Xbox One - General Discussion Thread


3 (100%)
Thought I start a new topic since the old one got locked.

I've got a XBone Day One Edition pre-ordered, and will probably keep it provided I can afford it by then, which all depends upon when the PS4 is going to be released as well.

I am not looking forward to Kinect 2.0 as being part of the system as I try to avoid motion controls as much as possible.  I'm just one whom prefers regular gaming, even though I do have a Wii and WiiU, mostly for Nintendo releases.  I just hope motion control is not forced into games, but rather optional.

I was really looking forward to FORZA 5, but yesterday's news on Kotaku that not all of the content is on the disc and you must download content by signing in first makes me a bit leery after the DRM fiasco.  not sure if this Turn 10 not being able to get out thee complete content on disc or some way of bringing back the online requirement but in a different form.  Either way it does not sound good.

I was also looking into getting Ryse and Dead Rising 3 at launch.  Ryse looks like my type of game.  Always loved those gladiator type games - Shadow of Rome, Colosseum, Spartan Total Warrior and Gladius.

I  don't play online much so I don't know if Titanfall would be for me.

Most of the other games are mostly multi-platform releases which I can hold out for.

What games are you looking forward to at launch?

You don't think the last thread may have been locked for a specific reason which will likely carry on in this thread?
You don't think the last thread may have been locked for a specific reason which will likely carry on in this thread?
I don't know why it was locked without any explanation other than a couple of people were trying to sabotage it. Nonetheless that does not mean we cannot talk about the XBone. I tried to get some discussion going in that thread and I genuinely want to talk about both the good and the bad that is coming out in regards to it.

This thread can stay open, no problem, as long as people follow the rules.  No trolling, arguing, or insulting other users.

Report posts that don't follow the rules.

I'm just glad I have the money to buy both systems.  I'd hate to think of my blood pressure if I got ramped up as some of the people in the old thread did.  Must suck to spend so much time, wasting away hating and posting about something you don't have to buy :D

I do look forward to my Day One console though. 

Reading the last posts of the other thread and I have to say it baffles me how people are okay with the Forza news.  I understand day one patches and updates, but the fact of a $60 disc being unusable at launch without a download is just not a good direction for gaming to go in at all.  

As I said, it's not something I necessarily like.  Game's should work day one with no updates or not go out.

Just not something I'd get bent out of shape about since I'll never live somewhere without broadband and my internet has never been out for more than a few hours at any of the places I've lived over the past 5+ years.  Live in dense areas in big cities and shit gets fixed quick as thousands of customers are effected even if it's a problem only affecting a few blocks.  My building has 300 some units in it itself, and there are several other 20-30 story condos on the surrounding blocks so phone, power, internet problems get fixed very quickly here.  And are pretty rare as the bulk of utility lines are underground.

As for the thread, I'll own up to reporting that for the rampant name calling it had devolved into and suggested it be closed (so we could start fresh) or renamed something like "X1 vs PS4" and moving it to General Gaming.  All good discussion was getting lost in fighting between a couple of people trolling the X1 rather than posting worthwhile comments and a couple of people being too heated in defending the X1 at every turn.

Hopefully this thread can stay more on topic and have meaningful discussion about things like Day 1 required patches/dlc etc. rather than console war, juvenile BS.

As I said, it's not something I necessarily like. Game's should work day one with no updates or not go out.

Just not something I'd get bent out of shape about since I'll never live somewhere without broadband and my internet has never been out for more than a few hours at any of the places I've lived over the past 5+ years. Live in dense areas in big cities and shit gets fixed quick as thousands of customers are effected even if it's a problem only affecting a few blocks. My building has 300 some units in it itself, and there are several other 20-30 story condos on the surrounding blocks so phone, power, internet problems get fixed very quickly here. And are pretty rare as the bulk of utility lines are underground.
What I am leery about with the Day 1 required patch is that I know at one point I may have to remove the game from the HD to make room for another game, and if I eventually come back to it at a later date and time, the content or servers themselves may no longer be accessible if the game or console is no longer supported.

The other potential issue I see is a release day debacle like that with SimCity where the servers get bogged down and it is near impossible to download the content. Either way I just don't see this as being a win situation for the consumer.

