Xbox Next News


4 (100%)
Taken from WinInfo ShortTakes for Feb 9th...

What to Expect in Xbox Next

It might still be over a year away, but details about Microsoft's next-generation Xbox console ("Xbox Next" inRedmond parlance) are starting to leak. According to reports, Xbox Next will feature three 64-bit IBM microprocessors, a next-generation ATI graphics chip and Longhorn-based graphics libraries, 256 to 512 MB of RAM, and a DVD or Blu-Ray drive, depending on how things go. The most important feature of Xbox Next, of course, is its delivery schedule: For Microsoft to be successful with this release, it must ship the console before Sony launches its eagerly awaited PlayStation 3, now expected in 2006. Also, the company is reportedly wrestling with how it might make Xbox Next compatible with the first generation of Xbox titles, given the changes to the underlying platform. Heads-up, guys: If this thing doesn't run first generation Xbox games, just pack it up and go home.


Sounds like a whopper of a system...It just better be backward compatable...
I don't think the backwards compatibility is going to happen, sounds like it may up the production costs/limit what MS wishes to accomplish, based on what I've heard thus far.

But keep in mind that we're talking about a company with alot of cash, they may continue to release new xboxs' well after the release of the xbox next, especially if they'll be peanuts to produce at that time and it's still a pretty impressive piece of hardware.
They can just stick all the xbox hardware in the xbox 2 so it can play both games. They don't care about size or cost so it shouldn't be a problem

I doubt they will use blu ray since those are pretty expensive and even with dvd you can get over 9GB on one disc (dual layered). Blu ray is like 25 GB, but who needs that much space?

I don't know if releasing too early is a good idea. Whatever specs it has Sony can just up theirs to make they system seem more powerful on paper and that would screw M$.

I hope all three systems launch on the same day. Nintendo releases a Zelda game with graphics shown at E3 2002. M$ releases Halo 3. And Sony releases GTA (insert number here). Then we can see what people really want.
Backwards Compatability won't make or break a system.

I dunno, it increases your available game library by an almost infinite amount at the launch of your system. I mean c'mon when was the last time you saw a system launch with more than one really good game. Once you beat that game you have to wait about one or two months before the worhtwhile games start coming out, soin that time you can just pop in a copy of say Halo 2 for instance. Besides, Sony already said they would always have backwards compatability and and we all know how much Microsoft hates to be outdone.
I know it seems like it would stink for all you're current games to be unusable, but how often would you really go back and play a game from the previous version of a console. Do PS2 owners play PS1 titles that much? With the next Xbox, why not just hook up a switch box and keep the old machine available until you make the switch to the new games 100%? If I already own the old there's no need for backwards compatibility, especially if it raises costs of the new one. Technology should move forward. Let people who want to keep playing the old games keep the old console hooked up.
I read an article (gamepro or gameinformer, can't remember) about this subject and with the new IBM chips and architechure, it very well may be possible to provide backward compatability.

I agree it's not a deal killer but, for those that have 20+ games and buying a new system/platform, it makes for an easier transition if you're able to use the old software on the new system
"I know it seems like it would stink for all you're current games to be unusable, but how often would you really go back and play a game from the previous version of a console."

It doesn't matter for people that already have the games 'cause they already have the old system as well. But think about this. You never owned a GameCube, so the N5 is released and can play 500 GameCube games that you have never played and they are all cheap. Or you can buy a NextBox (assume it is not backwards compatible) and you have access to 5 games at launch and just a really small library of games.
To me the really important aspect is if i am going to have to buy new controllers and new dvd remote. a lot of people did not play PS1 games on their PS2, but they did use their PS1 controller on their PS2.

it would be really gay if we have to buy another extra controller and another DVD remote. that could be a big issue in my eyes.
Perhaps with those monster IBM processors (I think they're the same kind as in the newest Macs), software-based emulation is possible. Maybe it's not a make-or-break for a system, but reverse compatability is convenient and immediately adds to a system's library. Not to mention the fact that CAGs can sell their original system and put a little cash towards the new one.
Microsoft stated that they're no longer going to attempt to be number 1 next time around, but co-exsist and make a reasonable profit while at it.

