeps trash off the network, you are sadly mistaken. I timed it and in FIVE minutes I got someone saying they want to rape my sister AND teabag my mom.

I firmly believe that the low end of society, the dullards, the serfs, the peons and the general douche live on LIVE.

I'm just glad that people don't have mics on the PS3 so I don't have to listen to some idiot blast LIMP BIZKIT or whatever the hell they're listening to.[/quote]

That is the biggest thing I hate about live. If it wasn't for the people I would enjoy it, and actually pay for live. There just to mean, and stupid for no reason. Thank god the ps3 doesn't come with a mic.
[quote name='leveskikesko']Sorry talking to KingDox, probably should've quoted him.[/quote]

That's alright. I thought you was talking to me, and I thought I didn't say anything about poor people. I guess I would be considered poor as well so I'm not saying anything against anyone.
[quote name='Paco']Oh god. You think the 360 users can be WORSE if they made the service free? God then humanity is fucking doomed. 360 Live users are some of the worst idiots I've ever met in my life. Bigoted, Racist, Concentrated Stupid, dullards in a can. THAT is 90% of Live users after playing a few bouts of Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War. If you believe that the 50 dollars a year fee keeps trash off the network, you are sadly mistaken. I timed it and in FIVE minutes I got someone saying they want to rape my sister AND teabag my mom.

I firmly believe that the low end of society, the dullards, the serfs, the peons and the general douche live on LIVE.

I'm just glad that people don't have mics on the PS3 so I don't have to listen to some idiot blast LIMP BIZKIT or whatever the hell they're listening to.[/quote]

well to be fair this isn't a problem with just 360. my first night of PS Home consisted of me being dry humped by a guy, someone sitting in front of me pretending to give me a beej, and a guy in the theater rapping about how he fucked some guys mom.

on TF2 for PC it's even worse. n-bombs dropped like they're commas. everyone and their mother is a hacker if you kill someone. left 4 dead had the constant spamming of sound files.

people online will act like dicks just to act like dicks.
Sometimes all the best things are free.
When it's a Store Product.
You found why it's free. It sucks.
60 bucks a year for LIVE!! Better then monthly
[quote name='rickonker']Where's the $4 a month from?[/QUOTE]

From his ass, where else does bullshit come from?
[quote name='gokou36']From his ass, where else does bullshit come from?[/quote]

A bulls ass ?

I did wonder if they were gonna make Live free when all those $30 12 month+1 cards turned up, maybe it signals a price drop, maybe it means nothing.

I don't think Sony will ever charge for PSN, it's a good selling point for them, they want people to use Home and the last thing they want to do is make the PS3 seem more expensive.
[quote name='Brak']You get what you pay for.

And that's why PSN stinks.[/quote]

Amen. I've only had a PS3 for a few weeks now but the entire interface/dashboard/online seems miles and miles behind what I get on XBL.
And the retardism in Xbox live is miles and miles ahead of anything on PSN. I can have a more coherent argument against a brick wall then most of the inhabitants of live. I bet you there's more stupid per capita in Live then in any other online gaming service.

And yes the 360 is the domain of the poor and stupid. I'd compare it to serfdom and stupidity.
[quote name='DestroVega']PSN will never be free as the PS3 should be by now[/quote] PSN is free and always will be. Sony is using the PS3 as if it is a media center pc capable of high end gaming and multimedia streaming.
hmm. TRU is offering LIVE for $30 as well. Must be an unofficial sale/price drop running around the retailers to get the user base up. There were 300,000 new users this past January.
bread's done