Xbox One Sharing Games


Hey guys, just wanted to inform you of this which I came across the other day after stumbling upon the Xbox home setting in my xbox one.  Basically as the article explains.  You and a friend can share any kind of digital games you both purchase.  You can set your home xbox on his console and he does the same and then you can play each others games without the other one being signed in.

Explained in full below: 

Method 1: It's very simple and the better method, find a friend (mutual trust is needed as you must share account information), have him set his Xbox One as your Home Xbox. You then set your Xbox One as his Home Xbox. This can be done in the settings, and then scrolling to the bottom where it says 'Set as My Home Xbox.' You are now sharing games. I don't recommend trying to do this with people online.

Method 2: It is also possible for one person to have multiple people sharing with him. If one person were to make his Xbox One the Home Xbox for two other people, he can then play his purchases, along with the purchases of the two other people. He can then do this for 3, 4, 5 or more people. This method only works if you know people willing to share their library with you even when you're not sharing yours. Keep in mind this is only beneficial for a single individual; the person who's Xbox One is set as the Home Xbox for all their friends.


The way that game sharing works is that it takes advantage of the Dual License that comes with each purchase of a Digital Game. If I buy a game, I get an Xbox License for my Home Xbox and a User License for my Gamertag.

When I set my Home Xbox to a friends Xbox One, he then gets the Xbox License for as long as that is my Home Xbox. He can then play all the games I purchase because the Xbox License allows all people to play games on my Home Xbox (his Xbox One). I then can play games using the User License on an away system, one that isn't my Home Xbox (my Xbox One). You are taking advantage of the Dual License. So if he makes your Xbox One his Home Xbox, you effectively use all 4 licenses and it allows you to share games.

Keep in mind you can only change your home Xbox 3 times a year.  So don't be flipping around friends every few days.  But if you find a friend that is willing to share games its a huge bonus.

Be curious to know if this works with EA ACESS and Season passes.

Hope this is news to a few people, as it was to me

"Marketplace theft includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Getting, asking for, or using redemption codes illegitimately.
  • Transferring licenses to your console from an account that you didn’t create.
  • Using a system glitch or loophole for financial gain.
  • Using any sort of “shared” account to avoid having to pay for games or content.
  • Successfully redeeming or giving away a code, then contacting Customer Support claiming the code didn’t work.
  • Attempting to defraud Microsoft or authorized agents.
  • Fraudulently transferring content licenses.
  • Sharing account credentials.
  • Asking to be added to someone’s third party subscription (such as Netflix, hulu, etc.), in order to avoid restrictions or payment."
If they allow xbox sharing then it shouldn't have any problems with "marketplace theft"  you are just sharing games with your friends.. if they didn't want it going on they wouldn't allow the feature.  

Well the Xbox website does mention sharing games with friends. Maybe this wouldn't be a problem if you share with someone in your house, your girlfriend, family member who doesn't live with you, etc.

When you designate a specific Xbox One as your home console, people can play your downloaded games without having to sign in.

If you have multiple Xbox One consoles, or you regularly use consoles belonging to friends or family, you’ll most likely want to designate the most frequently used console as the home Xbox.
The key word in the post above me is "you". The Xbox YOU use the most is the one you should set as home. That is like if my cousin doesn't have Xbox One and comes over to my house to play, he would want to set it as his home Xbox. Not if my cousin lives a few towns over, has his own Xbox One, and wants to share games. People have been and will be banned in the future for abusing this feature. Use at your own risk.

bread's done