Now if it was just extra DLC that was not necessarily required to play FORZA I would have no issue with it. Many Collector Editions of games come with DLC anyways so its no big deal. We already have that in place. I just hope this is the exception and not the norm for XBone releases.

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Those are good points.  The first is mostly moot to me as I don't replay games and sell them after beating them--but it could be an issue if I bought the game years later (as I do game behind the curve often).  That said, I doubt servers for game updates would go down until years after the X1 generation was over.  And I don't game that far behind the curve.  By a year or two into a new generation I've sold/traded my old gen machines and moved on.  But fair point for people who collect and do retro gaming etc.

The server point is definitely a more valid one.  As it would suck to get a new game and not be able to play it if the Live servers were down/overloaded.  But Live has been a pretty solid network over the years, so that's not something I'd worry a ton about.

But yeah, it's definitely something where I really don't see benefit to the consumer. It's not something I worry about, but definitely not beneficial.  Games should play right from the disc, and any patches, updates etc. should be optional to that.  If there are glitches the gamer may run into if it isn't patched, that's fine--and their loss for not updating.  But they should be able to buy a game disc and play it. I can agree with that, even if it's not something that upsets me since I think it would be unlikely for me to ever not be able to get the patch day 1.

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Regarding Forza (something I'm massively looking forward to..)...

Tracks far we know are in:


Laguna Seca



Yeah that means modern indy cars.... a first for the series! 

We will hear more about Forza during Comic Con, since Dan is confirmed attendant to the event. Hopefully some new in game footage.

I'm just glad I have the money to buy both systems. I'd hate to think of my blood pressure if I got ramped up as some of the people in the old thread did. Must suck to spend so much time, wasting away hating and posting about something you don't have to buy :D

I do look forward to my Day One console though.
im buying both systems and my blood pressure is fine

I'd really like to be fully on board with the Xbox One since I just vastly prefer the overall Xbox 360 experience to the PS3. The controller, the interface, the party system, friends list, gamerscore, avatars, I love all that stuff and want to continue with it. I'm not concerned about Kinect; I have one for 360 and I like it fine. All that said, I am concerned about what seems to be a focus on TV features rather than games (don't care one bit about watching television on my console) and the last-second reversals on DRM and always-online policy (I think they made the right choice to change those policies, but still, what are the consequences of rejiggering the whole idea of the console a few months before release?). The consensus also seems to be that the PS4 is a more powerful machine than the Xbone, but that was true this generation as well, and look how much difference it ended up making-- little to none outside a small handful of PS3 exclusives.

Meanwhile, Sony seems to have learned from their screwups last gen and is saying and doing all the right things to get me excited about their console. So I'm in wait-and-see mode. Neither console's launch lineup is exciting to me at all, and the games that have been announced that I am excited about like Final Fantasy XV and Dragon Age Inquisition are multiplatform and a long ways away anyway. I'll have something to think about games-wise whenever Sony gets around to announcing Uncharted 4 or Microsoft announces Gears of War 4.

I'm pretty interested to see how Dead Rising 3 turns out. It looks like they may be going a more serious route (at least from what I've seen) and that's a bit of a turn off since I like the Japanese-ness of it.

But seriously. I want to see a new Crackdown and for it to be an actual good game. Still fun, but make it really GOOD this time too.

It's really going to take new IPs to get me super excited about new consoles.  I'll likely keep my PS4 preorder just to have it day one and have an easier time of sticking to my goal of just buying one AAA game at a time and not building a backlog at all next gen.

But as much as I like series like Uncharted, Gears etc., all the big franchises are stale with 3+ games this generation.  The Last of Us is the first thing I've played in ages that's felt fresh and exciting to me.  Nothing innovative really either, just nice to play a great AAA game in a new setting, with new character instead of firing up another Gears or Uncharted.

As for X1, as I said repeatedly in the old thread, it's likely just not the console for me.  I played my 360 more up until 2012 when I got a PS3 while locked out of my Live account when it got hacked and migrated to Russia.  360 exclusives I cared about mostly dried up around that point (really just Gears 3 and Halo 4) as they focused more on Kinect and relying on 3rd party games.   So my PS3 has gotten a lot more play lately.

