Xbox Series S/X Re-stock Thread


29 (100%)
Xbox Series X & S Pre-Orders - Start Tuesday 9/22 at 8AM PT, 11AM ET

Xbox Series X - $499.99


Best Buy


Microsoft Store



Xbox Series S - $299.99


Best Buy


Microsoft Store



Wario64 wrote on Twitter:

some numbers I heard for GameStop per-store allocations for Xbox Series preorders:
Series X - 6-12 per store
Series S - 2-4 per store— Wario64 (@Wario64) September 21, 2020

Stores may also have a Microsoft financing program available called XBox All Access:

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Getting this at BB now when I'm at the "Place your order" screen.

"Microsoft - Xbox Ser... is no longer available for shipping.

Sorry about that! You still might be able to get it if you check nearby stores for availability."
So now that I wait and see what happens.
I got a shiny Charizard in Pokémon Go.
That must be a sign the game gods have blessed me today.
Well finally checked out of BB after 40 minutes of trying to order and cart is empty. Kudos BB always able to top whatever shenanigans other places throw out there
I did get one earlier from Amazon so it was up for a second.  best buy is hosed.  The entire site is having issues and the MS is too stupid to tell you its out of stock.  They just told me in chat.  Was trying to get one for my son.

This is very reminiscent of the PS5 debacle for BB. The first time it went out, couldn't checkout and no one I knew was able to get an order to go through by the time it was removed from my cart. Then it came back hours later and took even longer for orders to go up.

I don't see "Sold out" on Best Buy I see "Coming Soon" so it makes me think that it's still coming and maybe a slight few got lucky. 

I'm at place order and every time I click it says not available for shipping. Which is obviously untrue, it can't sell out if no one can buy any.

I had both in my cart at BB around 12:10 and was able to get the S at least since that's the one I wanted for my son. The X stayed in my cart over 30 minutes and I saw every error you can imagine and I could never get it to go through before it finally disappeared.
Did ANYONE get the XBOX Access financing to work?  Most of the pages for Access didn't go live until after the systems were sold out on the main pages.  I managed to get through the Gamestop page up to the checking your credit screen, but it went into a 20 minute loading loop after I click on the Apply button.  This is ridiculous.  Why offer a service like the financing, but it doesn't work?  And I don't even know whether I should be angry at Gamestop or the financing company.  

I got one preordered at Target, but since I didn't get it til around 11:28am, I don't trust it.  I have ordered limited collectibles on Target, then they continuously get pushed back and eventually cancelled.  So, unless you were in the first few minutes at Target - Be afraid ... Be VERY afraid.

In the end, I don't think I even care about preordering a Series X right now.  No good launch exclusives, already got a PS5 locked down ... I may just cancel it at Target and get one next year when there is actually something worth playing (that I cannot play on the PS5).  Maybe the access program will actually work then. 

I don't see "Sold out" on Best Buy I see "Coming Soon" so it makes me think that it's still coming and maybe a slight few got lucky.
I still have one in my cart and when I try to checkout, it tells me it's sold out online. I was going for in-store pickup, which is how I got my PS5 order through them, but didn't work this time. I'll keep trying throughout the day, but not getting my hopes up on this one.

Did ANYONE get the XBOX Access financing to work? Most of the pages for Access didn't go live until after the systems were sold out on the main pages. I managed to get through the Gamestop page up to the checking your credit screen, but it went into a 20 minute loading loop after I click on the Apply button. This is ridiculous. Why offer a service like the financing, but it doesn't work? And I don't even know whether I should be angry at Gamestop or the financing company.

I got one preordered at Target, but since I didn't get it til around 11:28am, I don't trust it. I have ordered limited collectibles on Target, then they continuously get pushed back and eventually cancelled. So, unless you were in the first few minutes at Target - Be afraid ... Be VERY afraid.

In the end, I don't think I even care about preordering a Series X right now. No good launch exclusives, already got a PS5 locked down ... I may just cancel it at Target and get one next year when there is actually something worth playing (that I cannot play on the PS5). Maybe the access program will actually work then.
I wanted an all access X. Never found one available. Was able to get a target X and then an amazon X (for my cousin).
Well its safe to say I don't think Microsoft or Sony are the problem, we need a new way to preorder these big ticket items in general

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I think, in general, the industry needs to take a long and hard look at making hot new releases more customer friendly and bot unfriendly after the holiday season.  More people obviously are wanting online given Covid, but this is a problem they have been putting off forever, and now the bot arms race is passing them from not being taken seriously.  While bot sales are still sales, it leaves a whole lot more unhappy customers.

Best Buy has been broken like this for months. You can keep an item that was in stock in your cart for weeks even though they have no stock and won't let you check out.

I know this from every Logitech c920S webcam restock that filled me with hope only to totally dash those hopes to bits when it was impossible to check out because bots were acquiring every single unit as soon as they came into stock.