Microsoft has always lost a profit on xboxes (even to this day), so I would suspect a hard drive will be out of the question for the next one.
[quote name='terribledeli']Microsoft stated that they're no longer going to attempt to be number 1 next time around, but co-exsist and make a reasonable profit while at it.[/quote]

Ugh. Nice attitude. Makes me want to put a down-payment on a PS3 right now.

One thing's for sure - I will NOT be lining up to get my next console for "midnight launch" like I did for the Dreamcast and XBox.

If there's one thing to be learned since 2001, it's that price drops come FAST now due to the renewed competitiveness of the console market. You'd better believe I was pissed to see the XBox price drop almost 1/3rd only like 5 months after it first came out.

MS NEEDS to be careful here, the XBox did better than most people expected but I don't like what I'm hearing right now about the XBox2..."likely will not be a hard drive?" "We're just going to wait and see what Sony does?" "Doubtful backwards compatibility?" Come on. One of the reasons the XBox was so good was because they did their OWN research as to what people wanted, then innovated their own stuff like the built-in broadband and hard drive. If XBox 2 is just a "wait and see" system that doesn't even have the features of the first one, I don't know how successful it'll be.

I'm behind the XBox for the current generation of stuff, but I won't blindly support one company over another just based on the brand. If the XBox 2 doesn't get it together I'll probably just buy a PS3. I skipped out on PS2 (since I already had a Dreamcast before that), so there are certainly plenty of games I could go out and pick up right away if I bought a PS3.

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Stay outta my booze.

So, with that in mind, here's what I want in XBox 2, and probably will not get in full:

1. Out of the box progressive scan DVD functionality - no more of this "we don't want the people buying the system as a DVD player taking it away from people who want it as a gamer" bullshit.

2. Hard drive - it is not wise to mess with a winning formula. Hell, leave it at 10 or 8 gig or whatever it is now - but DO NOT take it out.

3. Backwards compatibility - Sony is single-handedly making this a standard feature for home consoles. If MS is so hung up on "wait and see," this is the #1 thing they should be seeing. It's going to be hard to do from a tech standpoint? They've got a couple years yet. They need to make it happen. It will make it more attractive to XBox owners who are still on the fence on whether or not to buy XBox 2 or PS3.

4. Built-in broadband support - It would be an absolute joke to get rid of this since XBox Live is doing well. I seriously doubt they'd remove that, but just for the sake of completeness I listed it.

5. USB ports - Yeah, ok. MS wanted to prove their point that the XBox is not just a PC in a different casing. We get it. Now for god's sake, let us use a keyboard and/or mouse if we want to. Not to mention that MS is so intent on promoting this hokey "digital entertainment lifestyle" concept...this would let people do the XBox Media Center thing without having to buy anything else.

6. Toilet - So I don't have to move anywhere if I've gotta go.

That last one is negotiable.
"I know it seems like it would stink for all you're current games to be unusable, but how often would you really go back and play a game from the previous version of a console."

I can see where that may of been the case playing PS1 games on your PS2. Those old games would lose its luster after awhile. But, these are new and improved titles. I would love to play Crimson Skies on my new XBOX2 waiting for its sequel.
As far as Microsoft is concerned, it needs a good reason to entice people to its new system. Therefore, they need to incorporate backwards compatibility. Here's the sad part. If they do, it's going to be really really difficult. Why? The new processors.

I've seen the current specs for X2. Bottom line, they are changing the CPU entirely. X1 has an x86 based chip (Intel IIRC) inside. The new chips are PowerPC based. This is a Macintosh chip. See where I'm going with this?

It's going to take a hell of alot of emulation for them to get this to work. Whether it be adding a seperate CPU or running software emulation. At any rate, don't get your hopes up. Especially if they plan on beating Sony to market.
[quote name='daphatty']
It's going to take a hell of alot of emulation for them to get this to work. Whether it be adding a seperate CPU or running software emulation. At any rate, don't get your hopes up. Especially if they plan on beating Sony to market.[/quote]

But they did recently acquire Connectix, which was responsible for VirtualPC, where you could run windows based programs on your Mac. See where I'm going with this?

And I agree that its a necessity, as much of a necessity as the PS3 having 4 controller ports.... it better have 4 ports dammit....
bread's done