Add in that I hate motion controls (and thus don't want Kinect, or Kinect functionality put into regular games), was very off put by their DRM attempt as I sell every game I beat on Amazon to recoup some costs, don't care about the media features, want more variety in exclusives than shooters and racers primarily (and Sony is a better bet with better Japanese and indie developer support), and find $500 too much for a console ($400 for a PS3 is really pushing it) and I have a hard time seeing myself ever picking up an X1.  

Maybe after a couple of price drops if I'm finding myself needing more to play than I can find on PS4 and 3DS AND time has shown that most regular games don't require any Kinect gestures or voice commands. But the way my career and life is going, I don't see any uptick in gaming time/interest coming this generation.

And that's all I'll say about my purchase decision in this thread.  It's interesting to discuss why each of us is buying or not buying these consoles.  But no reason for more back and forth about it as we've all mostly made up our minds at this point at least on what to get first (or whether to wait and see for longer).

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I loved my 360 and used it as my primary console but I just don't know about the Xbox one. Most of the games I want to play will be out for both platforms. The extra $100 cost keeps me from buying it at launch since it's not worth it for me. I don't care much about the kinect and motion gaming in general. The biggest thing that appeals to me is the controller though. I was never a big fan of the dualshock 3 while the 360 controller just felt natural to me. There are exclusives I want for each console so that's pretty much a moot point. I have both preordered at the moment but only plan on keeping one preorder. Just undecided as to which one at the moment. If the xbox one had a non-kinect version for say $399, that would probably make up my mind but since they don't I'm just undecided at the moment.

Target will be giving $10 off preorders for a bunch of next gen games the week of 7/28 according to the ad thread.
Target will be giving $10 off preorders for a bunch of next gen games the week of 7/28 according to the ad thread.

Nice! I will be switching from amazon then!
But seriously. I want to see a new Crackdown and for it to be an actual good game. Still fun, but make it really GOOD this time too.
They're making that right now, for this gen: Saint's Row 4.

I'd actually love another Crackdown, too, but it would need to be more like the first one. Loved the original, but Crackdown 2, not so much.

Project Spark to be free, but also not really a video game:

Project Spark will be free-to-play
Microsoft’s game creation and sharing toolset, Project Spark, will be distributed for free.


Producer David Sapienza revealed the lack-of-pricing to Siliconera at San Diego Comic Con.

The developer noted that there will be a “free pack” containing “hundreds” of objects – everything included in the initial video demonstration – which does rather imply there will be premium packs as well, although this is unconfirmed.

Downloading games created by other users will also be free.

Announced at E3 2013 for Xbox One release, Project Spark is currently taking beta sign-ups.

-only thing I hate about this is I never have time/energy for these LBP type games. I hope we see some awesome stuff on it.

Pre-Ordered through Amazon, lots of games I'm looking forward.

Call of Duty: Ghosts: Call be me crazy baby! Maybe?! But after year after year of the same engine I am looking forward to the new graphics and dynamics. I never got into Battlefield so I'm going to stick with COD.. Probably the only multi plat title I'm getting at launch.

Forza Motorsport 4: Outside of the day one giant DLC patch do we really have any doubts about Turn 10? They've made amazing game after amazing game. I haven't played much Forza since Forza 2 so I'm looking forward to this one. I'll admit due to the lack of racing games near launch It's the main reason I'm grabbing Forza 4. Was more hyped for a supposed PGR.

Ryse: Excuse me, do you know where can I find some QTE-ailors? Ha.The graphics and set piece look amazing. I have a feeling the anti-QTE comments are overblown and this will be a solid game.

Dead Rising 3: I bought Dead Rising 1 and enjoyed it a long time ago. I look foward to Cashcom milking me dry with this title.

Killer Instinct: Not sure what all the booing was about at EVO because this game looked top notch. I can't believe I'm saying this but: I have a lot of faith in Double Helix pulling this off.

Future titles:

Crimson Dragon: Well unless you hate Panzer Dragoon, this should be on your radar.

D4: From the creators of Deadly Premition. Exclusive to XB1. Nuff said.

Halo: Is this a spin off? Halo 5? Whatever it is, It's Halo.

Quantum Break: From the makers of Max Payne and Alan Wake. Again... nuff said.

Sunset Overdrive: The amazing lap dance ability of Insomniac will be put to the test. I look forward to this game, but I'll definitely be waiting on the reviews before buying.