Apparently this is still the case.
Variety, gamepass, yesterday’s signing, the future
I am excited about the future of Xbox Series X, but lets be honest ... this is the WEAKEST launch of any system ever. Don't get me wrong, PS5 is not that much better. But, at least they have some exclusives at launch. What does Xbox have now that Halo is benched for the foreseeable future? I will own a Series X at some point. But now that the adrenaline rush of trying to preorder it has worn off ... I just don't feel like I NEED an X right now.

If Best Buy is sold out, they must have had hardly any stock based just on what people are posting on the internet and how few people got orders there.

hopefully there is still a ton of stock in the pipeline and bots are just gumming up the works for no reason....

We, as a society, are going to have to accept blame for at least part of the BOT problem. We are enabling the scalpers by paying ridiculous EBAY prices for these items. If the BOTers didn't make money, they wouldn't do what they do. No profit, no effort. I get rich people paying ridiculous sums of money to have something right away. It's not much money to them and they want it now. But, BOTers tend to affect the middle to low class consumers. We empower them to do what they do. However, if we just learned some patience, the BOT problem would go away on it's own.

I think, in general, the industry needs to take a long and hard look at making hot new releases more customer friendly and bot unfriendly after the holiday season. More people obviously are wanting online given Covid, but this is a problem they have been putting off forever, and now the bot arms race is passing them from not being taken seriously. While bot sales are still sales, it leaves a whole lot more unhappy customers.
the 1TB SSD expansion card from Seagate is estimated to be around $220 USD; available sometime this holiday.    keep an eye out for that one!

I accidentally refreshed my browser on the place order page and that's that for Best Buy. I'll check back later when they inevitably pop back up.

I wanted All Access, but it seemed broken everywhere.  I have a fairly new credit card with no interest for a year, so that's close to the same thing without the gamepass I can't use for 2 years.

Best Buy has a Halo Infinite bundle with statue and steelbook btw.  I'll have to wait on pre-ordering that as I've spent too much for a while.

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We, as a society, are going to have to accept blame for at least part of the BOT problem. We are enabling the scalpers by paying ridiculous EBAY prices for these items. If the BOTers didn't make money, they wouldn't do what they do. No profit, no effort. I get rich people paying ridiculous sums of money to have something right away. It's not much money to them and they want it now. But, BOTers tend to affect the middle to low class consumers. We empower them to do what they do. However, if we just learned some patience, the BOT problem would go away on it's own.
This is absolutely true. If I didn't get one in I definitely would not resort to buying a scalped one. But stores - well they need to do something technologically. Hot new technology release are a big thing for them, they make a ton in add on sales from them. They need these events to go well for as many customers as possible, hence why they make a big deal out of them. You can either have, for example, a bot get ten, or make ten customers happy. And resellers aren't buying as many add ons, there isn't much profit in the hardware itself, they need to sell some games and controllers and such. Resellers just want the console so they can jack the price up, and if it doesn't sell, they just return it back to the store within the return period.

Retailers can't stop resellers (beyond reasonable measures to prevent multiple purchases), WE have to do that by refusing to participate. A hard pull given human nature, but it is what it is. But as far as bots that are buying up stock at a rate faster than people and essentially DDoSing the sites, retailers can use technology to handle that up front.

I wanted All Access, but it seemed broken everywhere. I have a fairly new credit card with no interest for a year, so that's close to the same thing without the gamepass I can't use for 2 years.

Best Buy has a Halo Infinite bundle with statue and steelbook btw. I'll have to wait on pre-ordering that as I've spent too much for a while.
You can get the statue and game for 105 or the game and a motorized NERF Assault Rifle for 110. Think I'm gonna go with the NERF on this one
You can get the statue and game for 105 or the game and a motorized NERF Assault Rifle for 110. Think I'm gonna go with the NERF on this one
I might look into getting the Nerf rifle. I need a real one as well.

I will repeat:  If you have a Costco membership, buy from them.  Consoles don't fall under their 90 day electronics return policy, so you can buy it, use it, and when an upgraded or the next console comes out, you can return it and get full price.  

Best Buy is the only site I haven't seen anyone say they got one. The success rate has been low for all, but at least I've seen plenty say they got them on all the sites.

Just a really bad year for Best Buy. Last night I was just trying to order something small nothing related to the XSX and it gave me that same damn error message that it did for the PS5 and XSX. About 7 of my orders from them shipped late this year, my GCU randomly stopped working several times this year. I don't know if they had to scale back their tech staff because of COVID but they need to get their shit together.

Best Buy is the only site I haven't seen anyone say they got one. The success rate has been low for all, but at least I've seen plenty say they got them on all the sites.

Just a really bad year for Best Buy. Last night I was just trying to order something small nothing related to the XSX and it gave me that same damn error message that it did for the PS5 and XSX. About 7 of my orders from them shipped late this year, my GCU randomly stopped working several times this year. I don't know if they had to scale back their tech staff because of COVID but they need to get their shit together.
I had one in cart and would not proceed to payment method. I think they just yanked it. I dont know anyone that got through best buy.

bread's done