Titanfall: COD with Mechs. Sign me up.

Multiplatform titles on the watch: Kingdom Hearts 3, Witcher 3, Destiny, Dragon Age, Cyber Punk, Minecraft XB1 Edition, Project Spark, The Crew, The Evil Within, MGS 5, Mirror's Edge 2, The Division. Plenty of reason to look forward to next gen.

All in all, I'm not too crazy about any of the launch games other than Killer Instinct.  Every time I see footage or I hear "CCCCCCCCOMBO" I get weak in the knees.  Other than that, I guess Ryse interests me a bit, but it looks like an
I'm pretty interested to see how Dead Rising 3 turns out. It looks like they may be going a more serious route (at least from what I've seen) and that's a bit of a turn off since I like the Japanese-ness of it.
IGN actually just put up a good article about it:

Some of the features have been mentioned before, but alot of people didn't know about. Like the fact that there's no loading times, or syncing your phone to the in-game phone so that when your character receives a call, you answer it with your real phone.

IGN actually just put up a good article about it:

Some of the features have been mentioned before, but alot of people didn't know about. Like the fact that there's no loading times, or syncing your phone to the in-game phone so that when your character receives a call, you answer it with your real phone.

Man that article gets me hyped. I may have to preorder DR3 now!
I have mine Pre-Ordered at Best Buy (had almost $100 in GC's and RZ certs).  Also used the Best Buy CC to get 0% for 18 months...haha.  I'm still a bit on the fence about the deal.  I actually pre-ordered the PS4 also at Amazon, but I may cancel it eventually.  I still have a back-log of current gen games and I was going to sell my current gen consoles to pay off the next gen stuff.  (I have both PS3/360).  Now I'm debating if I get rid of them or not yet.  Not sure if my friends are early adopters, so who knows.

As for games I'm excited for:

- Dead Rising 3 looks impressive.

- BF4 or CoD Ghosts...not sure yet

- Titanfall when it is released for sure.

Have my XB1 preordered and looking forward to the release. Owned both consoles for almost this whole generation but sold off my PS3 some time ago because I greatly prefer the Xbox interface, controller and overall ecosystem.

Definitely picking up at launch:

Killer Instinct

Dead Rising 3

NBA 2K14

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Kinect Sports

I'll check out Ryse eventually.

Well, the new features out of ComicCon for the Xbox One just reaffirms my belief it's going to be such a better overall experience than the PS4. Knowing which player is holding the controller and auto switching to their profile, and being able to use Kinect to basically put your face and body on your game's player is the kind of nuances I love and expected. Can't wait.

Now if we could just get a release date.
Well, the new features out of ComicCon for the Xbox One just reaffirms my belief it's going to be such a better overall experience than the PS4. Knowing which player is holding the controller and auto switching to their profile, and being able to use Kinect to basically put your face and body on your game's player is the kind of nuances I love and expected. Can't wait.

Now if we could just get a release date.
that face thing will be nice for games like madden and ea sports games that have face in game thing it was a pain to get a photo to work on ea sports website to put your face in the games.

that face thing will be nice for games like madden and ea sports games that have face in game thing it was a pain to get a photo to work on ea sports website to put your face in the games.
Yup. I can't for the life of me figure why Call of Duty and games like that don't have the face modeling stuff yet.
I think to anybody who is saying they will get one if they drop Kinect, this pretty much kills that notion, it cost too much for them to drop it anytime soon if ever:

New Kinect Costs Almost As Much as Xbox One
By Brian P Rubin | 17 July 2013 | 6 Comments
A post on GamesIndustry from yesterday points the way back to a Reddit “Ask Me Anything,” or AMA, in which an anonymous (but verified) Microsoft developer offered up some details about the work being done to create the Xbox One console. Among the more interesting revelations: the new Kinect sensor, which is a required and packed-in accessory, costs almost as much to manufacture as does the Xbox One itself.

“The majority of the masses care only about the console. Except that the success of the Kinect carries much more weight to us. The sensor costs almost as much as the console to make.

The goal with having a Kinect ship with every Xbox is to guarantee to game developers if they implement Kinect features into their games, everyone who has an Xbox will be able to experience it. I often see people dismiss the Kinect instantly because they haven’t seen it work like I have. It is an integral part of the Xbox One experience.”

If nothing else, that should point to the Kinect working quite a bit better than the sensor of the current generation, which for its lifecycle has been plagued with inaccuracies and poor implementation. The most success the original Kinect had was with those who hacked into its guts and used it for their own purposes. As for games? Not so much.

But hearing that the new Kinect will cost a pretty penny (and is likely the main reason that the Xbox One costs $500, allowing the sensor-less PS4 to cost $400) at the very least might signify that the device will work a damn sight better. It may actually track your movements well, and may actually recognize your voice commands, and may actually be a worthwhile addition to your living room.

That said, if you’re not interested in motion-based gaming, you’re not interested in it. There’s a reason the Wii sold really well among non-gamers, and then didn’t get much or any support from third party developers. So far motion-based gaming has proven to be a very effective fad, and far from the video game revolution it was promised to be.

[Via GamesIndustry]

I can't believe how any one wouldn't want the Kinect after the info that came out of Comic Con yesterday. That's just scratching the surface of how awesome this tech is going to be!
I can't believe how any one wouldn't want the Kinect after the info that came out of Comic Con yesterday. That's just scratching the surface of how awesome this tech is going to be!
People are too short-sighted. They see it as the gimmick the wii and Kinect 1 was, or that they "just want games". Well that's certainly something people can only want, but they'll be missing out on some real creative stuff.

Like I've said, people can bitch about the One all they want, once they start seeing it in action, they are going to want it.
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I'd be a lot more ok with Kinect 2.0 if it was basically subsidized. We already know it's going to be used for targeted advertising. Why not make the system $350 or even $300? MS could afford that and make up the loss with ads that are already going to be there anyways. And was there big news out of comic con I missed? Your avatars smile if you smile? Hell that's kind of creepy. And the instant recognition? I mean that sort of falls under the same category as playing a game while match-making-nice but completely unnecessary and not enough of a difference when choosing a console. I think key will be the download experience. I won't expect it right out of the gate but if the PS4 doesn't offer similar speeds and ease of use within a year I think they'll have really dropped the ball. Matchmaking on PS3 is pretty good as is in my experience, so it doesn't need a huge overhaul, but seeing as they are charging for MP they definitely should work to make it at least close to on par with what MS will be doing.

Ha, apparently no one with any knowledge of comics works on the Xbox social team:

Only at Comic-Con would we catch Spawn checking out the new Xbox One. See the set of new photos we added to our ‪#‎SDCC‬ Album.

I can't believe how any one wouldn't want the Kinect after the info that came out of Comic Con yesterday. That's just scratching the surface of how awesome this tech is going to be!
people are worried about kinect spying on them :facepalm: those same people have cams o thier cellphone,computers,use the internet (gov watches internet) it's just a dumb argument done by microsoft haters

I'd be a lot more ok with Kinect 2.0 if it was basically subsidized. We already know it's going to be used for targeted advertising. Why not make the system $350 or even $300? MS could afford that and make up the loss with ads that are already going to be there anyways. And was there big news out of comic con I missed? Your avatars smile if you smile? Hell that's kind of creepy. And the instant recognition? I mean that sort of falls under the same category as playing a game while match-making-nice but completely unnecessary and not enough of a difference when choosing a console. I think key will be the download experience. I won't expect it right out of the gate but if the PS4 doesn't offer similar speeds and ease of use within a year I think they'll have really dropped the ball. Matchmaking on PS3 is pretty good as is in my experience, so it doesn't need a huge overhaul, but seeing as they are charging for MP they definitely should work to make it at least close to on par with what MS will be doing.
you have proof it's going to be used for targeted advertising lol you do know websites on internet puts tracking cookies on your computer and does same kind of things so why are you scared about kinect.

again how can kinect give ms any info if you don't have to have it connected to internet? plus you do realize if ms used kinect to spy on people they could have tons and tons of lawsuits on their hands. Just because it came out ms gave personal info to gov about their users of products. Guess what every single company in this country does the same thing even your internet company. 

people are worried about kinect spying on them :facepalm: those same people have cams o thier cellphone,computers,use the internet (gov watches internet) it's just a dumb argument done by microsoft haters
Keep telling yourself that but you're wrong as always.

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bread's done